2レベルになって登場! 第2版でキャラクターが訪れる目的地は10都市以上。各ユニットの "Top Tips for Travel" では実用的な旅行表現も日英両言語で表記。
日本人のために書かれ、日本でのパイロットテストをクリアした教材。キャラクターが訪れる目的地は10都市以上。各ユニットの "Top Tips for Travel" では、実用的な旅行表現も日英両言語で表記。
Characters visit more than 10 destinations. Written exclusively for Japanese students. "Top Tips for Travel" offers practical travel advice in English and Japanese for every unit.
Characters visit more than 10 destinations. Written exclusively for Japanese students. "Top Tips for Travel" offers practical travel advice in English and Japanese for every unit.
2レベルになって登場! 第2版でキャラクターが訪れる目的地は10都市以上。各ユニットの "Top Tips for Travel" では実用的な旅行表現も日英両言語で表記。
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
TED Talksのビデオを使い、TED Talksとともに学習する4技能のテキストです。生きた言葉や斬新なアイデアに刺激を受けて、見聞を広げ、意見を持ち、英語で表現する力を養います。試験スタイルの課題とテスト攻略法も提供。 IELTSやTOEFLなど様々な国際試験の準備にも有益です。
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
With TED Talks video and contents, Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.
商品名:Prism 9:Brown SB
Characters visit more than 10 destinations. Written exclusively for Japanese students. "Top Tips for Travel" offers practical travel advice in English and Japanese for every unit.