2020 FALL
Oxford University Press
<Course Title>
Art History 2096 (801) Art History Writing Intensive
Art History 2800 (801) Topics in Non-West Art
Watanabe, Shinya C
Oxford University Press
<Course Title>
Art History 2096 (801) Art History Writing Intensive
Art History 2800 (801) Topics in Non-West Art
Watanabe, Shinya C
<Course Title>
Economics 1101(801) Macroeconomic Principles
Mino Sonia
<Course Title>
Economics 1101(801) Macroeconomic Principles
Mino Sonia
Ensure learners truly understand all the essential TOK foundations and provide a practical learning scaffold to confidently progress them onto higher order thinking. Comprehensively supporting the TOK course book and mapped to the 2013 syllabus, this focused guide distils the big TOK ideas and builds student confidence right from the start.

【英語コミック】東京リベンジャーズ 2巻がまとまった一冊!

大ヒット映画「君の名は。」の英語小説版。小さな町で暮らす女子高生、三葉(みつは)は不思議な夢を見ます。 それは都会に住む男の子、瀧(たき)になる夢。一方で瀧は三葉になる夢を見ます。 やがて2人はこれが夢じゃないことに気づいて…。
不思議な入れ替わりから始まる壮大な物語。映画でのセリフは英語ではどう表現されているのでしょうか。 違いを感じ取りながら読み進めていくのも面白いかもしれません。
Mitsuha, a high school girl living in a small town in the mountains, has a dream that she's a boy living in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy in Tokyo, dreams he's a girl living in a quaint little mountain town. Sharing bodies, relationships, and lives, the two become inextricably interwoven--but are any connections truly inseverable in the grand tapestry of fate?
Written by director MAKOTO SHINKAI during the production of the film by the same title, your name. is in turns funny, heartwarming, and heart-wrenching as it follows the struggles of two young people determined to hold on to one another. Hardback 192 pages
大ヒット映画「君の名は。」の英語小説版。小さな町で暮らす女子高生、三葉(みつは)は不思議な夢を見ます。 それは都会に住む男の子、瀧(たき)になる夢。一方で瀧は三葉になる夢を見ます。 やがて2人はこれが夢じゃないことに気づいて…。
不思議な入れ替わりから始まる壮大な物語。映画でのセリフは英語ではどう表現されているのでしょうか。 違いを感じ取りながら読み進めていくのも面白いかもしれません。
Mitsuha, a high school girl living in a small town in the mountains, has a dream that she's a boy living in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy in Tokyo, dreams he's a girl living in a quaint little mountain town. Sharing bodies, relationships, and lives, the two become inextricably interwoven--but are any connections truly inseverable in the grand tapestry of fate?
Written by director MAKOTO SHINKAI during the production of the film by the same title, your name. is in turns funny, heartwarming, and heart-wrenching as it follows the struggles of two young people determined to hold on to one another. Hardback 192 pages

A young boy, lying awake one Christmas Eve, is welcomed aboard a magical train to the North Pole . . .
Through dark forests, over tall mountains, and across a barren desert of ice, the Polar Express makes its way to the huge city standing alone at the top of the world, where the boy will make his Christmas wish.
For millions of readers around the world, this mysterious journey to the North Pole has become a beloved Christmas classic. In this thirtieth-anniversary edition, the inimitable artistry of Chris Van Allsburg is showcased with a bold new jacket design and expanded interior layout.
The Polar Express is a Caldecott Medal winner, and reading the story together is a beloved holiday tradition held by generations of families. It has also become a favorite holiday movie and been translated into stage productions that take place across the United States during the holiday season.
32 pages 11.38 x 0.38 x 9 inches
Through dark forests, over tall mountains, and across a barren desert of ice, the Polar Express makes its way to the huge city standing alone at the top of the world, where the boy will make his Christmas wish.
For millions of readers around the world, this mysterious journey to the North Pole has become a beloved Christmas classic. In this thirtieth-anniversary edition, the inimitable artistry of Chris Van Allsburg is showcased with a bold new jacket design and expanded interior layout.
The Polar Express is a Caldecott Medal winner, and reading the story together is a beloved holiday tradition held by generations of families. It has also become a favorite holiday movie and been translated into stage productions that take place across the United States during the holiday season.
32 pages 11.38 x 0.38 x 9 inches
本書は、『Our World』シリーズ監修のJoan Kang ShinとJoAnn Crandallの共著による『Teaching Young Learners English』の日本語訳版です。翻訳は『Explore Our World 1』の日本語指導案集を執筆した町田智久氏が担当。児童英語の基礎理論とそれに基づく応用実践をわかりやすく伝授します。さらに論理的思考やグローバルな視野、テクノロジー能力、体験型学習など時勢に即した授業展開でそのスキルを伸ばすヒント、またナショナルジオグラフィックなどのコンテンツを利用しながら思考力やプレゼンテーション能力を養い、活気あるクラス運営を図るための方法や教材も紹介しています。将来教職を目指す学生たちの基礎テキストとして、また現役教師の方々の知識やスキルをさらに高めるためのリファレンスとして、ぜひ手元に置いておきたい有益な1冊です。
本書は、『Our World』シリーズ監修のJoan Kang ShinとJoAnn Crandallの共著による『Teaching Young Learners English』の日本語訳版です。翻訳は『Explore Our World 1』の日本語指導案集を執筆した町田智久氏が担当。児童英語の基礎理論とそれに基づく応用実践をわかりやすく伝授します。さらに論理的思考やグローバルな視野、テクノロジー能力、体験型学習など時勢に即した授業展開でそのスキルを伸ばすヒント、またナショナルジオグラフィックなどのコンテンツを利用しながら思考力やプレゼンテーション能力を養い、活気あるクラス運営を図るための方法や教材も紹介しています。将来教職を目指す学生たちの基礎テキストとして、また現役教師の方々の知識やスキルをさらに高めるためのリファレンスとして、ぜひ手元に置いておきたい有益な1冊です。
【英語コミック】フルーツバスケット 女の子に大人気コミック!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.