Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
見出し語75語~350語、平均総語数500語~2930語、7レベル各6タイトルのリーダーで構成されています。見出し語75語からという設定ははじめてのリーダーに最適。 ストーリーは中高生向けですが、英語を習っている小学生でもOK。カラーイラストが理解を助けます。 親しみやすいテーマを扱った物語を読みながら、文法や語彙を自然に学びます。一度学習した文法や語彙が、同シリーズの他レベル、また同レベルの他のリーダーでも繰り返し出てくるので、自然と身につきます。 英語が苦手な学生も、初めて英語の本を手にする学生も、すんなり英語に親しめる工夫が満載です。
見出し語75語~350語、平均総語数500語~2930語、7レベル各6タイトルのリーダーで構成されています。見出し語75語からという設定ははじめてのリーダーに最適。 ストーリーは中高生向けですが、英語を習っている小学生でもOK。カラーイラストが理解を助けます。 親しみやすいテーマを扱った物語を読みながら、文法や語彙を自然に学びます。一度学習した文法や語彙が、同シリーズの他レベル、また同レベルの他のリーダーでも繰り返し出てくるので、自然と身につきます。 英語が苦手な学生も、初めて英語の本を手にする学生も、すんなり英語に親しめる工夫が満載です。
Page Turnersは、英語学習者用に全てオリジナルストーリーで作られた12レベルのリーダーです。読みやすく、楽しく読めるので、途中止めすることはできないでしょう! アクション、ロマンス、スリラー、犯罪、ミステリー、ドラマ、ヒューマンインタレストなどさまざまな人気おジャンルを楽しめます。
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
無人航空機(ドローン)を使う仕事とはどのようなものでしょうか? ドローンパイロットの活躍の場とは?
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
モデラ―の仕事とはどのようなものでしょうか? ソフトウエアや3Dプリンターを使用してモデリングを行う職業について学びます。
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
モノのインターネット化(Interneto of things)を利用して、どのようなマーケティングが出来るのでしょうか?
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
量子コンピュータとは何でしょう? 量子コンピュータ科学者になるために必要なこととは?
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
This is a four-level non-fiction series that explores future careers related to developing technologies. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.
Culture Readers: Holidays is a new nonfiction series that explores holidays and festivals celebrated around the world. The series explains important aspects of this holidays including when they are celebrated, how they began, and what people do for them, Readers will get a glimpse into the history and beliefs of different cultures as they learn about dates and times of the year designated for celebrations worldwide.
Culture Readers: Holidays is a new nonfiction series that explores holidays and festivals celebrated around the world. The series explains important aspects of this holidays including when they are celebrated, how they began, and what people do for them, Readers will get a glimpse into the history and beliefs of different cultures as they learn about dates and times of the year designated for celebrations worldwide.