

Jolly Phoincs Student Book 3 colour edition in Print Letters (US)

出版社:Jolly Learning
在庫状況◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

¥1,067(税抜 ¥970



システムコード 2131300000056
英語の読み書きを学び始めて日が浅い子供たちを対象とした、楽しく実践的なアクティビティが満載の書き込み式スチューデントブックです。Level 1(9781844149889)、Level 2(9781844147236)で培った読み書きの能力をさらに伸ばしていきます。同音異つづり単語と難しい発音・スペリングをする語の紹介は引き続き行いつつ、幅広い英文読解のアクティビティを通じて、リーディング能力の向上を目指します。別売のJolly Phonics Teacher's Bookには段階的な指導プランや、読解サポートのヒントが掲載されており、無理なく楽しい学習の提供を助けます。

The Jolly Phonics Student Books are write-in student books providing fun and engaging lesson activities for young children in their first year of learning to read and write.Jolly Phonics Student Book 3: Builds and consolidates the reading and writing skills taught in Student Books 1 and 2. Covers three main topics: Alternatives, Tricky Words, and Words and Sentences. Introduces new alternative letter-sound spellings and tricky words, as well as a variety of reading comprehension activities. Comes with step-by-step lesson plans and comprehensive support, provided in the Jolly Phonics Teacher’s Book.This refreshed version of the book is the same as the previous edition in terms of core content, but is enhanced with: A fresh new look in terms of cover and page designs. Easier navigation in a variety of ways, including color-coding and contents. Enhanced transparency in the structure for the corresponding content in The Phonics Handbook. Alignment of content across the materials for consistency of teaching.

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