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『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第17巻では、宝島で石化装置をゲットして帰還した主人公の千空(せんくう)により、元・敵の司(つかさ)を復活させ司は仲間に! 大冒険の最初の目的地、アメリカを目指すところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第17巻では、宝島で石化装置をゲットして帰還した主人公の千空(せんくう)により、元・敵の司(つかさ)を復活させ司は仲間に! 大冒険の最初の目的地、アメリカを目指すところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。

『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…!?という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…!?という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。

『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...
One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim--until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!
It's the final showdown against the unrelenting Stanley! The Kingdom of Science is losing the fight, but they do have one desperate strategy left--they plan to activate the Medusa device! As their casualties mount, will Senku and friends entrust their fate to the mechanism's ominous light?!
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...
One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim--until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!
It's the final showdown against the unrelenting Stanley! The Kingdom of Science is losing the fight, but they do have one desperate strategy left--they plan to activate the Medusa device! As their casualties mount, will Senku and friends entrust their fate to the mechanism's ominous light?!

『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第8巻では、ケータイを完成させた主人公の千空(せんくう)が、敵の司(つかさ)帝国軍の監視役・ほむらに作戦をしかけるところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第8巻では、ケータイを完成させた主人公の千空(せんくう)が、敵の司(つかさ)帝国軍の監視役・ほむらに作戦をしかけるところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。


Yuta Okkotsu is a nervous high school student who is suffering from a serious problem--his childhood friend Rika has turned into a curse and won't leave him alone. Since Rika is no ordinary curse, his plight is noticed by Satoru Gojo, a teacher at Jujutsu High.High.
『呪術廻戦』の前日譚。2022年にアニメ映画化され、大ヒットを記録しました。 本編では主人公たちの先輩として登場するキャラクターたちが新入生だったころのお話です。 気弱な男子高校生、乙骨憂太(おっこつ・ゆうた)は苦悩を抱えていました。 亡くなった幼馴染、祈本里香(おりもと・りか)が呪いに転じて彼につきまとい、 周囲の人間に危害を加えるのです。里香が普通の呪いとは異なることに気づいた 呪術高専教師・五条悟(ごじょう・さとる)が憂太に接触をはかり…
『呪術廻戦』の前日譚。2022年にアニメ映画化され、大ヒットを記録しました。 本編では主人公たちの先輩として登場するキャラクターたちが新入生だったころのお話です。 気弱な男子高校生、乙骨憂太(おっこつ・ゆうた)は苦悩を抱えていました。 亡くなった幼馴染、祈本里香(おりもと・りか)が呪いに転じて彼につきまとい、 周囲の人間に危害を加えるのです。里香が普通の呪いとは異なることに気づいた 呪術高専教師・五条悟(ごじょう・さとる)が憂太に接触をはかり…

どのような英語に翻訳されているのでしょうか? ぜひ読んで確かめてみてください。
頑固な祖父と二人暮らしの男子高校生、虎杖悠仁(いたどり・ゆうじ)は、見た目は普通の少年ですが、二元離れした身体能力の持ち主。数々の運動部から熱烈な勧誘を受けていますが、 病気の祖父を気遣って、時間に融通のきくオカルト研究会に所属しています。ある日オカルト研究会の先輩たちは、布でぐるぐる巻きにされた奇怪な物体を見つけ、夜の学校でその封印を解いてみることにします。 それが特級呪物…「呪いの王」と恐れられた両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)の指であり、迂闊に関われば死を免れない危険なものであることなど、彼らは知る由もありませんでした。 先輩たちを助けようと、呪術師・伏黒恵(ふしぐろ・めぐみ)と共に学校に駆けつけた悠仁。襲い来る呪霊に抗うため、咄嗟に宿儺の指を飲み込み、呪いの力を得ようとします。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryoma Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the undead!Yuji Itadori is high schooler who spends his days visiting his bedridden grandfather. Although he looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with the school outcasts in the Occult Club. One day, the club manages to get their hands on a sealed cursed object, but little do they know the terror they'll unleash when they break the seal...
頑固な祖父と二人暮らしの男子高校生、虎杖悠仁(いたどり・ゆうじ)は、見た目は普通の少年ですが、二元離れした身体能力の持ち主。数々の運動部から熱烈な勧誘を受けていますが、 病気の祖父を気遣って、時間に融通のきくオカルト研究会に所属しています。ある日オカルト研究会の先輩たちは、布でぐるぐる巻きにされた奇怪な物体を見つけ、夜の学校でその封印を解いてみることにします。 それが特級呪物…「呪いの王」と恐れられた両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)の指であり、迂闊に関われば死を免れない危険なものであることなど、彼らは知る由もありませんでした。 先輩たちを助けようと、呪術師・伏黒恵(ふしぐろ・めぐみ)と共に学校に駆けつけた悠仁。襲い来る呪霊に抗うため、咄嗟に宿儺の指を飲み込み、呪いの力を得ようとします。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryoma Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the undead!Yuji Itadori is high schooler who spends his days visiting his bedridden grandfather. Although he looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with the school outcasts in the Occult Club. One day, the club manages to get their hands on a sealed cursed object, but little do they know the terror they'll unleash when they break the seal...

