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出版社:Trend Enterprises
商品名:Cruise Control

出版社:HarperCollins US
Paul McDaniel has everything going for him: looks, smarts, and athletic ability. His brother, on the other hand, has nothing, not even a working brain. How can Paul pursue his own happiness when his brother will never know anything but meaningless pain?


出版社:Learning Without Tears
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
本書を通して少し発展した内容の文章、詩、言語アクティビティを通してライティングをマスターしていきます。 単語だけではなく、センテンスを書く練習ページも含まれています。Learn & Checkでは 文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックすることができます。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。

出版社:Learning Without Tears
本書では楽しく手書きに慣れてマスターするために、発達段階に応じた段階(指でなぞる、 間隔をあける等)を踏んでライティングを学習していきます。大文字、小文字、数字、文字の適切な間隔、 文字のサイズと配置といった基本的なルールを学び、Learn & Checkでは文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックします。 左利きのお子様にもやさしいページ構成となっており、どのお子様にとっても使いやすい1冊となっています。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。
本書では楽しく手書きに慣れてマスターするために、発達段階に応じた段階(指でなぞる、 間隔をあける等)を踏んでライティングを学習していきます。大文字、小文字、数字、文字の適切な間隔、 文字のサイズと配置といった基本的なルールを学び、Learn & Checkでは文字、単語、文のスキルをチェックします。 左利きのお子様にもやさしいページ構成となっており、どのお子様にとっても使いやすい1冊となっています。
初めて英語を書くお子様に対しても、1つ1つ丁寧に進んでいくので無理なく学習することができます。 ご自宅学習としてもおすすめの商品です。

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
【Level】A1 英検3級程度
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)
Snow White’s life is in danger when her father marries again and his new wife, Queen Bella, becomes terribly jealous of Snow White’s beauty. But Queen Bella’s plans fail, and Snow White finds safety at the cottage of the seven dwarfs before becoming reunited with her father.
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)
Snow White’s life is in danger when her father marries again and his new wife, Queen Bella, becomes terribly jealous of Snow White’s beauty. But Queen Bella’s plans fail, and Snow White finds safety at the cottage of the seven dwarfs before becoming reunited with her father.

出版社:Black Cat Publishing

出版社:Black Cat Publishing

出版社:Black Cat Publishing

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル:B1.2 英検準1級程度 ジャンル:Adventure
One day in eighteenth-century Bristol, an old sea captain arrives at an inn. This is where young Jim Hawkins adventures begin. After finding a treasure map, Jim set sails to find the mysterious Treasure Island in the company of Dr Livesey, Squire Trelawney and the ship’s cook, Long John Silver. An exciting tale of pirates, mutiny and buried treasure; will the voyage end as well as they had hoped?
Pirates and the Spanish Main
Marooned! All alone on a desert island
孤立無援! 無人島でたったひとり
One day in eighteenth-century Bristol, an old sea captain arrives at an inn. This is where young Jim Hawkins adventures begin. After finding a treasure map, Jim set sails to find the mysterious Treasure Island in the company of Dr Livesey, Squire Trelawney and the ship’s cook, Long John Silver. An exciting tale of pirates, mutiny and buried treasure; will the voyage end as well as they had hoped?
Pirates and the Spanish Main
Marooned! All alone on a desert island
孤立無援! 無人島でたったひとり

出版社:Scholastic Inc.

出版社:HarperCollins US
Syd Hoff's comical, charming illustrations will delight readers young and old alike in this beloved classic I Can Read about a caveman who's not afraid to be himself.
Stanley is no ordinary caveman. This makes the other cavemen so angry that they chase him away. But Stanley just goes on being different, and as the others soon see, different isn’t such a bad idea after all.
Stanley is no ordinary caveman. This makes the other cavemen so angry that they chase him away. But Stanley just goes on being different, and as the others soon see, different isn’t such a bad idea after all.

