2024-2025 Nellie's Winter Sale / ウィンターセール

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『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...
One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim--until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!
It's the final showdown against the unrelenting Stanley! The Kingdom of Science is losing the fight, but they do have one desperate strategy left--they plan to activate the Medusa device! As their casualties mount, will Senku and friends entrust their fate to the mechanism's ominous light?!
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。
Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...
One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim--until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!
It's the final showdown against the unrelenting Stanley! The Kingdom of Science is losing the fight, but they do have one desperate strategy left--they plan to activate the Medusa device! As their casualties mount, will Senku and friends entrust their fate to the mechanism's ominous light?!
商品名:Cirque Du Freak

邦題『ダレン・シャンI 奇怪なサーカス』。独自に漫画化されるなど、
ダレン・シャンはどこにでもいる普通の少年でした。 謎めいたサーカス「シルク・ド・フリーク」のチケットを手に入れたダレンは、 親友のスティーブと共にショーを見に行きます。摩訶不思議な異形の人々が入り乱れるゴシックショーに 酔いしれるダレンですが、一方のスティーブは、縁者の一人であるMr.クレプスリーがヴァンパイアであることを 見抜いていました。ショーの後、自分を手下にするようクレプスリーに迫るスティーブ。 二人の会話を盗み聞きしていたダレンは、親友の異様な様子に慄くものの、彼もまた、 運命に導かれるようにMr.クレプスリーに惹きよせられていくのです。 Mr.クレプスリーの蜘蛛を盗んだことをきっかけに半ヴァンパイアとなり、 血を血で洗う陰惨な戦いへと身を投じていくダレン、その命運やいかに?
ダレン・シャンはどこにでもいる普通の少年でした。 謎めいたサーカス「シルク・ド・フリーク」のチケットを手に入れたダレンは、 親友のスティーブと共にショーを見に行きます。摩訶不思議な異形の人々が入り乱れるゴシックショーに 酔いしれるダレンですが、一方のスティーブは、縁者の一人であるMr.クレプスリーがヴァンパイアであることを 見抜いていました。ショーの後、自分を手下にするようクレプスリーに迫るスティーブ。 二人の会話を盗み聞きしていたダレンは、親友の異様な様子に慄くものの、彼もまた、 運命に導かれるようにMr.クレプスリーに惹きよせられていくのです。 Mr.クレプスリーの蜘蛛を盗んだことをきっかけに半ヴァンパイアとなり、 血を血で洗う陰惨な戦いへと身を投じていくダレン、その命運やいかに?

This Learn to Write Brain Quest workbook helps children practice tracing and writing numbers to prepare them for success with math in kindergarten and beyond. In Brain Quest Learn to Write: Numbers, children ages 4 and up practice their penmanship while learning to write numbers 0-20. This workbook also introduces them to early numeracy concepts like recognizing, counting, and comparing numbers. Each workbook page includes engaging illustrations, multiple practice exercises, and fun activities that give children ample opportunity to master the content and experience the joy of learning.
This Learn to Write Brain Quest workbook helps children practice tracing and writing numbers to prepare them for success with math in kindergarten and beyond. In Brain Quest Learn to Write: Numbers, children ages 4 and up practice their penmanship while learning to write numbers 0-20. This workbook also introduces them to early numeracy concepts like recognizing, counting, and comparing numbers. Each workbook page includes engaging illustrations, multiple practice exercises, and fun activities that give children ample opportunity to master the content and experience the joy of learning.

Come Rain or Shine
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?
The skies have reclaimed the Weather Maiden, and Hodaka is on the run! All Hodaka cares about is saving the girl who took his world by storm, but is he willing to tempt the fates to bring sunshine back into his life?


Hat, ribbon, bird rose.
To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed.
When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in danger of being taken away by the Memory Police, she desperately wants to save him. For some reason, he doesn't forget, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his memories. Who knows what will vanish next?
To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed.
When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in danger of being taken away by the Memory Police, she desperately wants to save him. For some reason, he doesn't forget, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his memories. Who knows what will vanish next?

