113年振りに上弦の鬼が欠け、憤る無惨は残りの上弦の鬼たちへ更なる命を下す!! 一方、妓夫太郎との戦いで刀を刃毀れさせた炭治郎に鋼鐵塚は大激怒。新たな刀を求めて、炭治郎は鋼鐵塚のいる刀鍛冶の里へと訪れるが…!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第12巻の英語版。2023年にアニメ化された「刀鍛冶の里編」がスタート! 刀鍛冶の里に到着した炭治郎。里には他にも、霞柱・時透無一郎、恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃、そして炭治郎の同期である不死川玄弥が逗留していました。炭治郎は刀鍛冶見習いの少年・小鉄と共に、不思議な絡繰人形を使った修行に挑み、「日の呼吸」の謎に迫ります。しかし、無惨の命を受けた上弦の伍と肆、玉壺と半天狗が里を急襲し…鬼を倒せる唯一の武器である日輪刀とそれを鍛造する刀鍛冶は、鬼殺隊の生命線です。炭治郎は、柱たちと協力し、里を守り切ることができるでしょうか?
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
For the first time in over 100 years, the upper ranks of Muzan Kibutsuji's Twelve Kizuki are not full. Angered, Muzan dispatches the survivors on another mission. Elsewhere, Tanjiro journeys to a village of swordsmiths and has to explain how his sword was so badly damaged to Haganezuka, the smith who made it. While Tanjiro waits for his sword to be repaired, enemies close in...
113年振りに上弦の鬼が欠け、憤る無惨は残りの上弦の鬼たちへ更なる命を下す!! 一方、妓夫太郎との戦いで刀を刃毀れさせた炭治郎に鋼鐵塚は大激怒。新たな刀を求めて、炭治郎は鋼鐵塚のいる刀鍛冶の里へと訪れるが…!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第12巻の英語版。2023年にアニメ化された「刀鍛冶の里編」がスタート! 刀鍛冶の里に到着した炭治郎。里には他にも、霞柱・時透無一郎、恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃、そして炭治郎の同期である不死川玄弥が逗留していました。炭治郎は刀鍛冶見習いの少年・小鉄と共に、不思議な絡繰人形を使った修行に挑み、「日の呼吸」の謎に迫ります。しかし、無惨の命を受けた上弦の伍と肆、玉壺と半天狗が里を急襲し…鬼を倒せる唯一の武器である日輪刀とそれを鍛造する刀鍛冶は、鬼殺隊の生命線です。炭治郎は、柱たちと協力し、里を守り切ることができるでしょうか?
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
For the first time in over 100 years, the upper ranks of Muzan Kibutsuji's Twelve Kizuki are not full. Angered, Muzan dispatches the survivors on another mission. Elsewhere, Tanjiro journeys to a village of swordsmiths and has to explain how his sword was so badly damaged to Haganezuka, the smith who made it. While Tanjiro waits for his sword to be repaired, enemies close in...
上弦の鬼・半天狗と玉壺が、隠れ里である刀鍛冶の里に襲来!? 攻撃するたび分裂して威力を増す半天狗に、炭治郎と玄弥は苦戦を強いられる。一方、他人への関心が薄い霞柱・時透は、鬼に襲われている小鉄を目撃して…!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第13巻の英語版。上弦の肆・半天狗から分かたれた4体の分身たちに応戦する炭治郎、玄弥、禰豆子。人間離れした回復力を持ち、幾度も致命傷を受けても立ち上がる玄弥の胸に、兄・実弥との記憶が蘇ります。一方、炭治郎が絡繰人形の体内から見つけた刀を研ぐ鋼鐵塚にも、上弦の伍・玉壺の魔の手が忍び寄っていました。それぞれの命運はいかに? 恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃が、仲間たちの危機を救うべく走ります。
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
The strange shape-shifting demons Hatengu and Gyokko attack Tanjiro and his friends in the hidden village of swordsmiths. The Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito, engages the demons, but he'll need some help from Tanjiro and another Demon Slayer, Genya. It's bad enough that they have to fight two upper-rank demons, but can they handle a foe who can split itself into four separate bodies and regenerate almost instantly?
