2024-2025 Nellie's Winter Sale / ウィンターセール


商品によっては経年劣化や多少の折れ・傷等がみられる場合がございます。 セール品のため返品はお受けできかねます。ご了承の上ご購入下さい。

As stock is limited, hurry to avoid disappointment! Some older items may show their age. Please be aware that all items purchased in the sale can not be returned. Thanks for your understanding!

The Jacket I Wear in the Snow PB+CD (JY)
60off サンプルページあり
出版社:JY Books
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥924(税抜 ¥840
通常価格:¥2,310(税抜 ¥2,100
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


遊んでいると鼻先まで真っ赤になる冬、楽しく雪合戦をしたり、素敵な雪だるまを作ったりするには、しっかり服を着ないといけませんよね。 まず下着、下着の上にジーンズ、ジーンズの上にセーター、セーターの上にジャケット、そして靴下、マフラー、帽子、ブーツ......。うわぁ~、このたくさんの服をいつ脱ぎ着するんだろう。子供なら誰でも経験し、文句を言ったことがあるであろう話をShirley Neitzelはとても面白く書いています。

リバースブック(rebuses book):本を開いてみてください。文の中に絵が入っていますよね? このような本を「リバースブック」といいます。 まだ英語が苦手な子供たちにとって、「リバースブック」の絵は親しみやすく、単語よりも簡単に読めるので、英語に自信をつけることができます。

累積的構造(cumulative verse):この本は、マザーグースの「The House That Jack Built」をパロディー化したもので、一つ一つが積み重なっていく累積的な構造になっています。同じシーンでも毎回また笑う子どもたち、積み重ね構造は繰り返しと変化の楽しさを与えてくれます。

リズムブック (rhyme book) : bunchy and hot, wrinkled a lot, stiff in the knee, and too big for me!

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Peanuts)
40off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,452(税抜 ¥1,320
通常価格:¥2,420(税抜 ¥2,200
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


A spooky season classic gets new life in this lap board book edition of the Peanuts gang’s whimsical Halloween adventures!It’s Halloween night, and the Peanuts gang is busy dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, and bobbing for apples. Meanwhile, Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin to rise from the pumpkin patch and bring toys to all the children of the world. Could this be the year it finally appears?

27.62 x 1.78 x 20.96 cm 32 pages

30off サンプルページあり
出版社:Puffin Books
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥985(税抜 ¥896
通常価格:¥1,408(税抜 ¥1,280
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ロアルド・ダール著、邦題『少年』。『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』の作者が、創作の源となった幼少年期の体験を語る自伝小説。彼が描く物語と同じように、ロアルド・ダールの子供時代は波乱万丈で楽しく、愛に溢れています。ロアルド・ダールが、交通事故で危うく家を失くしそうになったことをご存知ですか? キャドバリーズのチョコレートキャンディのテスターに選ばれたことは? 1924年に「グレート・マウス計画」に参加したことは? ご存知なかったなら、ぜひご一読を。忘れられない読書体験となること間違いなしです。

Find out where the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG got all his wonderful story ideas in this autobiographical account of his childhood!From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in a car accident? Or that he was once a chocolate candy tester for Cadbury's? Have you heard about his involvement in the Great Mouse Plot of 1924? If not, you don't yet know all there is to know about Roald Dahl. Sure to captivate and delight you, the boyhood antics of this master storyteller are not to be missed!

Little Blue Truck's Springtime
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,111(税抜 ¥1,010
通常価格:¥2,222(税抜 ¥2,020
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Celebrate the beauty of springtime with Little Blue Truck! Young fans are sure to love finding all sorts of baby animals beneath the flaps in this delightful novelty board book. Full color.

My Car CD (JY)
商品名:My Car CD (JY)
出版社:JY Books
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥354(税抜 ¥322
通常価格:¥2,530(税抜 ¥2,300
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Skip Through the Seasons (Seek-And-Find Books) Barefoot Books
50off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥623(税抜 ¥567
通常価格:¥1,246(税抜 ¥1,133
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)


A short verse for each month of the year encourages the reader to find objects hidden in the pictures that depict that month's activities, such as ear muffs and pine trees in January, or a scooter and a picnic bench in June.