ノイジーさんは、たくさんの人に助けられています。本を探している時は、図書館の司書さん。 歯のお手入れをする時は歯医者さん。身近な人々の仕事への興味を促し、生活を支えてくれることへの感謝を育てる絵本です。
ノイジーさんは、たくさんの人に助けられています。本を探している時は、図書館の司書さん。 歯のお手入れをする時は歯医者さん。身近な人々の仕事への興味を促し、生活を支えてくれることへの感謝を育てる絵本です。

語彙、文章量、内容などにおいて綿密にレベル分けされたOxford Bookwormsは、最も効果的なグレイディッド・リーダーとして高く評価されています。

Bookworms Libraryのシリーズは、読み物として非常に優れ、また様々なジャンルからお選びいただくことができ、学習者のニーズを満たしています。現代文学から古典作品、また初級レベルでは書き下ろしの作品もあります。古典、実話、犯罪とミステリー、ファンタジーやホラー、スリラー、冒険物語、人間ドラマなど様々なジャンルの200を越える作品から、すべてのレベルの方々にお選びいただけます。

語彙、文章量、内容などにおいて綿密にレベル分けされたOxford Bookwormsは、最も効果的なグレイディッド・リーダーとして高く評価されています。

語彙、文章量、内容などにおいて綿密にレベル分けされたOxford Bookwormsは、最も効果的なグレイディッド・リーダーとして高く評価されています。

女学生ケンドラは、アベンジャーズのソーの大ファン。ソーの武器がハンマーなら、ケンドラの武器はリュックサック。ある時、リュックが急に重たくなります。超人的な力が備わったのでしょうか? 気分はまるでソー!という世にも奇妙な一日が始まるのでした。





出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル: A1 英検3級程度
ジャンル: Fairy Tale & Fantasy
Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.
Birds and Migration
Global Problems
Precious Stones
ジャンル: Fairy Tale & Fantasy
Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.
Birds and Migration
Global Problems
Precious Stones



出版社:Black Cat Publishing
【Level】Niveau 1(Pre-A1)

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
【Level】Niveau 2(Pre-A1)
フランス語リーダー。『赤ずきんちゃん』の結末が苦手な子はいませんか? この本なら大丈夫、全てが丸く収まります。赤ずきんちゃん、おばあちゃん、そして木こりは、気を取り直してジャムパンを食べることに。オオカミは肝をつぶして逃げていきますが、ちゃんと生きています!
フランス語リーダー。『赤ずきんちゃん』の結末が苦手な子はいませんか? この本なら大丈夫、全てが丸く収まります。赤ずきんちゃん、おばあちゃん、そして木こりは、気を取り直してジャムパンを食べることに。オオカミは肝をつぶして逃げていきますが、ちゃんと生きています!

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
【Level】 Niveau 4(Pre A1-A1/仏検3級)

出版社:Black Cat Publishing

・全 7 レベル、レベルに合わせて 200 - 3,178 語の見出し語を設定
・全 7 レベル、レベルに合わせて 200 - 3,178 語の見出し語を設定

・全 7 レベル、レベルに合わせて 200 - 3,011 語の見出し語を設定
・全 7 レベル、レベルに合わせて 200 - 3,011 語の見出し語を設定

Oxford Bookworms Library: Factfilesは、魅力あふれるノンフィクションのテーマを通して、効果的に学習を進められます。

繰り返し出てくるやさしい文章と可愛らしいイラストが、 まだ本を読むことに慣れていないお子様を最大限にサポートします。 魅力的なストーリーだけではなく、裏表紙には解きやすく楽しいアクティビティがあり、 お子様のさらなる学習を広げます。
本書では本を読むことに慣れるだけではなく、お子様の身の回りのトピックを取り扱っているので 「身近なものを英語では何というのだろう?」と興味をもつきっかけにもなるのではないでしょうか。
繰り返し出てくるやさしい文章と可愛らしいイラストが、 まだ本を読むことに慣れていないお子様を最大限にサポートします。 魅力的なストーリーだけではなく、裏表紙には解きやすく楽しいアクティビティがあり、 お子様のさらなる学習を広げます。
本書では本を読むことに慣れるだけではなく、お子様の身の回りのトピックを取り扱っているので 「身近なものを英語では何というのだろう?」と興味をもつきっかけにもなるのではないでしょうか。