上弦の鬼・半天狗と玉壺が、隠れ里である刀鍛冶の里に襲来!? 攻撃するたび分裂して威力を増す半天狗に、炭治郎と玄弥は苦戦を強いられる。一方、他人への関心が薄い霞柱・時透は、鬼に襲われている小鉄を目撃して…!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第13巻の英語版。上弦の肆・半天狗から分かたれた4体の分身たちに応戦する炭治郎、玄弥、禰豆子。人間離れした回復力を持ち、幾度も致命傷を受けても立ち上がる玄弥の胸に、兄・実弥との記憶が蘇ります。一方、炭治郎が絡繰人形の体内から見つけた刀を研ぐ鋼鐵塚にも、上弦の伍・玉壺の魔の手が忍び寄っていました。それぞれの命運はいかに? 恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃が、仲間たちの危機を救うべく走ります。
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
The strange shape-shifting demons Hatengu and Gyokko attack Tanjiro and his friends in the hidden village of swordsmiths. The Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito, engages the demons, but he'll need some help from Tanjiro and another Demon Slayer, Genya. It's bad enough that they have to fight two upper-rank demons, but can they handle a foe who can split itself into four separate bodies and regenerate almost instantly?
感情ごとに分裂していた鬼・半天狗の本体以外が合体し、炭治郎を襲う! 半天狗から「弱き者」をいたぶると言われ、苦戦中の炭治郎は憤慨し!? 一方、霞柱の時透は過去の記憶を取り戻し、玉壺と対峙する。すると時透に変化が? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第14巻の英語版。玉壺に捕らわれ、死の危機に瀕した霞柱・時透無一郎は、失っていた記憶を取り戻します。かつて、両親や兄・有一郎と暮らしていた時のこと。弟を無能扱いし、辛く当たっていた有一郎の本当の想い。なぜ、鬼と戦うのか。その理由を取り戻した時透は覚醒し、さらに冴え渡った技で玉壺に反撃をしかけます。一方、半天狗の最後の分身・憎珀天に苦しめられる炭治郎のもとに、恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃が到着し…上弦の鬼二体との戦いを描く「刀鍛冶の里編」が最後の局面を迎えます。"
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
Tanjiro's sword is still not ready. The swordsmith Haganezuka tries to concentrate on finishing while Tanjiro and his friends engage the two upperーrank demons, Hantengu and Gyokko, in a ferocious battle. Hantengu continues to create different forms to attack the Demon Slayers. Meanwhile, the Mist Hashira Tokito regains his memories of the past and confronts Gyokko, but what will these memories reveal?
感情ごとに分裂していた鬼・半天狗の本体以外が合体し、炭治郎を襲う! 半天狗から「弱き者」をいたぶると言われ、苦戦中の炭治郎は憤慨し!? 一方、霞柱の時透は過去の記憶を取り戻し、玉壺と対峙する。すると時透に変化が? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第14巻の英語版。玉壺に捕らわれ、死の危機に瀕した霞柱・時透無一郎は、失っていた記憶を取り戻します。かつて、両親や兄・有一郎と暮らしていた時のこと。弟を無能扱いし、辛く当たっていた有一郎の本当の想い。なぜ、鬼と戦うのか。その理由を取り戻した時透は覚醒し、さらに冴え渡った技で玉壺に反撃をしかけます。一方、半天狗の最後の分身・憎珀天に苦しめられる炭治郎のもとに、恋柱・甘露寺蜜璃が到着し…上弦の鬼二体との戦いを描く「刀鍛冶の里編」が最後の局面を迎えます。"
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
Tanjiro's sword is still not ready. The swordsmith Haganezuka tries to concentrate on finishing while Tanjiro and his friends engage the two upperーrank demons, Hantengu and Gyokko, in a ferocious battle. Hantengu continues to create different forms to attack the Demon Slayers. Meanwhile, the Mist Hashira Tokito regains his memories of the past and confronts Gyokko, but what will these memories reveal?

