学生がアカデミック英語への第一歩を踏み出すのを支援するCLIL シリーズです。学生は自然に発音された英語を聞いて理解することを学び、語彙と文法は彼らのレベルに合わせて厳密に調整されており、各ユニットでプロジェクト作業やプレゼンテーションに取り組むことで、CLIL の魅力を体験します。
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to listen and comprehend naturally enunciated English. Vocabulary and grammar strictly controlled to match their level, and engage in project work and presentations in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to listen and comprehend naturally enunciated English. Vocabulary and grammar strictly controlled to match their level, and engage in project work and presentations in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
学生がアカデミック英語への第一歩を踏み出すのを支援するCLIL シリーズです。学生は自然に発音された英語を聞いて理解することを学び、語彙と文法は彼らのレベルに合わせて厳密に調整されており、各ユニットでプロジェクト作業やプレゼンテーションに取り組むことで、CLIL の魅力を体験します。
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to listen and comprehend naturally enunciated English. Vocabulary and grammar strictly controlled to match their level, and engage in project work and presentations in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to listen and comprehend naturally enunciated English. Vocabulary and grammar strictly controlled to match their level, and engage in project work and presentations in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
学生がアカデミック英語への第一歩を踏み出すのを支援するCLIL シリーズです。学生は、よく整理された段落の読み書きを学びます。語彙と文法は学生のレベルに合わせて厳密に調整されています。さらに、学生は各ユニットでプロジェクトワーク、短いレポートを書きます。これがCLIL の魅力です。
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to read and write well-organized paragraphs. Vocabulary and grammar are strictly controlled to match the level of the students. Additionally, students engage in project work and write short reports in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to read and write well-organized paragraphs. Vocabulary and grammar are strictly controlled to match the level of the students. Additionally, students engage in project work and write short reports in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.
Academic Readingは、アカデミックな文脈で必要とされる読解力と語彙力を養います。TOEFLやIELTSの試験で出題される可能性のある問題を多く取り入れています。
Academic Reading helps students develop the reading skills and vocabulary needed in academic contexts. The activities mirror many of the questions that students might encounter on a TOEFL or IELTS exam.
Academic Reading helps students develop the reading skills and vocabulary needed in academic contexts. The activities mirror many of the questions that students might encounter on a TOEFL or IELTS exam.
The second edition of Speaking for Speeches: Skills for Presentations is updated with even more videos and speech ideas.
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
The second edition of Speaking for Speeches: Skills for Presentations is updated with even more videos and speech ideas.
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
The second edition of Speaking for Speeches: Skills for Presentations is updated with even more videos and speech ideas.
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
This interactive, accessible three-level series is specifically designed to develop the public speaking skills of English language learners at the high-beginning to intermediate level. Students will build the essential confidence they need as a speaker through creating their own interesting and fun presentations. This series will prepare students for any kind of speaking from casual descriptions of personal experiences to more formal, research-based presentations. Central to each lesson is an original presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. With its multi-media approach, the series helps students acquire practical speech communication skills that they can use throughout their lives in a positive, structured process.
・Wide variety of speech topics ranging from informative to entertaining personal stories
・Scaffolded exercises and activities allowing speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations
・Abundant sample speeches and presentation ideas
・Guided speech patterns with useful sentence structures
・Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
・Unscripted student interviews presenting natural speech patterns
・QR code links to original presentations given by talented student presenters
英語スピーチのスクリプトの書き方、パワポの作り方、発表の仕方などが体系的かつ具体的に学べるシリーズと好評いただいている「プレゼンテーション ワークブックシリーズ」の改訂版。
英語スピーチのスクリプトの書き方、パワポの作り方、発表の仕方などが体系的かつ具体的に学べるシリーズと好評いただいている「プレゼンテーション ワークブックシリーズ」の改訂版。
英語スピーチのスクリプトの書き方、パワポの作り方、発表の仕方などが体系的かつ具体的に学べるシリーズと好評いただいている「プレゼンテーション ワークブックシリーズ」の改訂版。
商品名:Making Choices
National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
出版社:Compass Publishing
STEAM Readingは、中学生から高校生向けのリーディング教材です。3レベル、各レベル3冊のテキストが用意されています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
それぞれにSTEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Math)分野に関連したノンフィクション、フィクションのリーディングパッセージを掲載しています。
mpi松香フォニックスが出版しているTAGAKIシリーズは、もともとは英語を学ぶ子ども用のワークブックでした。 しかし「英語多読」で大人がごくやさしい洋書を読んでいるように、TAGAKIも学生から社会人、そしてシニア層へと自然に広がりました。
本書はTAGAKIシリーズ5冊からエッセンスを抜粋し、10語前後の1文を書くことからスタートして、50語前後の英文で自分の意見を述べるレベルまで、 短期間でステップアップできるように編集したものです。
mpi松香フォニックスが出版しているTAGAKIシリーズは、もともとは英語を学ぶ子ども用のワークブックでした。 しかし「英語多読」で大人がごくやさしい洋書を読んでいるように、TAGAKIも学生から社会人、そしてシニア層へと自然に広がりました。
本書はTAGAKIシリーズ5冊からエッセンスを抜粋し、10語前後の1文を書くことからスタートして、50語前後の英文で自分の意見を述べるレベルまで、 短期間でステップアップできるように編集したものです。
Smart Listenersは初中級レベル(中学校~高校生)の学習者向けに作られた、英語の基礎的なリスニング力を強化するための教材です。ソーシャルメディア関連のトピックなど、学習者が興味を惹かれるであろう話題が多く取り上げられています。ダイアログ・Podcast・動画などの様々なタイプの音声を聴きながら、大意をつかむ練習と詳細を聞き取る練習を繰り返し行います。テキスト巻末には、宿題に活用できる取外し可能なWorkbookが付属しています。
