Easy to read digital materials that expose you to English.

Extensive Reading is something that teachers and students alike are familiar with and its familiarity is increasing with millions of books being accessible online. Increased reading positively affects learning and overall reading ability.
Xreading is a digital reader that offers a wide selection of books from multiple publishers. Xreading has proved popular in junior high schools, high schools and universities. Xreading’s books can be read in any environment through its versatile use on smart phones and tablets, for example.
【目次 / In this article, we’ll look at:】
Why Xreading comes highly recommended
(2)What Teachers can do
(3)What Students can do
Xreadingをおすすめする理由 / Why Xreading comes highly recommended
The ideal platform for Extensive Reading and listening
By continually reading easy to read English for at least 15-minutes a day, you will see large improvements in your English ability. It has been reported that reading 1 million words would have the same effect as spending 10-months studying abroad. The way Xreading is designed, it can be easily incorporated it into your daily life.
An extensive reading library from a large number of publishers
まさに、持ち歩ける図書館! また、クラス全員で同時に同タイトルにアクセス可能。読みたいリーダーがいつでも読めちゃうのが魅力的!
Unlike publishers who only make their own online materials available, Xreading has a very large library from many publishers.
With collections from more than 22 reader series, more than 1,700 books.
It’s basically your portable library! Additionally, the whole class can access the same title at the same time. Being able to read any time you want to offers great appeal!
③CEFR: A2~C2まで、豊富なレベル分け
Extensive materials covering the CEFR A2 to C2 levels
It is imperative that the appropriate level of reader is selected for the learner. While each publisher has their own levels for readers, Xreading follows the International Extensive Reading Education Society’s system, spreading the library across 14 unique levels.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. This makes it easy for anyone involved in language teaching and testing, such as teachers or learners, to see the level of different qualifications. It also means that employers and educational institutions can easily compare our qualifications to other exams in their country.
For questions about the product, delivery times or anything else, please feel free to contact us

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What Teachers can do

LMS(学習管理システム) / LMS (Learner Management System)
At a glance, teachers can see how many books have been read, how many words, how long has been spent reading, reading speed and correct quiz answers etc. of their students, meaning that reading improvement over time can be seen.
宿題や課題 / Homework and assignments
Homework and assignments can be given to classes or individual students. Assignment deadlines can set as well as book-specific tasks.
ジャーナル機能 / A journal function
After reading, students will have the opportunity to write a journal. This allows teachers to maintain communication thus keeping students’ motivation high by giving immediate feedback and evaluation.
紙媒体との互換性 / Compatibility with paper
Xreading can be used in parallel with non-Xreading paper books through other Extensive Reading programs like M-Reader.
スピード計測 / Speed reading
It’s possible to evaluate 1-minute reading speed. This is a good visual representation of reading improvement but also ensures that records are true and accurate.
What Students can do

読み放題 / All-you-can-read
Whether you’re using a PC, a smartphone or a tablet, you can access your library anywhere, any time. While travelling or even when you only have a few spare moments, you can enjoy reading. According to your mood at the time, you can choose your favourite book and read as much as you want.
読書記録 / Reading records
On the reading records page, you can view various data such as the number of books read, word counts, the amount of time spent reading and reading speed.
音声機能 / Audio features
All readers are accompanied by audio, all of which offer 5 different speed levels.
その他の機能 / Other features
After reading a book there are multiple follow-up actions that can be taken, from doing a quiz to leaving a review. If you use the journal function to leave notes and organize synopses, the percentage of correct answers to quizzes will increase!
ご採用についての概要 / Overview
Account length: 6-months or 12-months
Accounts for: schools or conversation schools
Cost: \2,500 (excluding tax)
Minimum accounts: 20
If you are considering signing-up, then please contact us here. We are an agent to Xreading so if your school’s administrator has any questions about the system, then please contact Xreading directly: info@xreading.com
For questions about the product, delivery times or anything else, please feel free to contact us

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