
Blue Period Vol. 10
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Blue Period Vol. 12
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Blue Period Vol. 11
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Blue Period Vol. 13
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Blue Period Vol. 14
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Blue Period Vol. 15
¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Nickelodeon 5-Minute Halloween Stories Collection
¥3,300(税抜 ¥3,000
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

『PAW Patrol』のライダーとマーシャルと一緒に古い家を訪ねたり、『Santiago of the Seas』のフレンドリーな海賊たちとお菓子の詰まった宝箱を探したり、『Blaze and the Monster Machines』のブレイズとAJと一緒にお化けを追いかけたり。5分程度で読める、子どもたちが大好きな9つのハロウィーンの物語を収録。 ニコロデオンは40年以上にわたって、子供向けのナンバーワン・エンターテインメント・ブランドです。世界で最もアイコニックなキャラクターたちとともに、常に子どもたちのことを第一に考え、あらゆるスクリーンに遊び心あふれるストーリーを生み出しています。

Visit an old house with Ryder and Marshall from PAW Patrol, search for a treasure chest full of treats with the friendly pirates of Santiago of the Seas, and race after ghosts with Blaze and AJ from Blaze and the Monster Machines. These are just a few of the nine not-too-scary tales in this hardcover collection of stories that can each be read in five minutes or less. Nickelodeon fans ages 3 to 7 will love these stories that are perfect for Halloween or anytime! For over 40 years Nickelodeon has been the number-one entertainment brand for kids. They create playful stories for every screen that always puts children first with the world’s most iconic characters.

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Coloring: At the Zoo(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
このワークブックは、人気の『My Book of Coloring』に続くもので、テーマ別のアプローチで、子どもたちの基本運筆力を養い、手先の運動能力を発達させることを目的としています。楽しくカラフルなイラストを完成させるのが大好きな子どもたちは、同時にどれだけ多くのことを学んでいるのか想像もつかないでしょう。

A follow-up to the popular My Book of Coloring, this workbook uses a themed approach to help children solidify their pencil-control skills and develop their fine motor control. Children will love completing the fun and colorful illustrations, and will have no idea how much they are learning.

8 1/4× 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Coloring

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Pasting(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook is designed to improve children’s abilities with tools such as scissors and glue. Exercises start with cutting out parts and pasting them onto designated places on each page to complete a picture. Gradually, the pictures become more complex and the child is eventually asked to decide freely where the parts should go. Children enjoy variations added to the illustrations by cutting and pasting, and as they do so, they taste the joy of creating things with their hands.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Basic Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Easy Mazes(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
この本は、『My Book of Tracing』と『My First Book of Mazes』の橋渡しをするもので、より高度ななぞり書きの練習ができます。カラフルな迷路をなぞることで、手先の運動神経に自信をつけ、文字を書き始める準備をします。公文のベーシック・スキル・ワークブックは、文字や数字を書くための基礎として、鉛筆を上手に操る力を確実に身につけます。丈夫な紙から魅力的な内容まで、すべてお子さまのことを第一に考えて作られています。

This book bridges the gap between My Book of Tracing and My First Book of Mazes by offering more advanced tracing exercises. Tracing their way through these colorful mazes will help children build more confidence in their fine motor skills, thereby preparing them to begin writing.Kumon Basic Skills Workbooks ensure that children master pencil-control skills with ease as a foundation for writing letters and numbers. Everything in our Basic Skills Workbooks - from the sturdy paper to the engaging content - is designed with the best interests of your child in mind.

Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Mazes: Animals(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Building on the skills developed through Kumon’s tracing books, My Book of Mazes: Animals uses an engaging animal theme to focus on improving children’s fine motor control and spatial reasoning abilities, both of which are vital for later success in school.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Basic Skills, Kindergarten Mazes

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Mazes:Things that Go!(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Children are often fascinated with cars, trucks, and trains. This book uses these things that go as the theme for our innovative and colorful mazes. Since every maze is designed to be slightly harder than the last, you’ll be surprised by how quickly your child’s pencil control improves!

