2024-2025 Nellie's Winter Sale / ウィンターセール

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show their age. Please be aware that all items purchased in the sale can
not be returned. Thanks for your understanding!


DK’s Disney Princess Ultimate Sticker Collection contains more than 1,000 beautiful stickers of all your favorite Disney Princesses and the much-loved Disney characters from the magical movies. Meet your favorite princesses from Snow White and Cinderella to Mulan and the latest Disney Princess: Moana. Wannabe princesses will adore exploring the Disney Princesses’ enchanting worlds, and be inspired by their curiosity, their courage, and their kindness.
DK’s Disney Princess Ultimate Sticker Collection contains more than 1,000 beautiful stickers of all your favorite Disney Princesses and the much-loved Disney characters from the magical movies. Meet your favorite princesses from Snow White and Cinderella to Mulan and the latest Disney Princess: Moana. Wannabe princesses will adore exploring the Disney Princesses’ enchanting worlds, and be inspired by their curiosity, their courage, and their kindness.

NEW! High School and College Students! A Course of Study in Latin and Greek Word Roots-Designed to quickly improve high school and college students' vocabulary.-Includes 25 lessons and 375 academic and important general vocabulary words. -Improves students' performance on tests such as the GRE and SAT.-Uses pattern charts, a natural way for the brain to learn.14.95 117 pages By Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
NEW! High School and College Students! A Course of Study in Latin and Greek Word Roots-Designed to quickly improve high school and college students' vocabulary.-Includes 25 lessons and 375 academic and important general vocabulary words. -Improves students' performance on tests such as the GRE and SAT.-Uses pattern charts, a natural way for the brain to learn.14.95 117 pages By Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.

出版社:Houghton Mifflin
The big city sure is a speedy, noisy place for a country truck like Blue. Everywhere Blue looks, he sees buses, police cars, taxis, vans, a street sweeper, and even the mayor's limousine. Zooom! Wooeeee . . . ! ""Make Way!""With everyone pushing to be first, soon there's a giant traffic jam! But even a wrangle-tangle is no match for Little Blue Truck, who comes to the rescue in true Blue style.Brimming with bright colors, sounds, and city energy, this Little Blue Truck adventure makes working together and taking turns more fun than ever. And this board book edition is perfect for gifting and for the littlest truck lovers.
Board Book 38pages 19.05 x 2.69 x 17.15 cm
The big city sure is a speedy, noisy place for a country truck like Blue. Everywhere Blue looks, he sees buses, police cars, taxis, vans, a street sweeper, and even the mayor's limousine. Zooom! Wooeeee . . . ! ""Make Way!""With everyone pushing to be first, soon there's a giant traffic jam! But even a wrangle-tangle is no match for Little Blue Truck, who comes to the rescue in true Blue style.Brimming with bright colors, sounds, and city energy, this Little Blue Truck adventure makes working together and taking turns more fun than ever. And this board book edition is perfect for gifting and for the littlest truck lovers.
Board Book 38pages 19.05 x 2.69 x 17.15 cm

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル: A1 英検3級程度
ジャンル: Fairy Tale & Fantasy
Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.
Birds and Migration
Global Problems
Precious Stones
ジャンル: Fairy Tale & Fantasy
Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.
Birds and Migration
Global Problems
Precious Stones

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル:B1.2 英検準1級程度 ジャンル:Adventure
One day in eighteenth-century Bristol, an old sea captain arrives at an inn. This is where young Jim Hawkins adventures begin. After finding a treasure map, Jim set sails to find the mysterious Treasure Island in the company of Dr Livesey, Squire Trelawney and the ship’s cook, Long John Silver. An exciting tale of pirates, mutiny and buried treasure; will the voyage end as well as they had hoped?
Pirates and the Spanish Main
Marooned! All alone on a desert island
孤立無援! 無人島でたったひとり
One day in eighteenth-century Bristol, an old sea captain arrives at an inn. This is where young Jim Hawkins adventures begin. After finding a treasure map, Jim set sails to find the mysterious Treasure Island in the company of Dr Livesey, Squire Trelawney and the ship’s cook, Long John Silver. An exciting tale of pirates, mutiny and buried treasure; will the voyage end as well as they had hoped?
Pirates and the Spanish Main
Marooned! All alone on a desert island
孤立無援! 無人島でたったひとり

This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This seventh edition has been revised and updated throughout, with substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, and forty new study questions. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes over twenty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language.
This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This seventh edition has been revised and updated throughout, with substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, and forty new study questions. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes over twenty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language.

