Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Our World のコースブックに出てくる楽しい歌とストーリーの読み聞かせをビデオに収録。AnnaとカエルのFreddyの楽しい会話を見ながら、子どもたちはFreddyに感情移入をして一緒に英語を学んでいきます。セットにはDVDと各レベル9冊のリーダー、Freddyのパペット、そして先生やお母さんが子供に教えるときにとても役に立つ教本も収録されています。DVD の中には、DVD 鑑賞ができる歌、歌の音声、歌のカラオケバージョン、読み聞かせのDVD 鑑賞、読み聞かせの音声、そのほか、Warmup、 Wrap-up、ナショジオのビデオが入っていて、DVDをかければ歌とお
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
GoGo Loves Englishは小学生を対象とした小学生向け全6レベルのコースブック。子どもたちに人気のキャラクター「Gogo」と一緒に、楽しみながらゆっくりとしたペースで英語学習をすすめることができます。
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Fresh and genty paced and continues to be set in the fantasy world of the mischievous and magical character Gogo and his friends. Phonics and cross-cultural awareness lessons included.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.