Pokemon Journeys Vol.2 (184 pages)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,760(税抜 ¥1,600
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。最強のポケモントレーナーを目指すサトシと、全てのポケモンをゲットする夢をいだくゴウ。2人とポケモンたちが、「ポケットモンスター」の様々な地方を舞台に飛び回る! 2巻ではサトシのワールドチャンピオンシップへのチャレンジバトルが連発!サトシはチャンピオンになれるのか?さらに伝説のポケモン「サンダー」ゲットチャンスなど、見どころいっぱい! サトシとゴウの大冒険を見逃すな!

Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region!Ash takes part in the Pokemon World Coronation Series to further his plans to become a Pokemon Master! Meanwhile, Goh and his new partner Raboot continue to strengthen their bond. But will Raboot be willing to help Goh catch one of every type of Pokemon?!

Pokemon Journeys Vol.3
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,760(税抜 ¥1,600
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Pokemon Journeys Vol.4
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,760(税抜 ¥1,600
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
原題『ポケットモンスター ~サトシとゴウの物語~1』。アニメ「ポケットモンスター」より、2019年から2023年まで放送された第7シーズンをコミカライズ。サトシとゴウのW主人公が大冒険を繰り広げます。3巻では、大人気NintendoSwitchゲーム『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」の重要ポケモン「ムゲンダイナ」を巡るストーリーが展開。ガラル地方で発生するポケモンがダイマックスする現象を調査にきたサトシとゴウが大事件に巻き込まれる! さらに伝説のポケモンスイクンゲットや、ミュウツーと壮絶バトルなど見どころいっぱい!

Ash is back in awesome adventures that take place across multiple regions of the best-selling Pokemon video games!Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokemon Master! Now he's teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokemon from every region! Ash and Goh encounter Legendary Pokemon, including Suicune and Eternatus, as they continue their investigation into the Dynamax phenomenon happening in the Galar region. But their biggest challenge involves one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon ever! Can Ash and Goh handle a battle against Mewtwo?!

Pokemon Epic Sticker Collection
50off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,650(税抜 ¥1,500
通常価格:¥3,300(税抜 ¥3,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


The Pokemon Epic Sticker Collection 2nd Edition covers all known Pokemon from Kanto to Galar, including Mythical and Legendary Pokemon, Ultra Beasts, and alternate forms. Get to know every kind of Pokemon, with over 1,000 stickers included! This book features each Pokemon’s full name, pronunciation, type, height, and weight , organized by region! The Pokemon Epic Sticker Collection 2nd Edition also includes an introduction to each region along with helpful tips about some of the most interesting or mysterious Pokemon.

My First 100 Ocean Words (My First Steam Words)
15off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,309(税抜 ¥1,190
通常価格:¥1,540(税抜 ¥1,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ベストセラーの子供向け科学作家が贈る、海が好きなお子さまが最初に覚える 100の単語が紹介されているシンプルでカラフルな学習絵本です。 見開きの8~12の単語はイソギンチャクやクジラなどの海洋生物から、海中の仕組みや 海にかかわる乗り物まで様々な言葉が判りやすく紹介されています。 海や海に生きる生物が好きなお子さまにはピッタリの学習絵本です。 24pages  13.34 x 3.18 x 15.88 cm ボードブック

From the #1 bestselling science author for kids comes a simple and colorful introduction to the first ocean words every baby should know. With 100 colorful illustrations to look at and talk about, this is the perfect tool for your budding oceanographer.Each spread in this primer focuses on 8 to 12 words related to the ocean--from seaduck to seaweed, freighter to marina and more! Chris Ferrie's latest offering is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest readers--after all, it's never too early to become an ocean explorer!

Super Mario Official Sticker Book
15off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,963(税抜 ¥1,785
通常価格:¥2,310(税抜 ¥2,100
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Enter a new stage of Super Mario in this full-color activity book starring Nintendo's classic team of Mario, Luigi, and their friends-plus stickers! Super Mario fans of all ages will love this full-color book featuring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom. With tons of awesome activities and stickers, the Super Mario Official Sticker Book will be the most thrilling experience for Super Mario fans since World 1-1!Mario made his debut in the 1980s in arcades around the world and has since gone on to star in many adventures, evolving into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres-from action platformers to sports, kart racing, and beyond.

