レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
Two children are playing with their sheep and the dog. Behind the clouds the wind and the sun are having an argument. The wind thinks he’s strong, but the sun thinks he’s stronger. When they see the children with their coats on they decide to compete to take their coats off. The wind blows and blows.
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
街へ出かけた雌鶏のヘニー・ペニー。オークの木から落ちてきた大きなどんぐりが頭に当たり、空が落ちてくるのだと勘違いしてしまいます。早く行って王様に知らせなきゃ! 道中で出会った友人たち、雄鶏のコッキー・ロッキーや、あひるのダッキー・ラッキーも加えて、王様の元へ急ぎます。そんな一行を、お腹をすかせたキツネが森で待ち構えています。動物たちを食べてしまおうというのです。しかし、予想もしなかった出来事が…元になった童話とは異なる、驚きの結末を迎えます。
Henny Penny is going to the village when a big acorn falls on her head from an oak tree. She thinks that the sky is falling and she runs to tell the king. Along the road she meets Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and other animal friends. They all join her, while the fox is waiting for them in the wood. He’s hungry and he wants to eat the animals. But, at the last moment, something unexpected happens… This version of the traditional tale ends in a different and quite surprising way.
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
The four little clown fishes just love swimming and playing, although they are afraid of three particularly big, bad fish! But help is at hand in the shape of Miss Grace Green. This delightful story also shows us how life is so much better when we live together.
The illustrations in this exciting reader for beginners will enthuse children to the point that they won’t want to part with their Mowgli. When Mowgli meets the tiger, Shere Khan and isn’t able to cross the river to escape, he realises that he must learn to swim. With a little help from his friends Baloo, Bagheera, Hathi and the others, Mowgli discovers that swimming isn’t so difficult after all!
A witch takes Rapunzel away from her parents when she is a small child. When Rapunzel grows into a beautiful young woman the witch locks her in a tower in the forest! However, the story ends happily with Rapunzel reunited with her parents and then marrying a prince!
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
Teachers are often rather strange people, particularly English teachers! They repeat the same words and ask children to say and do absurd things. This teacher, however, is not just a bit strange, but really mad… raving mad! By the end of the story children realise that a mad teacher is better than a sane and boring one!
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
食べるものにも事欠くほど貧しいマギー。幸運にも、とある老婦人から、魔法の鍋を譲り受けます。魔法の呪文を唱えるだけで、おいしいスープができるのです。お腹をすかせていたマギーとお母さんは、スープをお腹いっぱい食べました。しかしある日、マギーが出かけている間に事件が起こります。魔法の鍋がどんどんスープを作り続けて止まりません。スープはキッチンからあふれ出し、家からあふれ出し、庭からもあふれ出してしまいました! マギーは手遅れになる前に、鍋を止めることができるでしょうか?
Maggie is very poor and has little to eat, but fortunately she meets an old woman that gives her a magic pot. All Maggie needs to do is to say special words and the pot cooks a delicious soup. When Maggie and her mum are hungry, they can have soup, a lot of soup! One day, while Maggie is out, something goes wrong. The magic pot cooks and cooks and it doesn’t stop. The soup goes all over the kitchen, the house, the garden! Will Maggie arrive in time and stop the pot?
Pre-Level A1
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。 美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、 全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料ダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。
よく晴れた夏の日のこと。マックスとマギーは、街の外れの丘の上に立つ城へと出かけました。呪われていると噂の城ですが、 マギーは気にしません。一方マックスは少し不安な様子。いかにも幽霊たちが好んで住みそうなお城に、 行きたいような行きたくないような…いざ城に入ってみると、次々におかしなことが起こり始めました! 最初は、おかしな顔や、絵の中で誰かが動いているのを見たのはマックスだけでした。 ですが、マギーも段々心配になってきたようです。もしかしたら噂は本当で、この城には幽霊が出るのでは…
It’s a lovely summer day. Max and Maggie decide to go and visit the castle on the hill near the town. Everybody says it’s a haunted castle but Maggie doesn’t believe it. Max thinks that castles are perfect homes for ghosts and he is not sure that he wants to go. When they are in the castle lots of strange things happen! First it’s only Max who sees funny faces and people moving in the pictures on the walls but then Maggie starts feeling a bit worried, too. Maybe there really is a ghost in the castle…
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
This delightfully illustrated story, loosely based on Kipling’s The Jungle book, will introduce children to Mowgli as a baby and watch him grow up in the jungle with the wolf family. His teachers, Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther, will teach Mowgli a number of important things about surviving the jungle.
レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級
This is the ‘ordinary’ life of Count Dracula, his wife Felicia, their three children, Adam, Eve and Brian, and their Butler, Roman Blenski.
レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級
A team of scientists headed by none other than Doctor Frankenstein create a tender-hearted monster, who a group of nosy children find in the school lab.
レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級
Not all aliens are bad. However, being friends with a kind alien may have its negative points!
レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級
フルカラーイラストと共に贈るBlack Catオリジナルストーリー。小学生のリアルな関心をそそる題材を取り入れています。刺激的なアクティビティを数多く取り揃えたほか、重要語彙をまとめたピクチャー・ディクショナリーのページもございます。
The fully-illustrated, original story takes into account the real-world interests of children in primary schools. It provides a wide range of stimulating activities, plus a picture dictionary of key vocabulary.
There is a dance at the castle. Cinderella is sad. Her sisters are at the dance... Pouf! It is the Fairy Godmother. She gives Cinderella a dress. Does Cinderella go to the dance?
Dumbo is a baby elephant with big ears. Big, BIG, BIG EARS! Dumbo is sad. A friend gives Dumbo a magic feather. Does Dumbo fly? Is he happy?
付属しているアクセスコードを使用してPearson English Portal (PEP) にて無償で全オーディオ(MP3ダウンロード可)、 また先生用レッスンプランやオンラインリソースなどにいつでもアクセスが可能です。
It is summer. It is hot! Olaf likes summer. Olaf, Anna, and Elsa play in the garden. They play on the beach. What do they see?
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell live in Never Land. They are magical! They fly! They fly to a house in London. Wendy, John, and Michael live there. Do the children fly? Do they see Never Land?
Dante is a happy dog. He likes bread and meat. He likes the town. He likes nice people. Miguel is a nice boy. Are Miguel and Dante friends?
付属しているアクセスコードを使用してPearson English Portal (PEP) にて無償で全オーディオ(MP3ダウンロード可)、 また先生用レッスンプランやオンラインリソースなどにいつでもアクセスが可能です。
Nemo is a fish. Nemo and his dad live in the ocean. It is the first day of school today. Who does Nemo see in school on the first day?
読む前: 3人の登場人物名の紹介
読む前 アクティビティ: 1つのアクティビティ (アクティベート・事前教授)
読んだ後: 2つのアクティビティ/ 理解力 (思い出す・理解する)
ピクチャーディクショナリー: 8-10語
フォニックス: 音素、レターサウンド、音読と発音
Value (道徳的価値): コミック・ストリップ
Find Out (調べよう) (CLIL): +4単語追加
JAPAN Limited!
Disney Kids Readers are available as level packs with one level pack containing all six books of the same level.
They can be used as a progressive reading course for young learners or used for individual reading at school and at home.Each reader comes with learning contents and activities. As well as language and literacy skills through the activities, learners develop the 21st century skills leading them to success in life.
Level 1 contains:
Before You Read: 3 character names
Before You Read Activity: 1 activity (activate/ pre-teach)
After You Read: 2 activities/ comprehension (remember/ understand)
Picture Dictionary: 8-10 words
Phonics: phonemes/ letter sounds/ reading & pronunciation
Values: comic strip
Find Out (CLIL): +4 extra words
・Teacher’s Book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (PDF)
・複写可能なリソース (PDF)
・該当レベルの全タイトルの音声ファイル (MP3)
・該当レベルのワークブック (eBook)
Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to
・Teacher’s book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)
・Photocopiables (online, PDF)
・Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)
・Level workbook (ebook)
- 紹介:楽しい方法でストーリーに言及することで、視覚的なリテラシーを身につける
- 語彙:物語の中で出てきた重要な単語の学習を定着させる
- 物語:読書術を学び、フィクションを読むための分析力を養う
- 言語:言語構造や機能を新しい文脈の中で紹介することで、練習に取り組む
- フォニックス:対象となる文字や音を読んで綴る練習に取り組む
- 価値:価値を認識して自分の生活に結びつけることができるようにする
- 調べる:CLILの内容の理解を深め、書く力を養う
- ゲームと自己評価:物語、語彙、言語、フォニックス、価値、CLILを復習し、自己評価能力を高める
- クイズ:リーダーとワークブックの物語、語彙や言語の要素をテストする
- 読書記録
- 手書き練習(レベル1) / 綴りの練習(レベル2以上)
- 単語リスト:該当レベルの6つのリーダーすべてに基づく重要な単語リスト
There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:
- Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun way
- Vocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the story
- Story: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fiction
- Language: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new context
- Phonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and sounds
- Values: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own lives
- Find Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skills
- Game & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skills
- Quiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.
