
[EARLY LEARNING]Let’s Sticker and Paste! Amazing Animals(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Stickers and paste aren’t just for fun - they’re the building blocks for your child’s motor control skills. In this book, children place stickers of fascinating animals onto colorful nature backgrounds to make lively wildlife scenes. Children will develop fine motor control and spatial reasoning skills by completing these fun animal art projects.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K First Steps Workbooks

[EARLY LEARNING]Let’s Cut Paper! Amazing Animals(First Steps Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Learning to safely use a pair of scissors is important for school and play activities and mplicated and curvy shapes.

5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 40 sheets. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Pre-K Cutting, First Steps Workbooks

[EARLYLEARNING]Are You Ready for Kindergarten Math Skills(A.Y.R.forKG Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥994(税抜 ¥904
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book will help your child become familiar with the numbers 1-30 and shapes in preparation for kindergarten. With step-by-step exercises and fun activities, your child will have fun while getting a head start on his or her first official year of school.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 64 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[EARLYLEARNING]Are You Ready forKindergarten VerbalSkills(A.Y.R.forKG Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥994(税抜 ¥904
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This book will help your child become familiar with the alphabet and reading and writing simple words in preparation for kindergarten. The step-by-step exercises and fun activities will help your child enjoy preparing for his or her first official year of school.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 64 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills

[EARLY LEARNING]Pre-K Spatial Reasoning(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Spatial Reasoning Workbook』で、お子さまはすべての学習の土台となるスキルを身につけることができます。カラフルな迷路、パズル、ナビゲーション、測定などのワークが満載。
- 迷路
- ナビゲーション
- パズル
- 測定

With our Thinking Skills Spatial Reasoning Workbook, your child will develop fundamental skills for success in school and beyond. Full of colorful mazes, puzzles, navigation, and measurement activities, this workbook will keep our child engaged and entertained.
Topics include:

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inchesinches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 6-8, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning Spatial Reasoning

[EARLY LEARNING]Pre-K Logic(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
- 比較をする
- パターン
- 本物と見せかけの比較
- 結論を出す

Introduce your child to logical problem solving with our Thinking Skills Logic Workbook. He or she will fall in love with learning while making comparisons, completing patterns, determining real versus pretend, and drawing conclusions.
Topics include:
・Making Comparisons
・Real Versus Pretend
・Drawing Conclusions

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 6-8, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning Logic

[EARLY LEARNING]Pre-K Same & Different(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Same & Different Workbook』では、ポーズ合わせや仲間さがしなどのワークを通して、クリティカル・シンキングを強化します。シンキング・スキル・ワークブックは、すべての学習の土台となる力、クリティカル・シンキングのスキルを強化します。楽しくカラフルな様々なワークを通して、空間認識力、識別力、推理力、創造力を徐々にマスターしていきます。お子さまは、独自の効果的なステップ・バイ・ステップの進め方で、飽きずに最後まで学習できます。

Our Pre K Same & Different Workbook strengthens critical thinking through matching, same-versus-different activities, and visual and thematic categorization. Our thinking skills workbooks strengthen critical thinking skills that are crucial for a lifetime of success. Through a variety of fun and colorful activities, children gradually master spatial reasoning, differentiation, logic, and creativity. Your child will advance without being overwhelmed or frustrated with our uniquely effective and gradual step-by-step progression.

[EARLY LEARNING]Pre-K Creativity(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Creativity Workbook』で、お子さまの創造力を伸ばしましょう。ユニークなお絵かきアクティビティを通して、想像力が膨らみ、楽しく学べます。
- 形を完成させる
- 絵を完成させる
- シーンを変える
- お絵かき

Improve your child’s creativity with our Thinking Skills Creativity Workbook. Imaginations will soar, and learning will be fun as children progress through our unique drawing activities.
Topics include:
・Completing Objects
・Completing Pictures
・Altering Scenes

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning

[EARLY LEARNING]Kindergarten Spatial Reasoning(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Spatial Reasoning』で、お子さまはすべての学習の土台となるスキルを身につけることができます。比べるワーク、パズル、塗り絵やお絵かきゲームが満載のワークブックは、お子さまを夢中にさせ、楽しませてくれます。
- 比較
- パズル
- ぬり絵ゲーム
- お絵かきゲーム

