
商品名:Kaiju No.8 Vol.1

Kafka wants to clean up kaiju, but not literally! Will a sudden metamorphosis stand in the way of his dream?
With the highest kaiju-emergence rates in the world, Japan is no stranger to attack by deadly monsters. Enter the Japan Defense Force, a military organization tasked with the neutralization of kaiju. Kafka Hibino, a kaiju-corpse cleanup man, has always dreamed of joining the force. But when he gets another shot at achieving his childhood dream, he undergoes an unexpected transformation. How can he fight kaiju now that he's become one himself?!
Kafka hopes to one day keep his pact with his childhood friend Mina to join the Japan Defense Force and fight by her side. But while she's out neutralizing kaiju as Third Division captain, Kafka is stuck cleaning up the aftermath of her battles. When a sudden rule change makes Kafka eligible for the Defense Force, he decides to try out for the squad once more. There's just one problem - he's made the Defense Force's neutralization list under the cod name Kiju No. 8.
With the highest kaiju-emergence rates in the world, Japan is no stranger to attack by deadly monsters. Enter the Japan Defense Force, a military organization tasked with the neutralization of kaiju. Kafka Hibino, a kaiju-corpse cleanup man, has always dreamed of joining the force. But when he gets another shot at achieving his childhood dream, he undergoes an unexpected transformation. How can he fight kaiju now that he's become one himself?!
Kafka hopes to one day keep his pact with his childhood friend Mina to join the Japan Defense Force and fight by her side. But while she's out neutralizing kaiju as Third Division captain, Kafka is stuck cleaning up the aftermath of her battles. When a sudden rule change makes Kafka eligible for the Defense Force, he decides to try out for the squad once more. There's just one problem - he's made the Defense Force's neutralization list under the cod name Kiju No. 8.
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.

The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her? Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure…
The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her? Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure…
【英語コミック】ポケットモンスター! サトシとピカチュウの冒険!
原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。 最強のポケモントレーナーを目指すサトシと、全てのポケモンをゲットする夢をいだくゴウ。 2人とポケモンたちが、「ポケットモンスター」の様々な地方を舞台に飛び回る!熱いバトルや楽しい仲間が増えて行く様子が、五味まちと先生のポケモン愛あふれるまんがで描かれる!!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region!When Ash and Pikachu hitch a ride aboard the Legendary Pokemon Lugia, they discover another kid is also on board! Meet Goh, who wants to catch every Pokemon ever-including Mew! Can Ash and Goh make their lofty dreams come true?
原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。 最強のポケモントレーナーを目指すサトシと、全てのポケモンをゲットする夢をいだくゴウ。 2人とポケモンたちが、「ポケットモンスター」の様々な地方を舞台に飛び回る!熱いバトルや楽しい仲間が増えて行く様子が、五味まちと先生のポケモン愛あふれるまんがで描かれる!!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region!When Ash and Pikachu hitch a ride aboard the Legendary Pokemon Lugia, they discover another kid is also on board! Meet Goh, who wants to catch every Pokemon ever-including Mew! Can Ash and Goh make their lofty dreams come true?
1958年刊のロングセラー『Origami Japanese Paper Folding』の改訂新版です。
1958年刊のロングセラー『Origami Japanese Paper Folding』の改訂新版です。
戦時下の機密文書の手がかりを求め、非合法な大会に参戦する黄昏と夜帷!! だが、自分こそが妻役にふさわしいとロイドを隠れ慕う夜帷によって、フォージャー家に夫婦の危機が...!?
Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment - to get married and have a kid - he may finally be in over his head!
Twilight and Nightfall enter an underground tennis tournament, hoping for an opportunity to obtain an intelligence document that threatens to bring the world to the brink of war! But will their mission be compromised by Nightfall's secret crush on Twilight?!
Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment - to get married and have a kid - he may finally be in over his head!
Twilight and Nightfall enter an underground tennis tournament, hoping for an opportunity to obtain an intelligence document that threatens to bring the world to the brink of war! But will their mission be compromised by Nightfall's secret crush on Twilight?!
Adapted for stage and screen, loved by millions, Victor Hugo's classic novel of love and tragedy set in 19th century France is reborn in this fantastic new manga edition! Gorgeous and expressive art brings to life the unforgettable stories of Jean Valjean, Inspector Javert, and the tragic Fantine in this epic adaptation of Les Miserables!
Macbeth, the Thane of Cawdor, is a loyal subject of Duncan, the King ofScotland. At least, he used to be. With tempting words and treacherous images,three witches and his own wife inspire Macbeth to a terrible act of treason andmurder. As one murder follows another, Macbeth begins to lose his grip upon bothhis sanity and his hard-won kingdom - but what could possibly unseat him fromhis bloody throne? Manga Classics presents a NEW EDITION of Shakespeare's brutalScottish tragedy, featuring lush visuals and the FULL, ADAPTED MODERN ENGLISHtext of the classic play!

Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?
Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?
鬼の始祖・鬼舞辻無惨と炭治郎たちの戦いは最終局面へ…!! 珠世が身を挺して投与した四種類の薬が、無惨を衰えさせ、追い詰めていく。炭治郎と禰豆子、そして鬼殺隊の運命は!? 永きにわたる鬼との闘争、決着の刻!!
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第23巻の英語版。散っていった者たちの想いを背負い、最後の力を振り絞る炭治郎たち。ついに無惨の動きが止まり、その身が朝日に焼かれ始めます。無惨の胸に蘇る産屋敷の言葉。そして、無惨の血と想いを受けた「鬼の王」が覚醒するのです。人間に戻った禰豆子、そして仲間たちの願いは届くのでしょうか? 悲しく美しい鬼狩りの物語、運命の最終巻です。
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.In an epic confrontation, Tanjiro and his fellow Demon Slayers have fought on through the night, suffering terrible losses against the King of Demons, Muzan Kibutsuji. Dawn is breaking soon, and if they can keep Muzan at bay just a little longer, it will be the end of the centuries-long struggle. But Muzan, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Demon Slayers, unleashes his most terrible powers. If he can't defeat the Demon Slayers, he may be able to cause them to destroy themselves from within. All fates and destinies will be decided as the sun begins to rise...
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.In an epic confrontation, Tanjiro and his fellow Demon Slayers have fought on through the night, suffering terrible losses against the King of Demons, Muzan Kibutsuji. Dawn is breaking soon, and if they can keep Muzan at bay just a little longer, it will be the end of the centuries-long struggle. But Muzan, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Demon Slayers, unleashes his most terrible powers. If he can't defeat the Demon Slayers, he may be able to cause them to destroy themselves from within. All fates and destinies will be decided as the sun begins to rise...


『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第17巻では、宝島で石化装置をゲットして帰還した主人公の千空(せんくう)により、元・敵の司(つかさ)を復活させ司は仲間に! 大冒険の最初の目的地、アメリカを目指すところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第17巻では、宝島で石化装置をゲットして帰還した主人公の千空(せんくう)により、元・敵の司(つかさ)を復活させ司は仲間に! 大冒険の最初の目的地、アメリカを目指すところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
予知犬のボンドが家族に加わり、オペレーション〈梟(ストリクス)〉もフォージャー家もようやく軌道に乗ったと思われた――が、中間考査でアーニャ史上最大のピンチ!? 星(ステラ)と雷(トニト)をかけた波乱のテストの行方は…!!
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!
Anya Forger has been trying her best to befriend Damian Desmond, the son of the powerful Ostanian political leader Donovan Desmond, but her attempts have been constantly rebuffed. Despite the setbacks, Anya is determined to gain access to the Desmonds' inner circle and even devises a new plan-acing her midterm exams to earn stella stars! Can the academically challenged Anya pull off this feat for the sake of world peace?
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!
Anya Forger has been trying her best to befriend Damian Desmond, the son of the powerful Ostanian political leader Donovan Desmond, but her attempts have been constantly rebuffed. Despite the setbacks, Anya is determined to gain access to the Desmonds' inner circle and even devises a new plan-acing her midterm exams to earn stella stars! Can the academically challenged Anya pull off this feat for the sake of world peace?

