7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
Voicesは7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
Voicesは7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
Voicesは7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
Voicesは7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
Voicesは7 レベルからなるCEFR A1 ~ C1 までをカバーした統合スキルプログラムです。リアルワールドのコンテンツを取り入れることで、英語をグローバルコミュニケーションのツールとして捉え、学習者が様々な文化や背景を持つ人々とつながりを持てるように促します。アクティビティも実社会に即した内容で丁寧に組み込まれており、学習者は、Voices を通して英語で交流し、自身を持って英語で自分の意見を発信することを学んでいきます。
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
BBC worldwideとBBC Learning Englishの協力により開発された6レベルのコースブック。2/eではBBCの新たなリーディング・リスニング・ビデオ教材を取り入れています。リソースバンクSpeakout Extraからアクティビティの使用も可能です。
BBC worldwideとBBC Learning Englishの協力により開発された6レベルのコースブック。2/eではBBCの新たなリーディング・リスニング・ビデオ教材を取り入れています。リソースバンクSpeakout Extraからアクティビティの使用も可能です。
BBC worldwideとBBC Learning Englishの協力により開発された6レベルのコースブック。2/eではBBCの新たなリーディング・リスニング・ビデオ教材を取り入れています。リソースバンクSpeakout Extraからアクティビティの使用も可能です。
Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Pre-intermediate Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full access is available separately.
Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Pre-intermediate Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full access is available separately.
Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Pre-intermediate Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full access is available separately.
Speakout 3rd Editionは、ピアソンのベストセラー「Speakout」、8レベルの成人向け一般英語コースの新版です。Speakout 3rd EditionはBBCとの共同で開発されており、学習者の4技能の総合的な向上を目指している先生方におすすめのコース教材です。特に当コースでは、学習者のスピーキングに対する自信を育む点に重きを置いています。
Speakout 3rd Editionは、ピアソンのベストセラー「Speakout」、8レベルの成人向け一般英語コースの新版です。Speakout 3rd EditionはBBCとの共同で開発されており、学習者の4技能の総合的な向上を目指している先生方におすすめのコース教材です。特に当コースでは、学習者のスピーキングに対する自信を育む点に重きを置いています。
Speakout 3rd Editionは、ピアソンのベストセラー「Speakout」、8レベルの成人向け一般英語コースの新版です。Speakout 3rd EditionはBBCとの共同で開発されており、学習者の4技能の総合的な向上を目指している先生方におすすめのコース教材です。特に当コースでは、学習者のスピーキングに対する自信を育む点に重きを置いています。
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
大人気の「World Link」第4版。身近なトピックを題材に、会話に必須の語彙、文法を学習し、スピーキングに重点を置いて総合的なスキルを伸ばし、自信をもって英語を話せるようになることを目指します。新版には新しくレベル4が加わり全5レベルに。ビデオにも新しいセクションが追加され更にパワーアップしました。
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. The Fourth edition features a new video section that highlights the guided communication activities and a new higher level, making 5 levels.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.