Introduce your child to logical problem solving with our Thinking SkillsSpatial Reasoning Workbook. He or she will fall in love with learning while making comparisons, completing patterns, determining real versus pretend, and drawing conclusions.
Topics include:
・Making Comparisons
・Real Versus Pretend
・Drawing Conclusions

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 6-8, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning Logic

[EARLY LEARNING]Kindergarten Logic(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Logic Workbook』で、お子さまに論理的な問題解決法を紹介しましょう。比較したり、パターンを完成させたり、本物か偽物かを判断したり、結論を導き出したりしながら、お子さまは学ぶことが大好きになるでしょう。
- 比較をする
- パターン
- 本物と偽物
- 結論を出す

Introduce your child to logical problem solving with our Thinking Skills Logic Workbook. He or she will fall in love with learning while making comparisons, completing patterns, determining real versus pretend, and drawing conclusions.
Topics include:
・Making Comparisons
・Real Versus Pretend
・Drawing Conclusions

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 6-8, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning Logic

[EARLY LEARNING]Kindergarten Same & Different(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Same & Different Workbook』は、マッチング、同じものと違うものの組み合わせ、視覚的・テーマ的な分類を通して、クリティカルシンキングを強化します。ステップ・バイ・ステップの教授法でお子さまはひとつひとつの領域を、飽きずに最後まで学べます。
- マッチング
- 同じ・違う
- 視覚的分類
- テーマ別分類

Our Kindergarten Same & Different Workbook strengthens critical thinking through matching, same-versus-different activities, and visual and thematic categorization. Our step-by-step teaching method ensures your child will learn each concept in turn without getting frustrated.
Topics include:
・Same Versus Different
・Visual Categorization
・Thematic Categorization

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Thinking & Learning Same & Different

[EARLY LEARNING]Kindergarten Creativity(Thinking Skills Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Creativity Workbook』で、お子様の創造力を伸ばしましょう。ユニークなお絵かきアクティビティを通して、想像力が膨らみ、楽しく学べます。
- 形を完成させる
- 絵を完成させる
- シーンの変更
- お絵かき

Improve your child’s creativity with our Kindergarten Creativity Workbook. Imaginations will soar, and learning will be fun as children progress through our unique drawing activities.
Topics include:
・Completing Objects
・Completing Pictures
・ Altering Scenes

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Thinking & Learning

[BIND UPS]Are You Ready for Kindergarten Preschool Skills(A.Y.R.forKG Bind Up)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,281(税抜 ¥2,074
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
このワークブックは、すべての『Are You Ready for Kindergarten? 』シリーズをまとめたものです。アルファベット、1~30の数字、図形、はさみ、えんぴつなど、幼稚園で出会う重要な概念や道具を、生き生きとした楽しいワークで紹介しています。このワークブックは、お子さまが新学期を迎えるための総合的な準備をするために作られました。

This workbook is a bind-up of all the workbooks in our “Are You Ready for Kindergarten?” series. The vibrant and fun activities introduce important concepts and tools that children encounter in their first days of school: the alphabet, numbers 1-30, shapes, scissors, pencils, and more. This workbook was created to offer your child a comprehensive way to prepare for the first year of school.

Ages 0-4, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K, Verbal Skills

[BIND UPS]My Big Book of Addition(Early Learning Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,138(税抜 ¥1,944
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
この本は、お子様の足し算のスキルを強化します。このワークブックは、算数の基礎となる数え方と足し算のスキルを身につけるのに役立ちます。ステップ・バイ・ステップで、お子さまは楽しみながら足し算の問題を練習し、より大きな数の足し算を簡単にできるようになります。このワークブックの最後のセクションでは、足し算のレッスンの延長として、コインやドルの数え方を紹介します。『My Big Book of Addition』は、お子さまが将来の算数学習や生活スキルの基礎を固めるのに役立ちます。このワークブックは、『My Book of Simple Addition』、『My Book of Addition』、『My First Book of Money : Counting Coins』の3冊の "Math Skills "タイトルを1冊にまとめたものです。

This book will strengthen your child’s addition skills. This workbook will help your child develop the counting and addition skills that led to a strong foundation in math. With our step-by-step process your child will enjoy practicing addition problems and work up to adding larger numbers with ease. The last section of this workbook will introduce your child to counting coins and dollars as an extension of the addition lessons. “My Big Book of Addition” will help your child build a strong foundation for future math learning and life skills. This workbook is a bind-up of three of our “Math Skills” titles, including “My Book of Simple Addition,” “My Book of Addition,” and “My First Book of Money: Counting Coins.