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
商品名:Fahrenheit 451

Nearly seventy years after its original publication, Ray Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 stands as a classic of world literature set in a bleak, dystopian future. Today its message has grown more relevant than ever before.
Guy Montage is a fireman. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television “family.” But when he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television, Montage begins to question everything he has ever known.
Guy Montage is a fireman. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television “family.” But when he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television, Montage begins to question everything he has ever known.

In his first book for young adults, Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist who leaves his school on the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white high school.
This heartbreaking, funny, and beautifully written tale, featuring poignant drawings that reflect the character's art, is based on the author's own experiences.
It chronicles contemporary adolescence as seen through the eyes of one Native American boy.
商品名:バイリンガル版 進撃の巨人 4

商品名:バイリンガル版 進撃の巨人 1

巨人がすべてを支配し、人間を餌とする世界。人類は存亡をかけて戦いを挑む─絶大な人気を博している『進撃の巨人』のバイリンガル版コミック、ついに登場! 吹き出しの中は英語、コマの外に元の日本語を置いた形のマンガなので、自然な英語が無理なく身につきます。日英対訳でもページをめくる手が止まりません。本書ではコミックより1話多い、5話分を収めました。
商品名:バイリンガル版 進撃の巨人 2

吹き出しの中は英語、コマの外に元の日本語を置いた形なので、自然な英語が無理なく身につきます。日英対訳でもページをめくる手が止まりません。バイリンガル版の2巻には、第6話から第10話までと、「特別編 リヴァイ兵士長」を収録しました。
吹き出しの中は英語、コマの外に元の日本語を置いた形なので、自然な英語が無理なく身につきます。日英対訳でもページをめくる手が止まりません。バイリンガル版の2巻には、第6話から第10話までと、「特別編 リヴァイ兵士長」を収録しました。
商品名:バイリンガル版 進撃の巨人 3


出版社:JY Books

出版社:JY Books

出版社:Puffin Books
ロアルド・ダール著、邦題『少年』。『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』の作者が、創作の源となった幼少年期の体験を語る自伝小説。彼が描く物語と同じように、ロアルド・ダールの子供時代は波乱万丈で楽しく、愛に溢れています。ロアルド・ダールが、交通事故で危うく家を失くしそうになったことをご存知ですか? キャドバリーズのチョコレートキャンディのテスターに選ばれたことは? 1924年に「グレート・マウス計画」に参加したことは? ご存知なかったなら、ぜひご一読を。忘れられない読書体験となること間違いなしです。
Find out where the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG got all his wonderful story ideas in this autobiographical account of his childhood!From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in a car accident? Or that he was once a chocolate candy tester for Cadbury's? Have you heard about his involvement in the Great Mouse Plot of 1924? If not, you don't yet know all there is to know about Roald Dahl. Sure to captivate and delight you, the boyhood antics of this master storyteller are not to be missed!
ロアルド・ダール著、邦題『少年』。『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』の作者が、創作の源となった幼少年期の体験を語る自伝小説。彼が描く物語と同じように、ロアルド・ダールの子供時代は波乱万丈で楽しく、愛に溢れています。ロアルド・ダールが、交通事故で危うく家を失くしそうになったことをご存知ですか? キャドバリーズのチョコレートキャンディのテスターに選ばれたことは? 1924年に「グレート・マウス計画」に参加したことは? ご存知なかったなら、ぜひご一読を。忘れられない読書体験となること間違いなしです。
Find out where the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG got all his wonderful story ideas in this autobiographical account of his childhood!From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in a car accident? Or that he was once a chocolate candy tester for Cadbury's? Have you heard about his involvement in the Great Mouse Plot of 1924? If not, you don't yet know all there is to know about Roald Dahl. Sure to captivate and delight you, the boyhood antics of this master storyteller are not to be missed!

The English language is spoken by more than a billion people throughout the world. But where did English come from? And how has it evolved into the language used today?In this Very Short Introduction Simon Horobin investigates how we have arrived at the English we know today, and celebrates the way new speakers and new uses mean that it continues to adapt. Engaging with contemporary concerns about correctness, Horobin considers whether such changes are improvements, or evidence of slipping standards. What is the future for the English language? Will Standard English continue to hold sway, or we are witnessing its replacement by newly emerging Englishes?
The English language is spoken by more than a billion people throughout the world. But where did English come from? And how has it evolved into the language used today?In this Very Short Introduction Simon Horobin investigates how we have arrived at the English we know today, and celebrates the way new speakers and new uses mean that it continues to adapt. Engaging with contemporary concerns about correctness, Horobin considers whether such changes are improvements, or evidence of slipping standards. What is the future for the English language? Will Standard English continue to hold sway, or we are witnessing its replacement by newly emerging Englishes?

