TEDのスピーカーが発信する生きた言葉は、英語学習者にとって模範となる最高の練習素材です。プレゼンテーションの手法を学ぶだけでなく、斬新なアイデアや感動的なストーリーに共感して、見聞を広げたり自らの考えを深めることにも役立ちます。Keynoteは、こうしたTED Talksのプレゼンテーションを英語学習者向けにカリキュラム化することで、学習者がTEDスピーカーのようなプレゼンテーションを英語でできるように促します。
Why use TED Talks in English Language Teaching?
TED speakers use authentic language, model best practices in presentation delivery, and bring real and fascinating adeas to the classroom. These ideas inspire learners to form opinions that want to share. National eographic Learning materials can help them do that in English.
Why use TED Talks in English Language Teaching?
TED speakers use authentic language, model best practices in presentation delivery, and bring real and fascinating adeas to the classroom. These ideas inspire learners to form opinions that want to share. National eographic Learning materials can help them do that in English.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
*Online Practiceの有効期間は1年間です。
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage learners to explore the world in English. It helps students develop key competencies including global awareness, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students engage with information presented through text, audio, video, charts, maps and graphs, and work together in pair and group activities to practice new language.
商品名:Making Choices
National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning
Reading and Vocabulary Developmentシリーズの第4版。新しいリーディングパッセージを導入した新版登場です。旧版同様、興味深い最新のトピックで学習者を引きつけ、文脈の中で語彙を捉えて定着させ、豊富な演習を通して読解力、語彙力を徹底的に強化します。クリティカル・シンキング力を養う演習も更に充実。学習者に深い理解を促します。音声はWEBからダウンロード可。
National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift は、文学や他教科横断型学習を通して、アカデミックな言語とリテラシーを身につけるためのティーンエイジ向けのテキストです。様々なジャンルのテキストを読むことで、アカデミックな語彙、リーディングスキル、クリティカルシンキング、ディスカッション、ライティング力を養います。IB (MYP) や帰国子女のクラスに最適です。
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Lift prepares teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature. Through a sequence of multiple reading cycles of fiction and non-fiction texts, students acquire academic vocabulary, reading skills, and critical thinking, engage in academic discussions, and produce a high level of structured writing. Ideal for IB MYP and returns programs.
Why use TED Talks in English Language Teaching?
TED speakers use authentic language, model best practices in presentation delivery, and bring real and fascinating adeas to the classroom. These ideas inspire learners to form opinions that want to share. National eographic Learning materials can help them do that in English.