どのような英語に翻訳されているのでしょうか? ぜひ読んで確かめてみてください。
頑固な祖父と二人暮らしの男子高校生、虎杖悠仁(いたどり・ゆうじ)は、見た目は普通の少年ですが、二元離れした身体能力の持ち主。数々の運動部から熱烈な勧誘を受けていますが、 病気の祖父を気遣って、時間に融通のきくオカルト研究会に所属しています。ある日オカルト研究会の先輩たちは、布でぐるぐる巻きにされた奇怪な物体を見つけ、夜の学校でその封印を解いてみることにします。 それが特級呪物…「呪いの王」と恐れられた両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)の指であり、迂闊に関われば死を免れない危険なものであることなど、彼らは知る由もありませんでした。 先輩たちを助けようと、呪術師・伏黒恵(ふしぐろ・めぐみ)と共に学校に駆けつけた悠仁。襲い来る呪霊に抗うため、咄嗟に宿儺の指を飲み込み、呪いの力を得ようとします。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryoma Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the undead!Yuji Itadori is high schooler who spends his days visiting his bedridden grandfather. Although he looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with the school outcasts in the Occult Club. One day, the club manages to get their hands on a sealed cursed object, but little do they know the terror they'll unleash when they break the seal...
頑固な祖父と二人暮らしの男子高校生、虎杖悠仁(いたどり・ゆうじ)は、見た目は普通の少年ですが、二元離れした身体能力の持ち主。数々の運動部から熱烈な勧誘を受けていますが、 病気の祖父を気遣って、時間に融通のきくオカルト研究会に所属しています。ある日オカルト研究会の先輩たちは、布でぐるぐる巻きにされた奇怪な物体を見つけ、夜の学校でその封印を解いてみることにします。 それが特級呪物…「呪いの王」と恐れられた両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)の指であり、迂闊に関われば死を免れない危険なものであることなど、彼らは知る由もありませんでした。 先輩たちを助けようと、呪術師・伏黒恵(ふしぐろ・めぐみ)と共に学校に駆けつけた悠仁。襲い来る呪霊に抗うため、咄嗟に宿儺の指を飲み込み、呪いの力を得ようとします。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryoma Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the undead!Yuji Itadori is high schooler who spends his days visiting his bedridden grandfather. Although he looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with the school outcasts in the Occult Club. One day, the club manages to get their hands on a sealed cursed object, but little do they know the terror they'll unleash when they break the seal...

『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第8巻では、ケータイを完成させた主人公の千空(せんくう)が、敵の司(つかさ)帝国軍の監視役・ほむらに作戦をしかけるところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第8巻では、ケータイを完成させた主人公の千空(せんくう)が、敵の司(つかさ)帝国軍の監視役・ほむらに作戦をしかけるところから物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。


Puzzles and brain games are a great way for kids to exercise their minds while having a blast! Perfectly Logical! helps inquisitive kids develop logical reasoning skills with a mix of 100 challenging puzzles that get more difficult as they progress.

¥495(税抜 ¥450)
通常価格:¥990(税抜 ¥900)
通常価格:¥990(税抜 ¥900)


夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.
夏の王国・アレンデール。禁断の力を持って生まれた姉エルサは、妹アナを傷付ける事を恐れ、幼い頃から 自分の殻に閉じこもっていた。やがて新女王として美しく成長したエルサだが、アナの素直さを拒絶するあまり 思わず国中を真冬に変えてしまう…。 姉と王国を救うため旅に出た妹の冒険と“真実の愛”を描く感動の長編アニメーション。 本編を収録したBlu-rayとDVDに、デジタルコピー、MovieNEXワールドが付属。
This is the DVD of ""Frozen,"" the woldwide hit movie from Disney. You could enjoy the story in both English and Japanese.Elsa and Anna were born as princess of Arendale, the kingdom of summer. Elsa fears that her forbidden magical power would one day hurts her sister Anna, and retreats into her shell. Eventually, Elsa grows beautiful and is enthroned as the new queen. However, she rejects her sister's honesty so much that accidentally changes the whole territory to winter. This story of ""true love"" desctibes the adventures of Anna who sets out on journey to save her sister and the kingdom.