Shoe Dog : A Memoir by the Creator of Nike (Simon & Schuster)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,929(税抜 ¥1,754
通常価格:¥3,858(税抜 ¥3,508
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

世界最強のブランドは、いかにして生まれたか? 創業者が自ら語る、ナイキの創業秘話!1962年。ビジネススクールを卒業したばかりのフィル・ナイトは、父親から借りた50ドルを元手に、たった一つの使命を負った会社を作った。それは、ハイクオリティ・ローコストの運動靴を日本から仕入れること。愛車のプリムスのトランクから靴を売り、初年度で8000ドルを売り上げたナイト。そして今日、ナイキの年間売上は300憶ドルにのぼる。ナイキのロゴであるスウッシュは、世界中で親しまれる一大アイコンとなった。一方で、ナイキを創った人物の実像は常に謎に包まれてきた。創業者本人が初めて語る、ナイキ誕生の秘密。

In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import highーquality, lowーcost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the boot of his Plymouth, Knight grossed $8000 in his first year. Today, Nike's annual sales top $30 billion. In an age of startーups, Nike is the ne plus ultra of all startーups, and the swoosh has become a revolutionary, globeーspanning icon, one of the most ubiquitous and recognisable symbols in the world today.But Knight, the man behind the swoosh, has always remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, he tells his story. Candid, humble, wry and gutsy, he begins with his crossroads moment when at 24 he decided to start his own business. He details the many risks and daunting setbacks that stood between him and his dream ー along with his early triumphs. Above all, he recalls how his first band of partners and employees soon became a tightーknit band of brothers. Together, harnessing the transcendent power of a shared mission, and a deep belief in the spirit of sport, they built a brand that changed everything.A memoir rich with insight, humour and hardーwon wisdom, this book is also studded with lessons ー about building something from scratch, overcoming adversity, and ultimately leaving your mark on the world.

Young Adult ELI Readers4: Frankenstein
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,848(税抜 ¥1,680
通常価格:¥2,640(税抜 ¥2,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

高校生以上の英語学習者を対象としたリーダーシリーズ Young Adult ELI Reqadersより。よりよい世界を作りたいという野心に燃える若き科学者、ヴィクター・フランケンシュタイン。夢を追い求めた先にあるものなど、彼には知る由もありませんでした。医学と生物学の分野で飛躍的な成果を得たヴィクターは、新たな人類を産み出すことを画策します。「怪物」として知られることになる、極めておぞましい存在を。ヴィクターと怪物との終わりなき戦いを叙事詩的に描く空想冒険小説。サイエンス・フィクションの金字塔は、現在においても科学の是非について問い続けています。

Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to make a better world, but does not understand the consequences of his work. Victor makes great advances in the study of medicine and biology and creates a new species of human being - one that is so terrifying it is known simply as ‘the monster’. In this fantastic adventure story, Victor and the monster fight an epic battle of courage and endurance. This science-fiction masterpiece asks questions about science that we are still asking today.

Cambridge School Shakespeare:Macbeth
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥891(税抜 ¥810
通常価格:¥2,227(税抜 ¥2,025
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
【Key Stage 】3~4


An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare’s imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre.Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised in distinctive 'Stagecraft', 'Write about it', 'Language in the play', 'Characters' and 'Themes' features. Extended glossaries are aligned with the play text for easy reference. Expanded endnotes include extensive essay-writing guidance for 'Macbeth' and Shakespeare.Includes rich, exciting colour photos of performances of 'Macbeth' from around the world.