・Listening Quizzes
Smart Listeners is a 3-book series designed to consolidate the foundational listening skills of English language learners at the pre-intermediate level. Each unit focuses on thematically categorized listening content based around topics that are relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains listening tasks first targeting general comprehension followed by tasks checking comprehension for discrete listening items. The theme of each unit is explored through a dialog, podcast, and informative talk, each practicing the two types of listening tasks in various ways. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice targeting key phrases in each unit along with additional dictation practice. Smart Listeners is a 3-book series designed to consolidate the foundational listening skills of English language learners at the pre-intermediate level. Each unit focuses on thematically categorized listening content based around topics that are relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains listening tasks first targeting general comprehension followed by tasks checking comprehension for discrete listening items. The theme of each unit is explored through a dialog, podcast, and informative talk, each practicing the two types of listening tasks in various ways. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice targeting key phrases in each unit along with additional dictation practice.
・Thematically organized topics
Help learners focus on subject-specific content and language
・Directed lesson procedure
Guides learners to develop their listening skills by targeting different purposes for listening, i.e. global comprehension versus noting details.
Follow selected episodes from a fictional student-produced podcast dealing with topics of interest to school-age learners at each level of the series.
Provide additional context to keep listeners engaged throughout the informative talks
・Listening Quizzes
Consolidate learning at the end of each unit
・To develop confidence in listening to English
・To develop familiarity with the natural speech patterns of the English language
・To improve the ability to recognize common phrases that included content-specific vocabulary as well as high-frequency collocations
・To practice foundational note-taking skills through guided note-taking tasks and dictation activities
・To familiarize learners with listening tasks widely used by standardized tests of English listening skills
・Listening Quizzes
Smart Listeners is a 3-book series designed to consolidate the foundational listening skills of English language learners at the pre-intermediate level. Each unit focuses on thematically categorized listening content based around topics that are relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains listening tasks first targeting general comprehension followed by tasks checking comprehension for discrete listening items. The theme of each unit is explored through a dialog, podcast, and informative talk, each practicing the two types of listening tasks in various ways. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice targeting key phrases in each unit along with additional dictation practice. Smart Listeners is a 3-book series designed to consolidate the foundational listening skills of English language learners at the pre-intermediate level. Each unit focuses on thematically categorized listening content based around topics that are relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains listening tasks first targeting general comprehension followed by tasks checking comprehension for discrete listening items. The theme of each unit is explored through a dialog, podcast, and informative talk, each practicing the two types of listening tasks in various ways. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice targeting key phrases in each unit along with additional dictation practice.
・Thematically organized topics
Help learners focus on subject-specific content and language
・Directed lesson procedure
Guides learners to develop their listening skills by targeting different purposes for listening, i.e. global comprehension versus noting details.
Follow selected episodes from a fictional student-produced podcast dealing with topics of interest to school-age learners at each level of the series.
Provide additional context to keep listeners engaged throughout the informative talks
・Listening Quizzes
Consolidate learning at the end of each unit
・To develop confidence in listening to English
・To develop familiarity with the natural speech patterns of the English language
・To improve the ability to recognize common phrases that included content-specific vocabulary as well as high-frequency collocations
・To practice foundational note-taking skills through guided note-taking tasks and dictation activities
・To familiarize learners with listening tasks widely used by standardized tests of English listening skills
A CLIL Approach to SLA. It is designed to help students take the first step towards academic English. Students learn to listen and comprehend naturally enunciated English. Vocabulary and grammar strictly controlled to match their level, and engage in project work and presentations in each unit, showcasing the beauty of CLIL.