
[MORE TO EXPLORE]ABC's Write & Wipe: Uppercase (Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

These write & wipe flash cards will help children learn to write their uppercase ABCs. Each card features the outline of a letter on one side with proper stroke order noted, and a picture and word illustrating the letter on the other. A dry-erase marker is included so children can write and erase letters over and over!

6 x 8 inches. 32 hard plastic cards. dry erase pen. color.
Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Write & Wipe

[MORE TO EXPLORE]ABC's Write & Wipe: Lowercase(Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
Our innovative write and wipe flash cards are specially designed for early learners. They are extra thick to stand up to repeated and frequent use and include a dry erase marker so children can practice each skill again and again. This sequel to ABCs Uppercase Letters Write & Wipe will help children learn to write their lowercase letters. These flash cards also include a dry-erase marker which allows children to practice the stroke order of lowercase letters again and again.If this is slightly too advanced for your child, provide additional review with ABCs Uppercase Letters Write & Wipe.These flashcards are designed for children to complete by themselves. By checking their answers and correcting errors on their own, children can master important academic skills and foster a sense of independence that will help them develop into self-motivated learners.

この革新的な書いて拭けるフラッシュカードは、早期学習者のために特別にデザインされています。何度でも繰り返し使えるように厚みがあり、ドライイレーズマーカー付きなので、何度でも繰り返し練習できます。ABCs Uppercase Letters Write & Wipeの続編で、小文字の書き取りを学びます。このフラッシュカードにはドライイレーズマーカーも付いているので、小文字の書き順を何度も練習することができます。お子さまには少し高度すぎるようであれば、ABCs Uppercase Letters Write & Wipeで復習してください。このフラッシュカードは、お子さまが自分で完成できるようにデザインされています。自分で答えを確認し、間違いを訂正することで、重要なアカデミック・スキルを習得し、自立心を養うことができます。

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Easy Telling Time Write & Wipe(Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Learning to tell time is a great way for children to become acquainted with early math concepts. These cards help children link numbers with the corresponding clock faces, and teach both analog and digital time. Each card features write & wipe capability so children can enjoy repeated hands-on practice!

6 x 8 inches. 32 hard plastic cards. dry erase pen. color.
1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills Write & Wipe

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Multiplication Write & Wipe(Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

These cards will help your child learn the multiplication tables up to 12×12. Combining the physical practice of a write & wipe approach with the rote memorization of a traditional flash card will assure that children get as much help as possible with this important concept.

8 × 6 inches. paperback. 32 pages. full color.
2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, Ages 6-8, Math Skills Write & Wipe

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Numbers 1-30 Write & Wipe(Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

These extra large and thick write & wipe flash cards allow children to count abstract objects (dots) and identify them with a numeral. Using a dry-erase marker and following the strokes in order as they are outlined on the card, children will learn not only how to count, but also how to write the numbers 1-30.

6 x 8 inches. 32 hard plastic cards. dry erase pen. color.
Ages 0-4, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K Write & Wipe

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Shapes Write & Wipe(Flash Cards)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,423(税抜 ¥1,294
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

These cards will help your child become familiar with basic shapes and their names. Each extra large, extra-thick flash card will feature a shape on the write and wipe side, and the name of the shape on the reverse.

6 x 8 inches. 32 hard plastic cards.
Ages 4-6, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Write & Wipe

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Play and Grow: Coloring & Drawing(Play & Grow Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Let’s go on a coloring and drawing adventure! Your child will learn to control his or her first writing utensil, a crayon, through these fun coloring and drawing exercises. Learning to use a crayon is an important precursor to mastering the ability to write letters and numbers.

8 1/2 × 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Coloring, Drawing

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Make a Match: Level 1(Make a Match Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『Make a Match Workbooks』でお子様の集中力を高めましょう。お子様のスピードと正確さを記録することで、上達を肌で感じることができます。お子様の識別のスピードと能力を向上させ、同時に基本的な語彙力も向上させます。用語集には、動物、植物、昆虫の魅力的な事実が記載されています。

Improve your child’s concentration with Make a Match Workbooks. Children track their speed and accuracy to see improvements first-hand. Your child will improve their identification speed and ability, while also improving their basic vocabulary. Take learning one step further with fascinating animal, plant, and insect facts included in the glossary.

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Make a Match: Level 2(Make a Match Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Building on the previous book in the series, children will continue to improve their ability to concentrate with more advanced matching activities. By timing and tracking their progress, children will see their development and be excited to beat their own best time. By focusing on this challenge, their ability to concentrate will greatly improve.

8 1/2 x 11 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 0-4, Basic Skills, Kindergarten, Pre-K Matching

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Paper Playtime: Animals(Paper Playtime Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

With this book your child can make paper animals come to life.Your child will not only complete fun paper projects, but will also improve his or her motor control, spatial reasoning, and concentration skills.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 32 sheets. full color.