出版社:Random House

2019年セオドア・スース・ガイゼル賞受賞作品!楽しいことが大好きで、いたずら好きなキツネが主人公の絵本です。 キツネは自分よりも体が大きく、足が速く、賢いトラに憧れをもっています。ある日、キツネはトラになりきろうとします。 ずっとトラでいることは、キツネにとって本当に良いことなのでしょうか。
キツネは憧れのトラばかりに目を向けて、自分自身のチャームポイントには気づいていません。 自分自身を好きになる、その考え方を教えてくれる1冊です。
2019年セオドア・スース・ガイゼル賞受賞作品!楽しいことが大好きで、いたずら好きなキツネが主人公の絵本です。 キツネは自分よりも体が大きく、足が速く、賢いトラに憧れをもっています。ある日、キツネはトラになりきろうとします。 ずっとトラでいることは、キツネにとって本当に良いことなのでしょうか。
キツネは憧れのトラばかりに目を向けて、自分自身のチャームポイントには気づいていません。 自分自身を好きになる、その考え方を教えてくれる1冊です。

A whirlwind tour through the intriguing world of science What exactly is science? Stars and planets, rocks and soil, hurricanes and airplanes-science is all of these things and so much more. It's also about curiosity: asking questions and exploring possible answers. Through simple words and child-friendly illustrations, this poetic picture book introduces young children to the exciting and ever-changing world of science. What Is Science? is a 2007 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.
A whirlwind tour through the intriguing world of science What exactly is science? Stars and planets, rocks and soil, hurricanes and airplanes-science is all of these things and so much more. It's also about curiosity: asking questions and exploring possible answers. Through simple words and child-friendly illustrations, this poetic picture book introduces young children to the exciting and ever-changing world of science. What Is Science? is a 2007 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.

● 自然な英語を話すための150以上のコツを掲載
● 電車の中での試験勉強にも最適
● 英語を専攻する生徒やレベルの高い学習者も確実にサポート
Each of the 180 grammar topics is organized into 2-page sections
Explains how the grammar for each topic is used and how to avoid mistakes
Includes a tip to help students sound more natural
Covers the topics students need to know for the Cambridge ESOL exams (FCE, CAE and CPE).
● 自然な英語を話すための150以上のコツを掲載
● 電車の中での試験勉強にも最適
● 英語を専攻する生徒やレベルの高い学習者も確実にサポート
Each of the 180 grammar topics is organized into 2-page sections
Explains how the grammar for each topic is used and how to avoid mistakes
Includes a tip to help students sound more natural
Covers the topics students need to know for the Cambridge ESOL exams (FCE, CAE and CPE).


出版社:Random House
Learn how Blume went from being a stay-at-home mom to one of the most beloved American authors of the 20th century, noted for such classics as "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret, " which addressed sensitive issues for teens. Illustrations.

出版社:Random House
Part of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, this Who HQ Now book tells the amazing story of an unknown trivia buff who became the all-time greatest contestant on Jeopardy!
Ken Jennings is considered the greatest of all-time contestants on Jeopardy! and became a household name after his impressive 74-game winning streak. After the passing of longtime host Alex Trebek, Jennings became the first guest to host Jeopardy! Read more about Ken Jennings and his curious life in this Who HQ Now biography.
Ken Jennings is considered the greatest of all-time contestants on Jeopardy! and became a household name after his impressive 74-game winning streak. After the passing of longtime host Alex Trebek, Jennings became the first guest to host Jeopardy! Read more about Ken Jennings and his curious life in this Who HQ Now biography.

出版社:Random House
Autism did not stop her--in fact, it helped Temple Grandin become a brilliant scientist and inventor.
Temple Grandin wasn't officially diagnosed with autism until she was in her 40s, but she knew at an early age that she was different from her family and classmates. She couldn't show affection, she acted out when noises or other stimuli overwhelmed her, and she only felt comfortable when spending time with the animals on her aunt's ranch. But instead of seeing her differences as limitations, Temple used them to guide her education and career in animal science. She has become a leading advocate for the autistic as well as for the humane treatment of animals at meat packing companies. This inspiring biography by Patricia Brennan Demuth shines a light on Temple Grandin's intellect, creativity, and unique spirit.
Temple Grandin wasn't officially diagnosed with autism until she was in her 40s, but she knew at an early age that she was different from her family and classmates. She couldn't show affection, she acted out when noises or other stimuli overwhelmed her, and she only felt comfortable when spending time with the animals on her aunt's ranch. But instead of seeing her differences as limitations, Temple used them to guide her education and career in animal science. She has become a leading advocate for the autistic as well as for the humane treatment of animals at meat packing companies. This inspiring biography by Patricia Brennan Demuth shines a light on Temple Grandin's intellect, creativity, and unique spirit.

