
Greg Heffley's got a secret, and if anyone finds out the juicy details, his life is going to get turned inside out. Unfortunately, he's also got an older brother, Rodrick, who has a talent for sniffing these things out. But secrets can't stay under wraps for long--especially when there's a diary involved.
2.29cm H x 20.57cm L x 13.97cm W 224 pages
Greg Heffley's got a secret, and if anyone finds out the juicy details, his life is going to get turned inside out. Unfortunately, he's also got an older brother, Rodrick, who has a talent for sniffing these things out. But secrets can't stay under wraps for long--especially when there's a diary involved.
2.29cm H x 20.57cm L x 13.97cm W 224 pages


ピカチュウやイーブイをはじめ、大好きなポケモンたちと一緒に、楽しみながらアルファベットを勉強できる一冊。ゲームをプレイできない小さなお子様たちでも、ポケモン・ワールドを冒険することができます。 キャッチ―なストーリーと、100以上のフリップのしかけが特徴で、各種モンスターボールやきのみ、旅に役立つアイテムを紹介しています。ポケモンたちの名前の正確な発音も表記されており、お子様と保護者の方の理解を助けます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Dozens of Pokemon can be found in the Pokemon Primers: ABC Book. With Pikachu, Eevee, and all their friends, learning the alphabet has never been more enjoyable. Start off any young child with a journey into the world of Pokemon! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing PokeBalls, Berries, and other items! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Illustrated by Pokemon and written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this ABC book will create lasting memories. The book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer in training on a Pokemon adventure today!
ピカチュウやイーブイをはじめ、大好きなポケモンたちと一緒に、楽しみながらアルファベットを勉強できる一冊。ゲームをプレイできない小さなお子様たちでも、ポケモン・ワールドを冒険することができます。 キャッチ―なストーリーと、100以上のフリップのしかけが特徴で、各種モンスターボールやきのみ、旅に役立つアイテムを紹介しています。ポケモンたちの名前の正確な発音も表記されており、お子様と保護者の方の理解を助けます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Dozens of Pokemon can be found in the Pokemon Primers: ABC Book. With Pikachu, Eevee, and all their friends, learning the alphabet has never been more enjoyable. Start off any young child with a journey into the world of Pokemon! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing PokeBalls, Berries, and other items! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Illustrated by Pokemon and written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this ABC book will create lasting memories. The book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer in training on a Pokemon adventure today!
「色」を探すミッションを受けたピカチュウを助け、一緒に冒険をしましょう。行く先々で、新しい友達があなたとピカチュウを待っています。バリヤード、マリル、エーフィ、アチャモら個性豊かなポケモンたちが旅に彩りを添えてくれます。 100以上のフリップが付属したしかけ絵本。ポケモンだけでなく、モンスターボールやきのみといったアイテムが隠れていることも。ポケモンの名前の発音表記が理解を助けてくれます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Come Join Pikachu on a Colorful Adventure! Pikachu is on a mission to find lots of colors in Pokemon Primers: Colors Book! Help Pikachu explore a variety of destinations--and meet new Pokemon friends along the way. Readers will encounter dozens of colorful Pokemon, including Mr. Mime, Marill, Espeon, and Torchic. Come join Pikachu on a fun adventure highlighting Pokemon and objects that have that color! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing Pokemon, PokeBalls, berries, and more! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this colors book will create lasting memories and a foundation for learning. This book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer-in-training on a Pokemon adventure today!
「色」を探すミッションを受けたピカチュウを助け、一緒に冒険をしましょう。行く先々で、新しい友達があなたとピカチュウを待っています。バリヤード、マリル、エーフィ、アチャモら個性豊かなポケモンたちが旅に彩りを添えてくれます。 100以上のフリップが付属したしかけ絵本。ポケモンだけでなく、モンスターボールやきのみといったアイテムが隠れていることも。ポケモンの名前の発音表記が理解を助けてくれます。児童の読み物作家として高い評価を得ているシムチャ・ホワイトヒルが執筆を担当。
Come Join Pikachu on a Colorful Adventure! Pikachu is on a mission to find lots of colors in Pokemon Primers: Colors Book! Help Pikachu explore a variety of destinations--and meet new Pokemon friends along the way. Readers will encounter dozens of colorful Pokemon, including Mr. Mime, Marill, Espeon, and Torchic. Come join Pikachu on a fun adventure highlighting Pokemon and objects that have that color! This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing Pokemon, PokeBalls, berries, and more! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike. Written by beloved children's author Simcha Whitehill, this colors book will create lasting memories and a foundation for learning. This book will appeal best to younger children, so take your Trainer-in-training on a Pokemon adventure today!
You'll find dozens of Pokemon in the Pokemon Primers: Shapes Book! Join Pikachu as it travels on an exciting adventure, meeting Pokemon friends of different shapes--some are round like a circle, square like a box, or oval like a balloon!This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing Pokemon, Poke Balls, berries, and more! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike.
You'll find dozens of Pokemon in the Pokemon Primers: Shapes Book! Join Pikachu as it travels on an exciting adventure, meeting Pokemon friends of different shapes--some are round like a circle, square like a box, or oval like a balloon!This Pokemon Primer offers a captivating storyline and over 100 flaps to lift and reveal, each showing Pokemon, Poke Balls, berries, and more! Pokemon named in the book also contain their pronunciations to help both kids and parents alike.