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Paper Playtime: Vehicles(Paper Playtime Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
車、トラック、バスが、『Paper Playtime: Vehicles』のページから飛び出します。紙を折ったり、切ったり、貼ったりすることで、お子さまは将来に向けて大切なスキルを身につけることができます。子どもたちが大好きな遊びをしながら、発達を促しましょう!

Cars, trucks, and buses zoom right off the pages of Paper Playtime: Vehicles.Through folding, cutting, and pasting, your child will gain important skills for the future.Encourage children’s development while they do what they love ? play!

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 32 sheets. full color.

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Animals: Lion & Mouse(3-D Paper Craft Books)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Remember the mouse who comes to the aid of the lion with the thorn in his paw? Children can make an Aesop’s Fable come to life when they complete this King of the Jungle and his mousey counterpart.

8 1/4 x 11 inches. paperback. 16 sheets. color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Basic Skills

[MORE TO EXPLORE]Animals: Cat & Dog(3-D Paper Craft Books)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥851(税抜 ¥774
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

"You’re either a cat person or a dog person,” the saying goes. With this craft book, though, children don’t have to choose one or the other. All they have to do is have fun cutting, pasting and assembling their own personal pet (potty training not required).

8 1/4 x 11 inches. paperback. 16 sheets. color.
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Ages 6-8, Basic Skills

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My First Book of Tracing(Commonwealth Edition Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Your child’s favorite workbooks just got upgraded, with new content and a new look! We took our Kumon Basic Skills workbooks and revised the content and covers after over 15 years of producing bestselling early learning materials. All of the revised Basic Skills workbooks will feature new activities, full-color images, and the same trusted Kumon learning method. Kumon Basic Skills workbooks ensure that children master pencil control skills with ease so that they learn to love learning independently. Everything in our Basic Skills workbooks from the sturdy paper to the engaging content is designed with the best interests of your child in mind.

Ages 0-4, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Basic Skills Tracing

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My First Book of UppercaseLetters(CommonwealthEditionWorkbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS』は、従来のアルファベットブックとは異なり、ABCから始まりません。本の最大の特徴は、アルファベットの順番に関係なく、書きやすい文字から始まり、少しずつ難しい文字へと進んでいくことです。直線、斜線、曲線など、さまざまな筆法が段階的に紹介されているので、子どもたちは飽きずに文字の練習ができます。本書の北米での人気は、公文式メソッドの「習うより慣れろ」の効果を証明するものです。

Unlike conventional alphabet books, My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS does not start with the ABCs. The most prominent characteristic of this book is that it starts with easy-to-write letters and then proceeds to more difficult letters step by step, regardless of alphabetical order. Different strokes such as straight lines, diagonal lines and curves are introduced in an incremental manner so that children do not grow tired of studying letters. The North American popularity of this book proves the Kumon Method’s “practice makes perfect” effectiveness.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
Ages 4-6, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Verbal Skills

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My First Book of LowercaseLetters(CommonwealthEditionWorkbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
『My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS』の続編で、l, t, iのような単純な筆致の小文字から始め、徐々に斜線や曲線を含む文字に移行していきます。点つなぎやなぞり書きの練習を通して、子どもたちは自然に文字の形に慣れていきます。このユニークなアルファベットへのアプローチは遠回りのように見えるかもしれませんが、無理なく文字を書けるようになることで、その後のアルファベットの認識を早めることができます。

This sequel to My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS encourages children to begin with lowercase letters that have simple strokes such as l, t, and i and gradually moves on to letters containing diagonal lines and curves. Through a series of connect-the-dots and tracing exercises, children become familiar with the shapes of letters naturally. Although this unique approach to the alphabet may seem roundabout, learning to write letters effortlessly will speed a child’s recognition of the alphabet later.

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Verbal Skills

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My Book of Numbers 1-30(Commonwealth Edition Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

If your child can read and write numbers up to 10 fairly well, then this book will build on that foundation. Use this book to introduce your child to basic maths skills and reading and writing numbers from 1 to 30.

Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My Book of Numbers 1-120(Commonwealth Edition Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
公文の『My Book of Numbers 1-30』の続編で、120までの数字の読み書きが自信を持ってできるようになります。9-10、99-100など、数字の順番に練習することで、少しずつ小数位の概念が身についていきます。小数点の位置を認識することは、その後の足し算の習得に欠かせません。

This sequel to Kumon’s My Book of Numbers 1-30 will help children learn how to read and write numbers confidently up to 120. By practicing numbers in numerical order, such as 9-10 and 99-100, children gradually grasp the concept of decimal position. Recognition of the decimal place is crucial for the later acquisition of addition skills.