Specs 8 1/4 x 11 2/3 ・ Paperback ・ 248 pages ・ Full Color
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Kindergarten, Math Skills Addition

[BIND UPS]My Big Book of Cutting, Pasting & Drawing(Early Learning Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,138(税抜 ¥1,944
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
切ったり、貼ったり、描いたりする楽しいアクティビティを通して、お子さまの手先の運動能力を高めます。このワークブックの各セクションを完成させることで、お子さまは将来の学習のための準備をすることができます。このワークブックは、『My First Book of Cutting』『My Book of Pasting』『My First Book of Drawing 』の3冊の ベーシック・スキル・シリーズを1冊にまとめたものです。

This book will strengthen your child’s fine motor skills through fun cutting, pasting, and drawing activities. By completing each of the sections in this workbook, your child will be prepared for future academic success. This workbook is a bind-up of three of our “Basic Skills” titles, including “My First Book of Cutting,” “My Book of Pasting,” and “My First Book of Drawing.

Specs: 8 1/4 x 11 2/3 ・ Paperback ・ 248 pages ・ Full Color
Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Cutting, Drawing, Pasting

[BIND UPS]My Big Book of Mazes(Early Learning Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,138(税抜 ¥1,944
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Amazing Mazes』『Animal Mazes』『Around the World Mazes』の3冊を1冊にまとめたものです。楽しくて少し難しい迷路を通して、運筆力と空間認識力を養います。

This is a bind up of Amazing Mazes, Animal Mazes, Around the World Mazes. This workbook will help your child develop pencil skills and spatial reasoning ability through fun and challenging mazes.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 248 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Mazes

[BIND UPS]My Big Book of Numbers, Letters and Words(Early Learning Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,138(税抜 ¥1,944
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
このワークブックは、就学前や就学後に必要なスキルを身につけるのに役立ちます。1~70までの数字、アルファベットの大文字・小文字、CVC単語の書き取りなど、早期学習のコンセプトに焦点を当て、わかりやすいワークで構成されています。この本は『Number Games 1-70』『Alphabet Games』『Rhyming Words』の3冊を1冊にまとめたものです。

This workbook will help your child develop skills essential for preschool and beyond. Focusing on early learning concepts like numbers 1-70, upper and lowercase letters, and writing CVC words in easy to understand activities. This is a bind up of Number Games 1-70, Alphabet Games, and Rhyming Words.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 248 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K, Verbal Skills

[BIND UPS]My First Words For School(Early Learning Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,138(税抜 ¥1,944
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My First Words for School』は、算数、理科、社会、国語など、学校の勉強に必要な語彙を読み書きできるようになります。幾何学用語から文法要素まで、アカデミックで重要な語彙を鮮やかなイラストでわかりやすく、覚えやすく解説しています。巨大な単語検索やクロスワードパズルが描かれた両面ポスターで、お子さまが知識を披露するのも楽しいでしょう。 くもん出版の『Words for School』シリーズの最初の2レベルを1冊にまとめたものです。

My First Words for School will have your child reading and writing critical vocabulary for schoolwork in math, science, social studies, and language arts. Vivid illustrations make important academic vocabulary, from geometrical terms to grammatical elements, easy to understand and remember. Your child will love demonstrating their knowledge with a double-sided poster featuring a giant word search and crossword puzzle. This title incorporates all-new activities and a colorful puzzle poster into a bind-up of the first two levels of Kumon Publishing’s Words for School series.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches ・ Paperback ・ 160 pages ・ Full color
Verbal Skills Literacy, Vocabulary, Writing

[BIND UPS]Thinking Skills Pre-K & Up(Thinking Skills Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,281(税抜 ¥2,074
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Our Thinking Skills Workbooks strengthen critical thinking skills that are crucial for your child’s success in school and in life. With our effective step-by-step method and colorful engaging activities, your child will enjoy each page as he or she builds essential skills.

