ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
ベストセラーの小学生向けコースブックSuperKidsの新版が登場しました。元気いっぱいの登場人物との楽しい冒険を通して、英語の強い土台を作ります。新版では、Can-doベースのより新しい内容で学習の進捗を確認しながら、英語力を身に着けることができます。また豊富なCulture lessonsでは、多様な文化に触れながら、こどもたちの取り巻く環境・社会に寄り添った文脈で英語を学習します。
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
A truly child-centered approach where children are encouraged to 'notice' and 'discover' how lanuage works, with an approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Japanese learners, and a balanced development of all four language skills, including meaningful conversation patterns that encourae children to talk.
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
出版社:Dave and Amy Long
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
Reach Higher is an adaptation of our bestselling US language arts program for young learners. Designed for students in an immersion or semi-immersion environment studying 10 or more hours per week, Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
大人気のOur Worldシリーズ第2版。第1版で好評をいただいた要素は残したまま、ナショナルジオグラフィックの鮮やかな写真やリアル・ワールドのコンテンツを、更にふんだんに取り入れてパワーアップしました。4技能をバランス良く学習し、文法もしっかり学ぶカリキュラム構成となっています。英語力を真剣に伸ばしていきたい子どもたちのための真のコースブックです。クロスカリキュラム型の授業にも最適。
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
Oor World, Second Edition has taken the award-winning content of the first edition and made it even better! Perfect for the content-rich classroom, it has everything students need for a balanced, four-skills curriculum, key grammar instruction, and important 21st century skills practice and cross-carricular exposure. Learners experience more of the real world with motivational content including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geofraphic Explorers.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
世界中の子供たちがLet’s Goを使った指導のもと英語を効果的に習得しています。
1. 会話練習や質問練習を豊富に用いることで、生徒は早い段階から自然と英語の会話に親しむことができます。
2. 様々な表現を無理のないペースで導入します。学習内容を繰り返し練習することで、生徒は達成感を得ることができます。
3. 定評あるCarolyn Grahamの楽しい歌やチャンツは、生徒が音楽や身体の動きを通じて語学力を高めるのに最適です。
4. 線密に構成されたレッスン・シラバスは、教えやすく生徒の興味をひきつけます。取り残される生徒がいないというのもLet's Goの特徴です。
1. 会話練習や質問練習を豊富に用いることで、生徒は早い段階から自然と英語の会話に親しむことができます。
2. 様々な表現を無理のないペースで導入します。学習内容を繰り返し練習することで、生徒は達成感を得ることができます。
3. 定評あるCarolyn Grahamの楽しい歌やチャンツは、生徒が音楽や身体の動きを通じて語学力を高めるのに最適です。
4. 線密に構成されたレッスン・シラバスは、教えやすく生徒の興味をひきつけます。取り残される生徒がいないというのもLet's Goの特徴です。