そして10月31日、街に帳が降り「渋谷事変」が始まる!! 週刊少年ジャンプ発・大ヒットホラーアクション








In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a thirdーyear who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie. Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High thirdーyear is using their cursed technique to block his way!

In order to add a rule that will serve as a loophole in the Culling Game, Itadori and Fushiguro set their sights on a player named Hiromi Higuruma, who has 100 points.
But when they enter Tokyo Colony No. 1, the two get separated. They both find others willing to help them, however...

週刊少年ジャンプ発・大ヒットホラーアクション漫画の第2巻の英語版。 特級呪霊が潜む少年院での戦いを見届けましょう。 「高専一年生3名が派遣され、うち1名、死亡」 前巻収録分の章冒頭に掲げられた不穏な記述の真相とは? 人間を駆逐し呪霊の世を築くことを企む特級呪霊の一味と、彼らに力を貸す謎の人物。 今後の展開の鍵となるキャラクターたちが数多く登場・活躍する、緊迫の1冊です。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!A cursed womb mysteriously appears at a detention facility. Itadori and his classmates are dispatched to the scene, but they're in for quite the surprise when they're attacked by a special-grade curse! Itadori allows Sukuna to take over his body in order to survive, but the consequences are more drastic than anyone expected!
週刊少年ジャンプ発・大ヒットホラーアクション漫画の第2巻の英語版。 特級呪霊が潜む少年院での戦いを見届けましょう。 「高専一年生3名が派遣され、うち1名、死亡」 前巻収録分の章冒頭に掲げられた不穏な記述の真相とは? 人間を駆逐し呪霊の世を築くことを企む特級呪霊の一味と、彼らに力を貸す謎の人物。 今後の展開の鍵となるキャラクターたちが数多く登場・活躍する、緊迫の1冊です。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!A cursed womb mysteriously appears at a detention facility. Itadori and his classmates are dispatched to the scene, but they're in for quite the surprise when they're attacked by a special-grade curse! Itadori allows Sukuna to take over his body in order to survive, but the consequences are more drastic than anyone expected!

Fushiguro and Reggie have nearly crushed each other to death. Reggie makes a move to break the stalemate and bring their battle to its climax!
Meanwhile, Okkotsu disrupts the fourーway standoff between jujutsu fighters in the Sendai colony, leading to a fierce battle involving reincarnated sorcerers and a special grade cursed spirit!



呪いとは何か? どう生きるべきなのか? 残酷な現実を突き付けられる虎杖。京都校との交流戦も開幕し、





五条達は全滅と思われたが…!? 五条を最強に至らしめ夏油を造反に導いた在りし日の事件、

Come Rain or Shine
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?







【英語多読】マーベル スパイダーマン好きにはたまらない物語集!
Everyone's favorite Super Heroes are back to battle their biggest villains yet! Each of these 12 stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, but also new adventures. Full color.
Everyone's favorite Super Heroes are back to battle their biggest villains yet! Each of these 12 stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, but also new adventures. Full color.

【英語コミック】おじさまと猫 ほのぼのとしたハートフルストーリー
A kitten languishes in a pet shop, unwanted and unloved. Even as his price drops with each passing day, no one spares him a glance unless it's to call him names. Having practically given up on life, the kitty himself is most shocked of all when an older gentleman comes into the store and wants to take him home! Will the man and the cat find what they're looking for...in each other?
A kitten languishes in a pet shop, unwanted and unloved. Even as his price drops with each passing day, no one spares him a glance unless it's to call him names. Having practically given up on life, the kitty himself is most shocked of all when an older gentleman comes into the store and wants to take him home! Will the man and the cat find what they're looking for...in each other?

Now that Fukumaru and Mr. Kanda have found each other, every new day brings with it a series of surprises and delights.
As the pair navigate their new life together, time, which had frozen for Mr. Kanda following a personal tragedy, gradually begins to move again...
As the pair navigate their new life together, time, which had frozen for Mr. Kanda following a personal tragedy, gradually begins to move again...

Papa-san and Fukumaru's modest shared life becomes more and more comfortable.
And Papa-san, with the help of the kittens, gradually learns to be close to those around him.
One day, however, Fukumaru is pulled out of Papa-san's arms at the veterinary clinic!
Fukumaru is in big trouble.
The man and the cat, who know how lonely he feels, shed tears at the thought of being separated......
Papa-san and Fukumaru's modest shared life becomes more and more comfortable.
And Papa-san, with the help of the kittens, gradually learns to be close to those around him.
One day, however, Fukumaru is pulled out of Papa-san's arms at the veterinary clinic!
Fukumaru is in big trouble.
The man and the cat, who know how lonely he feels, shed tears at the thought of being separated......

Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?
Kanade Hibino hates the talent of Fuyuki Kanda, a genius pianist who is Fukumaru's "Papa-san," and is forced by his mother, who suddenly visits him, to take in a cat.
He has no choice but to go to a store to buy cat supplies, where he runs into Mr. Kanda. Will the cat bring the two closer together and heal old wounds?