- Reading Record
- Handwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)
- Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Elsa and Anna are sisters. Elsa can make magic snow and ice with her hands. But she is angry and her ice hits Anna. Who can help Anna? Can Elsa make things right?
Dory lives in the ocean with her parents. One day, she swims far from home. Dory wants her parents. She swims and swims ... but can she find her way home?
Mike and Sulley are monsters at Monsters University. They are not friends. Then they play in the Scare Games. Can they work together? Can they win the games?
Woody, the sheriff, is Andy’s favourite toy. Then Andy gets a new toy, Buzz Lightyear. Woody doesn’t like Buzz. Buzz flies! Woody can’t fly ... but is that important?
Mowgli is a boy. He lives in the jungle. The dangerous tiger does not like Mowgli. Mowgli meets Baloo the bear. Can Baloo help Mowgli?


Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day, Ariel sees a Prince. She loves him! She wants to be human. Can Ariel find a way?
読む前: 3人の登場人物名の紹介
読む前 アクティビティ: 1つのアクティビティ (アクティベート・事前教授)
読んだ後: 2つのアクティビティ/ 理解力 (思い出す・理解する)
ピクチャーディクショナリー: 8-10語
フォニックス: 音素、レターサウンド、音読と発音
Value (道徳的価値): コミック・ストリップ
Find Out (調べよう) (CLIL): +4単語追加
JAPAN Limited!
Disney Kids Readers are available as level packs with one level pack containing all six books of the same level.
They can be used as a progressive reading course for young learners or used for individual reading at school and at home.Each reader comes with learning contents and activities. As well as language and literacy skills through the activities, learners develop the 21st century skills leading them to success in life.
Level 2 contains:
Before You Read: 3 character names
Before You Read Activity: 1 activity (activate/ pre-teach)
After You Read: 2 activities/ comprehension (remember/ understand)
Picture Dictionary: 8-10 words
Phonics: phonemes/ letter sounds/ reading & pronunciation
Values: comic strip
Find Out (CLIL): +4 extra words
・Teacher’s Book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (PDF)
・複写可能なリソース (PDF)
・該当レベルの全タイトルの音声ファイル (MP3)
・該当レベルのワークブック (eBook)
Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to
・Teacher’s book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)
・Photocopiables (online, PDF)
・Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)
・Level workbook (ebook)
- 紹介:楽しい方法でストーリーに言及することで、視覚的なリテラシーを身につける
- 語彙:物語の中で出てきた重要な単語の学習を定着させる
- 物語:読書術を学び、フィクションを読むための分析力を養う
- 言語:言語構造や機能を新しい文脈の中で紹介することで、練習に取り組む
- フォニックス:対象となる文字や音を読んで綴る練習に取り組む
- 価値:価値を認識して自分の生活に結びつけることができるようにする
- 調べる:CLILの内容の理解を深め、書く力を養う
- ゲームと自己評価:物語、語彙、言語、フォニックス、価値、CLILを復習し、自己評価能力を高める
- クイズ:リーダーとワークブックの物語、語彙や言語の要素をテストする
- 読書記録
- 手書き練習(レベル1) / 綴りの練習(レベル2以上)
- 単語リスト:該当レベルの6つのリーダーすべてに基づく重要な単語リスト
There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:
- Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun way
- Vocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the story
- Story: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fiction
- Language: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new context
- Phonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and sounds
- Values: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own lives
- Find Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skills
- Game & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skills
- Quiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.
- Reading Record
- Handwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)
- Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Two Dalmatians, Pongo and Perdita, have fifteen puppies ... but the terrible Cruella De Vil steals them! She wants to make a new fur coat. All the animals in London are looking for these puppies. Can they save them in time?
Elsa and Anna loved their father’s stories about the Enchanted Forest, but they had questions. Years later, Elsa hears a voice. With her friends, she follows it all the way to the Enchanted Forest. But does she find the answers she’s looking for?
An ant’s life is difficult. Every day they have to find food, but the grasshoppers take it. Flik has an idea! They can fight the grasshoppers. But grasshoppers are bigger than ants! Can Flik find some friends to help? Can they work together to fight the grasshoppers?