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Basic Skills, Kindergarten Mazes

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Mazes:Around the World(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
7冊目の迷路のワークブック『My Book of Mazes: Around the World』はお子さまの運筆力と空間推理能力を高めることに重点を置いています。これらの迷路は、お子さまに興味深い新しい場所や習慣を紹介するために、世界中のランドマークや文化的なものを取り上げています。

Our seventh maze workbook, My Book of Mazes: Around the World, will also focus on solidifying your child’s pencil control skills and spatial reasoning ability. These particular mazes will feature landmarks and cultural items from around the world in order to introduce your child to interesting new places and practices.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Basic Skills, Kindergarten Mazes

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Easy Crafts(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook is designed especially for children who will make three-dimensional objects for the first time. Simple contours and large margins for pasting make it easy for children to successfully complete the assignments. Turning two-dimensional parts into three-dimensional toys helps your child experience the joy of creating things. As they progress through the book, children grow more confident in what they can do with their hands.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]My First Book of Drawing(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
手先の運動神経と運筆力をしっかり身につけることは、文字や数字を書くための大切な基礎です。『My First Book of Drawing』は、簡単な線や形を描くことから、りんごや猫など身近なものの絵を描くことまで、すべてのステップを通して、子どもたちがこれらのスキルを磨くのを助けます。

Developing strong motor control and pencil control skills is an important foundation for writing letters and numbers. My First Book of Drawing helps children refine these skills by bringing them through all the steps from drawing simple lines and shapes to creating pictures of objects they are familiar with, such as an apple or a cat.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Drawing

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Learning with Crayons(Basic Workbooks/Basic)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文の基礎力ワークブック は、お子さまが運筆力を身につけ、自主的に学ぶことが大好きになるように作られています。丈夫な紙から魅力的な内容まで、すべてお子さまのことを第一に考えて作られています。このワークブックは、クレヨンで遊ぶことを学んでいる2~4歳のお子さまに最適で、重要な手先の運動能力を発達させるようデザインされています。保護者の方は、お子さまが鉛筆で文字や数字を書くための基礎作りにお役立てください。このワークブックは、お子さまが自分で完成できるようにデザインされています。自分で答え合わせをしたり、間違いを直したりすることで、大切なアカデミック・スキルを身につけ、自立心を養うことができます。

Kumon Basic Skills Workbooks ensure that children master pencil-control skills with ease so that they love learning independently. Everything in our Basic Skills Workbooks - from the sturdy paper to the engaging content - is designed with the best interests of your child in mind. Ideal for youngsters ages 2-4 who are learning to play with crayons, this workbook is designed to help them develop important fine motor control skills. Parents can use this book to help their child build a foundation for writing letters and numbers with a pencil. This workbook is designed for children to complete by themselves. By checking their answers and correcting errors on their own, children can master important academic skills and foster a sense of independence that will help them develop into self-motivated learners.

Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]My Bk of Reading Skills:Easy Phonics*(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,423(税抜 ¥1,294
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My Book of Reading Skills』シリーズの『Easy Phonics』と『Phonics』は、お子さまが子音、短母音と長母音、chのような子音の組み合わせを読み、認識し、言えるようにします。フォニックスのスキルを身につけることは、お子さんが読み書きの基礎をしっかり築くために不可欠です。

Easy Phonics and Phonics, in the My Book of Reading Skills series, will help your child read, recognize, and say consonant letter sounds, short and long vowel sounds, and consonant combinations such as ch. Developing phonics skills is essential for your child to build a strong foundation in literacy.

8 1/2 × 11 inches ・ Paperback ・ 96 pages ・ Full color
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills Phonics

[EARLY LEARNING]My Bk of Reading Skills:Phonics*(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,423(税抜 ¥1,294
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
My Book of Reading Skillsシリーズの『Easy Phonics』と『Phonics』は、お子さまが子音、短母音と長母音、chのような子音の組み合わせを読み、認識し、言えるようにします。フォニックスのスキルを身につけることは、お子さんが読み書きの基礎をしっかり築くために不可欠です。

Easy Phonics and Phonics, in the My Book of Reading Skills series, will help your child read, recognize, and say consonant letter sounds, short and long vowel sounds, and consonant combinations such as ch. Developing phonics skills is essential for your child to build a strong foundation in literacy.