Cheerful Milk and patient Mocha share their adorable slice-of-life adventures in this comic collection as they show how opposites really do attract. Featuring a never-before-seen story of how the internet's favorite bear duo met, Milk & Mocha Comics Collection delights readers with the couple's sweet, relatable moments of happiness and love.
2.29cm H x 19.56cm L x 17.27cm W 128 pages
Cheerful Milk and patient Mocha share their adorable slice-of-life adventures in this comic collection as they show how opposites really do attract. Featuring a never-before-seen story of how the internet's favorite bear duo met, Milk & Mocha Comics Collection delights readers with the couple's sweet, relatable moments of happiness and love.
2.29cm H x 19.56cm L x 17.27cm W 128 pages

The Moomins enjoy an ice festival as winter hits Moominvalley. Moomintroll and his family are getting ready for the Long Winter Sleep. But before their slumber, they are invited to the Moominvalley Ice Festival. Will they be able to travel through the winter snow to spend time with their friends?
1.02cm H x 26.16cm L x 21.59cm W 32 pages
The Moomins enjoy an ice festival as winter hits Moominvalley. Moomintroll and his family are getting ready for the Long Winter Sleep. But before their slumber, they are invited to the Moominvalley Ice Festival. Will they be able to travel through the winter snow to spend time with their friends?
1.02cm H x 26.16cm L x 21.59cm W 32 pages

ムーミン谷は冬。ムーミン一家は春を待って眠っていましたが、謎のラッタッタという音で目を覚ましました。 ムーミンたちは、そのなぞの音の正体を探しに行きます。
It's winter in Moominvalley and the Moomin family is deep in its Long Winter Sleep, waiting for Too-Ticky to wake them when spring arrives. But when a mysterious ratta-tattle wakes Moomintroll with a start, will he be brave enough to investigate the noise by himself? And what surprises will he find if he does venture outside?
1.02cm H x 26.16cm L x 22.1cm W 32 pages
ムーミン谷は冬。ムーミン一家は春を待って眠っていましたが、謎のラッタッタという音で目を覚ましました。 ムーミンたちは、そのなぞの音の正体を探しに行きます。
It's winter in Moominvalley and the Moomin family is deep in its Long Winter Sleep, waiting for Too-Ticky to wake them when spring arrives. But when a mysterious ratta-tattle wakes Moomintroll with a start, will he be brave enough to investigate the noise by himself? And what surprises will he find if he does venture outside?
1.02cm H x 26.16cm L x 22.1cm W 32 pages