出版社:Random House
A girl who loved to tap-dance
A brilliant reporter who dares to speak the truth
A world-famous women’s rights champion
As a field reporter in the 1960s, Gloria Steinem worked hard to dig up important stories. She went undercover to expose the grim realities of gender inequality in America. As her message continued to grow, she became the spokeswoman of the women’s liberation movement and created the feminist publication, Ms. magazine. Steinem continues to speak and write about women and women’s roles in media and politics.
A brilliant reporter who dares to speak the truth
A world-famous women’s rights champion
As a field reporter in the 1960s, Gloria Steinem worked hard to dig up important stories. She went undercover to expose the grim realities of gender inequality in America. As her message continued to grow, she became the spokeswoman of the women’s liberation movement and created the feminist publication, Ms. magazine. Steinem continues to speak and write about women and women’s roles in media and politics.

出版社:Random House
What would you do with a billion dollars? This question gets a definitive answer from billionaire Richard Branson: do everything! Born into a wealthy family in London, Branson suffered from dyslexia and was a poor student. Still, his knack for business started early with a successful parakeet-breeding enterprise at age 11. The charismatic entrepreneur launched his first major business, Virgin Records, at age 22 and spent the next few decades building the Virgin group that now includes more than 400 companies. Known for his eccentric lifestyle and trillion-watt smile, Branson's hot air balloon flights, innovative leadership, and world record attempts have made him an instantly-recognizable global icon.

出版社:Random House
Even as a kid, everyone thought Jeff Kinney was talented. People loved his drawings, and when he went to college, his comic strip Igdoof was so popular that it spread to other universities! Still, Jeff faced challenges. His cartoons were rejected by syndicates that claimed his art was unprofessional. Then, an idea struck: Jeff would write a journal from the perspective of a child, illustrated with doodles just like a kid might do. And so, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series was born--and it was a hit! In this biography, Jeff's brother, Patrick Kinney, provides a knowledgeable look at the life of this best-selling author/illustrator. From Jeff's childhood pranks to his job developing online games, kids will love the chance to learn more about the creator of the popular Wimpy Kid books.

THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES- More dark secrets are exposed in this addictive, true-crime fueled sequel when Pip finds herself in another deadly case.
Pip is?not?a detective anymore.
With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her. But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared, on the very same night the town hosted a memorial for the sixth-year anniversary of the deaths of Andie Bell and Sal Singh.
The police won't do anything about it. And if they won't look for Jamie then Pip will, uncovering more of her town's dark secrets along the way... and this time?everyone?is listening. But will she find him before it's too late?
And don't miss the finale,?As Good as Dead
Pip is?not?a detective anymore.
With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her. But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared, on the very same night the town hosted a memorial for the sixth-year anniversary of the deaths of Andie Bell and Sal Singh.
The police won't do anything about it. And if they won't look for Jamie then Pip will, uncovering more of her town's dark secrets along the way... and this time?everyone?is listening. But will she find him before it's too late?
And don't miss the finale,?As Good as Dead

A short verse for each month of the year encourages the reader to find objects hidden in the pictures that depict that month's activities, such as ear muffs and pine trees in January, or a scooter and a picnic bench in June.
A short verse for each month of the year encourages the reader to find objects hidden in the pictures that depict that month's activities, such as ear muffs and pine trees in January, or a scooter and a picnic bench in June.

出版社:Random House
On August 15, 1969, a music festival called "Woodstock" transformed one small dairy farm in upstate New York into a gathering place for over 400,000 young music fans. Concert-goers, called "hippies," traveled from all over the country to see their favorite musicians perform. Famous artists like The Grateful Dead played day and night in a celebration of peace, love, and happiness. Although Woodstock lasted only three days, the spirit of the festival has defined a generation and become a symbol of the "hippie life."
American Association of University Women Award for Juvenile Literature 2016 Nominee.
American Association of University Women Award for Juvenile Literature 2016 Nominee.
HISTORY 最近見た商品
出席表、宿題を管理できるカレンダー、読書の記録、リーディング発表会の記録など、人気のページはそのままに 全編フルカラーにして、子どもたちに分かりやすい様に、楽しめるように見直しました。 デジタルの時代ではありますが、子どもたちとのやり取りはアナログ(ノート)のほうが コミュニケーションが取りやすいという声を受けてこの度の全面改訂です。