出版社:Scholastic Inc.

The English language is spoken by more than a billion people throughout the world. But where did English come from? And how has it evolved into the language used today?In this Very Short Introduction Simon Horobin investigates how we have arrived at the English we know today, and celebrates the way new speakers and new uses mean that it continues to adapt. Engaging with contemporary concerns about correctness, Horobin considers whether such changes are improvements, or evidence of slipping standards. What is the future for the English language? Will Standard English continue to hold sway, or we are witnessing its replacement by newly emerging Englishes?
The English language is spoken by more than a billion people throughout the world. But where did English come from? And how has it evolved into the language used today?In this Very Short Introduction Simon Horobin investigates how we have arrived at the English we know today, and celebrates the way new speakers and new uses mean that it continues to adapt. Engaging with contemporary concerns about correctness, Horobin considers whether such changes are improvements, or evidence of slipping standards. What is the future for the English language? Will Standard English continue to hold sway, or we are witnessing its replacement by newly emerging Englishes?

・Written by acclaimed scholar and biographer Jonathan Bate
・An essential buy for A-Level and undergraduate students of English Literature
・Considers why literature matters, how narrative works, and what is distinctly English about English literature
・Looks at the three main kinds of imaginative literature, namely English poetry, English drama, and the English novel
・Uses many well-known examples to demonstrate throughout
・Written by acclaimed scholar and biographer Jonathan Bate
・An essential buy for A-Level and undergraduate students of English Literature
・Considers why literature matters, how narrative works, and what is distinctly English about English literature
・Looks at the three main kinds of imaginative literature, namely English poetry, English drama, and the English novel
・Uses many well-known examples to demonstrate throughout

What is literary theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is literature, and does it matter?These are some of questions addressed by Jonathan Culler in this Very Short Introduction to literary theory. Often a controversial subject, said to have transformed the study of culture and society in the past two decades, literary theory is accused of undermining respect for tradition and truth and encouraging suspicion about the political and psychological implications of cultural projects rather than admiration for great literature.
What is literary theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is literature, and does it matter?These are some of questions addressed by Jonathan Culler in this Very Short Introduction to literary theory. Often a controversial subject, said to have transformed the study of culture and society in the past two decades, literary theory is accused of undermining respect for tradition and truth and encouraging suspicion about the political and psychological implications of cultural projects rather than admiration for great literature.

Full Description
Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and howmight we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formalorganizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Introduction ; 1. What is organization? ; 2. What is the best way to organize? ; 3. What does it mean to be an organization? ; 4. Who does organizing serve? ; 5. How does organizing happen? ; 6. Why do organizational scholars disagree? ; 7. Where do we go from here?
Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and howmight we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formalorganizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Introduction ; 1. What is organization? ; 2. What is the best way to organize? ; 3. What does it mean to be an organization? ; 4. Who does organizing serve? ; 5. How does organizing happen? ; 6. Why do organizational scholars disagree? ; 7. Where do we go from here?

Sunny Nwazue lives in Nigeria, but she was born in New York City. Her features are West African, but she's albino.
She's a terrific athlete, but can't go out into the sun to play soccer. There seems to be no place where she fits in.
And then she discovers something amazingーshe is a ”free agent” with latent magical power. And she has a lot of catching up to do.
Soon she's part of a quartet of magic students, studying the visible and invisible, learning to change reality.
But as she’s finding her footing, Sunny and her friends are asked by the magical authorities to help track down a career criminal who knows magic, too.
Will their training be enough to help them combat a threat whose powers greatly outnumber theirs?

出版社:Harper Collins
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho continues to change the lives of its readers forever.
With more than two million copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has established itself as a modern classic, universally admired.
Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found.
The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams.
Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found.
The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams.

アリスと一緒にウサギ穴を下りて、あべこべな冒険の旅へ! あるありふれた夏の日の午後。アリスはウサギを追って穴に落ち、奇妙な大冒険が始まります。おかしな世界では、もっとおかしな住民たちが暮らしていたのです。懐中時計を持ったウサギに会い、いかれた帽子屋のお茶会に参加し、女王様とクローケーの試合をして…空想的な世界をさまようアリスの好奇心は尽きません。
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole in this topsy turvy adventure! On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute . . .
アリスと一緒にウサギ穴を下りて、あべこべな冒険の旅へ! あるありふれた夏の日の午後。アリスはウサギを追って穴に落ち、奇妙な大冒険が始まります。おかしな世界では、もっとおかしな住民たちが暮らしていたのです。懐中時計を持ったウサギに会い、いかれた帽子屋のお茶会に参加し、女王様とクローケーの試合をして…空想的な世界をさまようアリスの好奇心は尽きません。
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole in this topsy turvy adventure! On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute . . .


HISTORY 最近見た商品
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第12巻では、石化現象の解明を目指す主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは世界進出を計画し、大航海を開始。 航海の中で石化の黒幕と思われるホワイマンと衝撃的な出会いを果たすところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。