出版社:Compass Publishing
プレゼンテーション・スキルのセクションでは質問への対処法、質疑応答の準備や、聞き手の関心、理解、同意を獲得し、行動を喚起させるコツなどを紹介しています。Audience Analysisのセクションでは、聴衆をより体系的に捉え、より慎重にプレゼンテーションを行えるよう練習します。各パフォーマンスユニットでは、ピア・フィードバックなどを通して、学習者同士が互いに学び合う機会を提供するものとなっています。
プレゼンテーション・スキルのセクションでは質問への対処法、質疑応答の準備や、聞き手の関心、理解、同意を獲得し、行動を喚起させるコツなどを紹介しています。Audience Analysisのセクションでは、聴衆をより体系的に捉え、より慎重にプレゼンテーションを行えるよう練習します。各パフォーマンスユニットでは、ピア・フィードバックなどを通して、学習者同士が互いに学び合う機会を提供するものとなっています。
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。今回の改訂でも、その良さはすべてそのまま残しつつ、さらに進化を遂げました。映像と音声は専用のウェブページで視聴可能。
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。今回の改訂でも、その良さはすべてそのまま残しつつ、さらに進化を遂げました。映像と音声は専用のウェブページで視聴可能。
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。
-Slide Design: 効果的かつ魅力的なスライドづくりのコツを伝授
-The Verbal Message: 言語的なサポートを強化
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
National Geographic Learning
-Slide Design: 効果的かつ魅力的なスライドづくりのコツを伝授
-The Verbal Message: 言語的なサポートを強化
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
National Geographic Learning
出版社:Pro Lingua
A collection of 48 topic-based surveys to use as the basis for focused conversations. Topics include those that deal with personal information such as family, friendship, pets . shopping and clothes, as well as general issues such as marriage. crime, health computers and the environment.
A collection of 48 topic-based surveys to use as the basis for focused conversations. Topics include those that deal with personal information such as family, friendship, pets . shopping and clothes, as well as general issues such as marriage. crime, health computers and the environment.
『Take It Easy!』は初級者~中級者向けのリスニング・スピーキング教材として、10 年以上にわたって多くのご採用をいただいてきました。新版では、自然な会話表現やスピーキング力を身につけるためのアプローチとユニット構成、各ユニットのトピックは維持する一方、会話練
習の機会を増加したり3 ユニットごとにReview セクションを追加するなど、更にパワーアップしています。
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
『Take It Easy!』は初級者~中級者向けのリスニング・スピーキング教材として、10 年以上にわたって多くのご採用をいただいてきました。新版では、自然な会話表現やスピーキング力を身につけるためのアプローチとユニット構成、各ユニットのトピックは維持する一方、会話練
習の機会を増加したり3 ユニットごとにReview セクションを追加するなど、更にパワーアップしています。
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
『Take It Easy!』は初級者~中級者向けのリスニング・スピーキング教材として、10 年以上にわたって多くのご採用をいただいてきました。新版では、自然な会話表現やスピーキング力を身につけるためのアプローチとユニット構成、各ユニットのトピックは維持する一方、会話練
習の機会を増加したり3 ユニットごとにReview セクションを追加するなど、更にパワーアップしています。
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
Take It Easy! is a best-selling listening and speaking text for beginning to intermediate level students. The New Edition features more opportunities for speaking practice, and 30% of the listening dialogues have been updated. A new review section has been added and bilingual world lists with the teacher's manual.
出版社:EFL Press
ティーンエイジャーから大人を対象とした会話コース。Talk a Lot の初級者レベルです。日本人向けにつくられているので、トピックもアクティビティも抵抗なく楽しめます。
出版社:EFL Press
ティーンエイジャーから大人を対象とした会話コース。Talk a Lot の初級者レベルです。日本人向けにつくられているので、トピックもアクティビティも抵抗なく楽しめます。
出版社:EFL Press
ティーンエイジャーから大人を対象とした会話コース。Talk a Lot の初級者レベルです。日本人向けにつくられているので、トピックもアクティビティも抵抗なく楽しめます。
※Starter Book Teacher's Guide はウェブからの無料ダウンロード版のみとなっております。
※Starter Book Teacher's Guide はウェブからの無料ダウンロード版のみとなっております。
出版社:Compass Publishing
TALK TALK Meeting Peopleは、第二言語としての英語を学習している初中級者を対象に、状況に応じた会話を中心としたコースです。
・Comprehension Questionsでは、生徒の記憶力とテキストを素早くスキャンして適切な答えを見つける能力をテストします。
・Mini-dialoguesは、DialoguesとVocabulary Expansionの新しいボキャブラリーとフレーズを3つのミニ会話に取り入れています。
・Cultural Close-upは、レッスンで紹介された異文化のテーマに焦点を当てています。各レッスンのリーディングでは、レッスンで言及された文化の一側面に焦点を当てます。
・Extended Practice Tasksでは、タスクベースのアクティビティで生徒が自分の対話を作成することができます。(ダウンロード可能)
TALK TALK Meeting People is a conversation course based on situational dialogues for high-beginner to intermediate students learning English as a second language. Each lesson is packed with everyday, useful American-English expressions, and idioms that are interesting in context and practical in nature.
