
Hitori Gotoh just wants to be popular, but the thought of interacting with her classmates makes
her fall to pieces. Her solution-become a rock legend so cool that people approach her instead!
However, while spending all of middle school in her closet shredding on the guitar may have earned
her anonymous internet fame, it did nothing for her social skills. Now a high schooler,
Hitori’s feeling ready to shrivel up and die-when she gets a sudden request to fill in for a band!
It’s like her wish came true-but does this most anxious of introverts have what it takes to perform
in front of a live audience?!
her fall to pieces. Her solution-become a rock legend so cool that people approach her instead!
However, while spending all of middle school in her closet shredding on the guitar may have earned
her anonymous internet fame, it did nothing for her social skills. Now a high schooler,
Hitori’s feeling ready to shrivel up and die-when she gets a sudden request to fill in for a band!
It’s like her wish came true-but does this most anxious of introverts have what it takes to perform
in front of a live audience?!
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 9
馬狼のプレーが覚醒し、潔たちは國神・千切・玲王組に勝利! この3選手から潔が指名する男の名は…。そして4人となったチームは、ついに蜂楽を奪ったTOP3チームとの再戦の時を迎える! 己がエゴを貫き通す“かいぶつ”は誰なのか!? 天才ストライカー・糸師 凛に潔が挑む!!

商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 8
「奪敵決戦」次なる試合は3vs.3! 馬狼をチームに入れた潔・凪の前に、國神・千切・玲王が立ちはだかる。互角のプレーを抜け出すためには、化学反応を起こし、試合の中で進化が必要! 潔・凪のエゴが相乗効果で肥大する中、馬狼に初めての敗北が迫る…? 勝つのは誰だ!? 敵も味方も関係ねぇ! 勝つのは俺で、俺が決める!!
Now attending in a high school with a program for aspiring performers, Ruby sees her classmates already nabbing roles and starts to feel the pressure: It's time to start her idol career! Meanwhile, Aqua lands a spot in a reality show. What does it mean to be "real" in the entertainment world, where lies are like weapons?
Now attending in a high school with a program for aspiring performers, Ruby sees her classmates already nabbing roles and starts to feel the pressure: It's time to start her idol career! Meanwhile, Aqua lands a spot in a reality show. What does it mean to be "real" in the entertainment world, where lies are like weapons?

Fushiguro and Reggie have nearly crushed each other to death. Reggie makes a move to break the stalemate and bring their battle to its climax!
Meanwhile, Okkotsu disrupts the fourーway standoff between jujutsu fighters in the Sendai colony, leading to a fierce battle involving reincarnated sorcerers and a special grade cursed spirit!

A spooky season classic gets new life in this lap board book edition of the Peanuts gang’s whimsical Halloween adventures!It’s Halloween night, and the Peanuts gang is busy dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, and bobbing for apples. Meanwhile, Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin to rise from the pumpkin patch and bring toys to all the children of the world. Could this be the year it finally appears?
27.62 x 1.78 x 20.96 cm 32 pages
A spooky season classic gets new life in this lap board book edition of the Peanuts gang’s whimsical Halloween adventures!It’s Halloween night, and the Peanuts gang is busy dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, and bobbing for apples. Meanwhile, Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin to rise from the pumpkin patch and bring toys to all the children of the world. Could this be the year it finally appears?
27.62 x 1.78 x 20.96 cm 32 pages

This spirited storybook relives the not so spooky Halloween adventures of Alice and her friends on Alice's Wonderland Bakery.
Fergie is excited to go to the Halloween celebration at Hearts Palace, but the timid rabbit admits to his friends that he sometimes gets a little overwhelmed during spooky parties. Alice and her friends help Fergie realize it takes bravery to admit you're scared.
Fergie is excited to go to the Halloween celebration at Hearts Palace, but the timid rabbit admits to his friends that he sometimes gets a little overwhelmed during spooky parties. Alice and her friends help Fergie realize it takes bravery to admit you're scared.
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 7
勝者が敗者を引き抜く二次選考「奪敵決戦(ライバルリー・バトル)」にて、TOPストライカー・糸師 凛たちに敗れた潔と凪は、蜂楽を失い、再起と成長を誓い次なる戦いへ。極限の“個”の力が試される2vs.2の決戦で、戦う相手は旧伍号棟得点王・馬狼照英。敗北すれば脱落の崖っぷち。潔は、王様・馬狼との1対1を制した先にある“天才側”を目指す!
“赤ちゃんライフ”を満喫する双子のアクアとルビー! しかし、その時間も束の間に、アイはストーカーに殺害されてしまう…。
Ten years after the murder of pop idol Ai Hoshino, her young (and unusually mature) twins are now poised to enter high school. While her death has had a profound effect on the children, it's manifested in polar-opposite ways. Ruby is determined to follow...
Ten years after the murder of pop idol Ai Hoshino, her young (and unusually mature) twins are now poised to enter high school. While her death has had a profound effect on the children, it's manifested in polar-opposite ways. Ruby is determined to follow...
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 6
“青い監獄(ブルーロック)”一次選考を突破した潔たちチームZは、1人ずつ扉を開き、独力で挑む二次選考へ! 進んだ先に待っていたのは最新鋭GKシステム・BLUE LOCK MAN。その訓練内容とは!? さらに明らかになる二次選考の全容! 未知のストライカーたちとの出会いと、驚愕ルールの新たなる試合が潔を待つ!!

