ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、恐竜が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はスピノサウルスからマイクロラプトルまで、ジュラ紀から 白亜紀までの恐竜にまつわる言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 恐竜好きなお子さまへのプレゼントにはピッタリの絵辞典です。 24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and engaging introduction to the first dinosaur words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect tool for your budding paleontologist.Each spread in this primer focuses on 8 to 12 words related to dinosaurs--from spinosaurus to microraptor, Jurassic to Cretaceous, spines to frill to horns and more! Chris Ferrie's latest offering is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest readers--after all, it's never too early to become a dino expert!
ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、恐竜が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はスピノサウルスからマイクロラプトルまで、ジュラ紀から 白亜紀までの恐竜にまつわる言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 恐竜好きなお子さまへのプレゼントにはピッタリの絵辞典です。 24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and engaging introduction to the first dinosaur words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect tool for your budding paleontologist.Each spread in this primer focuses on 8 to 12 words related to dinosaurs--from spinosaurus to microraptor, Jurassic to Cretaceous, spines to frill to horns and more! Chris Ferrie's latest offering is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest readers--after all, it's never too early to become a dino expert!
英語教育セミナー&教材展示会 English education seminar & materials exhibition
¥1,144(税抜 ¥1,040)
通常価格:¥1,430(税抜 ¥1,300)
通常価格:¥1,430(税抜 ¥1,300)
○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Climb aboard the Jungle Cruise and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Featuring terrifying tigers, mysterious ruins, and the eighth wonder of the world, readers can experience Disney Parks' world-famous Jungle Cruise attraction like never before...
19.81cm L x 16.26cm W 24 pages
Climb aboard the Jungle Cruise and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Featuring terrifying tigers, mysterious ruins, and the eighth wonder of the world, readers can experience Disney Parks' world-famous Jungle Cruise attraction like never before...
19.81cm L x 16.26cm W 24 pages
Meet Mario and his friends in the first-ever Super Mario(TM) Little Golden Book!
It's game on for even the youngest gamers who love Super Mario when they meet Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom! Featuring stunning illustrations and beloved characters, this Little Golden Book is perfect for Nintendo, Super Mario--and Little Golden Book--fans of all ages.
Mario first appeared in 1981 in the classic arcade video game Donkey Kong, and has since gone on to star in many adventures, allowing him to evolve into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video-game sensation, appearing across all genres--from action-platformers to sports to kart-racing and beyond.
Power up with this full-colour leveled reader based on Nintendo and Illumination present The Super Mario Bros. Movie-in theaters April 7, 2023!
Nintendo and Super Mario fans ages 5-8 will love to meet Mario, Luigi, and all their friends and foes in this Step 3 Step into Reading level reader. Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.
Mario first appeared in 1981 with the arcade classic Donkey KongTM, and has since gone on to star in many adventures, allowing him to evolve into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres--from action-platformers to sports, kart racing and beyond.
Nintendo and Super Mario fans ages 5-8 will love to meet Mario, Luigi, and all their friends and foes in this Step 3 Step into Reading level reader. Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.
Mario first appeared in 1981 with the arcade classic Donkey KongTM, and has since gone on to star in many adventures, allowing him to evolve into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres--from action-platformers to sports, kart racing and beyond.
ピカチュウやイーブイをはじめ、大好きなポケモンたちと一緒に、楽しみながらアルファベットを勉強できる一冊。ゲームをプレイできない小さなお子様たちでも、ポケモン・ワールドを冒険することができます。 キャッチ―なストーリーと、100以上のフリップのしかけが特徴で、各種モンスターボールやきのみ、旅に役立つアイテムを紹介しています。ポケモンたちの名前の正確な発音も表記されており、お子様と保護者の方の理解を助けます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Dozens of Pokemon can be found in the Pokemon Primers: ABC Book. With Pikachu, Eevee, and all their friends, learning the alphabet has never been more enjoyable. Start off any young child with a journey into the world of Pokemon! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing PokeBalls, Berries, and other items! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Illustrated by Pokemon and written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this ABC book will create lasting memories. The book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer in training on a Pokemon adventure today!