8 1/4 × 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
1st Grade, Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Math Skills, Pre-K

[MORE TO EXPLORE]My First Book of Cutting(Commonwealth Edition Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥1,137(税抜 ¥1,034
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
[MORE TO EXPLORE]My Book of Number Games 1-70(Commonwealth Edition Workbooks)
出版社:Kumon Publishing
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)

Kumon workbooks are based on the “Kumon Method”, an educational philosophy that aims at unlocking the full learning potential of each individual child. The Kumon Method introduces learning concepts in an incremental, step-by-step approach, allowing children to master new skills easily and without anxiety or frustration. As a result, children gain confidence in their abilities and are motivated to learn on their own.Over 3.5 million children around the world use the Kumon Method to develop their math and reading skills. Kumon Math and Reading Centers help students become successful, confident and self-motivated learners.But its not just the Kumon Method that makes our workbooks special. Its also the care and research that goes into the editorial content, design and quality of the books. Our editorial experts have more than two decades of experience in producing books that are both fun and educational. Our designers create illustrations that attract and delight children. And the quality of our books is the best of any workbook on the market, with extra thick paper and the best available print quality. From pedagogy to paper, every one of our workbooks has been carefully crafted with your childs best interests in mind.

Ages 4-6, Kindergarten, Pre-K, Thinking & Learning

出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥1,375(税抜 ¥1,250
在庫状況: 注文可
賞状:30枚 / 140x215mm / 紙製

Superspots Sticker:Sea Life (T46031)  (800枚 約12㎜×12㎜)
出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥847(税抜 ¥770
在庫状況: 注文可
STICKER:800pp / 約12x12mm

Gel Stars (T73052)
商品名:Gel Stars (T73052)
出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥1,298(税抜 ¥1,180
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
Printing Power (94pages)
85off サンプルページあり 売れ筋
出版社:Learning Without Tears
¥363(税抜 ¥330
通常価格:¥2,420(税抜 ¥2,200
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。

初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。

Disney:Sleeping Beauty DVD (英語/日本語)
¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ディズニーの名作「眠れる森の美女」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いにより長い眠りの中に閉じ込められた美しい姫を救うため立ち上がった王子の勇士を描いた、 ディズニーが放つ名作プリンセス・ストーリー。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。

This is the DVD of ""Sleeping Beauty,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. The story is about the prince who fights to save a beautiful princess fallen in eternal sleep because of the witch's curse.

Disney:Frozen DVD (英語/日本語)
¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。

This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.

Disney:Beauty and the Beast DVD(英語/日本語)
¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ディズニーの名作「美女と野獣」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いによって、野獣の姿に変えられてしまったわがままな王子。魔法のバラの最後の花びらが散るまでに、 心から人を愛し、愛されなければ、永遠に醜い姿のままになってしまいます。 ある日、そんな野獣の元に美しく聡明な娘ベルが現れます。呪いで家具や道具に変えられてしまった城の家来たちは、 彼女こそ呪いを解いてくれるのでは…と期待するのですが、ベルは野獣の傲慢さに心を閉ざしてしまいます。 残された時間はあとわずか。果たして、愛の奇蹟は起きるのでしょうか。

This is the DVD of ""Beauty and the Beast,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Once upon a time, there was an arrogant prince who was cursed by a witch and turned into a terrible beast. He has to love and be loved by someone before the last petal of the rose falls; otherwise he would stay as an ugly monster forever. One day, the Beast meets a beautiful, intelligent girl called Belle. The servants, who were turned into furnitures and tools with their master, expect that finally Belle could break the curse. However, Belle close her mind because of the Beast's arrogance. There's not much time lest. Does a love miracle occur?

Disney:Aladdin DVD (英語/日本語)
¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


This is the DVD of ""Aladdin,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Aladdin, a poor but honest young man, becomes the owner of a magical oil lump. When he rubbed it, a cheeful, jokey, versatile jinn called Genie appears and tells that he coule make three wishes come true. However, an evil vizier Jafar have an eye to the magical lump... To defeat Jafar and win the heart of Princess Jasmin, Aladdin must have a courage, and be himself. Even Genie can't make this wish come true.

Disney: Tangled DVD (英語/日本語)
¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


This is the DVD of ""Tangled,"" one of the enchanting piece released by Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. For 18 years, Rapunzel has never got out of the tower she lives, and never met anyone other than her mother. However, she decided to 'travel' for the fist time in her life, to where the mysterious ""light"" appears on every her birthday.

Happy Birthday: Cake Certificates  30枚  14㎝×21.5㎝
¥1,375(税抜 ¥1,250
在庫状況: 注文可
30枚 / 140x215mm

Poster: What Time Is It? (NE)
¥990(税抜 ¥900
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

Incentive Pad : Stars
出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥1,298(税抜 ¥1,180
在庫状況: 注文可
Shapes (Wall Chart)
¥1,364(税抜 ¥1,240
在庫状況: 注文可
Happy Birthday:Bake Shop (T-81049)
出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥1,375(税抜 ¥1,250
在庫状況: 注文可
(表彰状 / 紙製 / 30枚 / 140×215mm)

Winter Joys Sticker (T46152)
出版社:Trend Enterprises
¥847(税抜 ¥770
在庫状況: 注文可
100枚×8シート 計800枚

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