11 2/3 × 8 1/4 inches. paperback. 320 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning

[BIND UPS]Thinking Skills K & Up(Thinking Skills Bind Ups)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥2,281(税抜 ¥2,074
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
このワークブックは、『Spatial Reasoning』、『Logic』、『Same and Different』、『Creativity』を含む、キンダーガーテンのシンキングスキルワークブックシリーズを1冊にまとめたものです。お子さまの考える力を強化するための総合的な土台となるようデザインされています。シンキングワークブックはお子さまが学校生活や将来に欠かせない考える力を強化します。効果的なステップ・バイ・ステップ方式とカラフルで魅力的なワークで、お子さまはページをめくるたびに楽しみながら本質的なスキルを身につけることができます。

This workbook is a bind-up of our Kindergarten Thinking Skills workbook series which includes Spatial Reasoning, Logic, Same and Different, and Creativity. This bind-up was designed to offer your child a comprehensive foundation for strengthening their thinking skills.Our Thinking Skills Workbooks strengthen critical thinking skills that are crucial for your child’s success in school and in life. With our effective step-by-step method and colorful, engaging activities, your child will enjoy each page as he or she builds essential skills.

Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Thinking & Learning

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 1 Addition(Math Workbooks / Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Through our unique step-by-step progression of activities, your child will be able to confidently add sums beyond 30. To lay the foundation, children first count, read, write, and order numbers 1-120. By mastering the number system, as well as patterns and sequencing, your child will advance to addition with ease.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Counting, reading, writing and ordering numbers to 120.
-Understanding the whole number system
-Addition sums beyond 30
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Addition

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 1 Subtraction(Math Workbooks / Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook helps your child build a strong foundation in subtraction. By reviewing numbers 1-100 and basic addition, this workbook builds confidence before introducing new skills. Our activities progress gradually, so your child will confidently practice subtraction with two-digit and three-digit numbers.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Counting, reading & writing numbers to 100
-Addition review
-Two-digit minus two-digit subtraction
-Addition & subtraction with three numbers
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Subtraction

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 2 Addition(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

In this book, children progress to two-digit addition while learning the commutative property of addition- an important foundation for future math success. Problems incorporate both horizontal and vertical form addition, which prepares children for practice with three and four-digit addition. Upon completion, your child will be ready for advanced arithmetic!
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Horizontal addition review
-Vertical form addition
-Two-digit plus two-digit addition to 198
-Early three- & four-digit addition
-Addition of three two-digit numbers
-Commutative property of addition
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
Ages 6-8, 2nd Grade, Math Skills Addition

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 2 Subtraction(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook helps your child subtract three-digit numbers with confidence. Children will learn to regroup (borrow) when subtracting, which equips them with the tools to subtract three-digit numbers. Vertical subtraction is included along with patterning and sequencing activities, so children gain a fundamental understanding of subtraction.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Horizontal subtraction review
-Vertical form subtraction
-Regrouping (borrowing)
-Three-digit minus two-digit subtraction
-Early three- & four-digit subtraction
-Addition & subtraction of three two-digit numbers
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Subtractio

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Multiplication(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook helps your child build a strong foundation in multiplication as they master computations up to 10 x 10. Times tables and sequencing activities provide efficient and step-by-step reinforcement of key skills and memorized facts. Children also learn the commutative and identity properties.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Repeated addition
-Skip counting
-Multiplication facts to 10 x 10
-Inverse relationship of multiplication & division
-Commutative property of multiplication
-Identity property of multiplication
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
3rd Grade, Ages 6-10, Math Skills Multiplication

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Division(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
-余りのあるわり算 -3桁と4桁×1桁のわり算

By reviewing multiplication, this workbook builds your child’s confidence and enthusiasm before tackling division. Our unique step-by-step progression of activities helps your child advance confidently to two-digit vertical division.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Review of multiplication
-Inverse relationship of multiplication & division
-Two-digit by one-digit vertical form division
-Division with remainders -Early three- & four-digit by one-digit division
-Identity property of division
-Zero property of division
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
Ages 6-10, 3rd Grade, Math Skills Division

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Multiplication(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Through our gradual progression of step-by-step activities, children learn how to multiply three-digit numbers with ease. By reviewing the commutative property of addition and number sequencing, our workbook builds confidence before introducing new skills.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Vertical form multiplication
-Three-digit times three-digit multiplication
-Commutative property of multiplication
-Patterns & sequencing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Multiplication

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Division(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child doesn’t have to be intimidated by five-digit division! To build confidence, our workbook includes thorough review, before progressing to division with five-digit numbers. We also include order of operations to give an opportunity to apply all of the math skills your child has learned thus far, and gain a sense of accomplishment.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division review
-Vertical form division
-Five-digit by three-digit division
-Order of operations