The Crucible (Student Editions)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,353(税抜 ¥1,230
通常価格:¥2,706(税抜 ¥2,460
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

「それが、私の名だからだ! 私の人生を、他になんと名付け得よう! 私は偽り、また偽りに名を連ねる! 私には、吊るされた者たちの足についた塵ほどの価値もない! 名前なくして、私はどのように生きられるというのか? 私は魂を売り渡した…名前までは渡せない!」小さく、閉鎖的な集落の中で、噂と嘘は野火のように広がり、私怨を燃え上がらせる。やがて起こる告発と復讐の魔の手から、逃れられる者は誰もいない。1692年、セイレムに存在した清教徒のコミュニティで起きた魔女裁判を題材に、アーサー・ミラーが著した古典戯曲作品『るつぼ』。1950年代のアメリカに蔓延したマッカーシズムと抑圧的な文化のアレゴリーであると目されている本作は、1953年のブロードウェイでの公開以後、時代を超える強烈な存在感を放ち続けています。

Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! In a small tight-knit community, gossip and rumour spread like wildfire, inflaming personal grievances until no-one is safe from accusation and vengeance. The Crucible is Arthur Miller's classic dramatisation of the witch-hunt and trials that besieged the Puritan community of Salem in 1692. Seen as a chilling parallel to the McCarthyism and repressive culture of fear that gripped America in the 1950s, the play's timeless relevance and appeal remains as strong as when the play opened on Broadway in 1953.

Pants Project
商品名:Pants Project
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,254(税抜 ¥1,140
通常価格:¥2,090(税抜 ¥1,900
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


A touching, humorous story of strong-willed eleven-year-old Liv, who is determined to challenge his school's terrible dress code and change his life. Inspire empathy and compassion (and a few laughs!) in young readers with this stunning middle-grade novel.""My name is Liv (Not Olivia)... I'm not technically a girl. I'm transgender. Which is a bit like being a Transformer. Only not quite as cool because I probably won't get to save the world one day.""Liv knows he was always meant to be a boy, but with his new school's terrible dress code, he can't even wear pants. Only skirts.

The Rabbit Listened HC+CD (JY)
出版社:JY Books
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,122(税抜 ¥1,020
通常価格:¥3,740(税抜 ¥3,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


When something sad happens, Taylor doesn't know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn't feel like chatting. The bear thinks Taylor should get angry, but that's not quite right either. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to act, and one by one they fail to offer comfort. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen . . . which is just what Taylor needs.With its spare, poignant text and irresistibly sweet illustration, The Rabbit Listened is about how to comfort and heal the people in your life, by taking the time to carefully, lovingly, gently listen.

Oxford Bookworms Library 5 David Copperfield (3/E)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥662(税抜 ¥602
通常価格:¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Please, Mr Murdstone! Don’t beat me! I’ve tried to learn my lessons, really I have, sir!’ sobs David. Although he is only eight years old, Mr Murdstone does beat him, and David is so frightened that he bites his cruel stepfather’s hand. For that, he is kept locked in his room for five days and nights, and nobody is allowed to speak to him. As David grows up, he learns that life is full of trouble and misery and cruelty. But he also finds laughter and kindness, trust and friendship… and love.

Step by Step 2024
商品名:Step by Step 2024
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥346(税抜 ¥315
通常価格:¥495(税抜 ¥450
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
2024年4月~2025年3月までのカレンダーつき英語教室生徒帳。(A5版 32ページ)

出席表、宿題を管理できるカレンダー、読書の記録、リーディング発表会の記録など、人気のページはそのままに 全編フルカラーにして、子どもたちに分かりやすい様に、楽しめるように見直しました。 デジタルの時代ではありますが、子どもたちとのやり取りはアナログ(ノート)のほうが コミュニケーションが取りやすいという声を受けてこの度の全面改訂です。


2022年度版 英検3級過去6回全問題集
60off medama
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥616(税抜 ¥560
通常価格:¥1,540(税抜 ¥1,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)




2022年度版 英検4級過去6回全問題集
60off 売れ筋
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥572(税抜 ¥520
通常価格:¥1,430(税抜 ¥1,300
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)




キクタンリーディング Advanced 6000(アルク)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥770(税抜 ¥700
通常価格:¥1,540(税抜 ¥1,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

Ready for School Flash Cards (STE)
出版社:Sterling Pub (US)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥660(税抜 ¥600
通常価格:¥1,320(税抜 ¥1,200
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ワークブックとフラッシュカードは、楽しく簡単に学習するための補助教材です。全ワークブックには詳しい使い方が載っているので、先生には指導しやすくまた生徒にはわかりやすい内容になっています。全解答付きです。文字や音を認識する初歩的なところから、簡単なセンテンスやsight wordsを理解するまでのリーディングスキルが身につきます。

Flash Kids Flash Cards offer essential practice in key concepts such multiplication, division, the alphabet, sights words, and state capitals. Containing 88 cards in each package, these cards are sturdier than others on the market.