長年支持されてきた Headwayの特長を活かし、より効果的なユニット構成と最新のコンテンツで世界中の学習者をサポートします。4技能をバランスよく伸ばすシラバスとスピーキングに重点を置いたアプローチを通し、学習者は自信と流暢さを身に付けます。綿密に構成された文法シラバスや、豊富なリーディング練習、最新の学習方法を踏まえたアプローチが、世界中で支持されてきた理由です。
長年支持されてきた Headwayの特長を活かし、より効果的なユニット構成と最新のコンテンツで世界中の学習者をサポートします。4技能をバランスよく伸ばすシラバスとスピーキングに重点を置いたアプローチを通し、学習者は自信と流暢さを身に付けます。綿密に構成された文法シラバスや、豊富なリーディング練習、最新の学習方法を踏まえたアプローチが、世界中で支持されてきた理由です。

【英語多読】マーベル スパイダーマン好きにはたまらない物語集!
Everyone's favorite Super Heroes are back to battle their biggest villains yet! Each of these 12 stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, but also new adventures. Full color.
Everyone's favorite Super Heroes are back to battle their biggest villains yet! Each of these 12 stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, but also new adventures. Full color.

出版社:Scholastic Inc.

Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father's story.
Approaching the unspeakable through the diminutive (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice),
Vladek's harrowing story of survival is woven into the author's account of his tortured relationship with his aging father.
Against the backdrop of guilt brought by survival, they stage a normal life of small arguments and unhappy visits, studying the bloody pawprints of history and tracking its meaning for those who come next.
Against the backdrop of guilt brought by survival, they stage a normal life of small arguments and unhappy visits, studying the bloody pawprints of history and tracking its meaning for those who come next.

女学生ケンドラは、アベンジャーズのソーの大ファン。ソーの武器がハンマーなら、ケンドラの武器はリュックサック。ある時、リュックが急に重たくなります。超人的な力が備わったのでしょうか? 気分はまるでソー!という世にも奇妙な一日が始まるのでした。


楽しくマナーを学べる絵本です。ラマ・ラマはいろんなおもちゃで遊ぶことが大好きな男の子。 最近近所に引っ越してきたネリー・ヌーとの出会いをきっかけに、ラマ・ラマはネリー・ヌーと一緒に遊ぶことになります。 でも彼は一番大事にしているおもちゃをネリー・ヌーに貸すことに対してもやもやした気持ちがあり…。
大切なものを誰かに貸す時、少し勇気がいることもあるでしょう。ラマ・ラマのお母さんがラマ・ラマの背中を押してくれたように、 この絵本も「誰かと仲良くシェアをする大切さ」を教えてくれるのではないでしょうか。
楽しくマナーを学べる絵本です。ラマ・ラマはいろんなおもちゃで遊ぶことが大好きな男の子。 最近近所に引っ越してきたネリー・ヌーとの出会いをきっかけに、ラマ・ラマはネリー・ヌーと一緒に遊ぶことになります。 でも彼は一番大事にしているおもちゃをネリー・ヌーに貸すことに対してもやもやした気持ちがあり…。
大切なものを誰かに貸す時、少し勇気がいることもあるでしょう。ラマ・ラマのお母さんがラマ・ラマの背中を押してくれたように、 この絵本も「誰かと仲良くシェアをする大切さ」を教えてくれるのではないでしょうか。

Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She's not comforted by the news that she'll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. As she struggles to cope with crutches and a first cyborg-like prosthetic, Jessica feels oddly both in the spotlight and invisible.

出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing


出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

Oxford Bookworms Library: Factfilesは、魅力あふれるノンフィクションのテーマを通して、効果的に学習を進められます。

語彙、文章量、内容などにおいて綿密にレベル分けされたOxford Bookwormsは、最も効果的なグレイディッド・リーダーとして高く評価されています。
商品名:Splatoon Vol.2

¥1,210(税抜 ¥1,100)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
通常価格:¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000)
All-new adventures featuring the beloved characters of the hit Nintendo video game!
The Turf Wars have started in Inkopolis, and the team that inks the most ground will be crowned the winner! Based on the hit Nintendo games!
Team Blue has garnered attention after impressive showings against some of the most elite Inkling teams. But it'll only get harder from here! With the S4 Inklings aiming to bring down Goggles and his friends, the team must continue to find ways to improve, even if it means asking for help from the unlikeliest of sources!
The Turf Wars have started in Inkopolis, and the team that inks the most ground will be crowned the winner! Based on the hit Nintendo games!
Team Blue has garnered attention after impressive showings against some of the most elite Inkling teams. But it'll only get harder from here! With the S4 Inklings aiming to bring down Goggles and his friends, the team must continue to find ways to improve, even if it means asking for help from the unlikeliest of sources!