ピカチュウやイーブイをはじめ、大好きなポケモンたちと一緒に、楽しみながらアルファベットを勉強できる一冊。ゲームをプレイできない小さなお子様たちでも、ポケモン・ワールドを冒険することができます。 キャッチ―なストーリーと、100以上のフリップのしかけが特徴で、各種モンスターボールやきのみ、旅に役立つアイテムを紹介しています。ポケモンたちの名前の正確な発音も表記されており、お子様と保護者の方の理解を助けます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Dozens of Pokemon can be found in the Pokemon Primers: ABC Book. With Pikachu, Eevee, and all their friends, learning the alphabet has never been more enjoyable. Start off any young child with a journey into the world of Pokemon! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing PokeBalls, Berries, and other items! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Illustrated by Pokemon and written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this ABC book will create lasting memories. The book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer in training on a Pokemon adventure today!
ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、動物が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はオタマジャクなど小さな生き物からホッキョクグマやクジラなどの 大きな生き物まで、多くの生き物についての言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 動物好きなお子さまにはピッタリの1冊です。
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and colorful introduction to the first 100 animal words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect learning tool for your little animal lover. Each spread in this adorable primer focuses on 8 to 12 animal words--from axolotl to armadillo, from cassowary to krill, from tardigrade to tadpole and more! This bright and engaging book is the perfect way to introduce the words every budding zoologist needs.
ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、動物が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はオタマジャクなど小さな生き物からホッキョクグマやクジラなどの 大きな生き物まで、多くの生き物についての言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 動物好きなお子さまにはピッタリの1冊です。
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and colorful introduction to the first 100 animal words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect learning tool for your little animal lover. Each spread in this adorable primer focuses on 8 to 12 animal words--from axolotl to armadillo, from cassowary to krill, from tardigrade to tadpole and more! This bright and engaging book is the perfect way to introduce the words every budding zoologist needs.
春、それは暖かな陽だまりを感じる素敵なひとときです。植物の緑が生い茂り、動物が冬眠から目覚め始める頃、 主人公の男の子と彼の犬は春の訪れを感じながら町を探検をします。「冬に別れを告げ、春を迎える」 そんな季節の移り変わりを丁寧に描いた絵本です。
主人公の男の子と彼の犬は探検を通して、小川のせせらぎから小鳥のさえずりといった何気ない自然に目を向け、 春を迎えていきます。季節の移ろいの美しさをぜひお楽しみください。
As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows-spring is on its way!
Join a boy and his dog as they explore nature and take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Hardcover 32pages
春、それは暖かな陽だまりを感じる素敵なひとときです。植物の緑が生い茂り、動物が冬眠から目覚め始める頃、 主人公の男の子と彼の犬は春の訪れを感じながら町を探検をします。「冬に別れを告げ、春を迎える」 そんな季節の移り変わりを丁寧に描いた絵本です。
主人公の男の子と彼の犬は探検を通して、小川のせせらぎから小鳥のさえずりといった何気ない自然に目を向け、 春を迎えていきます。季節の移ろいの美しさをぜひお楽しみください。
As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows-spring is on its way!
Join a boy and his dog as they explore nature and take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Hardcover 32pages
フラップをめくって遊べるしかけ付きのボードブックです。お母さんに連れられた仔ジカと共に、 春爛漫の美しい景色の中を冒険し、新しい友達に会いに行きましょう。 春の森は、様々な音と色彩に満ちています。鳥たちが歌う声、咲き乱れる花々、 小道を叩く雨粒の音、そして空にかかる虹。なんて素敵な日なのでしょう! 恵みの季節を祝うのにぴったりの一冊です。
フラップをめくって遊べるしかけ付きのボードブックです。お母さんに連れられた仔ジカと共に、 春爛漫の美しい景色の中を冒険し、新しい友達に会いに行きましょう。 春の森は、様々な音と色彩に満ちています。鳥たちが歌う声、咲き乱れる花々、 小道を叩く雨粒の音、そして空にかかる虹。なんて素敵な日なのでしょう! 恵みの季節を祝うのにぴったりの一冊です。
Travel our small world the Disney way in this beautifully illustrated Little Golden Book! From the Eiffel Tower to the Egyptian Pyramids and the Taj Mahal, readers can experience Disney Parks' famous "it's a small world" attraction like never before in this storybook. Perfect for Disney and Little Golden Book fans of all ages, this book will be available for the attraction's 55th anniversary in 2021!
