Seed Learning’s three-level nonfiction reading series is designed to teach young students about the world around them.
Easy Fun Facts engages and prepares beginning-level students for a foundation in reading.
The interesting topics and fun photographs make it easy for students to understand and remember the new vocabulary, grammar, and concepts.
Easy Fun Facts exclusively focuses on nonfiction texts to equip students for future study of academic material in English.
Easy Fun Facts 1 contains passages of 25-35 words.
Easy Fun Facts 2 contains passages of 35-45 words.
Easy Fun Facts 3 contains passages of 45-55 words.
Each book consists of 16 units plus 2 review units and features a pull-out full-color workbook.
Easy Fun Facts utilizes a four-strand approach that provides the framework for students to practice receptive and productive skills alongside focused language study and fluency practice.
Easy Fun Facts 1 contains passages of 25-35 words.
Easy Fun Facts 2 contains passages of 35-45 words.
Easy Fun Facts 3 contains passages of 45-55 words.
Each book consists of 16 units plus 2 review units and features a pull-out full-color workbook.
Easy Fun Facts utilizes a four-strand approach that provides the framework for students to practice receptive and productive skills alongside focused language study and fluency practice.
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
出版社:Modern English Learn
Happy Valleyは、2歳から6歳の子供のリスニングとスピーキングをより早く養う英語教材シリーズです。キャラクターを中心に展開するこのシリーズのストーリー、イラスト、アニメーション、歌、チャンツ、ゲーム、振り付けは、全ての子どもの心をつかみます。
Happy Valley is a character-led series that gets kids from 2 to 6 listening and speaking in English - FAST! Happy Valley's stories, illustrations, animations, songs, chants, games and movement reach all learners.
Happy Valley is a character-led series that gets kids from 2 to 6 listening and speaking in English - FAST! Happy Valley's stories, illustrations, animations, songs, chants, games and movement reach all learners.
出版社:Modern English Learn
Happy Valleyは、2歳から6歳の子供のリスニングとスピーキングをより早く養う英語教材シリーズです。キャラクターを中心に展開するこのシリーズのストーリー、イラスト、アニメーション、歌、チャンツ、ゲーム、振り付けは、全ての子どもの心をつかみます。
Happy Valley is a character-led series that gets kids from 2 to 6 listening and speaking in English - FAST! Happy Valley's stories, illustrations, animations, songs, chants, games and movement reach all learners.
Happy Valley is a character-led series that gets kids from 2 to 6 listening and speaking in English - FAST! Happy Valley's stories, illustrations, animations, songs, chants, games and movement reach all learners.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Boost Englishは幼児・小学生が4技能をバランス良く学べる6レベルのシリーズです。子供達にとって、新鮮でわくわくする英語学習の入門編となるカリキュラムです。
シリーズを通して、子供達は簡単な言い回しから複雑な文章表現までを無理なく、楽しく習得していきます。Boost Englishはタイトル通り、英語学習をboost(後押し)する教材です。
出版社:Compass Publishing
Boost Englishは幼児・小学生が4技能をバランス良く学べる6レベルのシリーズです。子供達にとって、新鮮でわくわくする英語学習の入門編となるカリキュラムです。
シリーズを通して、子供達は簡単な言い回しから複雑な文章表現までを無理なく、楽しく習得していきます。Boost Englishはタイトル通り、英語学習をboost(後押し)する教材です。
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。
『今日の国際社会において成功するために必要なものは、“グローバルな認識”“コンテンツ分野を通しての学習”そして“21世紀型スキル”である』という新しい概念に着目。 語彙や文法は国際基準の英語テスト(CEFRやYLE)の実用性のある目標に合わせながら進めていきます。
『今日の国際社会において成功するために必要なものは、“グローバルな認識”“コンテンツ分野を通しての学習”そして“21世紀型スキル”である』という新しい概念に着目。 語彙や文法は国際基準の英語テスト(CEFRやYLE)の実用性のある目標に合わせながら進めていきます。
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。
Hand in Handは7レベルの小学生向け英語コースブックです。子ども達が自信を持って英語を話し、グローバル社会に対応した能力を育めるようにデザインされています。