CEFR: A1 High
Good Listenersは3レベルからなる中学生向けのリスニング教材です。学生に馴染みのあるトピックで構成されたユニットには、ショートトークやダイアログが豊富に用意されています。さらに追加でリスニングの練習ができるよう、単語の復習・聴解問題・ディクテーション問題が含まれたWorkbookが付属しています。
Good Listeners?is a three-book series designed to develop the listening skills of English language learners at the high beginning level (CEFR A1-High). Each unit focuses on thematically categorized dialogs and short talks that are based around topics relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains a variety of listening tasks ranging from checking general comprehension to testing discrete listening items with multiple choice questions and graphic organizers to complete. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice together with dictations.
Good Listenersは3レベルからなる中学生向けのリスニング教材です。学生に馴染みのあるトピックで構成されたユニットには、ショートトークやダイアログが豊富に用意されています。さらに追加でリスニングの練習ができるよう、単語の復習・聴解問題・ディクテーション問題が含まれたWorkbookが付属しています。
Good Listeners?is a three-book series designed to develop the listening skills of English language learners at the high beginning level (CEFR A1-High). Each unit focuses on thematically categorized dialogs and short talks that are based around topics relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains a variety of listening tasks ranging from checking general comprehension to testing discrete listening items with multiple choice questions and graphic organizers to complete. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice together with dictations.
CEFR: A1 High
Good Listenersは3レベルからなる中学生向けのリスニング教材です。学生に馴染みのあるトピックで構成されたユニットには、ショートトークやダイアログが豊富に用意されています。さらに追加でリスニングの練習ができるよう、単語の復習・聴解問題・ディクテーション問題が含まれたWorkbookが付属しています。
Good Listeners?is a three-book series designed to develop the listening skills of English language learners at the high beginning level (CEFR A1-High). Each unit focuses on thematically categorized dialogs and short talks that are based around topics relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains a variety of listening tasks ranging from checking general comprehension to testing discrete listening items with multiple choice questions and graphic organizers to complete. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice together with dictations.
Good Listenersは3レベルからなる中学生向けのリスニング教材です。学生に馴染みのあるトピックで構成されたユニットには、ショートトークやダイアログが豊富に用意されています。さらに追加でリスニングの練習ができるよう、単語の復習・聴解問題・ディクテーション問題が含まれたWorkbookが付属しています。
Good Listeners?is a three-book series designed to develop the listening skills of English language learners at the high beginning level (CEFR A1-High). Each unit focuses on thematically categorized dialogs and short talks that are based around topics relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains a variety of listening tasks ranging from checking general comprehension to testing discrete listening items with multiple choice questions and graphic organizers to complete. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice together with dictations.
出版社:Compass Publishing
スピーキングとリスニングに特化した会話教材。Active Skills for Reading の著者 Neil Anderson の ACTIVE メソッドを使い、学生が自信を持って話すことができるように工夫。著者は日本で長年教鞭をとっており日本の教育現場を熟知。英語が苦手な学生でも、簡単なアクティビティを導入として徐々にスピーキングへと進んでいくので自然と話せるようになります。学生にとって親しみやすく実生活で使えるタスクを豊富に掲載した、達成感を感じ、さらに英語を学びたくなる教材。
スピーキングとリスニングに特化した会話教材。Active Skills for Reading の著者 Neil Anderson の ACTIVE メソッドを使い、学生が自信を持って話すことができるように工夫。著者は日本で長年教鞭をとっており日本の教育現場を熟知。英語が苦手な学生でも、簡単なアクティビティを導入として徐々にスピーキングへと進んでいくので自然と話せるようになります。学生にとって親しみやすく実生活で使えるタスクを豊富に掲載した、達成感を感じ、さらに英語を学びたくなる教材。
アカデミックな英語を書く力を養う5レベルのシリーズです。Sentenceから始まり初歩的なParagraph Writingまでの基礎力を段階的に養います。Refreshers版は、新たなデジタル・コンポーネントと刷新された内容で、生徒の学習経験がさらに向上、また、遠隔授業も行いやすくなりました。
The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing updated components, to improve the learning exprience for students, and make it easier to teach remotely.
The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing updated components, to improve the learning exprience for students, and make it easier to teach remotely.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
Making Connections prepares students to read college-level texts includes skills and strategies sections that teach essential academic reading skills, a carefully planned program of academic vocabulary development and activities that take students ‘beyond the reading’ which can used for discussion and writing.
スピーキングとリスニングに特化した会話教材。Active Skills for Reading の著者 Neil Anderson の ACTIVE メソッドを使い、学生が自信を持って話すことができるように工夫。著者は日本で長年教鞭をとっており日本の教育現場を熟知。英語が苦手な学生でも、簡単なアクティビティを導入として徐々にスピーキングへと進んでいくので自然と話せるようになります。学生にとって親しみやすく実生活で使えるタスクを豊富に掲載した、達成感を感じ、さらに英語を学びたくなる教材。
スピーキングとリスニングに特化した会話教材。Active Skills for Reading の著者 Neil Anderson の ACTIVE メソッドを使い、学生が自信を持って話すことができるように工夫。著者は日本で長年教鞭をとっており日本の教育現場を熟知。英語が苦手な学生でも、簡単なアクティビティを導入として徐々にスピーキングへと進んでいくので自然と話せるようになります。学生にとって親しみやすく実生活で使えるタスクを豊富に掲載した、達成感を感じ、さらに英語を学びたくなる教材。
スピーキングとリスニングに特化した会話教材。Active Skills for Reading の著者 Neil Anderson の ACTIVE メソッドを使い、学生が自信を持って話すことができるように工夫。著者は日本で長年教鞭をとっており日本の教育現場を熟知。英語が苦手な学生でも、簡単なアクティビティを導入として徐々にスピーキングへと進んでいくので自然と話せるようになります。学生にとって親しみやすく実生活で使えるタスクを豊富に掲載した、達成感を感じ、さらに英語を学びたくなる教材。
Good Listenersは3レベルからなる中学生向けのリスニング教材です。学生に馴染みのあるトピックで構成されたユニットには、ショートトークやダイアログが豊富に用意されています。さらに追加でリスニングの練習ができるよう、単語の復習・聴解問題・ディクテーション問題が含まれたWorkbookが付属しています。
Good Listeners?is a three-book series designed to develop the listening skills of English language learners at the high beginning level (CEFR A1-High). Each unit focuses on thematically categorized dialogs and short talks that are based around topics relevant to the typical learner’s life. Each unit contains a variety of listening tasks ranging from checking general comprehension to testing discrete listening items with multiple choice questions and graphic organizers to complete. An accompanying workbook provides additional listening comprehension practice together with dictations.