Travel our small world the Disney way in this beautifully illustrated Little Golden Book! From the Eiffel Tower to the Egyptian Pyramids and the Taj Mahal, readers can experience Disney Parks' famous "it's a small world" attraction like never before in this storybook. Perfect for Disney and Little Golden Book fans of all ages, this book will be available for the attraction's 55th anniversary in 2021!
ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、海が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はイソギンチャクやクジラなどの海洋生物から、海中の仕組みや 海にかかわる乗り物まで様々な言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 海や海に生きる生物が好きなお子さまにはピッタリの学習絵本です。 24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and colorful introduction to the first ocean words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect tool for your budding oceanographer.Each spread in this primer focuses on 8 to 12 words related to the ocean--from seaduck to seaweed, freighter to marina and more! Chris Ferrie's latest offering is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest readers--after all, it's never too early to become an ocean explorer!
ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、海が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はイソギンチャクやクジラなどの海洋生物から、海中の仕組みや 海にかかわる乗り物まで様々な言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 海や海に生きる生物が好きなお子さまにはピッタリの学習絵本です。 24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and colorful introduction to the first ocean words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect tool for your budding oceanographer.Each spread in this primer focuses on 8 to 12 words related to the ocean--from seaduck to seaweed, freighter to marina and more! Chris Ferrie's latest offering is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest readers--after all, it's never too early to become an ocean explorer!
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
'Tis the season for Peppa Pig! Join Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, and all of their friends as they celebrate Christmas in this adorably sweet board book.
Peppa Pig really wants Father Christmas to visit this year. But Mummy Pig tells her that if she wants to have a magical Christmas, she'll have to be very good.
Peppa decides to help her family, help her friends, and help the snowman outside. But will Father Christmas visit after all?
Push a magic, flashing star button to make lights flash in every scene. This adorable storybook makes a perfect holiday gift or read-aloud storytime for little ones.
ボードブック 10ページ
ボードブック 10ページ
英語教育セミナー&教材展示会 English education seminar & materials exhibition
¥1,760(税抜 ¥1,600)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
24pages 13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック
1.27cm H x 10.41cm L x 13.21cm W 96 pages
1.27cm H x 10.41cm L x 13.21cm W 96 pages
DK’s Disney Princess Ultimate Sticker Collection contains more than 1,000 beautiful stickers of all your favorite Disney Princesses and the much-loved Disney characters from the magical movies. Meet your favorite princesses from Snow White and Cinderella to Mulan and the latest Disney Princess: Moana. Wannabe princesses will adore exploring the Disney Princesses’ enchanting worlds, and be inspired by their curiosity, their courage, and their kindness.
DK’s Disney Princess Ultimate Sticker Collection contains more than 1,000 beautiful stickers of all your favorite Disney Princesses and the much-loved Disney characters from the magical movies. Meet your favorite princesses from Snow White and Cinderella to Mulan and the latest Disney Princess: Moana. Wannabe princesses will adore exploring the Disney Princesses’ enchanting worlds, and be inspired by their curiosity, their courage, and their kindness.
【英語多読」アナと雪の女王 5分間で読めるアナ雪の物語集!
Join Anna, Elsa, Sven, Kristoff, Olaf, and some all new friends for adventures in Arendelle! With 12 fantastically-frozen stories that can each be read in five minutes, this padded storybook is the perfect fit for bedtime, story time, or anytime!