This conversation course has 3 modules and 12 lessons in total. Each unit is broken down as follows;
1.DIALOGUE presents the lesson’s main text.
2.VOCABULARY EXPANSION outlines and defines new words and phrases.
3.COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS test students’ ability to remember and quickly scan the text to find the appropriate answers.
4.MATCHING challenges students to match vocabulary phrases based on context.
5.MINI-DIALOGUES incorporate the new vocabulary and phrases from the DIALOGUE and VOCABULARY EXPANSION in three mini-conversations. CULTURAL CLOSE-UP focuses on a cross-cultural theme presented in the lesson.
6.Each lesson’s reading concentrates on one aspect of culture that was mentioned in the lesson.
7.EXTENDED PRACTICE TASK, enables students to create their own dialogue in a task-based activity. (Downloadable)
・Comprehension Questionsでは、生徒の記憶力とテキストを素早くスキャンして適切な答えを見つける能力をテストします。
・Mini-dialoguesは、DialoguesとVocabulary Expansionの新しいボキャブラリーとフレーズを3つのミニ会話に取り入れています。
・Cultural Close-upは、レッスンで紹介された異文化のテーマに焦点を当てています。各レッスンのリーディングでは、レッスンで言及された文化の一側面に焦点を当てます。
・Extended Practice Tasksでは、タスクベースのアクティビティで生徒が自分の対話を作成することができます。(ダウンロード可能)
TALK TALK Meeting People is a conversation course based on situational dialogues for high-beginner to intermediate students learning English as a second language. Each lesson is packed with everyday, useful American-English expressions, and idioms that are interesting in context and practical in nature.
This conversation course has 3 modules and 12 lessons in total. Each unit is broken down as follows;
1.DIALOGUE presents the lesson’s main text.
2.VOCABULARY EXPANSION outlines and defines new words and phrases.
3.COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS test students’ ability to remember and quickly scan the text to find the appropriate answers.
4.MATCHING challenges students to match vocabulary phrases based on context.
5.MINI-DIALOGUES incorporate the new vocabulary and phrases from the DIALOGUE and VOCABULARY EXPANSION in three mini-conversations. CULTURAL CLOSE-UP focuses on a cross-cultural theme presented in the lesson.
6.Each lesson’s reading concentrates on one aspect of culture that was mentioned in the lesson.
7.EXTENDED PRACTICE TASK, enables students to create their own dialogue in a task-based activity. (Downloadable)
商品名:Talking Point 1
A task-based approach to presentations. Each unit begins with a short talk on an academic topic given by English speakers from all over the world, and are designed to provide a realistic and attainable model for students.
A task-based approach to presentations. Each unit begins with a short talk on an academic topic given by English speakers from all over the world, and are designed to provide a realistic and attainable model for students.
商品名:Talking Point 2
A task-based approach to presentations. Each unit begins with a short talk on an academic topic given by English speakers from all over the world, and are designed to provide a realistic and attainable model for students.
A task-based approach to presentations. Each unit begins with a short talk on an academic topic given by English speakers from all over the world, and are designed to provide a realistic and attainable model for students.
出版社:Language Point
Tell me About it! is a pre-intermediate level, general English speaking and listening text. Its student-centered approach encourages development in conversational ability across a variety of topics including, Family and Friends, Stress, Memories, and Imagination. It also includes two review unites, communication activities, vocabulary lists, and grammar explanation pages.
出版社:EFL Press
出版社:EFL Press
Topic Talk 2/eやTalk a Lot, Book 2に続くレベルのテキストとしても、単独のテキストとしてもお使いいただけます。
Discovery Educationとのコラボレーションで誕生した教材。魅力あるビデオはもちろん、EAPのコンテンツを取り入れ批判的思考力スキルも育てていきます。EAPをこれから取り入れたいというクラスにもおすすめできるよう易しいレベルからご用意。IELTSテスト対策セクションも収録。
Unlockの第2版。学習に必要なスキルと言語習得を目的としたCEFR Pre-A1の易しいレベルから始められる6レベルのEAP教材です。幅広い学術分野のトピックでアカデミックスキルだけでなく批判的思考力も高めます。ビデオは新しい内容を収録。内容をより深く理解するのに役立ちます。
Unlock Second edition is a six-laevel, research-informed, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies. It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new, inspiring video on a range of academic topics.
Unlock Second edition is a six-laevel, research-informed, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies. It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new, inspiring video on a range of academic topics.