「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
「アカデミック・ライティング」テキストのベストセラー、Great Writingシリーズの改訂版。語彙強化からセンテンスへ、センテンスからパラグラフへ、そしてエッセイへと、6レベルを通して、学習者をライティングの達人へと導きます。新版ではユニット内の構成を明確化し、学習目標が分かりやすくなりました。
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。今回の改訂でも、その良さはすべてそのまま残しつつ、さらに進化を遂げました。映像と音声は専用のウェブページで視聴可能。
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。今回の改訂でも、その良さはすべてそのまま残しつつ、さらに進化を遂げました。映像と音声は専用のウェブページで視聴可能。
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
『Take It Easy!』は初級者~中級者向けのリスニング・スピーキング教材として、10 年以上にわたって多くのご採用をいただいてきました。新版では、自然な会話表現やスピーキング力を身につけるためのアプローチとユニット構成、各ユニットのトピックは維持する一方、会話練
習の機会を増加したり3 ユニットごとにReview セクションを追加するなど、更にパワーアップしています。
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
『Take It Easy!』は初級者~中級者向けのリスニング・スピーキング教材として、10 年以上にわたって多くのご採用をいただいてきました。新版では、自然な会話表現やスピーキング力を身につけるためのアプローチとユニット構成、各ユニットのトピックは維持する一方、会話練
習の機会を増加したり3 ユニットごとにReview セクションを追加するなど、更にパワーアップしています。
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Reading and Vocabulary Developmentシリーズの第4版。新しいリーディングパッセージを導入した新版登場です。
National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".