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Division

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 5 Decimals & Fractions(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child will learn vertical form multiplication and division of decimals through our unique step-by-step progression of activities. A review of fractions will boost your child’s confidence as they progress to addition and subtraction of improper fractions.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Multiplication & division review
-Vertical form multiplication & division of decimals
-Calculations with three decimal numbers
-Rewriting improper fractions
-Addition & subtraction of improper fractions

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
5th Grade, Ages 9-11, Math Skills Decimals, Fractions

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 6 Fractions(Math Workbooks/Calculation)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

In this workbook, children gain foundational skills for calculating fractions. Sections on greatest common factor and lowest common multiple prepare children for adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, as well as multiplying and dividing fractions and mixed numbers.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Reducing fractions to lowest possible denominator
-Factors and multiples
-Greatest common factor (GCF)
-Lowest common multiple (LCM)
-Addition & subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators
-Multiplication & division of fractions and mixed numbers
-Changing decimals into fractions
-Calculations with three fractions

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
6th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Fractions

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 1 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook will introduce your child to word problems with simple addition and subtraction. The illustrations in our workbook increase comprehension and provide a fun learning experience.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 2 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook guides your child through the basics of answering word problems with large numbers. Length and weight word problems give children real world addition and subtraction applications. Through our gradual progression of activities, your child will advance to tables and graphs with ease.
-Addition and subtraction
-Reading graphs
-Drawing graphs and counting given concrete objects

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook helps your child build a strong foundation in word problems with multiplication and division. Children will progress gradually through our activities, to confidently choose which operations to use to solve word problems. Then, by mastering graphs and tables, your child will advance to more difficult word problems with ease.
-Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
-Estimation (round numbers)
-Reading bar graphs and pictographs

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
3rd Grade, Ages 6-10, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook guides children through more sophisticated word problems that include fractions and decimals. Also, mixed calculation sections incorporate multiple-digit multiplication and division, as well as line graphs and pictographs.
-Multiplication and division of whole numbers
-Fractions and decimals
-Estimation (round numbers, addition and subtraction)
-Reading and writing line graphs and pictographs
-Determining number outcomes

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 5 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

In Grade 5 Word Problems, your child will complete word problems with decimals, percentages, ratios, and graphs. By reviewing important skills such as rounding numbers and identifying odd and even numbers, this workbook builds confidence as children continue to improve their word problem abilities.
-Fractions and decimals
-Addition and subtraction of measurements
-Determining percentage and drawing graphs
-Determining probability from trial results

8 1/2 × 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
5th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 6 Word Problems(Math Workbooks/Word Problems)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

This workbook familiarizes children with complex arithmetic concepts. Your child will solve problems dealing with speed, distance, and time. By mastering probability and averages, your child can advance to more difficult word problems with ease.
-Solving percent problems including percent, rate, and base
-Solving problems including speed, distance, time
-Determining probability
-Determining an average from pictographs

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
6th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Word Problems

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 1 Geometry & Measurement(Math WB/Geometry & Measurement)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

In Grade 1 Geometry & Measurement, your child will learn the basics of numbers, shapes, measurement, money, and time. Your child will gain confidence by practicing problems with two- and three- dimensional shapes, counting coins, and telling time to the hour and half-hour.
-Count and skip-count to 100
-Compare and order numbers -Identify, recognize, name, sort and compare basic two- and three-dimensional shapes
-Use non-standard units to measure and compare concrete shapes
-Coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
-Telling time (to the hour and a half hour)

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Math SkillsGeometry, Measurement

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Geometry & Measurement(Math WB/Geometry & Measurement)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

By learning fractions within the context of measurement your child will feel comfortable learning new skills. Children can gain confidence while working with area, vertices, and congruence. By mastering minutes, weight, and capacity, your child will advance to more difficult concepts with ease.
-Ordinal numbers
-Read and compare numbers to 1000
-Compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes
-Group two-dimensional objects and shapes by like properties
-Length (inch, foot, yard, centimeter, meter)
-Weight (pound, gram, kilogram)
-Capacity (pint, quart, liter)
-Time (to five minutes)
-Temperature (degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit)
-Money (coins and bills, $1, $5, $10, $20)
-Find the area of rectangles and squares using a grid

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
3rd Grade, Ages 6-10, Math Skills Geometry, Measurement