8 1/2 × 11 inches ・ Paperback ・ 96 pages ・ Full color
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills Audio, Phonics

[EARLYLEARNING]My Bk of Reading Skills:Easy Sight Words*(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,423(税抜 ¥1,294
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
「読み」を習い始めたお子さんには、この本で短いサイトワーズを紹介し、基礎を固めましょう。サイトワーズをしっかり身につけることで、読むスピードと理解力が高まります。 本書は、読み始めのお子さんにとって難しい50以上の短い単語を読めるようになる手助けをします。

If your child is beginning to learn to read, this book will build on that foundation by introducing short sight words. A strong knowledge of sight words enhances reading speed and comprehension. This book will help your child learn to read more than 50 short sight words, many of which can be challenging for beginning readers.

8 1/2 × 11 inches ・ Paperback ・ 96 pages ・ Full color
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills, Literacy, Reading, SightWords, Spelling

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Reading Skills:Sight Words*(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,423(税抜 ¥1,294
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

If your child can read simple sight words, this book will build on that foundation by introducing more challenging sight words. A strong knowledge of sight words enhances reading speed and comprehension.

8 1/2 × 11 inches ・ Paperback ・ 96 pages ・ Full color
Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, Verbal Skills Literacy, Vocabulary, Writing

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Alphabet Games(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

In this third book in the alphabet sequence, children learn to link uppercase and lowercase letters while working on strengthening their sense of alphabetical order. All of this is done with fun and familiar games used innovatively, like tracing, connect-the-dots, and color-by-letter.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.

1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Rhyming Words(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book is for children who can read and write the twenty-six letters of the alphabet. Words that are familiar to children - such as bat, hat, and rat - are grouped by the vowel and consonant combination of the last two letters. By repeatedly saying and tracing words, children easily acquire solid abilities to say and write simple words.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Rhyming Words & Phrases(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My Book of Rhyming Words』と同様にゲームや練習問題を使って、より高度な韻を踏んだ単語やフレーズを学ぶことができます。「箱の中のキツネ」「帽子の中のネコ」など、接続詞で結ばれた状況に応じたフレーズを書いたり読んだりすることを学びながら、子どもたちはより高度な言葉のスキルを身につけ始めます。

Using games and exercises similar to those in My Book of Rhyming Words, this book helps children learn more advanced rhyming words and phrases.While learning to write and read situational phrases connected by conjunctions, such as “fox in box” and “cat in hat,” children will begin to develop more advanced verbal skills.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.

[EARLYLEARNING]My Book of Writing Words:Consonants&Vowels(BasicWorkbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Through a series of colorful word tracing and writing activities, this workbook teaches your child about consonants and vowels. Writing Words progresses gradually so your child never gets bored or frustrated!

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Simple Sentences:Nouns&Verbs(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Writing simple sentences can be difficult for young children, as the skill requires understanding the most basic grammar concept: noun-verb agreement. This book makes writing a simple sentence easy by gradually introducing the concepts of ‘noun,’ ‘verb,’ ‘plural,’ and ‘agreement.’ By slowly moving from singular nouns and verbs to plural nouns and verbs, children are finally able to create a simple sentence and build a foundation for creating more complex sentence patterns.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Cursive Writing:Letters(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book will help your child master writing letters in cursive. Your child will learn cursive letters in a step-by-step manner by practicing first with easy-to-write letters, like the letter c, and gradually progressing to more difficult letters, like the uppercase letter G. For additional guidance, your child will start by tracing thick letters on a colored background, then advance to tracing letters that are dotted lines on a white background, and eventually progress to tracing very faint dotted lines. Your child will be able to learn cursive letters at his or her own pace, and build a strong foundation for linking letters in cursive writing.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Verbal Skills Writing

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Cursive Writing:Words(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book will help your child connect cursive letters and write short words. Your child will learn advanced cursive writing in a step-by-step manner by reviewing each cursive letter, then practicing with short words, and gradually progressing to longer, more difficult words. Your child will become proficient in cursive writing naturally by practicing linking letters together again and again. Upon completing Words, your child will be writing full sentences in cursive with ease.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Verbal Skills Writing