In order to add a rule that will serve as a loophole in the Culling Game, Itadori and Fushiguro set their sights on a player named Hiromi Higuruma, who has 100 points.
But when they enter Tokyo Colony No. 1, the two get separated. They both find others willing to help them, however...
出版社:Master Dragon
ヨルvs暗殺者集団の戦いは終局へ…!! その一方で、豪華客船には爆弾が仕掛けられていた──! 危機を察知したロイドとアーニャは、それぞれ尽力するが…!?
Yor’s on assignment and finds herself up against a gang of assassins on board a luxury cruiser. Meanwhile, Loid and Anya each discover that bombs have been planted throughout the ship! Will their best efforts be enough to save the vessel?
Yor’s on assignment and finds herself up against a gang of assassins on board a luxury cruiser. Meanwhile, Loid and Anya each discover that bombs have been planted throughout the ship! Will their best efforts be enough to save the vessel?
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 5
圧倒的な天才・凪の得点力を誇るチームV相手に、後半15分で3対3に追いついたチームZ。選手たちは次なる次元への“覚醒”を求め、自らのプレーを見つめ直すことに。潔は自分のプレーに潜む「無駄」の正体を解き明かし、強敵からゴールを奪うことができるのか!? 限界を超え、新たな武器でシュートを放て! 死闘・チームV戦、決着!!

Gorou is a gynecologist and idol fan who's in shock after his favorite star, Ai, announces an impromptu hiatus. Little does Gorou realize that he's about to forge a bond with her that defies all common sense! Lies are an idol's greatest weapon in this outrageous manga from Aka Akasaka (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and Mengo Yokoyari (Scum's Wish).
Gorou is a gynecologist and idol fan who's in shock after his favorite star, Ai, announces an impromptu hiatus. Little does Gorou realize that he's about to forge a bond with her that defies all common sense! Lies are an idol's greatest weapon in this outrageous manga from Aka Akasaka (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and Mengo Yokoyari (Scum's Wish).

In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 4
青い監獄(ブルーロック)”一次選考最終試合、始まる! 潔たちチームZは「負けor引き分け=即脱落」の、勝つしかない運命の戦いに挑む! 相手は天才・凪誠士郎を擁する伍号棟最強のチームV! Vの圧倒的攻撃力に、Zの死力は通用するのか──。勝利の鍵は“ゴールの再現性”!? 負ければ人生終了! さぁ挑め、エゴイストたちよ!
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker, in this Squid Game-meets-World Cup manga, now available in print!
Anime airing now!
It's the final round of the first selection and Team Z needs to win against Team V--the undefeated team of Wing 5--to survive! A triple threat awaits Isagi, including prodigy Seishiro Nagi, who only started playing soccer six months ago. Moreover, Team Z is still one man down after Kuon's brutal betrayal in the previous game. The odds are stacked against them as they enter the pitch, and Isagi and his teammates are becoming painfully aware of how weak they really are. In this end, is it all pointless? Or will desperation triumph over talent?
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker, in this Squid Game-meets-World Cup manga, now available in print!
Anime airing now!
It's the final round of the first selection and Team Z needs to win against Team V--the undefeated team of Wing 5--to survive! A triple threat awaits Isagi, including prodigy Seishiro Nagi, who only started playing soccer six months ago. Moreover, Team Z is still one man down after Kuon's brutal betrayal in the previous game. The odds are stacked against them as they enter the pitch, and Isagi and his teammates are becoming painfully aware of how weak they really are. In this end, is it all pointless? Or will desperation triumph over talent?