『PAW Patrol』のライダーとマーシャルと一緒に古い家を訪ねたり、『Santiago of the Seas』のフレンドリーな海賊たちとお菓子の詰まった宝箱を探したり、『Blaze and the Monster Machines』のブレイズとAJと一緒にお化けを追いかけたり。5分程度で読める、子どもたちが大好きな9つのハロウィーンの物語を収録。 ニコロデオンは40年以上にわたって、子供向けのナンバーワン・エンターテインメント・ブランドです。世界で最もアイコニックなキャラクターたちとともに、常に子どもたちのことを第一に考え、あらゆるスクリーンに遊び心あふれるストーリーを生み出しています。
Visit an old house with Ryder and Marshall from PAW Patrol, search for a treasure chest full of treats with the friendly pirates of Santiago of the Seas, and race after ghosts with Blaze and AJ from Blaze and the Monster Machines. These are just a few of the nine not-too-scary tales in this hardcover collection of stories that can each be read in five minutes or less. Nickelodeon fans ages 3 to 7 will love these stories that are perfect for Halloween or anytime! For over 40 years Nickelodeon has been the number-one entertainment brand for kids. They create playful stories for every screen that always puts children first with the world’s most iconic characters.
『PAW Patrol』のライダーとマーシャルと一緒に古い家を訪ねたり、『Santiago of the Seas』のフレンドリーな海賊たちとお菓子の詰まった宝箱を探したり、『Blaze and the Monster Machines』のブレイズとAJと一緒にお化けを追いかけたり。5分程度で読める、子どもたちが大好きな9つのハロウィーンの物語を収録。 ニコロデオンは40年以上にわたって、子供向けのナンバーワン・エンターテインメント・ブランドです。世界で最もアイコニックなキャラクターたちとともに、常に子どもたちのことを第一に考え、あらゆるスクリーンに遊び心あふれるストーリーを生み出しています。
Visit an old house with Ryder and Marshall from PAW Patrol, search for a treasure chest full of treats with the friendly pirates of Santiago of the Seas, and race after ghosts with Blaze and AJ from Blaze and the Monster Machines. These are just a few of the nine not-too-scary tales in this hardcover collection of stories that can each be read in five minutes or less. Nickelodeon fans ages 3 to 7 will love these stories that are perfect for Halloween or anytime! For over 40 years Nickelodeon has been the number-one entertainment brand for kids. They create playful stories for every screen that always puts children first with the world’s most iconic characters.




春、それは暖かな陽だまりを感じる素敵なひとときです。植物の緑が生い茂り、動物が冬眠から目覚め始める頃、 主人公の男の子と彼の犬は春の訪れを感じながら町を探検をします。「冬に別れを告げ、春を迎える」 そんな季節の移り変わりを丁寧に描いた絵本です。
主人公の男の子と彼の犬は探検を通して、小川のせせらぎから小鳥のさえずりといった何気ない自然に目を向け、 春を迎えていきます。季節の移ろいの美しさをぜひお楽しみください。
As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows-spring is on its way!
Join a boy and his dog as they explore nature and take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Hardcover 32pages
春、それは暖かな陽だまりを感じる素敵なひとときです。植物の緑が生い茂り、動物が冬眠から目覚め始める頃、 主人公の男の子と彼の犬は春の訪れを感じながら町を探検をします。「冬に別れを告げ、春を迎える」 そんな季節の移り変わりを丁寧に描いた絵本です。
主人公の男の子と彼の犬は探検を通して、小川のせせらぎから小鳥のさえずりといった何気ない自然に目を向け、 春を迎えていきます。季節の移ろいの美しさをぜひお楽しみください。
As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows-spring is on its way!
Join a boy and his dog as they explore nature and take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Hardcover 32pages

ディズニーの名作「眠れる森の美女」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いにより長い眠りの中に閉じ込められた美しい姫を救うため立ち上がった王子の勇士を描いた、 ディズニーが放つ名作プリンセス・ストーリー。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Sleeping Beauty,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. The story is about the prince who fights to save a beautiful princess fallen in eternal sleep because of the witch's curse.
ディズニーの名作「眠れる森の美女」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いにより長い眠りの中に閉じ込められた美しい姫を救うため立ち上がった王子の勇士を描いた、 ディズニーが放つ名作プリンセス・ストーリー。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Sleeping Beauty,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. The story is about the prince who fights to save a beautiful princess fallen in eternal sleep because of the witch's curse.

夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.
夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.

ディズニーの名作「美女と野獣」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いによって、野獣の姿に変えられてしまったわがままな王子。魔法のバラの最後の花びらが散るまでに、 心から人を愛し、愛されなければ、永遠に醜い姿のままになってしまいます。 ある日、そんな野獣の元に美しく聡明な娘ベルが現れます。呪いで家具や道具に変えられてしまった城の家来たちは、 彼女こそ呪いを解いてくれるのでは…と期待するのですが、ベルは野獣の傲慢さに心を閉ざしてしまいます。 残された時間はあとわずか。果たして、愛の奇蹟は起きるのでしょうか。
This is the DVD of ""Beauty and the Beast,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Once upon a time, there was an arrogant prince who was cursed by a witch and turned into a terrible beast. He has to love and be loved by someone before the last petal of the rose falls; otherwise he would stay as an ugly monster forever. One day, the Beast meets a beautiful, intelligent girl called Belle. The servants, who were turned into furnitures and tools with their master, expect that finally Belle could break the curse. However, Belle close her mind because of the Beast's arrogance. There's not much time lest. Does a love miracle occur?
ディズニーの名作「美女と野獣」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いによって、野獣の姿に変えられてしまったわがままな王子。魔法のバラの最後の花びらが散るまでに、 心から人を愛し、愛されなければ、永遠に醜い姿のままになってしまいます。 ある日、そんな野獣の元に美しく聡明な娘ベルが現れます。呪いで家具や道具に変えられてしまった城の家来たちは、 彼女こそ呪いを解いてくれるのでは…と期待するのですが、ベルは野獣の傲慢さに心を閉ざしてしまいます。 残された時間はあとわずか。果たして、愛の奇蹟は起きるのでしょうか。
This is the DVD of ""Beauty and the Beast,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Once upon a time, there was an arrogant prince who was cursed by a witch and turned into a terrible beast. He has to love and be loved by someone before the last petal of the rose falls; otherwise he would stay as an ugly monster forever. One day, the Beast meets a beautiful, intelligent girl called Belle. The servants, who were turned into furnitures and tools with their master, expect that finally Belle could break the curse. However, Belle close her mind because of the Beast's arrogance. There's not much time lest. Does a love miracle occur?

This is the DVD of ""Aladdin,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Aladdin, a poor but honest young man, becomes the owner of a magical oil lump. When he rubbed it, a cheeful, jokey, versatile jinn called Genie appears and tells that he coule make three wishes come true. However, an evil vizier Jafar have an eye to the magical lump... To defeat Jafar and win the heart of Princess Jasmin, Aladdin must have a courage, and be himself. Even Genie can't make this wish come true.
This is the DVD of ""Aladdin,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Aladdin, a poor but honest young man, becomes the owner of a magical oil lump. When he rubbed it, a cheeful, jokey, versatile jinn called Genie appears and tells that he coule make three wishes come true. However, an evil vizier Jafar have an eye to the magical lump... To defeat Jafar and win the heart of Princess Jasmin, Aladdin must have a courage, and be himself. Even Genie can't make this wish come true.

This is the DVD of ""Tangled,"" one of the enchanting piece released by Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. For 18 years, Rapunzel has never got out of the tower she lives, and never met anyone other than her mother. However, she decided to 'travel' for the fist time in her life, to where the mysterious ""light"" appears on every her birthday.
This is the DVD of ""Tangled,"" one of the enchanting piece released by Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. For 18 years, Rapunzel has never got out of the tower she lives, and never met anyone other than her mother. However, she decided to 'travel' for the fist time in her life, to where the mysterious ""light"" appears on every her birthday.
2.21cm H x 20.6cm L x 14.4cm W 224 pages