上弦の鬼・半天狗の本体を追い詰める炭治郎。しかし夜明けが近付き、鬼である禰豆子の身体に危機が!? 禰豆子の身を案じ、半天狗を倒しに行くことに躊躇する炭治郎。果たして半天狗を討てるのか!? そして禰豆子の安否は!? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第14巻の英語版。上弦の鬼たちとの激闘の最中、丹次郎、時透、蜜璃に奇妙な痣が現れ、秘められた能力が覚醒します。怨敵・半天狗にとどめを刺すため、朝陽に焼かれる禰豆子を残し走る炭治郎。禰豆子に起こった進化とは… 大幅な身体能力の向上が見込める「痣」の発言条件についての仮説を述べる時透。さらに熾烈を極める鬼との戦いに向けて、「柱稽古」の開催が決定されるのでした。
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
Tanjiro finally chases down the main body of the upper-rank demon Hantengu. However, dawn is approaching, and the rising sun is a threat to Nezuko. Tanjiro's concern for his sister is a distraction from the focus he needs to fight Hantengu, and if he hesitates it could be the last mistake he ever makes! Elsewhere, Tamayo ponders the nature of Nezuko's curse and how she could be so different from other demons.
上弦の鬼・半天狗の本体を追い詰める炭治郎。しかし夜明けが近付き、鬼である禰豆子の身体に危機が!? 禰豆子の身を案じ、半天狗を倒しに行くことに躊躇する炭治郎。果たして半天狗を討てるのか!? そして禰豆子の安否は!? 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第14巻の英語版。上弦の鬼たちとの激闘の最中、丹次郎、時透、蜜璃に奇妙な痣が現れ、秘められた能力が覚醒します。怨敵・半天狗にとどめを刺すため、朝陽に焼かれる禰豆子を残し走る炭治郎。禰豆子に起こった進化とは… 大幅な身体能力の向上が見込める「痣」の発言条件についての仮説を述べる時透。さらに熾烈を極める鬼との戦いに向けて、「柱稽古」の開催が決定されるのでした。
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!
In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.
Tanjiro finally chases down the main body of the upper-rank demon Hantengu. However, dawn is approaching, and the rising sun is a threat to Nezuko. Tanjiro's concern for his sister is a distraction from the focus he needs to fight Hantengu, and if he hesitates it could be the last mistake he ever makes! Elsewhere, Tamayo ponders the nature of Nezuko's curse and how she could be so different from other demons.
花街を支配していた花魁の鬼、堕姫! 力を分けていた帯とひとつとなり、増した力で堕姫は炭治郎を襲う!! 炭治郎はヒノカミ神楽で応戦するが限界を超え!? 炭治郎に代わり禰豆子や宇随が対峙するが、上弦の鬼の堕姫との戦いは、思いがけぬ展開に!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第10巻の英語版。ヒノカミ神楽の連続使用によって限界を迎えてしまった炭治郎ですが、新たな力に覚醒した禰豆子の奮戦に後押しされた宇随がついに堕姫の首を斬ることに成功します。戦いは終わったかに思えましたが…堕姫の背中から這い出してきたのは、兄・妓夫太郎! 二人は兄妹で一体の「上弦の鬼」だったのです。堕姫に加え、彼女を凌ぐ実力を持つ妓夫太郎の猛攻に追い詰められる炭治郎たち一行に、勝機はあるのでしょうか?
Despite some comic misunderstandings that almost blew their cover, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu have smoked out Daki, a demon that has been devouring the residents of an entertainment district for years. The Hashira Tengen Uzui and his ninja companions engage Daki, but if they cannot handle her, what chance do Tanjiro and his friends have of taking on one of Kibutsuji's Upper-Rank demons by themselves?
花街を支配していた花魁の鬼、堕姫! 力を分けていた帯とひとつとなり、増した力で堕姫は炭治郎を襲う!! 炭治郎はヒノカミ神楽で応戦するが限界を超え!? 炭治郎に代わり禰豆子や宇随が対峙するが、上弦の鬼の堕姫との戦いは、思いがけぬ展開に!?
週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第10巻の英語版。ヒノカミ神楽の連続使用によって限界を迎えてしまった炭治郎ですが、新たな力に覚醒した禰豆子の奮戦に後押しされた宇随がついに堕姫の首を斬ることに成功します。戦いは終わったかに思えましたが…堕姫の背中から這い出してきたのは、兄・妓夫太郎! 二人は兄妹で一体の「上弦の鬼」だったのです。堕姫に加え、彼女を凌ぐ実力を持つ妓夫太郎の猛攻に追い詰められる炭治郎たち一行に、勝機はあるのでしょうか?
Despite some comic misunderstandings that almost blew their cover, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu have smoked out Daki, a demon that has been devouring the residents of an entertainment district for years. The Hashira Tengen Uzui and his ninja companions engage Daki, but if they cannot handle her, what chance do Tanjiro and his friends have of taking on one of Kibutsuji's Upper-Rank demons by themselves?