Flash Kids Flash Cards Sight Words
出版社:Sterling Pub (US)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥660(税抜 ¥600
通常価格:¥1,320(税抜 ¥1,200
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
文字や音を認識する初歩的なところから、簡単なセンテンスやsight wordsを理解するまでのリーディングスキルが身につきます。

From identifying letters and sounds to mastering sight word and assembling simple sentences, these cards are a great way to help emerging readers practice essential reading skills.

Flash Kids Flash Cards 3 Letter Words
出版社:Sterling Pub (US)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥660(税抜 ¥600
通常価格:¥1,320(税抜 ¥1,200
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
文字や音を認識する初歩的なところから、簡単なセンテンスやsight wordsを理解するまでのリーディングスキルが身につきます。

From identifying letters and sounds to mastering sight word and assembling simple sentences, these cards are a great way to help emerging readers practice essential reading skills.

BCP ER1:F Vilain Petit Canard
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥506(税抜 ¥460
通常価格:¥1,265(税抜 ¥1,150
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
【Level】Niveau 1(Pre-A1)


BCP ER2:F Petie Chaperon Rouge
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥506(税抜 ¥460
通常価格:¥1,265(税抜 ¥1,150
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
【Level】Niveau 2(Pre-A1)

フランス語リーダー。『赤ずきんちゃん』の結末が苦手な子はいませんか? この本なら大丈夫、全てが丸く収まります。赤ずきんちゃん、おばあちゃん、そして木こりは、気を取り直してジャムパンを食べることに。オオカミは肝をつぶして逃げていきますが、ちゃんと生きています!

BCP ER4:F Belle Au Bois Dormat
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥506(税抜 ¥460
通常価格:¥1,265(税抜 ¥1,150
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
【Level】 Niveau 4(Pre A1-A1/仏検3級)


BCP ER4:F Fables De La Fontaine
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥506(税抜 ¥460
通常価格:¥1,265(税抜 ¥1,150
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
BCP RT:S C1 Don Juan Tenorio Book +Audio (Spanish)
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥880(税抜 ¥800
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
【Level】 DELE C1程度


Black Cat Earlyreads 5 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥370(税抜 ¥337
通常価格:¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
【Level】A1 英検3級程度

5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)


Snow White’s life is in danger when her father marries again and his new wife, Queen Bella, becomes terribly jealous of Snow White’s beauty. But Queen Bella’s plans fail, and Snow White finds safety at the cottage of the seven dwarfs before becoming reunited with her father.

在庫限り Black Cat Green Apple 1 The Black Arrow B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥822(税抜 ¥748
通常価格:¥1,870(税抜 ¥1,700
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
Level: A2 英検準2~2級程度
ジャンル: Adventure



Set in 15th-century England during the Wars of the Roses, this is the exciting story of the adventures of young Richard Shelton and the mysterious band of the Black Arrow. Richard must fight against his cruel guardian Sir Daniel Brackley, and his treacherous men to protect his true love Joanna. Because of his courage and honesty he becomes a knight and helps to save his country. Suspense, mystery, excitement, incredible adventures and romance fill this thrilling tale that is hard to put down.

The Wars of the Roses
Knights and Knighthood Today

Black Cat Green Apple Starter The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant LIFE SKILLS B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥486(税抜 ¥442
通常価格:¥1,870(税抜 ¥1,700
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
レベル: A1 英検3級程度
ジャンル: Fairy Tale & Fantasy



Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.

Birds and Migration
Global Problems
Precious Stones

Black Cat Reading & Training 2 Hamlet Prince of Denmark (Reading Shakespeare) B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,028(税抜 ¥935
通常価格:¥1,870(税抜 ¥1,700
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
レベル: B1.1 英検2~準1級程度
ジャンル: Tragedy

Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。



When the ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals the terrible secret of Elsinore, the result is chaos and tragedy for the young Prince of Denmark. Will he avenge his father’s murder? Is he really mad? Does he love the beautiful Ophelia?

