出版社:Compass Publishing
Welcome to Our Worldは3レベルからなる幼児~小学校低学年向けコースブックです。世界の子どもの歌を歌ったり、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や動画を用いて、子どもたちに英語で世界を紹介します。
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our Worldは3レベルからなる幼児~小学校低学年向けコースブックです。世界の子どもの歌を歌ったり、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や動画を用いて、子どもたちに英語で世界を紹介します。
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our Worldは3レベルからなる幼児~小学校低学年向けコースブックです。世界の子どもの歌を歌ったり、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や動画を用いて、子どもたちに英語で世界を紹介します。
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our Worldは3レベルからなる幼児~小学校低学年向けコースブックです。世界の子どもの歌を歌ったり、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や動画を用いて、子どもたちに英語で世界を紹介します。
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our Worldは3レベルからなる幼児~小学校低学年向けコースブックです。世界の子どもの歌を歌ったり、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や動画を用いて、子どもたちに英語で世界を紹介します。
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world, with amazing National Geographic photos and images, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.
WELCOME YELLOW 2nd Editionが発売されました!
改訂内容詳細はこちら >
改訂内容詳細はこちら >
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。読み書きや計算、フォニックス学習の準備とともに、英語でのリアルなコミュニケーションにも重点を置き、子どもたちを待つ世界へとスムーズに参加できるよう、しっかり準備をしていきます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。読み書きや計算、フォニックス学習の準備とともに、英語でのリアルなコミュニケーションにも重点を置き、子どもたちを待つ世界へとスムーズに参加できるよう、しっかり準備をしていきます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。読み書きや計算、フォニックス学習の準備とともに、英語でのリアルなコミュニケーションにも重点を置き、子どもたちを待つ世界へとスムーズに参加できるよう、しっかり準備をしていきます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Reach for the Stars は、幼児が学校の教科を英語で学習する準備のための、3つのモジュールからなるフォニックスと早期リテラシープログラムです。リアルな写真とフォニックス指導のベストプラクティスを組み合わせて、学習者が自分と自分の周りの世界について読み、書き、話すよう導きます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
Reach for the Stars は、幼児が学校の教科を英語で学習する準備のための、3つのモジュールからなるフォニックスと早期リテラシープログラムです。リアルな写真とフォニックス指導のベストプラクティスを組み合わせて、学習者が自分と自分の周りの世界について読み、書き、話すよう導きます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
Reach for the Stars は、幼児が学校の教科を英語で学習する準備のための、3つのモジュールからなるフォニックスと早期リテラシープログラムです。リアルな写真とフォニックス指導のベストプラクティスを組み合わせて、学習者が自分と自分の周りの世界について読み、書き、話すよう導きます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them. Reach for the Stars is a three-module phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young learners to study school subjects in English. It combines best practices for teaching phonics with real-world photography to help learners read, write and talk about themselves and the world around them.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Splash! は就園前・幼稚園児が対象となる3レベルのコースブックです。 子どもたちが親しみやすく、展開の予想がしやすいように、ユニットがしっかりと構成されています。 アクティビティや、子どもたちが取り組みたくなる工夫が沢山盛り込まれています。 小学校に向けた準備や、身の周りの世界に対する理解を促します。
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
出版社:Compass Publishing
Splash! は就園前・幼稚園児が対象となる3レベルのコースブックです。 子どもたちが親しみやすく、展開の予想がしやすいように、ユニットがしっかりと構成されています。 アクティビティや、子どもたちが取り組みたくなる工夫が沢山盛り込まれています。 小学校に向けた準備や、身の周りの世界に対する理解を促します。
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
出版社:Compass Publishing
Splash! は就園前・幼稚園児が対象となる3レベルのコースブックです。 子どもたちが親しみやすく、展開の予想がしやすいように、ユニットがしっかりと構成されています。 アクティビティや、子どもたちが取り組みたくなる工夫が沢山盛り込まれています。 小学校に向けた準備や、身の周りの世界に対する理解を促します。
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
- 子ども達に馴染みのあるシチュエーションがトピックに選ばれています。
- 1ユニットの中でPhonics, Math, Values, CLILがカバーされています。
- 英語を学ぶだけでなく、身体能力を向上させるためのアクティビティが含まれています。
- 各ユニットには動画(アニメーションと実写)が用意され、お手本を見ながらチャンツにあわせて踊れるようになっています。
- 全ユニットに創造性を養えるProjectアクティビティが用意されています。
Splash! is a three-level coursebook for pre-k and kindergarten students. Structured units create a sense of familiarity and expectation, while varying activity types keep students motivated and engaged. Course characters take students on a journey through English, helping them get ready for school and understand the world around them. Help your students begin their English journey and make a splash!
- Topics based on familiar situation for young learners
- Phonics, math, values, and CLIL pages that expand the unit topic
- Practice for fine and gross motor skills
- Live-action and animated videos in each unit
- Easy-to-follow chants, and songs based on familiar nursery rhymes
- Hands-on projects in each unit encourage creativity
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
・豊富な補助教材とアクティビティを備えたTeacher's E-Kit
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。読み書きや計算、フォニックス学習の準備とともに、英語でのリアルなコミュニケーションにも重点を置き、子どもたちを待つ世界へとスムーズに参加できるよう、しっかり準備をしていきます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.
歌や動作、文化を通して英語を学習する、大好評の幼児向け3レベルのコースブック「Welcom to Our World」の第2版。読み書きや計算、フォニックス学習の準備とともに、英語でのリアルなコミュニケーションにも重点を置き、子どもたちを待つ世界へとスムーズに参加できるよう、しっかり準備をしていきます。
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics , and a focus on real communication in English, this series prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that's waiting for them.brbr
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
幼児の発達段階に合わせて英語を学習できる3レベルのコースブックです。写真やビデオを豊富に起用して、子どもたちの理解を深める手助けをします。このシリーズには、National Geographic Photo Ark(絶滅の危機にさらされている生物を保護しようというプロジェクト)を率いる写真家Joel Sartore氏が撮影した動物たちがたくさん登場します。
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.
A 3-level series for very young learners of English. Look and See helps learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. It shows children how to work together with Games, Songs and Values, promoting play, curiosity, & understanding.

My Disney Stars and Friendsは、3-5歳の未就学児童向けコースです。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。

My Disney Stars and Friendsは、3-5歳の未就学児童向けコースです。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。

My Disney Stars and Friendsは、3-5歳の未就学児童向けコースです。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。
・Global Scale of English (GSE) の就学前の子どもたちを対象とした学習目標に基づいた、幼少期に重要となるしっかりとした教育基盤とサポートに立脚したコース教材。