A story of two people determined to hold on to one another.
Mitsuha, a high school girl from a town deep in the mountains, dreams of an unfamiliar life in Tokyo.
Taki, a high school boyfrom Tokyo, dreams that he is a girl living in the mountains. Asthe two begin swapping lives, a miraculous story is set in motion.
出版社:Random House
The second installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm!
【英語版コミック】美少女戦士セーラームーン 令和の最新版!



【英語コミック】おじさまと猫 ほのぼのとしたハートフルストーリー
A kitten languishes in a pet shop, unwanted and unloved. Even as his price drops with each passing day, no one spares him a glance unless it's to call him names. Having practically given up on life, the kitty himself is most shocked of all when an older gentleman comes into the store and wants to take him home! Will the man and the cat find what they're looking for...in each other?
A kitten languishes in a pet shop, unwanted and unloved. Even as his price drops with each passing day, no one spares him a glance unless it's to call him names. Having practically given up on life, the kitty himself is most shocked of all when an older gentleman comes into the store and wants to take him home! Will the man and the cat find what they're looking for...in each other?



Now that Fukumaru and Mr. Kanda have found each other, every new day brings with it a series of surprises and delights.
As the pair navigate their new life together, time, which had frozen for Mr. Kanda following a personal tragedy, gradually begins to move again...
As the pair navigate their new life together, time, which had frozen for Mr. Kanda following a personal tragedy, gradually begins to move again...



Papa-san and Fukumaru's modest shared life becomes more and more comfortable.
And Papa-san, with the help of the kittens, gradually learns to be close to those around him.
One day, however, Fukumaru is pulled out of Papa-san's arms at the veterinary clinic!
Fukumaru is in big trouble.
The man and the cat, who know how lonely he feels, shed tears at the thought of being separated......
Papa-san and Fukumaru's modest shared life becomes more and more comfortable.
And Papa-san, with the help of the kittens, gradually learns to be close to those around him.
One day, however, Fukumaru is pulled out of Papa-san's arms at the veterinary clinic!
Fukumaru is in big trouble.
The man and the cat, who know how lonely he feels, shed tears at the thought of being separated......



Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?
Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?
Jan Brettのイラストによるウクライナ民謡の名作が、ミニサイズのボードブックで登場!


商品名:The Gruffalo
森の中を散歩しているネズミ。そこにお腹を空かせたキツネ、フクロウ、そしてヘビが彼を食べようと狙いにやってきます。 しかしネズミが恐ろしい牙や毒のイボを持っているグルッファローと待ち合わせをしていることを聞いてキツネたちは驚きます。 でも実はグルッファローはネズミが作り上げた存在で…。
ネズミの頭の回転の良さで自らのピンチを乗り越えていく爽快なストーリーです。 ネズミがどんな言葉でキツネたちを追い払っていくのかをぜひご覧ください。
森の中を散歩しているネズミ。そこにお腹を空かせたキツネ、フクロウ、そしてヘビが彼を食べようと狙いにやってきます。 しかしネズミが恐ろしい牙や毒のイボを持っているグルッファローと待ち合わせをしていることを聞いてキツネたちは驚きます。 でも実はグルッファローはネズミが作り上げた存在で…。
ネズミの頭の回転の良さで自らのピンチを乗り越えていく爽快なストーリーです。 ネズミがどんな言葉でキツネたちを追い払っていくのかをぜひご覧ください。


