World Linkでコミュニケーション力に自信をつける!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
World Linkでコミュニケーション力に自信をつける!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
World Linkでコミュニケーション力に自信をつける!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
大人気のコースブックシリーズ第3版。World Linkは、英語で流暢にコミュニケーションがとれるようになることを目指す学習者を対象としたコースブックです。会話に必須の語彙、文法、興味深いトピックを取り上げて学んでいきます。魅力的な写真も学習を助け、内容理解を深めます。更に充実、パワーアップしたビデオでは、各ユニットで学ぶトピックや表現を生きた英語で紹介し、学習者の英語の幅を広げます。
Now in a new edition, World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language comes alive through an expanded video program!
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
・CEFRのCan-Do statementに応じたシラバス
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.