Full Description
Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and howmight we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formalorganizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Introduction ; 1. What is organization? ; 2. What is the best way to organize? ; 3. What does it mean to be an organization? ; 4. Who does organizing serve? ; 5. How does organizing happen? ; 6. Why do organizational scholars disagree? ; 7. Where do we go from here?
Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and howmight we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formalorganizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Introduction ; 1. What is organization? ; 2. What is the best way to organize? ; 3. What does it mean to be an organization? ; 4. Who does organizing serve? ; 5. How does organizing happen? ; 6. Why do organizational scholars disagree? ; 7. Where do we go from here?

What is literary theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is literature, and does it matter?These are some of questions addressed by Jonathan Culler in this Very Short Introduction to literary theory. Often a controversial subject, said to have transformed the study of culture and society in the past two decades, literary theory is accused of undermining respect for tradition and truth and encouraging suspicion about the political and psychological implications of cultural projects rather than admiration for great literature.
What is literary theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is literature, and does it matter?These are some of questions addressed by Jonathan Culler in this Very Short Introduction to literary theory. Often a controversial subject, said to have transformed the study of culture and society in the past two decades, literary theory is accused of undermining respect for tradition and truth and encouraging suspicion about the political and psychological implications of cultural projects rather than admiration for great literature.

・Written by acclaimed scholar and biographer Jonathan Bate
・An essential buy for A-Level and undergraduate students of English Literature
・Considers why literature matters, how narrative works, and what is distinctly English about English literature
・Looks at the three main kinds of imaginative literature, namely English poetry, English drama, and the English novel
・Uses many well-known examples to demonstrate throughout
・Written by acclaimed scholar and biographer Jonathan Bate
・An essential buy for A-Level and undergraduate students of English Literature
・Considers why literature matters, how narrative works, and what is distinctly English about English literature
・Looks at the three main kinds of imaginative literature, namely English poetry, English drama, and the English novel
・Uses many well-known examples to demonstrate throughout

一流の専門家が、最新の視点を取り入れつつ、各分野の入門となる概説を提供するシリーズより、「発生生物学」をテーマとした一冊です。たったひとつの受精卵がハエや象や人間の赤ちゃんになっていくという自然界の神秘。いま活発な研究が行なわれているこの分野の基本概念を概説するのは、『Principles of Development(ウォルパート発生生物学)』の著者、ルイス・ウォルパートです。精巧な私たちの体はどのようにできるのか、その不思議に興味を持つすべての読者にお薦めする一冊です。
・Written by the most distinguished developmental biologist in the UK and one of the most repespected names in the field worldwide
・Explores how fertiziled eggs develop, the process of cell division, the development of patterns, and overall growth
・A concise introduction ideal for anyone starting, or on, a biology course
一流の専門家が、最新の視点を取り入れつつ、各分野の入門となる概説を提供するシリーズより、「発生生物学」をテーマとした一冊です。たったひとつの受精卵がハエや象や人間の赤ちゃんになっていくという自然界の神秘。いま活発な研究が行なわれているこの分野の基本概念を概説するのは、『Principles of Development(ウォルパート発生生物学)』の著者、ルイス・ウォルパートです。精巧な私たちの体はどのようにできるのか、その不思議に興味を持つすべての読者にお薦めする一冊です。
・Written by the most distinguished developmental biologist in the UK and one of the most repespected names in the field worldwide
・Explores how fertiziled eggs develop, the process of cell division, the development of patterns, and overall growth
・A concise introduction ideal for anyone starting, or on, a biology course

