NorthStarは、批判的思考力とアカデミックスキルを語学習得に組み込んだ、アメリカ英語の統合スキルコースです。現実的で興味深いコンテンツを通じて、生徒の関心を引きます。Listening & Speaking版 と Reading & Writing版があり、大学や大学レベルの学習に備えるために設計されています。新版では、ノートテイクやプレゼンテーションスキル向上のためのコンテンツが新たに追加されました。
NorthStarは、批判的思考力とアカデミックスキルを語学習得に組み込んだ、アメリカ英語の統合スキルコースです。現実的で興味深いコンテンツを通じて、生徒の関心を引きます。Listening & Speaking版 と Reading & Writing版があり、大学や大学レベルの学習に備えるために設計されています。新版では、ノートテイクやプレゼンテーションスキル向上のためのコンテンツが新たに追加されました。
NorthStarは、批判的思考力とアカデミックスキルを語学習得に組み込んだ、アメリカ英語の統合スキルコースです。現実的で興味深いコンテンツを通じて、生徒の関心を引きます。Listening & Speaking版 と Reading & Writing版があり、大学や大学レベルの学習に備えるために設計されています。新版では、ノートテイクやプレゼンテーションスキル向上のためのコンテンツが新たに追加されました。
1996 年の初版刊行以来、10 年にわたって先生方の圧倒的な支持を受け、2009 年の改訂以降もプレゼンテーション教材でダントツの1 番人気であり続けてきた『Speaking of Speech』。今回の改訂でも、その良さはすべてそのまま残しつつ、さらに進化を遂げました。映像と音声は専用のウェブページで視聴可能。
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
This best-selling title has now been updated for the first time in 10 years! With this new edition, all the qualities that make Speaking of Speech so popular have been kept along with improvements and updates that ensure teachers and students will enjoy learning with this highly recommended text.
Unlockの第2版。学習に必要なスキルと言語習得を目的としたCEFR Pre-A1の易しいレベルから始められる6レベルのEAP教材です。幅広い学術分野のトピックでアカデミックスキルだけでなく批判的思考力も高めます。ビデオは新しい内容を収録。内容をより深く理解するのに役立ちます。
Unlock Second edition is a six-laevel, research-informed, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies. It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new, inspiring video on a range of academic topics.
Unlock Second edition is a six-laevel, research-informed, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies. It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new, inspiring video on a range of academic topics.
写真を多用した表現の導入、様々な国籍の学生たちが登場するマンガを使ったモデル会話、 無理のない段階的な会話演習を通して、リアルな日常生活レベルの会話力を身につけます。
写真を多用した表現の導入、様々な国籍の学生たちが登場するマンガを使ったモデル会話、 無理のない段階的な会話演習を通して、リアルな日常生活レベルの会話力を身につけます。
Prism Readingは、5レベルのリーディングコースブックです。幅広いジャンルのトピックと魅力的なビデオを通して、リーディングスキルだけでなく、学術的、批判的思考力スキルも同時に育てます。
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
Prism Readingは、5レベルのリーディングコースブックです。幅広いジャンルのトピックと魅力的なビデオを通して、リーディングスキルだけでなく、学術的、批判的思考力スキルも同時に育てます。
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
Prism Readingは、5レベルのリーディングコースブックです。幅広いジャンルのトピックと魅力的なビデオを通して、リーディングスキルだけでなく、学術的、批判的思考力スキルも同時に育てます。
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
Prism Readingは、5レベルのリーディングコースブックです。幅広いジャンルのトピックと魅力的なビデオを通して、リーディングスキルだけでなく、学術的、批判的思考力スキルも同時に育てます。
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
Prism Readingは、5レベルのリーディングコースブックです。幅広いジャンルのトピックと魅力的なビデオを通して、リーディングスキルだけでなく、学術的、批判的思考力スキルも同時に育てます。
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
A five-live reading course to help learners develop a range of academic and critical thinking skills to build confidence and prepare for college courses.
・Academmic Word Listから抜粋したコーパスに基づいた語彙を収録
・Academmic Word Listから抜粋したコーパスに基づいた語彙を収録
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
Reflect, a new six-level academic series, features relevant, global content to engage students while helping them acquire the academic language and skills. Specially-designed activities give student sthe opportunity to reflect on and connect ideas and language to their personal lives. This series has two strands: "Listening and Speaking" and "Reading and Writing".
ベストセラー、Conversation Strategies、Discussion Strategiesの著者による、初・中級者を対象とした新刊。 会話処理能力に的を絞ったテキストで、相手の話していることを理解できた時の対応の仕方、理解できなかった時の対応の仕方といった会話の戦略を手引きします。