Blue Lock Vol. 1
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¥2,530(税抜 ¥2,300)
システムコード | 2330000981045 |
2018年、W杯。日本代表は無残に散った。今大会もベスト16止まり…。アジアでは強豪? 組織力は世界レベル? そんなことは、もう聞き飽きた! 課題は、絶対的な「エースストライカー」の不在。悲願“W杯優勝”のために、ゴールに飢え、勝利に渇き、試合を一変させる革新的な“1人”を作るべく、日本フットボール連合は300人のユース年代の選手達を招集する。まだ無名の高校2年生・潔世一は、己のエゴを以って299人を蹴落とし、最強のエースストライカーの道を駆け上れるか!? 登場人物、全員“俺様”! 史上最もイカれたエゴイストFWサッカー漫画、ここに開幕!!
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Football Association is hell bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to outmuscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Football Association is hell bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to outmuscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?
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