Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Communication Spotlight Businessは、ビジネスで英語を必要とする社会人や就職前の学生のために作られたビジネスコミュニケーションやリスニングのスキルを身につけるビジネス英語教材。
Communication strategies and a focus on the skills of listening within a business context. For students of English already in the business world or with future plans to join this world.
Communication strategies and a focus on the skills of listening within a business context. For students of English already in the business world or with future plans to join this world.
商品名:World Voices 1
World Voices はELF またはEnglish as a Lingua Franca(共通語としての英語)を用いて言語学習にアプローチする、4レベルシリーズ。リスニング、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティングの4技能をカバーし、学習者を様々な「世界の英語」に触れさせることができます。
商品名:World Voices 2
World Voices はELF またはEnglish as a Lingua Franca(共通語としての英語)を用いて言語学習にアプローチする、4レベルシリーズ。リスニング、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティングの4技能をカバーし、学習者を様々な「世界の英語」に触れさせることができます。
World Voices はELF またはEnglish as a Lingua Franca(共通語としての英語)を用いて言語学習にアプローチする、4レベルシリーズ。リスニング、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティングの4技能をカバーし、学習者を様々な「世界の英語」に触れさせることができます。
Academic Listening & Speakingは、アカデミックな英語を学習するためのコースブックです。
科学、人文学、芸術など12のトピックから記事を選出。記事に対してのレクチャーを聞き、あるレクチャーがどのように記事を裏付けているか、どこに疑問を投げかけているか、どのような情報を加えているかなど、クリティカル・シンキング・スキルを鍛えます。 様々な資料を読んだり、講義を聴く際に重要な要約する力をつけるために、記号の使い方や表記の省略など、ノート・テイキングのスキルとストラテジーを各ユニットで指導していきます。 また、音の変化や消滅、母音が時に弱く発音されるなど、自然な英語の音声パターンをしっかり指導しているので、学習者はリスニング力も同時に伸ばしていくことができます。
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
科学、人文学、芸術など12のトピックから記事を選出。記事に対してのレクチャーを聞き、あるレクチャーがどのように記事を裏付けているか、どこに疑問を投げかけているか、どのような情報を加えているかなど、クリティカル・シンキング・スキルを鍛えます。 様々な資料を読んだり、講義を聴く際に重要な要約する力をつけるために、記号の使い方や表記の省略など、ノート・テイキングのスキルとストラテジーを各ユニットで指導していきます。 また、音の変化や消滅、母音が時に弱く発音されるなど、自然な英語の音声パターンをしっかり指導しているので、学習者はリスニング力も同時に伸ばしていくことができます。
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
Academic Listening & Speakingは、アカデミックな英語を学習するためのコースブックです。
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
Academic Listening & Speakingは、アカデミックな英語を学習するためのコースブックです。
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
How Academic Listening and Speaking helps:
- introduces students to topics from the sciences, social sciences and the arts, readying them for study in an English academic setting
- shows students how to approach these topics critically by identifying support, seeing where doubt is cast, and assessing what is presented
- develops student note-taking skills systematically
- teaches students naturally reduced, English weak forms
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".