・Explains what psychology is, how it works, and what it can (and can't) do Ideal for anyone considering studying psychology or on an introductory course
・Explores all of the main areas of psychology - learning, memory, attention, psychological, abnormal, and social development
・Provides an understanding of the leading ideas in psychology and their practical relevance for us all
・Part of the Very Short Introductions series - over six million copies sold worldwide
・Explains what psychology is, how it works, and what it can (and can't) do Ideal for anyone considering studying psychology or on an introductory course
・Explores all of the main areas of psychology - learning, memory, attention, psychological, abnormal, and social development
・Provides an understanding of the leading ideas in psychology and their practical relevance for us all
・Part of the Very Short Introductions series - over six million copies sold worldwide

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル:B2.2 英検準1~1級 ジャンル:Human Interest
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
Plain orphaned Jane Eyre lives unwanted with her aunt and cousins until she is sent away to school. There, hungry and humiliated, she grows and studies. When Jane leaves school to work as a governess at the aristocratic Thornfield Manor owned by the intriguing Mr Rochester, she finally finds some happiness. But some strange events are signals that the mysterious past of Mr Rochester’s is about to return.
Jane as a Feminist Heroine
Race and Empire in Jane Eyre
Jane as Romantic Revolutionary
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
Plain orphaned Jane Eyre lives unwanted with her aunt and cousins until she is sent away to school. There, hungry and humiliated, she grows and studies. When Jane leaves school to work as a governess at the aristocratic Thornfield Manor owned by the intriguing Mr Rochester, she finally finds some happiness. But some strange events are signals that the mysterious past of Mr Rochester’s is about to return.
Jane as a Feminist Heroine
Race and Empire in Jane Eyre
Jane as Romantic Revolutionary

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル:B2.1 英検準1~1級 ジャンル:Adventure
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
During the Seven Years’ War between the French and the British, Cora and Alice Munro are on their way to Fort Henry to join their father, the commander. But their Indian guide, Magua, betrays the group to the Iroquois Indians. This is only the beginning of their many adventures.
The Origins of the Indian People
The Iroquois Confederacy
The Indian Reservation Today and others
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
During the Seven Years’ War between the French and the British, Cora and Alice Munro are on their way to Fort Henry to join their father, the commander. But their Indian guide, Magua, betrays the group to the Iroquois Indians. This is only the beginning of their many adventures.
The Origins of the Indian People
The Iroquois Confederacy
The Indian Reservation Today and others

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル:B2.1 英検準1~1級 ジャンル:Comedy (Playscript付)
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
Two young lovers, Hermia and Lysander, meet in the wood with the intention of running away and getting married secretly. They are followed by Demetrius, who loves Hermia, and Helena, who is in love with Demetrius. What they don’t know is that the wood is enchanted…
Shakespeare’s Sources
The Elizabethan Performance
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
Two young lovers, Hermia and Lysander, meet in the wood with the intention of running away and getting married secretly. They are followed by Demetrius, who loves Hermia, and Helena, who is in love with Demetrius. What they don’t know is that the wood is enchanted…
Shakespeare’s Sources
The Elizabethan Performance

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
レベル: B1.2 英検準1級程度
ジャンル: Comedy & Tragedy
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
In The Taming of the Shrew, Katharina learns to love Petruchio only after she has learnt to be an obedient wife. Romeo and Juliet’s love is destined to end in tragedy. In Twelfth Night, love is romantic but also painful, while in Othello love turns into jealousy. And in the final story, Antony and Cleopatra’s passionate love has tragic consequences.
The Life of William Shakespeare
Courtship and Marriage in Elizabethan Times
ジャンル: Comedy & Tragedy
Black Cat Reading and Training は、フルカラーの挿し絵も楽しく、読みやすくて読み応えのある6レベルのリーダーシリーズ。古典の名作からオリジナルまで幅広く堪能できます。「構文」と「語彙」によりレベル分けされていますが、語彙は一般的な見出し語を参考にしつつも、作品の魅力を損ねないよう常識的な範囲で柔軟に使用されているのが特長。4スキルを磨くアクティビティはケンブリッジESOLテスト形式を採用。文化的、歴史的背景も随所で解説しているので教科を横断した(cross-curricular)アプローチにも適しています。
In The Taming of the Shrew, Katharina learns to love Petruchio only after she has learnt to be an obedient wife. Romeo and Juliet’s love is destined to end in tragedy. In Twelfth Night, love is romantic but also painful, while in Othello love turns into jealousy. And in the final story, Antony and Cleopatra’s passionate love has tragic consequences.
The Life of William Shakespeare
Courtship and Marriage in Elizabethan Times

A depiction of innocent men and women destroyed by malicious rumour, The Crucible is also a powerful indictment of McCarthyism and the 'frontier mentality' of Cold War America.
A depiction of innocent men and women destroyed by malicious rumour, The Crucible is also a powerful indictment of McCarthyism and the 'frontier mentality' of Cold War America.