世界最強のブランドは、いかにして生まれたか? 創業者が自ら語る、ナイキの創業秘話!1962年。ビジネススクールを卒業したばかりのフィル・ナイトは、父親から借りた50ドルを元手に、たった一つの使命を負った会社を作った。それは、ハイクオリティ・ローコストの運動靴を日本から仕入れること。愛車のプリムスのトランクから靴を売り、初年度で8000ドルを売り上げたナイト。そして今日、ナイキの年間売上は300憶ドルにのぼる。ナイキのロゴであるスウッシュは、世界中で親しまれる一大アイコンとなった。一方で、ナイキを創った人物の実像は常に謎に包まれてきた。創業者本人が初めて語る、ナイキ誕生の秘密。
In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import highーquality, lowーcost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the boot of his Plymouth, Knight grossed $8000 in his first year. Today, Nike's annual sales top $30 billion. In an age of startーups, Nike is the ne plus ultra of all startーups, and the swoosh has become a revolutionary, globeーspanning icon, one of the most ubiquitous and recognisable symbols in the world today.But Knight, the man behind the swoosh, has always remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, he tells his story. Candid, humble, wry and gutsy, he begins with his crossroads moment when at 24 he decided to start his own business. He details the many risks and daunting setbacks that stood between him and his dream ー along with his early triumphs. Above all, he recalls how his first band of partners and employees soon became a tightーknit band of brothers. Together, harnessing the transcendent power of a shared mission, and a deep belief in the spirit of sport, they built a brand that changed everything.A memoir rich with insight, humour and hardーwon wisdom, this book is also studded with lessons ー about building something from scratch, overcoming adversity, and ultimately leaving your mark on the world.
世界最強のブランドは、いかにして生まれたか? 創業者が自ら語る、ナイキの創業秘話!1962年。ビジネススクールを卒業したばかりのフィル・ナイトは、父親から借りた50ドルを元手に、たった一つの使命を負った会社を作った。それは、ハイクオリティ・ローコストの運動靴を日本から仕入れること。愛車のプリムスのトランクから靴を売り、初年度で8000ドルを売り上げたナイト。そして今日、ナイキの年間売上は300憶ドルにのぼる。ナイキのロゴであるスウッシュは、世界中で親しまれる一大アイコンとなった。一方で、ナイキを創った人物の実像は常に謎に包まれてきた。創業者本人が初めて語る、ナイキ誕生の秘密。
In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import highーquality, lowーcost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the boot of his Plymouth, Knight grossed $8000 in his first year. Today, Nike's annual sales top $30 billion. In an age of startーups, Nike is the ne plus ultra of all startーups, and the swoosh has become a revolutionary, globeーspanning icon, one of the most ubiquitous and recognisable symbols in the world today.But Knight, the man behind the swoosh, has always remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, he tells his story. Candid, humble, wry and gutsy, he begins with his crossroads moment when at 24 he decided to start his own business. He details the many risks and daunting setbacks that stood between him and his dream ー along with his early triumphs. Above all, he recalls how his first band of partners and employees soon became a tightーknit band of brothers. Together, harnessing the transcendent power of a shared mission, and a deep belief in the spirit of sport, they built a brand that changed everything.A memoir rich with insight, humour and hardーwon wisdom, this book is also studded with lessons ー about building something from scratch, overcoming adversity, and ultimately leaving your mark on the world.
商品名:Big Pumpkin
魔女が育てたカボチャが収穫時期ですが、とても大きく育っています。 ゴースト、吸血鬼、ミイラまでもがやってきて皆で引っぱりますが、まったく動きません。 すると、小さなコウモリがある提案をして・・・? カボチャは無事に収穫できるのでしょうか。 絵本「おおきなかぶ」のハロウィン版です。
魔女が育てたカボチャが収穫時期ですが、とても大きく育っています。 ゴースト、吸血鬼、ミイラまでもがやってきて皆で引っぱりますが、まったく動きません。 すると、小さなコウモリがある提案をして・・・? カボチャは無事に収穫できるのでしょうか。 絵本「おおきなかぶ」のハロウィン版です。
どうしてハロウィンにはカボチャを飾るのでしょうか。どうしてハロウィンのカボチャはあんなに大きいのでしょうか。そもそも、カボチャってどうやってできるか知ってますか。 そんな、カボチャに関するあれこれをギュッと1冊にまとめました。もちろん、Jack-o-lanternの作り方も載っています。 理科や歴史の勉強にも幅を広げて活用できる(CLIL)1冊です。 (PAPER/253×249mm/32ページ)
Content and Language Integrated Learning(内容言語統合型学習)の略で、英語学習を他の教科科目(理科や社会など)とプラスして学ぶという学習スタイルのこと。
どうしてハロウィンにはカボチャを飾るのでしょうか。どうしてハロウィンのカボチャはあんなに大きいのでしょうか。そもそも、カボチャってどうやってできるか知ってますか。 そんな、カボチャに関するあれこれをギュッと1冊にまとめました。もちろん、Jack-o-lanternの作り方も載っています。 理科や歴史の勉強にも幅を広げて活用できる(CLIL)1冊です。 (PAPER/253×249mm/32ページ)
Content and Language Integrated Learning(内容言語統合型学習)の略で、英語学習を他の教科科目(理科や社会など)とプラスして学ぶという学習スタイルのこと。