そして10月31日、街に帳が降り「渋谷事変」が始まる!! 週刊少年ジャンプ発・大ヒットホラーアクション
A brilliant general in the service of Venice, Othello is also the newhusband of the adoring - and young - Desdemona, whose innocent hero worship hasblossomed into love. But can a beautiful girl, so much younger than her husband,truly be faithful? Othello's trusted ensign Iago seems to think not. Can Othellotrust him? Can Othello trust anyone? Manga Classics presents Shakespeare'sclassic story of love, hate, vengeance, and betrayal, in its full, originalglory! (This volume features the complete, unabridged text from the ShakespearePlay.)
夜明けまで一時間以上を残し、無惨の猛攻は一層激しさを増す。残る柱全員で食らいつく鬼殺隊だが、その刃を届かせることはできるのか!? そして、無惨の一撃に倒れた炭治郎は…。各々が死力を尽くし、戦いは極限へ…!! 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第22巻の英語版。鬼の始祖・無惨の凶悪な力を前に苦戦を強いられ、満身創痍の鬼殺隊士たち。重傷を負って戦線を離脱した蜜璃。蜜璃に想いを寄せる蛇柱・伊黒は、血族の罪を雪ぐため、命を引き換えにしてでも戦い抜く決意を新たにします。無惨の攻撃に倒れた炭治郎は、生死の堺で継承された記憶…祖先が日の呼吸の使い手・縁壱と過ごした日々を目にします。炭治郎と禰豆子は再び立ち上がり、無惨を倒すことができるのでしょうか?
夜明けまで一時間以上を残し、無惨の猛攻は一層激しさを増す。残る柱全員で食らいつく鬼殺隊だが、その刃を届かせることはできるのか!? そして、無惨の一撃に倒れた炭治郎は…。各々が死力を尽くし、戦いは極限へ…!! 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第22巻の英語版。鬼の始祖・無惨の凶悪な力を前に苦戦を強いられ、満身創痍の鬼殺隊士たち。重傷を負って戦線を離脱した蜜璃。蜜璃に想いを寄せる蛇柱・伊黒は、血族の罪を雪ぐため、命を引き換えにしてでも戦い抜く決意を新たにします。無惨の攻撃に倒れた炭治郎は、生死の堺で継承された記憶…祖先が日の呼吸の使い手・縁壱と過ごした日々を目にします。炭治郎と禰豆子は再び立ち上がり、無惨を倒すことができるのでしょうか?
たとえば「赤血球」はred blood cell、「白血球」はwhite blood cellですが、「血管」「リンパ管」は英語で何と言うのでしょう? 「細菌」や「抗体」は? 答えは全部、本書にあります!
たとえば「赤血球」はred blood cell、「白血球」はwhite blood cellですが、「血管」「リンパ管」は英語で何と言うのでしょう? 「細菌」や「抗体」は? 答えは全部、本書にあります!

Come Rain or Shine
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?