Films of Hamlet
Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Theatre
Who was Hamlet?

Black Cat Reading & Training 3 Love in Shakespeare: Five Stories (Reading Shakespeare) B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥935(税抜 ¥850
通常価格:¥1,870(税抜 ¥1,700
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
レベル: B1.2 英検準1級程度
ジャンル: Comedy & Tragedy

Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。



In The Taming of the Shrew, Katharina learns to love Petruchio only after she has learnt to be an obedient wife. Romeo and Juliet’s love is destined to end in tragedy. In Twelfth Night, love is romantic but also painful, while in Othello love turns into jealousy. And in the final story, Antony and Cleopatra’s passionate love has tragic consequences.

The Life of William Shakespeare
Courtship and Marriage in Elizabethan Times

Black Cat Reading & Training 3 Treasure Island LIFE SKILLS B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥374(税抜 ¥340
通常価格:¥1,870(税抜 ¥1,700
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
レベル:B1.2 英検準1級程度 ジャンル:Adventure


One day in eighteenth-century Bristol, an old sea captain arrives at an inn. This is where young Jim Hawkins adventures begin. After finding a treasure map, Jim set sails to find the mysterious Treasure Island in the company of Dr Livesey, Squire Trelawney and the ship’s cook, Long John Silver. An exciting tale of pirates, mutiny and buried treasure; will the voyage end as well as they had hoped?

Pirates and the Spanish Main
Marooned! All alone on a desert island

孤立無援! 無人島でたったひとり

High-Frequency Readers Boxed Set 18 titles + CD
50off サンプルページあり
出版社:Scholastic Inc.
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,520(税抜 ¥3,200
通常価格:¥7,040(税抜 ¥6,400
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

The Collection of Readers Introduces the 21 Key Words that Children come across most often when reading English materials. 18 full-color books that introduces and review 21 high frequency words with the context of an engaging and authentic story.

JY First Readers 96 Full Set SayPen Ed.
出版社:JY Books
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥35,508(税抜 ¥32,280
通常価格:¥59,180(税抜 ¥53,800
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Magic Tree House Merlin Missons 1-25 Boxed Set
出版社:Random House
【多読セット】海外で一番読まれているMagic Tree Houseのボックスセット!!
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥25,918(税抜 ¥23,562
通常価格:¥30,492(税抜 ¥27,720
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

Magic Tree House Merlin Missions Books 1-25 Boxed Set:
Merlin Mission Books 1-25 of the bestselling Magic Tree House series boxed together for the first time ever! Magic Tree House Marlin Missions are more challenging adventures for the experienced Magic Tree House reader. In each adventure, Merlin the magician sends Jack and Annie on an adventure in the magic tree house.

Scholastic Phonics Readers C 12 Books + CD
50off サンプルページあり
出版社:Scholastic Inc.
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

Scholastic Phonics Readers carefully guide and support children, so they will be able to read these books on their own and have the early success they need to become fluent, lifelong readers. These sets include books #1-12, books #13-24, books #25-36 and two read-along audio CDs each as a great learning supplement.

Scholastic Phonics Readers D 12 Books+CD
50off サンプルページあり
出版社:Scholastic Inc.
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

子供たちが自力で本を読み終われるよう、最後まで丁寧にサポートしてくれる幼児向けリーダーです。「自分だけで読めた」という初期の成功体験は、優れた読解力を育て、生涯の読書家となっていくために何よりも大事なもの。わからない語があっても、フォニックスを学んでいれば、レター・サウンドの知識を組み合わせて読みを推測することもできます。Scholastic Phonics Readers Level Dと#1-12と副教材として最適のread-along audio CD2枚のセットです。

Scholastic Phonics Readers carefully guide and support children, so they will be able to read these books on their own and have the early success they need to become fluent, lifelong readers. Phonics is essential for figuring out letter sounds and how to blend or put them together to read unknown words.These sets includes books #1-12 and two read-along audio CDs as a great learning supplement.