NEW! High School and College Students! A Course of Study in Latin and Greek Word Roots-Designed to quickly improve high school and college students' vocabulary.-Includes 25 lessons and 375 academic and important general vocabulary words. -Improves students' performance on tests such as the GRE and SAT.-Uses pattern charts, a natural way for the brain to learn.14.95 117 pages By Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
NEW! High School and College Students! A Course of Study in Latin and Greek Word Roots-Designed to quickly improve high school and college students' vocabulary.-Includes 25 lessons and 375 academic and important general vocabulary words. -Improves students' performance on tests such as the GRE and SAT.-Uses pattern charts, a natural way for the brain to learn.14.95 117 pages By Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
出版社:Harper Collins
I CAN READシリーズ《My First: Level 0》
PAPER & CD / 32ページ / 228x152 / CD: 1: 改ページ音あり朗読 / 2: 改ページ音なし朗読(9分)
PAPER & CD / 32ページ / 228x152 / CD: 1: 改ページ音あり朗読 / 2: 改ページ音なし朗読(9分)


自家用車に乗ってピクニックに向かうブタの家族の物語を追いながら、 道中に行きあう車の名前や働きを紹介しており、図鑑としての面白さも秘めた盛りだくさんな絵本です。 ころころと丸っこい動物たちがかわいいイラストも大きな魅力。 子ウサギがぎっしりステーションワゴンに乗せられていたり、靴屋のマンドリルが靴型の車に乗っていたりと、 思わずクスッとしてしまうようなユーモラスな表現がページいっぱいにちりばめられており、 何度読んでも楽しい一冊です。
自家用車に乗ってピクニックに向かうブタの家族の物語を追いながら、 道中に行きあう車の名前や働きを紹介しており、図鑑としての面白さも秘めた盛りだくさんな絵本です。 ころころと丸っこい動物たちがかわいいイラストも大きな魅力。 子ウサギがぎっしりステーションワゴンに乗せられていたり、靴屋のマンドリルが靴型の車に乗っていたりと、 思わずクスッとしてしまうようなユーモラスな表現がページいっぱいにちりばめられており、 何度読んでも楽しい一冊です。


In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!


In order to add a rule that will serve as a loophole in the Culling Game, Itadori and Fushiguro set their sights on a player named Hiromi Higuruma, who has 100 points.
But when they enter Tokyo Colony No. 1, the two get separated. They both find others willing to help them, however...


Fushiguro and Reggie have nearly crushed each other to death. Reggie makes a move to break the stalemate and bring their battle to its climax!
Meanwhile, Okkotsu disrupts the fourーway standoff between jujutsu fighters in the Sendai colony, leading to a fierce battle involving reincarnated sorcerers and a special grade cursed spirit!





原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。3巻では、大人気NintendoSwitchゲーム『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」の重要ポケモン「ムゲンダイナ」を巡るストーリーが展開。ガラル地方で発生するポケモンがダイマックスする現象を調査にきたサトシとゴウが大事件に巻き込まれる!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region! Ash and Goh encounter Legendary Pokemon, including Suicune and Eternatus, as they continue their investigation into the Dynamax phenomenon happening in the Galar region. But their biggest challenge involves one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon ever! Can Ash and Goh handle a battle against Mewtwo?!
Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region! Ash and Goh encounter Legendary Pokemon, including Suicune and Eternatus, as they continue their investigation into the Dynamax phenomenon happening in the Galar region. But their biggest challenge involves one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon ever! Can Ash and Goh handle a battle against Mewtwo?!








五条達は全滅と思われたが…!? 五条を最強に至らしめ夏油を造反に導いた在りし日の事件、








呪いとは何か? どう生きるべきなのか? 残酷な現実を突き付けられる虎杖。京都校との交流戦も開幕し、


週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第11巻の英語版。「遊郭編」クライマックス! 激しい戦いの中で、水の呼吸とヒノカミ神楽を合わせた独自の呼吸を開花させた炭治郎。音柱・宇随とその妻たち、善逸と伊之助も死力を尽くし、凶悪な力を持った妓夫太郎と堕姫に食らいついていきます。勝利条件は「兄妹鬼の首を同時に斬ること」。…そして、兄妹鬼の悲しい過去が明かされます。遊郭の片隅で生まれた醜い兄と美しい妹、二人の間の絆とは?
The battle against the powerful sibling demons Gyutaro and Daki is not going well. Although finally able to fight alongside Tanjiro against the monsters, Zenitsu, Inosuke and even the Hashira Tengen Uzui may all be overwhelmed. Battling even one of Lord Muzan's Twelve Kizuki is hard enough--can Tanjiro face two of them alone?