原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。3巻では、大人気NintendoSwitchゲーム『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」の重要ポケモン「ムゲンダイナ」を巡るストーリーが展開。ガラル地方で発生するポケモンがダイマックスする現象を調査にきたサトシとゴウが大事件に巻き込まれる!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region! Ash and Goh encounter Legendary Pokemon, including Suicune and Eternatus, as they continue their investigation into the Dynamax phenomenon happening in the Galar region. But their biggest challenge involves one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon ever! Can Ash and Goh handle a battle against Mewtwo?!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region! Ash and Goh encounter Legendary Pokemon, including Suicune and Eternatus, as they continue their investigation into the Dynamax phenomenon happening in the Galar region. But their biggest challenge involves one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon ever! Can Ash and Goh handle a battle against Mewtwo?!
商品名:Blue Lock Vol. 3
青い監獄(ブルーロック)"一次選考も、4試合中2試合が終了。人生を懸けた真剣勝負の中で相手を打ち負かし、勝つことの快感を味わった潔とチームZは、士気高くチームYとの第3試合に臨む!! だが、チームZに予想外の内部分裂が発生!? さらに戦うことを諦めかけた千切豹馬という問題も抱え、Yのエース・鰐間兄弟の猛攻に打ち勝てるのか──。
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker, in this Squid Game-meets-World Cup manga, now available in print!
Anime airing now!
Savoring the sweet taste of victory against Team Y, Team Z is pumped to face their next opponent in the first selection round-robin tournament--Team W! But cracks begin to show within the shaky bonds of Team Z, and internal fears freeze players in their tracks on the field. In the face of Team W's powerful aces, the Wanima twins, will Team Z be able to come together in time to escape defeat?
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker, in this Squid Game-meets-World Cup manga, now available in print!
Anime airing now!
Savoring the sweet taste of victory against Team Y, Team Z is pumped to face their next opponent in the first selection round-robin tournament--Team W! But cracks begin to show within the shaky bonds of Team Z, and internal fears freeze players in their tracks on the field. In the face of Team W's powerful aces, the Wanima twins, will Team Z be able to come together in time to escape defeat?
The mages begin the second stage of their certification exam: a dangerous expedition into the innermost depths of the ruins of the king’s tomb. This time, there are no teams and it’s every mage for themselves. Whether they want to team up or not, the challenge they will face-their own clones-will push their skills to the limit.
The mages begin the second stage of their certification exam: a dangerous expedition into the innermost depths of the ruins of the king’s tomb. This time, there are no teams and it’s every mage for themselves. Whether they want to team up or not, the challenge they will face-their own clones-will push their skills to the limit.
商品名:Dandadan Vol.1

【英語コミック】ダンダダン 人気急上昇中のコミック!
A nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his high school crush and a spirit granny?! Momo Ayase and Okarun are on opposite sides of the paranormal spectrum regarding what they’ll believe in and what they won’t. Their quest to prove each other wrong leads them down a path of secret crushes and paranormal battles they’ll have to participate in to believe!
A nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his high school crush and a spirit granny?! Momo Ayase and Okarun are on opposite sides of the paranormal spectrum regarding what they’ll believe in and what they won’t. Their quest to prove each other wrong leads them down a path of secret crushes and paranormal battles they’ll have to participate in to believe!
商品名:Kaiju No.8 Vol.4
With the highest kaiju-emergence rates in the world, Japan is no stranger to attack by deadly monsters.
Enter the Japan Defense Force, a military organization tasked with the neutralization of kaiju.
Kafka Hibino, a kaiju-corpse cleanup man, has always dreamed of joining the force. But when he gets another shot at achieving his childhood dream,
he undergoes an unexpected transformation. How can he fight kaiju now that he's become one himself?!
The raid on the Defense Force's Tachikawa base continues as the officers expend their efforts to fend off the yoju. Meanwhile, Hoshina unleashes his full combat power to take on the daikaiju--the mightiest kaiju of the group. Just when the battle seems to be over, the daikaiju transforms and Kafka's detection ability reacts to it! Can Kafka find a way to save the day without revealing his secret?
The raid on the Defense Force's Tachikawa base continues as the officers expend their efforts to fend off the yoju. Meanwhile, Hoshina unleashes his full combat power to take on the daikaiju--the mightiest kaiju of the group. Just when the battle seems to be over, the daikaiju transforms and Kafka's detection ability reacts to it! Can Kafka find a way to save the day without revealing his secret?
As filming wraps on Love for Real, Mem-cho confesses that despite her online success, she s always dreamed of becoming an idol. How convenient Aqua happens to know a group that s recruiting! Now three members strong, the new B Komachi can start working on their routine but will they get their act together in time for Japan Idol Fest?!