新しく加わったBuilding Vocabularyセクションは、接尾辞の使い方など単語を分析する力を高めるのに役立ちます。
新しく加わったBuilding Vocabularyセクションは、接尾辞の使い方など単語を分析する力を高めるのに役立ちます。

出版社:Scholastic Inc.
A brave and beautiful story that will make readers laugh, and break their hearts at the same time. Now with a special note from the author!
Steven has a totally normal life (well, almost).He plays drums in the All-City Jazz Band (whose members call him the Peasant), has a crush on the hottest girl in school (who doesn't even know he's alive), and is constantly annoyed by his younger brother, Jeffrey (who is cuter than cute - which is also pretty annoying). But when Jeffrey gets sick, Steven's world is turned upside down, and he is forced to deal with his brother's illness, his parents' attempts to keep the family in one piece, his homework, the band, girls, and Dangerous Pie (yes, you'll have to read the book to find out what that is!).
Steven has a totally normal life (well, almost).He plays drums in the All-City Jazz Band (whose members call him the Peasant), has a crush on the hottest girl in school (who doesn't even know he's alive), and is constantly annoyed by his younger brother, Jeffrey (who is cuter than cute - which is also pretty annoying). But when Jeffrey gets sick, Steven's world is turned upside down, and he is forced to deal with his brother's illness, his parents' attempts to keep the family in one piece, his homework, the band, girls, and Dangerous Pie (yes, you'll have to read the book to find out what that is!).

Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She's not comforted by the news that she'll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. As she struggles to cope with crutches and a first cyborg-like prosthetic, Jessica feels oddly both in the spotlight and invisible.

ジュラシック・ワールドから生まれたテレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」の子供向けライトノベルズ
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の

ジュラシック・ワールドから生まれたテレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」の子供向けライトノベルズ
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の

ジュラシック・ワールドから生まれたテレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」の子供向けライトノベルズ
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の

ジュラシック・ワールドから生まれたテレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」の子供向けライトノベルズ
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の
Netflixの大人気テレビシリーズ「Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous」は、「ジュラシック・ワールド」のあるイスラ・ヌブラ島の

アリスと一緒にウサギ穴を下りて、あべこべな冒険の旅へ! あるありふれた夏の日の午後。アリスはウサギを追って穴に落ち、奇妙な大冒険が始まります。おかしな世界では、もっとおかしな住民たちが暮らしていたのです。懐中時計を持ったウサギに会い、いかれた帽子屋のお茶会に参加し、女王様とクローケーの試合をして…空想的な世界をさまようアリスの好奇心は尽きません。
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole in this topsy turvy adventure! On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute . . .
アリスと一緒にウサギ穴を下りて、あべこべな冒険の旅へ! あるありふれた夏の日の午後。アリスはウサギを追って穴に落ち、奇妙な大冒険が始まります。おかしな世界では、もっとおかしな住民たちが暮らしていたのです。懐中時計を持ったウサギに会い、いかれた帽子屋のお茶会に参加し、女王様とクローケーの試合をして…空想的な世界をさまようアリスの好奇心は尽きません。
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole in this topsy turvy adventure! On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute . . .

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
【Level】 DELE C1程度


出版社:Express Publishing

A pocket-sized reference to English vocabularyThe Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary has over 38000 words phrases and meanings giving students a handy quick-reference guide to basic English vocabulary. It includes essential information on meanings grammar patterns spelling idioms and phrasal verbs.
A pocket-sized reference to English vocabularyThe Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary has over 38000 words phrases and meanings giving students a handy quick-reference guide to basic English vocabulary. It includes essential information on meanings grammar patterns spelling idioms and phrasal verbs.