ニューヨーク・タイムズとUSAトゥデイのベストセラー「How to Catch」シリーズ。
ワニやクジラがいるなら恐竜もいるに違いない!How to Catchキッズは恐竜がいることを
1.02cm H x 20.32cm L x 20.83cm W 40 pages
ワニやクジラがいるなら恐竜もいるに違いない!How to Catchキッズは恐竜がいることを
1.02cm H x 20.32cm L x 20.83cm W 40 pages
英語教育セミナー&教材展示会 English education seminar & materials exhibition
¥1,760(税抜 ¥1,600)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.
夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.
ディズニーの名作『リトル・マーメイド』の英語・日本語版DVD。 『リトル・マーメイド』は1989年に米国で初公開され、その美しい映像や、「アンダー・ザ・シー」をはじめとする 陽気なメロディー、魅力的なキャラクター、そしてファンタジックなストーリーで世界中を魅了しました、 ディズニーが誇るミュージカル・ファンタジーの代表作! 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Little Mermaid,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. ""Little Mermaid"" was originally released in America, 1989. The movie enchanted the whole world by its beautiful image, jolly songs represented by ""Under the Sea,"" attractive characters and fantastic story, and is still praised as one of Disney's iconic musical movie.
ディズニーの名作『リトル・マーメイド』の英語・日本語版DVD。 『リトル・マーメイド』は1989年に米国で初公開され、その美しい映像や、「アンダー・ザ・シー」をはじめとする 陽気なメロディー、魅力的なキャラクター、そしてファンタジックなストーリーで世界中を魅了しました、 ディズニーが誇るミュージカル・ファンタジーの代表作! 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Little Mermaid,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. ""Little Mermaid"" was originally released in America, 1989. The movie enchanted the whole world by its beautiful image, jolly songs represented by ""Under the Sea,"" attractive characters and fantastic story, and is still praised as one of Disney's iconic musical movie.
【英語多読】マーベル スパイダーマン好きにはたまらない物語集!
Everyone's favorite Super Heroes are back to battle their biggest villains yet! Each of these 12 stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, but also new adventures. Full color.
ニューヨーク・タイムズとUSAトゥデイのベストセラー「How to Catch」シリーズ。
動物園にやってきたHow to Catchキッズが、ユニコーンを捕まえようと奮闘します。
1.02cm H x 20.32cm L x 20.83cm W 40 pages
動物園にやってきたHow to Catchキッズが、ユニコーンを捕まえようと奮闘します。
1.02cm H x 20.32cm L x 20.83cm W 40 pages
商品名:I Am Gandhi
¥2,145(税抜 ¥1,950)
This installment of the "New York Times"-bestselling biography series tells the story of how Gandhi used the principles of nonviolence and noncooperation to fight discrimination against Indians in South Africa and to end British rule in India. Full color.
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100)
¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100)
Can the team from Nickelodeon’s PAW Patrol help Santa save Christmas? Pup-loving boys and girls ages 2 to 5 will love this sturdy board book,
which follows Marshall, Skye, Rubble, and the rest of Adventure Bay’s heroes on a holiday adventure.
Enter a new stage of Super Mario in this full-color activity book starring Nintendo's classic team of Mario, Luigi, and their friends-plus stickers! Super Mario fans of all ages will love this full-color book featuring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom. With tons of awesome activities and stickers, the Super Mario Official Sticker Book will be the most thrilling experience for Super Mario fans since World 1-1!Mario made his debut in the 1980s in arcades around the world and has since gone on to star in many adventures, evolving into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres-from action platformers to sports, kart racing, and beyond.
Enter a new stage of Super Mario in this full-color activity book starring Nintendo's classic team of Mario, Luigi, and their friends-plus stickers! Super Mario fans of all ages will love this full-color book featuring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom. With tons of awesome activities and stickers, the Super Mario Official Sticker Book will be the most thrilling experience for Super Mario fans since World 1-1!Mario made his debut in the 1980s in arcades around the world and has since gone on to star in many adventures, evolving into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres-from action platformers to sports, kart racing, and beyond.
出版社:Learning Without Tears
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
12ページ 7.51 x 0.62 x 7.49 inches
12ページ 7.51 x 0.62 x 7.49 inches
PEPPA PIGと一緒に1000もの単語を学べるステッカーブック。
298×210mm 64ページ
298×210mm 64ページ