Learning World for TOMORROW (Book 5)は、幼児または小学校低学年から英語教育を受けてきた小学校高学年~中学生対象。Learning World for Tomorrowの改訂版。改訂後は到達点を高くし、約7割を改訂。「自分の考えを発表する中学レベルの課題」で、よりオーセンティックに英語を運用します。「自分をhappyにしてくれるもの」「将来やりたいこと3つ」等、より深い自己表現活動を入れていきます。前半のUnit1-5は既習文法をより深く定着させ、後半のUnitsでは新しい文法事項を扱います。
Learning World Book 3は、Learning World 2までの復習に加え、There is / are、不規則名詞の単複、未来形will、一般動詞の過去形、wh疑問文と答え方、前置詞between、in front of、不定詞、比較級、最上級、過去進行形等を学習します。
子どもたちの学習開始年齢と発達段階の違いを熟慮し、総合的な英語力の定着を目指す8レベルシリーズ。Welcome の3点(Pink, Yellow, Blue)は歌とチャンツで構成されたアクティビティ中心の絵本教材。最年少向けの Pink は母親と子どもたちの1日の生活を10の場面で展開する絵本仕立てで、歌やチャンツを親子で楽しみます。Book 1, 2, 3は小学生向け。Ready for は初めて英語を学ぶ小学校高学年向けで、身近な学校生活の場面を展開。レベル1と2の間で学習内容を定着させたいときにもおすすめ。最終巻の for Tomorrow は中学生向け。
子どもたちの学習開始年齢と発達段階の違いを熟慮し、総合的な英語力の定着を目指す8レベルシリーズ。Welcome の3点(Pink, Yellow, Blue)は歌とチャンツで構成されたアクティビティ中心の絵本教材。最年少向けの Pink は母親と子どもたちの1日の生活を10の場面で展開する絵本仕立てで、歌やチャンツを親子で楽しみます。Book 1, 2, 3は小学生向け。Ready for は初めて英語を学ぶ小学校高学年向けで、身近な学校生活の場面を展開。レベル1と2の間で学習内容を定着させたいときにもおすすめ。最終巻の for Tomorrow は中学生向け。
Learning World Book 2は、小学校中学年~高学年の子どもたちの知的好奇心を踏まえ、チャンツや歌の内容に深みをプラス。Learning World 1からレベルアップし、疑問文、助動詞will、感嘆文、疑問詞等が加わり、文章全体を「読み」「書く」内容が増え、短いストーリーも出てきます。
子どもたちの学習開始年齢と発達段階の違いを熟慮し、総合的な英語力の定着を目指す8レベルシリーズ。Welcome の3点(Pink, Yellow, Blue)は歌とチャンツで構成されたアクティビティ中心の絵本教材。最年少向けの Pink は母親と子どもたちの1日の生活を10の場面で展開する絵本仕立てで、歌やチャンツを親子で楽しみます。Book 1, 2, 3は小学生向け。Ready for は初めて英語を学ぶ小学校高学年向けで、身近な学校生活の場面を展開。レベル1と2の間で学習内容を定着させたいときにもおすすめ。最終巻の for Tomorrow は中学生向け。
子どもたちの学習開始年齢と発達段階の違いを熟慮し、総合的な英語力の定着を目指す8レベルシリーズ。Welcome の3点(Pink, Yellow, Blue)は歌とチャンツで構成されたアクティビティ中心の絵本教材。最年少向けの Pink は母親と子どもたちの1日の生活を10の場面で展開する絵本仕立てで、歌やチャンツを親子で楽しみます。Book 1, 2, 3は小学生向け。Ready for は初めて英語を学ぶ小学校高学年向けで、身近な学校生活の場面を展開。レベル1と2の間で学習内容を定着させたいときにもおすすめ。最終巻の for Tomorrow は中学生向け。
Learning World BRIDGE (Book 4)は、「中学への橋渡し」のためのテキスト。Learning World Book 3 修了者/小学校6年生で中学準備をしたい方向け。「まず使ってみよう!」…既に習った英語を駆使してインフォメーションギャップのある活動で英語を使い、既習表現の規則kを整理し、グループでのディスカッションからプレゼンテーションまでを全18Stepsで構成しました。楽しいだけの児童英語教育で終わらせないための1冊です。
READY for Learning Worldは、学校生活を取り上げた場面シラバスのテキスト。中国、カナダ、メキシコ、タイの9~10歳の子供たちが各国の様子を紹介。4人の文化に触れ、異文化を学びます。助動詞を伴う現在形の肯定文、疑問文を扱います。アルファベットの読みを扱い、単語のサイトリーディングが中心。基本的な文の書き方を学び、文章を書きます。
2. オモテ見返し追加。
3. 本文8ページ増量(巻末: Words欄、Syllabus)
4. 変更点: p9に4線を導入、p.20歌の生徒用CD No.追加、p.43絵を一部追加、p.61Three-letter wordsに変更
5. Global Education生徒用CD No.追加(p.15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63)
2. オモテ見返し追加。
3. 本文8ページ増量(巻末: Words欄、Syllabus)
4. 変更点: p9に4線を導入、p.20歌の生徒用CD No.追加、p.43絵を一部追加、p.61Three-letter wordsに変更
5. Global Education生徒用CD No.追加(p.15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63)
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
・「Reading Extra」では世界の童話や本当の話を挿入。
English Language Boosterは単体の教材としても、副教材としても使えるモジュール型のレッスンにも最適な副教材です。4技能をくまなく学習できるユニット構成で、子ども向け英語検定試験にも対応しております。Can-do目標をもって学習成果を体感できます。
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
English Language Boosterは単体の教材としても、副教材としても使えるモジュール型のレッスンにも最適な副教材です。4技能をくまなく学習できるユニット構成で、子ども向け英語検定試験にも対応しております。Can-do目標をもって学習成果を体感できます。
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
English Language Boosterは単体の教材としても、副教材としても使えるモジュール型のレッスンにも最適な副教材です。4技能をくまなく学習できるユニット構成で、子ども向け英語検定試験にも対応しております。Can-do目標をもって学習成果を体感できます。
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
The English Language Booster series can be used alone or as supplementary material. works perfect for modular lessons as well. This series is structured to thoroughly teach 4-skills of English. Also it contains vocabulary-based and activity-based material that supports Eiken Junior. CAN-DO lists of each unit motivate students and show their progress.
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!
Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English. they need. Everyone can learn English. while learning about the world - and having fun!