出版社:Black Cat Publishing
Level: A2 英検準2~2級程度
ジャンル: Adventure
Set in 15th-century England during the Wars of the Roses, this is the exciting story of the adventures of young Richard Shelton and the mysterious band of the Black Arrow. Richard must fight against his cruel guardian Sir Daniel Brackley, and his treacherous men to protect his true love Joanna. Because of his courage and honesty he becomes a knight and helps to save his country. Suspense, mystery, excitement, incredible adventures and romance fill this thrilling tale that is hard to put down.
The Wars of the Roses
Knights and Knighthood Today
ジャンル: Adventure
Set in 15th-century England during the Wars of the Roses, this is the exciting story of the adventures of young Richard Shelton and the mysterious band of the Black Arrow. Richard must fight against his cruel guardian Sir Daniel Brackley, and his treacherous men to protect his true love Joanna. Because of his courage and honesty he becomes a knight and helps to save his country. Suspense, mystery, excitement, incredible adventures and romance fill this thrilling tale that is hard to put down.
The Wars of the Roses
Knights and Knighthood Today

出版社:Scholastic Inc.
『ハンガー・ゲーム』3部作より第1作です。本シリーズではダークな近未来を舞台に、 恐ろしいリアリティ番組が繰り広げられていきます。12人の少年と12人の少女は、 「ハンガー・ゲーム」と呼ばれるライブ・イベントに余儀なく出演させられます。 番組のルールはただひとつ…殺すか殺されるか。16歳のカットニス・エヴァディーンは、 妹の代わりにゲームに参加することを死の宣告と受け止めます。 しかし、カットニスは以前にも死と隣り合わせになったことがありました。 彼女にとって、生き残ることは第二の天性だったのです。
First in the ground - breaking HUNGER GAMES trilogy. Set in a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called The Hunger Games. There is only one rule: kill or be killed. When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her younger sister's place in the games, she sees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to death before. For her, survival is second nature.
『ハンガー・ゲーム』3部作より第1作です。本シリーズではダークな近未来を舞台に、 恐ろしいリアリティ番組が繰り広げられていきます。12人の少年と12人の少女は、 「ハンガー・ゲーム」と呼ばれるライブ・イベントに余儀なく出演させられます。 番組のルールはただひとつ…殺すか殺されるか。16歳のカットニス・エヴァディーンは、 妹の代わりにゲームに参加することを死の宣告と受け止めます。 しかし、カットニスは以前にも死と隣り合わせになったことがありました。 彼女にとって、生き残ることは第二の天性だったのです。
First in the ground - breaking HUNGER GAMES trilogy. Set in a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called The Hunger Games. There is only one rule: kill or be killed. When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her younger sister's place in the games, she sees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to death before. For her, survival is second nature.


出版社:Random House
This remarkable novel holds a fantastic puzzle at its heart.
By sixth grade, Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it's safe to go, and they know who to avoid. Like the crazy guy on the corner.
But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by a kid on the street for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda's mom keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then a mysterious note arrives, scrawled on a tiny slip of paper. The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realizes that whoever is leaving them knows things no one should know. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.
By sixth grade, Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it's safe to go, and they know who to avoid. Like the crazy guy on the corner.
But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by a kid on the street for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda's mom keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then a mysterious note arrives, scrawled on a tiny slip of paper. The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realizes that whoever is leaving them knows things no one should know. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.

Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day, Ariel sees a Prince. She loves him! She wants to be human. Can Ariel find a way?
Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day, Ariel sees a Prince. She loves him! She wants to be human. Can Ariel find a way?


出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing

出版社:Express Publishing
HISTORY 最近見た商品
『週刊少年ジャンプ』発の原作:稲垣理一郎、作画:Boichiによるファンタジーな冒険漫画をぜひ英語でも! 第22巻では、石化装置の残骸を発見した主人公の千空(せんくう)と仲間たちは最終決戦に備えます。 しかし、そんな彼らに追撃の魔の手が刻一刻と迫り…!?という場面から物語が始まります。
ある日、人類が石化して数千年後の荒廃した世界で石化を破って復活した主人公の千空(せんくう)と大樹(たいじゅ)。 数々の困難に立ち向かいながら、ゼロから科学文明を築き上げて人類を救おうとする壮大なストーリーです。