
Career Paths: Agricultural Engineering SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 農業工学


Career Paths: Agriculture Engineering is a new educational resource for agricultural engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Agriculture Engineering addresses topics including types of crops, irrigation, genetic, modification, harvesting and career options.

Career Paths: Agricultural Engineering T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 農業工学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Air Force  SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Career Paths Air Force is a new educational resource for people who are serving or intending to serve as professionals in the aerial division of the armed forces, and who want to improve their English communication skills in a profession-oriented environment.Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the key language components. Career Paths: Air Force addresses topic including: the parts, types and functions of aircraft; air force organization and training; the range of air force career specializations; the types and characteristics of air force weaponry; air force tactics and strategy; and many more.

Career Paths: Air Force T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 空軍 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Architecture SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 建築


Career Paths Architecture is a new educational resource for architectural professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Architecture addresses topics including shapes, materials, modeling, past influences and modern styles.

Career Paths: Architecture T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Career Paths: Art & Design T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : アートとデザイン 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Au Pair SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : オーペア


Career Paths: Au Pair is a new educational resource for childcare providers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Au Pair addresses topics including becoming an au pair, au pair agencies, discipline, duties and establishing relationships with children.

Career Paths: Au Pair T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : オーペア【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Business English SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : ビジネス英語


Career Paths: Business English is a new educational resource for business professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Business English addresses topics including making introductions, salary information, doing business with different cultures, quality standards, and business strategy.

Career Paths: Business English T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : ビジネス英語【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Call Centers SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : コールセンター


Career Paths: Call Centers is a new educational resource for call center professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Call Centers addresses topics including communications equipment, job opportunities, answering calls, tech support and automated systems.

Career Paths: Call Centers T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : コールセンター【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Cinematography  T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 映画撮影技術 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Cinematography SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 映画撮影技術


Career Paths: Cinematography is a new educational resource for cinematography professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Cinematography addresses topics including the parts of a camera, lighting, special effects, types of shots, and career options.

Career Paths: Civil Engineering SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 土木工学


Career Paths: Civil Engineering is a new educational resource for civil engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Civil Engineering addresses topics including measurements, materials, systems design, quality control, and career options.

Career Paths: Civil Engineering T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 土木工学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Command & Control SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 指揮管理


Career Paths: Command and Control is a new educational resource for people who are or wish to become military professionals. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts related to the armed forces, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Command and Control addresses topics including the parts of a car, safety features, design methods, manufactoring and career options.

Career Paths: Command And Control T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 指揮管理 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Construction 1 Buildings SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 建設 1 - 建物


Career Paths: Construction I - Buildings is a new educational resource for construction professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Construction I - Buildings addresses topics including tools, foundations, structures roofs and finishing.

Career Paths: Construction 1 Buildings T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 建設 1 - 建物 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Construction 2 Roads & Highways SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 建設 2 - 道路と高速道路


Career Paths: Construction II - Roads & Highways is a new educational resource for construction professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Construction II - Roads & Highways addresses topics including types of roads, parts of a highway, measurements, earthworks, pavements, curbs, bridges, traffic control and site safety.

Career Paths: Construction 2 Roads & Highways T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 建設 2 - 道路と高速道路 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Cooking SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 調理


Career Paths: Cooking is a new educational resource for culinary professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Cooking addresses topics including the parts of a kitchen, spices, cooking methods, nutrition and career options.

Career Paths: Cooking T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Criminology SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 犯罪学


Career Paths: Criminology is a new educational resource for criminology professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Criminology addresses topics including theft, homicide, deterrents, crime theory, and international police.

Career Paths: Criminology T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 犯罪学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Elder Care SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)


Career Paths: Elder Care is a new educational resource for elder care professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Elder Care addresses topics including facilities and locations, medication, administration, fall prevention, common diseases, and legal concerns.

Career Paths: Elder Care T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Electrician SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 電気工事士


Career Paths: Electrician is a new educational resource for electrical professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Electrician addresses topics including electrical concepts, types of wires, electrical service entrances, installing appliances and wire codes.

Career Paths: Electrician T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 電気工事士 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Emergency Management SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 危機管理


Career Paths: Emergency Management is a new educational resource for emergency responders and managers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Emergency Management addresses topics including emergency responders, emergency vehicles, natural disasters, risk assessment, and evacuations.

Career Paths: Emergency Management T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 危機管理【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Environmental Engineering SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 環境工学


Career Paths: Environmental Engineering is a new educational resource for environmental engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Environmental Engineering addresses topics including aspects of environmental engineering such as ecosystems, irrigation, water treatment, air pollutants and career options.

Career Paths: Environmental Engineering T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 環境工学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Environmental Science SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 環境科学


Career Paths: Environmental Science is a new educational resource for environmental science professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Environmental Science addresses topics including the parts of the environment, natural resource management, biodiversity, pollution and climate change.

Career Paths: Environmental Science T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 環境科学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Fast Food SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : ファストフード業界


Career Paths English: Fast Food is a new educational resource for fast food industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths English: Fast Food addresses topics including types of fast food service, common fast foods, cooking methods, customer service, and restaurant management.

Career Paths: Fast Food T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Firefighters SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 消防士


Career Paths: Firefighter is a new educational resource for firefighters who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Firefighter addresses topics including equipment, hazards, emergency communications, fire suppression and medical responses.

Career Paths: Firefighters T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 消防士 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Fishing & Seafood Industries SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 漁業と水産業


Career Paths: Fishing & Seafood Industry is a new educational resource for fishing and seafood industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Fishing & Seafood Industry addresses topics including types of fish, parts of a ship, nautical language, storage and types of factory ships.

Career Paths: Fishing & Seafood Industries T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Fitness Training SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : フィットネストレーニング


Career Paths: Fitness Training is a new educational resource for fitness training professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Fitness Training addresses topics including parts of body, cardio excercises, common injuries, nutrition and career options.

Career Paths: Fitness Training T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Genetic Engineering Esp) SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 遺伝子工学


Career Paths: Genetic Engineering is a new educational resource for agricultural engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Genetic Engineering addresses topics including the scientific method, DNA, types of experiments, medical applications, and impact on agriculture.

Career Paths: Genetic Engineering T's Pack+Digibook
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 遺伝子工学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Geography SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 地理


Career Paths: Geography is a new educational resource for professionals in a range of fields who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Geography addresses topics including the landforms, mapmaking, geologic processes, biomes, and cultural geography.

Career Paths: Geography T's PacK+DigiBK
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Geology SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 地質学


Career Paths: Geology is a new educational source for Geology industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Geology addresses topics including the history of the Earth, landforms, rock formation, the hydrologic cycle, and plate tectonics.

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