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Handwriting (Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,280(税抜 ¥1,164
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文式で読みやすくきれいな字を書こう! デジタル時代においても、字を上手に書くことは、お子さまにとって大切なスキルです。『My Book of Handwriting』は、公文のバーバル・スキル・ワークブック・シリーズの最新作です。このワークブックは、お子さまの手書きのスキルを上達させ、きれいで読みやすい字を書けるようになることを目的としています。しっかりとした手書きのスキルは、鉛筆のコントロール、持久力、集中力、単語の認識などに役立ちます。また、手書きは、読解力と言語処理能力を強化します。公文の特徴であるステップ・バイ・ステップのメソッドでお子さまの手書きのスキルを伸ばすことは、将来のリーディングやスペリングの成功につながります。

LEARN TO WRITE NEATLY AND LEGIBLY THE KUMON WAY Even in this digital age, the ability to write well continues to be an important skill for your child to learn. My Book of Handwriting is the newest title in Kumon’s Basic Verbal Skills Workbooks line. This workbook is designed to help your child improve their handwriting skills and learn to write neatly and legibly. Strong handwriting skills help pencil control, endurance and focus, and word recognition. Handwriting also reinforces a child’s reading and language processing skills. Developing your child’s handwriting with Kumon’s signature step-by-step method can lead to future reading and spelling success.

8 × 11 inches ・ Paperback ・ 80 pages ・ Full color
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Books, Kindergarten

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Words for School:Level 1 (Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book teaches your child to read and write over 50 important vocabulary words in math, science, language arts, and social studies, using an engaging visual approach. If your child can recognize and write short words, this book will build on that foundation.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Words for School:Level 2 (Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book teaches your child to read and write over 50 important vocabulary words in math, science, language arts, and social studies, using an engaging visual approach. If your child is beginning to recognize and write words related to school subjects, this book will build on that foundation.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Words for School:Level 4(Basic Workbooks/Verbal)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book teaches your child to read and write over 50 important vocabulary words in math, science, language arts, and social studies, using an engaging visual approach. If your child has a growing vocabulary of words related to school subjects, this book will build on that foundation.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 6-8, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Simple Addition(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child’s favorite workbooks just got upgraded - with new content and a new look! We took our Kumon Basic Skills Series and revised the content and covers after over 15 years of producing bestselling early learning materials. All of the revised Basic Skills workbooks will feature new activities, full-color images, and the same trusted Kumon learning method. Kumon Basic Skills workbooks ensure that children master pencil control skills with ease, so that they learn to love learning independently. Everything in our Basic Skills workbooks - from the sturdy paper to the engaging content - is designed with the best interests of your child in mind.

8 1/2 × 11 ・ 80 pages ・ Full color ・ Paperback
1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills Addition

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Addition(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child’s favorite workbooks just got upgraded - with new content and a new look! We took our Kumon Basic Skills Series and revised the content and covers after over 15 years of producing bestselling early learning materials. All of the revised Basic Skills workbooks will feature new activities, full-color images, and the same trusted Kumon learning method. Kumon Basic Skills workbooks ensure that children master pencil control skills with ease, so that they learn to love learning independently. Everything in our Basic Skills workbooks - from the sturdy paper to the engaging content - is designed with the best interests of your child in mind.

8 1/2 × 11 ・ 80 pages ・ Full color ・ Paperback
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills Addition

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Shapes & Colors(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,280(税抜 ¥1,164
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My Book of Shapes and Colors』は、一般的な形と色を学び、識別できるようにデザインされています。丸、四角、三角などの典型的な図形を識別する能力は、お子さまが練習して伸ばすべき重要なスキルです。図形感覚は、初期の数学スキルであるだけでなく、お子さまの初期の問題解決能力の発達にも役立ちます。色彩感覚もお子さまにとって不可欠なスキルです。これらのスキルを一緒に身につけることで、お子さまは早期学習のためのしっかりした基礎を築くことができます。

My Book of Shapes and Colors is designed to help children learn and identify common shapes and colors while also developing their fine motor and early math skills. The ability to identify typical shapes like circle, square, triangle, and others is an important skill for your child to practice and develop. Not only is the ability to identify shapes an early geometry skill, but it can also help your child develop early problem solving skills. The ability to identify common colors is also an essential skill for your child. By developing these skills together your child will build a strong foundation for early learning.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 0-4, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Numbers 1-10(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Through a combination of tracing and recitation exercises, this book encourages children to practice writing the numbers 1-10 repeatedly until it becomes second nature. While improving basic pencil-control abilities and learning the numerical order of numbers, children are naturallyKumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated.
Ages 0-4, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Number Games 1-100(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文のマス・スキル・ワークブックの特徴は、最初から最後まで1つの領域のスキルを集中して教えることです。適度な練習量で、子どもたちは飽きたり挫折したりすることなく、それぞれのトピックをマスターし、自信をつけていきます。アクティビティ、フルカラーのイラスト、そして定評ある公文式学習メソッドが特徴の『My Book of Number Games』は、3歳から5歳までのお子さまの数字学習をサポートします。

Kumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated. Featuring activities, full-color images, and the trusted Kumon learning method, My Book of Number Games helps children age 3 to 5 with learning numbers.

Ages 0-4, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Simple Subtraction(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
アクティビティ、フルカラーのイラスト、定評ある公文式学習メソッドを備えた『My Book of Simple Subtraction』は、5 歳から 7 歳の生徒が段階的に 1 桁の数字の足し算を学ぶのに役立ち、時間をかけずに確実な計算スキルを身につけることができます。基本的な引き算のスキルを身につけることは、後に学校のカリキュラムで習うより高いレベルの算術概念とスキルの基礎である 10 進法を理解するために不可欠です。公文のマス・スキル・ワークブックは、最初から最後まで 1 つの領域のスキルを教えることに重点を置いている点でユニークです。適切な練習量で子どもたちは飽きたり挫折することなく各トピックをマスターし、自信をつけていきます。

Featuring activities, full-color images, and the trusted Kumon learning method, My Book of Simple Subtraction helps students aged 5 to 7 learn to add single-digit numbers in a step-by-step manner, enabling them to gain solid calculation skills without being confused about decimal places. Building basic subtraction skills is vital to later understanding the decimal system, the foundation of higher-level arithmetic concepts and skills taught in school curriculums.Kumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated.

1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Subtraction(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
アクティビティ、フルカラーのイラスト、定評ある公文式学習メソッドを備えた『My Book of Simple Subtraction』は、5 歳から 7 歳の生徒が段階的に 1 桁の数字の足し算を学ぶのに役立ち、時間をかけずに確実な計算スキルを身につけることができます。基本的な引き算のスキルを身につけることは、後に学校のカリキュラムで習う、より高いレベルの算術概念とスキルの基礎である 10 進法を理解するために不可欠です。公文のマス・スキル・ワークブックは、最初から最後まで 1 つの領域のスキルを教えることに重点を置いている点でユニークです。適切な練習量で、子供たちは飽きたり挫折することなく、各トピックをマスターし、自信をつけていきます。

Featuring activities, full-color images, and the trusted Kumon learning method, My Book of Subtraction helps students aged 6 to 8 learn to add single-digit numbers in a step-by-step manner, enabling them to gain solid calculation skills without being confused about decimal places. Building basic subtraction skills is vital to later understanding the decimal system, the foundation of higher-level arithmetic concepts and skills taught in school curriculums.Kumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated.

1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Simple Multiplication(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文のマス・スキル・ワークブックは、最初から最後まで 1 つの領域のスキルを教えることに重点を置いている点でユニークです。適度な練習量で、子供たちは飽きたり挫折することなく各トピックをマスターし、自信をつけていきます。アクティビティ、フルカラーのイラスト、定評ある公文式学習メソッドを備えた 『My Book of Simple Multiplication』は、6 歳から 8 歳の生徒が段階的に 1 桁の数字の引き算を学ぶのに役立ち、時間をかけずに確かな計算スキルを身につけることができます。基本的なかけ算のスキルを構築することは、後に学校のカリキュラムで教えられるより高いレベルの算術概念とスキルの基礎である 10 進法を理解するために不可欠です。

Kumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated. Featuring activities, full-color images, and the trusted Kumon learning method, My Book of Simple Multiplication helps students aged 6 to 8 learn to subtract single-digit numbers in a step-by-step manner, enabling them to gain solid calculation skills without being confused about decimal places. Building basic multiplication skills is vital to later understanding the decimal system, the foundation of higher-level arithmetic concepts and skills taught in school curriculums.