2019年セオドア・スース・ガイゼル賞受賞作品!楽しいことが大好きで、いたずら好きなキツネが主人公の絵本です。 キツネは自分よりも体が大きく、足が速く、賢いトラに憧れをもっています。ある日、キツネはトラになりきろうとします。 ずっとトラでいることは、キツネにとって本当に良いことなのでしょうか。
キツネは憧れのトラばかりに目を向けて、自分自身のチャームポイントには気づいていません。 自分自身を好きになる、その考え方を教えてくれる1冊です。
2019年セオドア・スース・ガイゼル賞受賞作品!楽しいことが大好きで、いたずら好きなキツネが主人公の絵本です。 キツネは自分よりも体が大きく、足が速く、賢いトラに憧れをもっています。ある日、キツネはトラになりきろうとします。 ずっとトラでいることは、キツネにとって本当に良いことなのでしょうか。
キツネは憧れのトラばかりに目を向けて、自分自身のチャームポイントには気づいていません。 自分自身を好きになる、その考え方を教えてくれる1冊です。

This book provides teachers with an entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. This approach is based on current theory and practice in the field of language assessment and on an understanding of the assessment needs of classroom teachers.
This book provides teachers with an entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. This approach is based on current theory and practice in the field of language assessment and on an understanding of the assessment needs of classroom teachers.

Enter a new stage of Super Mario in this full-color activity book starring Nintendo's classic team of Mario, Luigi, and their friends-plus stickers! Super Mario fans of all ages will love this full-color book featuring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom. With tons of awesome activities and stickers, the Super Mario Official Sticker Book will be the most thrilling experience for Super Mario fans since World 1-1!Mario made his debut in the 1980s in arcades around the world and has since gone on to star in many adventures, evolving into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres-from action platformers to sports, kart racing, and beyond.
Enter a new stage of Super Mario in this full-color activity book starring Nintendo's classic team of Mario, Luigi, and their friends-plus stickers! Super Mario fans of all ages will love this full-color book featuring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and all their friends from the Mushroom Kingdom. With tons of awesome activities and stickers, the Super Mario Official Sticker Book will be the most thrilling experience for Super Mario fans since World 1-1!Mario made his debut in the 1980s in arcades around the world and has since gone on to star in many adventures, evolving into the beloved icon he is today. He is a video game sensation, appearing across all genres-from action platformers to sports, kart racing, and beyond.



出版社:Learning Without Tears
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。

出版社:Learning Without Tears
本書では楽しく手書きに慣れてマスターするために、発達段階に応じた段階(指でなぞる、 間隔をあける等)を踏んでライティングを学習していきます。大文字、小文字、数字、文字の適切な間隔、 文字のサイズと配置といった基本的なルールを学び、Learn & Checkでは文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックします。 左利きのお子様にもやさしいページ構成となっており、どのお子様にとっても使いやすい1冊となっています。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
本書では楽しく手書きに慣れてマスターするために、発達段階に応じた段階(指でなぞる、 間隔をあける等)を踏んでライティングを学習していきます。大文字、小文字、数字、文字の適切な間隔、 文字のサイズと配置といった基本的なルールを学び、Learn & Checkでは文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックします。 左利きのお子様にもやさしいページ構成となっており、どのお子様にとっても使いやすい1冊となっています。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。

出版社:Random House
Learn how Blume went from being a stay-at-home mom to one of the most beloved American authors of the 20th century, noted for such classics as "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret, " which addressed sensitive issues for teens. Illustrations.

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繰り返し出てくるやさしい文章と可愛らしいイラストが、 まだ本を読むことに慣れていないお子様を最大限にサポートします。 魅力的なストーリーだけではなく、裏表紙には解きやすく楽しいアクティビティがあり、 お子様のさらなる学習を広げます。
本書では本を読むことに慣れるだけではなく、お子様の身の回りのトピックを取り扱っているので 「身近なものを英語では何というのだろう?」と興味をもつきっかけにもなるのではないでしょうか。
HISTORY 最近見た商品
週刊少年ジャンプ発・大ヒットホラーアクション漫画の第2巻の英語版。 特級呪霊が潜む少年院での戦いを見届けましょう。 「高専一年生3名が派遣され、うち1名、死亡」 前巻収録分の章冒頭に掲げられた不穏な記述の真相とは? 人間を駆逐し呪霊の世を築くことを企む特級呪霊の一味と、彼らに力を貸す謎の人物。 今後の展開の鍵となるキャラクターたちが数多く登場・活躍する、緊迫の1冊です。
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself!In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!A cursed womb mysteriously appears at a detention facility. Itadori and his classmates are dispatched to the scene, but they're in for quite the surprise when they're attacked by a special-grade curse! Itadori allows Sukuna to take over his body in order to survive, but the consequences are more drastic than anyone expected!