五条達は全滅と思われたが…!? 五条を最強に至らしめ夏油を造反に導いた在りし日の事件、
商品名:バイリンガル版 進撃の巨人 4

爆弾犬を使っての西国大臣暗殺計画が判明! アーニャの飼う犬を求め家族で出かけたはずが、黄昏は、テロを止める緊急作戦に加わる事に…!! 一方アーニャは、何故かフォージャー家を知る不思議な犬と出会い――!?
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!
The Forgers look into adding a dog to their family, but this is no easy task-especially when Twilight has to simultaneously foil an assassination plot against a foreign minister! The perpetrators plan to use trained dogs for the attack, but Twilight gets some unexpected help to stop these terrorists.
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!
The Forgers look into adding a dog to their family, but this is no easy task-especially when Twilight has to simultaneously foil an assassination plot against a foreign minister! The perpetrators plan to use trained dogs for the attack, but Twilight gets some unexpected help to stop these terrorists.
上弦の壱との激闘、決着の刻!! 死力を尽くした戦いの末に、辛くも勝利した鬼殺隊だが、その代償はあまりにも大きかった…。さらに無限城の奥底で、鬼の始祖・鬼舞辻無惨が動き出す…! その時、炭治郎は──!? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第21巻の英語版。有一郎と無一郎、実弥と玄弥、そして巌勝と縁壱。すれ違った兄弟たちの運命が決します。珠世を取り込み、復活を果たした鬼の始祖・無惨は、鬼狩りを全滅させると宣言。崩壊した無限城から生還した柱たちと炭治郎は、朝日が上るまでの一時間半、無惨を足止めし勝利を掴むことができるのでしょうか? 大切な人の想いを胸に、命を賭して戦う仲間たちを嘲る無惨の言葉に、炭治郎の怒りが爆発します。
上弦の壱との激闘、決着の刻!! 死力を尽くした戦いの末に、辛くも勝利した鬼殺隊だが、その代償はあまりにも大きかった…。さらに無限城の奥底で、鬼の始祖・鬼舞辻無惨が動き出す…! その時、炭治郎は──!? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第21巻の英語版。有一郎と無一郎、実弥と玄弥、そして巌勝と縁壱。すれ違った兄弟たちの運命が決します。珠世を取り込み、復活を果たした鬼の始祖・無惨は、鬼狩りを全滅させると宣言。崩壊した無限城から生還した柱たちと炭治郎は、朝日が上るまでの一時間半、無惨を足止めし勝利を掴むことができるのでしょうか? 大切な人の想いを胸に、命を賭して戦う仲間たちを嘲る無惨の言葉に、炭治郎の怒りが爆発します。


Yuta Okkotsu is a nervous high school student who is suffering from a serious problem--his childhood friend Rika has turned into a curse and won't leave him alone. Since Rika is no ordinary curse, his plight is noticed by Satoru Gojo, a teacher at Jujutsu High.High.
『呪術廻戦』の前日譚。2022年にアニメ映画化され、大ヒットを記録しました。 本編では主人公たちの先輩として登場するキャラクターたちが新入生だったころのお話です。 気弱な男子高校生、乙骨憂太(おっこつ・ゆうた)は苦悩を抱えていました。 亡くなった幼馴染、祈本里香(おりもと・りか)が呪いに転じて彼につきまとい、 周囲の人間に危害を加えるのです。里香が普通の呪いとは異なることに気づいた 呪術高専教師・五条悟(ごじょう・さとる)が憂太に接触をはかり…
『呪術廻戦』の前日譚。2022年にアニメ映画化され、大ヒットを記録しました。 本編では主人公たちの先輩として登場するキャラクターたちが新入生だったころのお話です。 気弱な男子高校生、乙骨憂太(おっこつ・ゆうた)は苦悩を抱えていました。 亡くなった幼馴染、祈本里香(おりもと・りか)が呪いに転じて彼につきまとい、 周囲の人間に危害を加えるのです。里香が普通の呪いとは異なることに気づいた 呪術高専教師・五条悟(ごじょう・さとる)が憂太に接触をはかり…
One volume featuring two action-packed tales from the universe of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!Savage demons devour unsuspecting humans in Taisho-era Japan. Armed with special swords, the Demon Slayer Corps fights to stop the devastation demons spread. Giyu Tomioka, the sole Water Hashira, and Kyojuro Rengoku, a high-ranking Kinoe, embark on missions to eliminate demons and prove their mettle as two of the fiercest Demon Slayers. Giyu heads north to an area where a band of hunters was killed. He and the Insect Hashira meet Yae, the daughter of a slain hunter, who believes a bear killed her father, but the truth is harder to face. Kyojuro also receives his newest assignment and hopes completing it will prove he's worthy of the title Flame Hashira, which his father abandoned. An explosive battle unfolds as Kyojuro takes on a demon of the Twelve Kizuki who holds a grudge against Kyojuro's father.