出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Jolly Learning
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Our Worldシリーズ、グラマー・ワークブックの第2版。ライティングの基礎となる文法をしっかり習得したい学習者にとって強い味方となります。テキストの副教材としておすすめの一冊です。
The Grammar Workbooks are supplements to Our World 2/e, with the goal of providing structured, grammar pracitce in addition to what is being offered in the Student Book and Workbook.
The Grammar Workbooks are supplements to Our World 2/e, with the goal of providing structured, grammar pracitce in addition to what is being offered in the Student Book and Workbook.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World 第2 版は、Our World の内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、楽しく英語やコミュニケーション能力を伸ばしていきます。
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. Perfect for the communicative classroom with shorter units than Our World. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and the knowledge they need to understand their world.
出版社:Compass Publishing