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Geometry & Measurement(Math WB/Geometry & Measurement)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child will progress gradually through our activities and master area, volume, circumference, and diameter. Children learn to measure angles with a protractor and calculate decimal and fraction problems with ease.
-Read and write fractions on a number line
-Read and write decimals on a number line
-Understand and apply concepts of lines, angles, and circles
-Draw two-dimensional figures
-Measure and find the area and perimeter of rectangular shapes using appropriate units.
-Measure volume using standard cubic units.
-Measure surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms by adding up the area of the faces
-Calculate elapsed time in hours and half hours
-Calculate elapsed time in days and weeks

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 96 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Geometry, Measurement

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 5 Geometry & Measurement(Math WB/Geometry & Measurement)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

By reviewing parallel and perpendicular lines as well as area, perimeter, and volume, your child can confidently progress to more advanced geometry and measurement concepts. Our activities proceed gradually, so your child will solve coordinate geometry problems we ease.
-Compare and order whole numbers, fractions, and decimals on a number line
-Understand and apply concepts of lines and angles (e.g. parallel and perpendicular)
-Identify polygons
-Understand the relationship of the circumference of a circle, its diameter, and pi (tt ~ 3.14 )
-Measure and find the area and the perimeter of two-dimensional shapes using formulae.
-Measure and find the volumes of cubes and rectangular prisms using formulae.
-Coordinate Geometry
-Convert measurement units within a system

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
5th Grade, Ages 9-11, Math Skills Geometry, Measurement

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 6 Geometry & Measurement(Math WB/Geometry & Measurement)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

With our workbook, children gradually advance from learning properties of circles to calculating the surface area and volume of various shapes. By comprehensively applying geometry and measurement skills to practice scale drawing, your child will feel accomplished and ready to advance to more difficult math concepts.
-Identify factors and common factors, as well as the greatest common factor
-Identify multiples and common multiples, as well as the least common multiple
-Reduce fractions
-Identify properties of circle (e.g. radius, diameter, chords, central angles)
-Find and using ratio in similar plane figures
-Understand reflections, rotations, and translations
-Determine and use line symmetry and rotational symmetry
-Calculate the volume of a geometric solid.
-Measure and identify capacity.
-Convert measures within the same measurement system
-Use a scale to find a distance on a map or length on a scale drawing

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
6th Grade, Ages 8-12, Math Skills Geometry, Measurement

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 1 Reading(Math WB/Reading)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
お子さまがしっかりとした読解力を身につけられるよう、お手伝いしましょう。公文の『Grade 1 Reading Workbook』は、母音、子音、形容詞、韻を踏んだ単語など、重要な基礎知識を紹介します。短い読解問題で、お子さまが新しいスキルを実践する機会を提供します。

Help your child develop strong reading skills. Kumon’s Grade 1 Reading Workbook introduces important fundamentals such as vowels, consonants, adjectives, and rhyming words. Short reading comprehension activities give your child the opportunity to apply his or her new skills.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Rhyming Words
-Short Vowels
-Consonant Combinations
-Long Vowels
-Vocabulary Building
-Reading Stories

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 6-8, Verbal Skills

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 2 Reading(Math WB/Reading)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Gread 2 Reading Workbook』では、基本的な語彙力を身につけます。誰が/何を/どこで/いつ/なぜという質問に答え、文章を図表化することで、お子さまの重要な読解力を強化します。

In Grade 2 Reading your child will build on the basics to acquire vocabulary. Answering who/what/where/when/why questions and charting passages will strengthen your child’s critical reading skills.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Vocabulary Building
-Consonant Combinations
-R-Controlled Vowels
-Compound Words
-Irregular Plurals
-Who, What, Where, When, & Why
-Title & Table of Contents
-Chart the Passage
-Reading Stories

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Verbal Skills

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Reading(Math WB/Reading)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Gread 3 Reading Workbook』で、接頭辞、接尾辞、順序、文脈による単語の定義などをマスターしましょう。基本的な読解の概念から、物語の抜粋や理解問題まで、公文式で段階的に学習することで、お子さまは自信を持ち、読み続ける意欲が高まります!