Brain Quest Learn to Write: Numbers
50off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,100(税抜 ¥1,000
通常価格:¥2,365(税抜 ¥2,150
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


This Learn to Write Brain Quest workbook helps children practice tracing and writing numbers to prepare them for success with math in kindergarten and beyond. In Brain Quest Learn to Write: Numbers, children ages 4 and up practice their penmanship while learning to write numbers 0-20. This workbook also introduces them to early numeracy concepts like recognizing, counting, and comparing numbers. Each workbook page includes engaging illustrations, multiple practice exercises, and fun activities that give children ample opportunity to master the content and experience the joy of learning.

Summer Brain Quest: Between Grades 1&2
50off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,430(税抜 ¥1,300
通常価格:¥2,860(税抜 ¥2,600
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Summer Brain Quest: Between Grades K&1
50off サンプルページあり
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥1,430(税抜 ¥1,300
通常価格:¥2,860(税抜 ¥2,600
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
Disney:Aladdin DVD (英語/日本語)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


This is the DVD of ""Aladdin,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Aladdin, a poor but honest young man, becomes the owner of a magical oil lump. When he rubbed it, a cheeful, jokey, versatile jinn called Genie appears and tells that he coule make three wishes come true. However, an evil vizier Jafar have an eye to the magical lump... To defeat Jafar and win the heart of Princess Jasmin, Aladdin must have a courage, and be himself. Even Genie can't make this wish come true.

Disney:Beauty and the Beast DVD(英語/日本語)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ディズニーの名作「美女と野獣」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いによって、野獣の姿に変えられてしまったわがままな王子。魔法のバラの最後の花びらが散るまでに、 心から人を愛し、愛されなければ、永遠に醜い姿のままになってしまいます。 ある日、そんな野獣の元に美しく聡明な娘ベルが現れます。呪いで家具や道具に変えられてしまった城の家来たちは、 彼女こそ呪いを解いてくれるのでは…と期待するのですが、ベルは野獣の傲慢さに心を閉ざしてしまいます。 残された時間はあとわずか。果たして、愛の奇蹟は起きるのでしょうか。

This is the DVD of ""Beauty and the Beast,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. Once upon a time, there was an arrogant prince who was cursed by a witch and turned into a terrible beast. He has to love and be loved by someone before the last petal of the rose falls; otherwise he would stay as an ugly monster forever. One day, the Beast meets a beautiful, intelligent girl called Belle. The servants, who were turned into furnitures and tools with their master, expect that finally Belle could break the curse. However, Belle close her mind because of the Beast's arrogance. There's not much time lest. Does a love miracle occur?

Disney:Frozen DVD (英語/日本語)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。

This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.

Disney:Little Mermaid DVD(英語/日本語)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ディズニーの名作『リトル・マーメイド』の英語・日本語版DVD。 『リトル・マーメイド』は1989年に米国で初公開され、その美しい映像や、「アンダー・ザ・シー」をはじめとする 陽気なメロディー、魅力的なキャラクター、そしてファンタジックなストーリーで世界中を魅了しました、 ディズニーが誇るミュージカル・ファンタジーの代表作! 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。

This is the DVD of ""Little Mermaid,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. ""Little Mermaid"" was originally released in America, 1989. The movie enchanted the whole world by its beautiful image, jolly songs represented by ""Under the Sea,"" attractive characters and fantastic story, and is still praised as one of Disney's iconic musical movie.

Disney:Sleeping Beauty DVD (英語/日本語)
Winter Sale 2024-2025 ¥3,080(税抜 ¥2,800
通常価格:¥4,400(税抜 ¥4,000
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

ディズニーの名作「眠れる森の美女」の英語・日本語DVD。 魔女の呪いにより長い眠りの中に閉じ込められた美しい姫を救うため立ち上がった王子の勇士を描いた、 ディズニーが放つ名作プリンセス・ストーリー。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。

This is the DVD of ""Sleeping Beauty,"" one of the best-loved movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese. The story is about the prince who fights to save a beautiful princess fallen in eternal sleep because of the witch's curse.


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