1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Revised Ed:My Bk of Multiplication(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,280(税抜 ¥1,164
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文のマス・スキル・ワークブックは、最初から最後まで 1 つの領域のスキルを教えることに重点を置いている点でユニークです。適度な練習量で、子供たちは飽きたり挫折することなく各トピックをマスターし、自信をつけていきます。アクティビティ、フルカラーのイラスト、信頼できる公文式学習メソッドを備えた『My Book of Simple Multiplication』は、6 歳から 8 歳の生徒が 1 桁の数字の引き算を段階的に学習し、小数点以下の桁に混乱することなく、確実な計算スキルを身につけるのに役立ちます。これは後に学校のカリキュラムで教えられるより高いレベルの算術概念と10 進法を理解するために不可欠です。

Kumon Math Skills Workbooks are unique because they focus on teaching one specific skill from start to finish. With just the right amount of practice, children master each topic and gain confidence without becoming bored or frustrated. Featuring activities, full-color images, and the trusted Kumon learning method, My Book of Simple Multiplication helps students aged 6 to 8 learn to subtract single-digit numbers in a step-by-step manner, enabling them to gain solid calculation skills without being confused about decimal places. Building basic multiplication skills is vital to later understanding the decimal system, the foundation of higher-level arithmetic concepts and skills taught in school curriculums.

1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-9, Math Skills

[EARLYLEARNING]My Book of Easy TellingTime:Hours&Half-Hours(BasicWorkbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Using Kumon’s step-by-step approach, this workbook introduces children to the concept of telling time by concentrating on the hours first, and then incrementally introducing children to half- and quarter-hours. Learning to tell time this way will also help children improve their general understanding of numbers.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color. 1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, Math Skills Time

[EARLY LEARNING]My First Book of Money:Counting Coins(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Using Kumon’s step-by-step, incremental approach, this workbook introduces children to the concept of money. Your child will have plenty of practice working with each coin before moving on to the relationships between coins. Eventually, your child will understand the names and values of every coin worth less than a dollar.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, Math Skills Money

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Money:Dollars & Cents(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My First Book of Money』の続編で、セントとドルの間の難しい移行を手助けします。まずコインの名前と価値を復習し、次にドルやドルを基本とした仕組みを少しずつ練習し始めることで、このワークブックは難しい数学の概念を簡単に感じられるようにします。

This sequel to My First Book of Money helps children make the difficult transition between cents and dollars. By first reviewing the names and values of coins, and then slowly beginning to practice dollars and the dollar-based structure, this workbook will make a challenging mathematical concept seem easy.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Money

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Measurement:Weight(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

If your child is familiar with pounds and grams, then this book will build on that foundation. Use this book as a fun and easy introduction to measuring weight, which will help strengthen your child’s mathematical skills.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Measurement:Length(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

If your child is familiar with pounds and grams, then this book will build on that foundation. Use this book as a fun and easy introduction to measuring weight, which will help strengthen your child’s mathematical skills.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]My Book of Measurement:Volume(Basic Workbooks/Math)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

If your child is familiar with cups and liters, then this book will build on that foundation. Use this book as a fun and easy introduction to measuring volume, which will help strengthen your child’s mathematical skills.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Let's Color(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

Coloring exercises for young children are often too complicated. This book begins with a simple skill - having a child scribble on a picture randomly. As children progress through the book, they slowly learn to color within designated lines. Using crayons is an important precursor to learning to write with a pencil.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K Coloring, First Steps Workbooks

[EARLY LEARNING]Let's Sticker and Paste(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

In this book, children first learn to place stickers onto colorful backgrounds to make lively scenes. As they make their way through the book, children develop fine motor control and spatial reasoning skills by pasting paper parts and objects on to designated spots in order to complete fun art projects.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K First Steps Workbooks

[EARLY LEARNING]Let's Cut Paper(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Learning to safely use a pair of scissors is an important part of preparing for school. This workbook is for children who have never used scissors before. Children will learn how to hold and control a pair of scissors, and will advance from simple one-stroke cuts all the way to cutting complicated curved and zig-zagged lines and shapes.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K Cutting, First Steps Workbooks

[EARLY LEARNING]Let's Fold(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Folding paper provides an important tactile experience and fine motor control lesson for young children. This workbook progresses from simple one-fold projects, all way through beginning origami. Along the way, children will delight in creating fun and amusing paper toys and art projects.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K First Steps Workbooks, Paper Crafts

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