The Rivera family hates music, but Miguel is different. He is a musician and he wants to play in a competition! Perhaps, on Dia de los Muertos, and with the help of his dead family, Miguel can find a way...
A man takes Woody from Andy’s home. He wants to sell him to a museum in Japan! Buzz and the other toys want to save Woody, but Woody has new friends now. Does Woody want to go home? Can Buzz save him?
Rapunzel has magic, golden hair that can heal people. She lives with Mother Gothel, far away from people. For eighteen years, Rapunzel can’t go outside Mother Gothel says it is too dangerous. Rapunzel stays busy but she wants to see the world. Can she find a way?
登場人物紹介: 6人の登場人物名 + 語句
読む前: 導入 20-40語
読む前 アクティビティ: 2つのアクティビティ (アクティベート・事前教授)
読んだ後: 3つのアクティビティ/ 理解力 (思い出す・理解する)
ピクチャーディクショナリー: 10-12語
フォニックス: 音素、レターサウンド、音読と発音
Value (道徳的価値): コミック・ストリップ
Find Out (調べよう) (CLIL): +6単語追加
JAPAN Limited!
Disney Kids Readers are available as level packs with one level pack containing all six books of the same level.
They can be used as a progressive reading course for young learners or used for individual reading at school and at home. Each reader comes with learning contents and activities. As well as language and literacy skills through the activities, learners develop the 21st century skills leading them to success in life.
Level 3 contains:
In This Book: 6 x character names + phrases
Before You Read: introduction/ 20-40 words
Before You Read Activity: 2 activities (activate/ pre-teach)
After You Read: 3 activities/ comprehension (remember/ understand)
Picture Dictionary: 10-12 words
Phonics: phonemes/ letter sounds/ reading & pronunciation
Values: comic strip
Find Out (CLIL): +6 extra words
・Teacher’s Book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (PDF)
・複写可能なリソース (PDF)
・該当レベルの全タイトルの音声ファイル (MP3)
・該当レベルのワークブック (eBook)
Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to
・Teacher’s book (eBook)
・Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)
・Photocopiables (online, PDF)
・Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)
・Level workbook (ebook)
- 紹介:楽しい方法でストーリーに言及することで、視覚的なリテラシーを身につける
- 語彙:物語の中で出てきた重要な単語の学習を定着させる
- 物語:読書術を学び、フィクションを読むための分析力を養う
- 言語:言語構造や機能を新しい文脈の中で紹介することで、練習に取り組む
- フォニックス:対象となる文字や音を読んで綴る練習に取り組む
- 価値:価値を認識して自分の生活に結びつけることができるようにする
- 調べる:CLILの内容の理解を深め、書く力を養う
- ゲームと自己評価:物語、語彙、言語、フォニックス、価値、CLILを復習し、自己評価能力を高める
- クイズ:リーダーとワークブックの物語、語彙や言語の要素をテストする
- 読書記録
- 手書き練習(レベル1) / 綴りの練習(レベル2以上)
- 単語リスト:該当レベルの6つのリーダーすべてに基づく重要な単語リスト
There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:
- Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun way
- Vocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the story
- Story: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fiction
- Language: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new context
- Phonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and sounds
- Values: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own lives
- Find Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skills
- Game & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skills
- Quiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.
- Reading Record
- Handwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)
- Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
As a little girl, Moana loved her grandmother’s stories about her island’s past. Years later, the island is in trouble and Gramma tells Moana she must sail to Te Fiti to save it... But what can Moana do when her father tells her she cannot leave?
Princess Merida doesn’t want to be a ‘good’ princess and she doesn’t want to listen to her mother. But things change when she asks a witch to put a spell on her mother. Can Merida learn to listen? Can she mend what she broke?
Riley’s emotions?Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness?live in Riley’s mind. They all want to help Riley, but they have different ideas. When Riley and her family move to San Francisco, big changes mean big emotions. Can Riley’s emotions learn to work together?
Supers are illegal and Mr Incredible and Elastigirl don’t have jobs. Then Winston Deavor and his sister Evelyn call with an exciting job for Elastigirl. Elastigirl works hard in the city and Bob works hard at home... But can they work together to save the day?
レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級
A very curious star wants to know what the sun is like. When the moon calls the stars to go to bed, she hides under a cloud and waits. Little by little the sun comes out and a world of colourful things appears. The star loves what she sees and every time she discovers a new colour she sings a magic song because she wants to become coloured. Nothing seems to change, but in the end the star gets a great surprise.