
【鬼滅の刃】Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba 23(PAP)

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¥2,200(税抜 ¥2,000



システムコード 2330000979789
鬼の始祖・鬼舞辻無惨と炭治郎たちの戦いは最終局面へ…!! 珠世が身を挺して投与した四種類の薬が、無惨を衰えさせ、追い詰めていく。炭治郎と禰豆子、そして鬼殺隊の運命は!? 永きにわたる鬼との闘争、決着の刻!! 週刊少年ジャンプ発、メガヒットを記録した血風剣戟冒険譚第23巻の英語版。散っていった者たちの想いを背負い、最後の力を振り絞る炭治郎たち。ついに無惨の動きが止まり、その身が朝日に焼かれ始めます。無惨の胸に蘇る産屋敷の言葉。そして、無惨の血と想いを受けた「鬼の王」が覚醒するのです。人間に戻った禰豆子、そして仲間たちの願いは届くのでしょうか? 悲しく美しい鬼狩りの物語、運命の最終巻です。

Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.In an epic confrontation, Tanjiro and his fellow Demon Slayers have fought on through the night, suffering terrible losses against the King of Demons, Muzan Kibutsuji. Dawn is breaking soon, and if they can keep Muzan at bay just a little longer, it will be the end of the centuries-long struggle. But Muzan, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Demon Slayers, unleashes his most terrible powers. If he can't defeat the Demon Slayers, he may be able to cause them to destroy themselves from within. All fates and destinies will be decided as the sun begins to rise...

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