Your child will master prefixes, suffixes, sequencing, and defining words by context with our Grade 3 Reading Workbook. Through Kumon’s gradual progression from fundamental reading concepts to story excerpts and comprehension questions, children feel confident and eager to keep reading!
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Vocabulary Building
-Prefixes & Suffixes
-Compare & Contrast
-Defining Words by Context
-Who, When, Where, What, Why, & How
-Chart the Passage
-Making & Revising Predictions
-Reading Stories

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
3rd Grade, Ages 6-10, Verbal Skills

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Reading(Math WB/Reading)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Grade 4 Reading Workbook』で、お子さまは語彙力を増やしながら楽に読めるようになります。真偽の判断、原因と結果、主旨を問うワークで、学校で読みがうまくできるように必要なツールを身につけます。

Your child will read with ease while continuing to build his or her vocabulary with Kumon’s Grade 4 Reading Workbook. Activities that ask your child to determine true and false, cause and effect, and main idea equip him or her with the tools necessary for reading success in school and beyond
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Vocabulary Building
-Defining Words by Context
-Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How
-True & False
-Cause & Effect
-Main Idea
-Reading Stories

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Verbal Skills

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 3 Writing(Math WB/Writing)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Grade 3 Writing』では、繰り返し学習することで、1段落、2段落の文章を簡単に書けるようになります。宣言文、疑問文、命令文、感嘆文は、段階を追って学習していきますので、お子さまは挫折することなく、それぞれのコンセプトを順番に学んでいくことができます。

With the repetition and engaging activities offered in Grade 3 Writing, your child will write one and two paragraphs with ease. Declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences are introduced through our step-by-step progression so your child will learn each concept in turn without frustration.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Subject and verb agreement
-Irregular verbs
-Declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences
-Describing an object, event, and person
-Writing one and two paragraphs
-Aligned to State Standards.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 6-10, 3rd Grade, Verbal Skills Writing

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 4 Writing(Math WB/Writing)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Grade 4 Writing』では、公文独自のワークを通して、複雑な文章を簡単に組み合わせたり、組み立てたりできるようになります。3段落のエッセイを自信を持って書けるようになり、高度な文章分析もできるようになります。

Children will combine and build complex sentences with ease through Kumon’s unique progression of activities in Grade 4 Writing. After completing this workbook, your child will confidently write three-paragraph essays and analyze advanced texts.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Sentence fragments
-Combining and building sentences
-Complex sentences
-Essay topics
-Main ideas
-Supporting details
-Writing a three-paragraph essay
-Aligned to State Standards.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
4th Grade, Ages 8-12, Verbal Skills Writing

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 5 Writing(Math WB/Writing)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
『Grade 5 Writing』では、3段落の作文から5段落の作文へとレベルアップしていきます。カラフルなワークと直感的な教授法で、アウトラインや推敲も楽しく学べます。

In our Grade 5 Writing Workbook, children will advance from writing three-paragraph essays to five-paragraph essays. Outlining and revising are fun with our colorful activities and intuitive teaching method.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Direct and indirect quotations
-Main and dependent clauses
-Noun, adverb, and adjective clauses
-Writing a three-paragraph essay
-Writing a five-paragraph essay
-Outlining, editing, and revising an essay
-Aligned to State Standards.

8 1/2 × 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
5th Grade, Ages 8-12, Verbal Skills Writing

[GRADE SCHOOL]Grade 6 Writing(Math WB/Writing)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
公文の『Grade 6 Writing』で作文をマスターしましょう。トランジションセンテンスや補足事項の練習をすることで、生涯にわたって作文を書き続ける自信がつきます。

Your child will master essay writing with Kumon’s Grade 6 Writing Workbook. Practice with transition sentences and supporting details gives children the confidence they need for a lifetime of writing success.
Topics Covered in this Book:
-Clause review
-Writing a five-paragraph essay
-Introduction, body, conclusion, and transition sentences
-Supporting details
-Outlining, editing, and revising an essay
-Aligned to State Standards.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
6th Grade, Ages 8-12, Verbal Skills Writing

[GRADE SCHOOL]Stem Missions: Earth Science(Stem Missions: Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,280(税抜 ¥1,164
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Kumon STEM Missions Workbooks offer students a fun way to practice interdisciplinary topics by combining science, technology, engineering, and math questions to strengthen problem-solving skills. In this workbook, your child will complete several STEM “missions” designed to increase his or her critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Each mission asks your child to read science passages, answer questions about the passages, solve math problems, and use the knowledge gained to create or design a solution (engineering) to a real word problem. Featuring Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science topics, these workbooks are sure to get your child interested in the connection between what he or she learns and how it can be applied to the real world.

Specs: 8 1/2 x 11 inches - paperback - 52 pages - full color
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Ages 8-12, Science & Geography STEM

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