Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.
Global Scale of English (GSE) に基づいて開発された8レベル構成のコースブックです。学習者の興味を引く、メディアを駆使した内容で、21世紀の学習者のやる気を向上させます。さらに、豊富な先生用サポートで、授業をパーソナライズしたり容易にしたりすることができます。
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
Global Scale of English (GSE) に基づいて開発された8レベル構成のコースブックです。学習者の興味を引く、メディアを駆使した内容で、21世紀の学習者のやる気を向上させます。さらに、豊富な先生用サポートで、授業をパーソナライズしたり容易にしたりすることができます。
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
Global Scale of English (GSE) に基づいて開発された8レベル構成のコースブックです。学習者の興味を引く、メディアを駆使した内容で、21世紀の学習者のやる気を向上させます。さらに、豊富な先生用サポートで、授業をパーソナライズしたり容易にしたりすることができます。
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
Global Scale of English (GSE) に基づいて開発された8レベル構成のコースブックです。学習者の興味を引く、メディアを駆使した内容で、21世紀の学習者のやる気を向上させます。さらに、豊富な先生用サポートで、授業をパーソナライズしたり容易にしたりすることができます。
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi-skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Connectivity is a 6-level course for the global adult segment to develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English for socializing, traveling, further education, and business. It is a 4-skills course with a strong focus on communication skills, centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.
Unique, lively and enjoyable lessons renowned for getting students talking. Engage with motivating texts, tasks and video on current, relevant topics that makes students want to speak. A proven balance of grammar, vocab, pronunciaton and skills development in every unit.