
Career Paths: Beauty Salon Teacher's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 美容院【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Civil Aviation T's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Healthcare Management Teacher's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : ヘルスケアマネジメント 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Facilties Maintenance Teacher's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: 注文可
キャリアパス : 設備管理 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Engineering Teacher's Pack(+DigiBKApp+Teacher's Guide
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 工学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Physiotherapy Teacher's Pack (SB+T's Guide&Digibooks App)
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 理学療法 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Career Paths: Dentistry Teacher's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥6,050(税抜 ¥5,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 歯医学 【教師用】

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、 それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料や音源が付属したTeacher’s Packのため、 指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

Oxford Applied Linguistics: Fairness, Justice, and Language Assessment
¥5,824(税抜 ¥5,295
在庫状況: 注文可
Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers  Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching
¥5,665(税抜 ¥5,150
在庫状況: 注文可
Conversation Inspirations 4th Edition
出版社:Pro Lingua
¥5,280(税抜 ¥4,800
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
The author's experiences as an ESL teacher and a lawyer working in Los Angeles have given her a clear sense of what immigrants and international students in the US want and need to talk about. It's an ideal resource for an ESL teacher's bookshelf and saves time and energy in finding just the right subject for class discussions, role plays, interviews, debates, writing prompts, and so on. Conversation Inspirations has been used all over the world and includes more than 2400 topics ranging from the universal (e.g., human nature and interpersonal relationships) to the culturally vital (cutting edge issues in North American society and how people from other cultures feel about them and deal with them). Some of the great variety of topics include getting a job, emotions, politics, sports, technology, opinions, superstitions, and social issues.

Surveys for Conversation 2/e(PLA)
出版社:Pro Lingua
¥5,280(税抜 ¥4,800
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

A collection of 48 topic-based surveys to use as the basis for focused conversations. Topics include those that deal with personal information such as family, friendship, pets . shopping and clothes, as well as general issues such as marriage. crime, health computers and the environment.

Language Educational Management Language Course Planning
¥5,208(税抜 ¥4,735
在庫状況: 注文可
English for Cabin Crew Student Book + MP3 Audio
¥4,983(税抜 ¥4,530
在庫状況: 注文可
Teaching Tenses SB (ABAX)
¥4,950(税抜 ¥4,500
在庫状況: 注文可
21CS:GCSE Science Foundation 2/E SB
¥4,730(税抜 ¥4,300
在庫状況: 注文可
English in Medicine (3/E) Student's Book
¥4,521(税抜 ¥4,110
在庫状況: 注文可

Language Educational Management Language Teaching Competences
¥4,405(税抜 ¥4,005
在庫状況: 注文可
Language Educational Management Language Course Management
¥4,405(税抜 ¥4,005
在庫状況: 注文可
Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom  Focus on Special Education Needs
¥4,213(税抜 ¥3,830
在庫状況: 注文可
Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom Focus on Vocabulary Learning
¥4,213(税抜 ¥3,830
在庫状況: 注文可
Professional English in Use Medicine Book + Answers
¥4,180(税抜 ¥3,800
在庫状況: 注文可
Professional English in Useシリーズに、新たにマネジメントが加わり、法律、ICT(情報通信技術)、金融、医学、マーケティング、エンジニアリングの7分野をカバーするシリーズとなりました。自学自習用の参考書兼問題集として編集されていますが、授業のテキストとして、またプライベートレッスンのテキストとしても使用することができます。

Professional English in Use Engineering Book + Answers
¥4,180(税抜 ¥3,800
在庫状況: 注文可
Professional English in Useシリーズに、新たにマネジメントが加わり、法律、ICT(情報通信技術)、金融、医学、マーケティング、エンジニアリングの7分野をカバーするシリーズとなりました。自学自習用の参考書兼問題集として編集されていますが、授業のテキストとして、またプライベートレッスンのテキストとしても使用することができます。

Collins Hotel & Hospitality English Student Book with Audio
出版社:Harper Collins
¥4,125(税抜 ¥3,750
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

Career Paths: Hotels & Catering T's pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥4,070(税抜 ¥3,700
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
Career Paths : Medical Equip Repair Teacher's Pack
出版社:Express Publishing
¥4,070(税抜 ¥3,700
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

医者や看護師、法律家やエンジニア、美容師やタクシードライバーに至るまで、あらゆる職業を取り上げ、それぞれの現場で使える実践的な英語を学べるよう考案された教材”Career Parths"シリーズの教科書です。教師用資料やクラスCDが付属したTeacher’s Packのため、指導案をお考えの先生方にもお使いいただけます。

¥3,960(税抜 ¥3,600
在庫状況: 注文可
●歌・チャンツCD 1枚付

Medical English
商品名:Medical English
¥3,861(税抜 ¥3,510
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
English for International Tourism Pre-Intermediate (N/E) Student Book + DVD
¥3,861(税抜 ¥3,510
在庫状況: 注文可
English for International Tourism New Editionは、観光業界で働く専門職員や、これから教育を受ける観光学専攻の学生の英語のニーズを満たせるように設計されています。このコースは、世界トップの観光地を巡るドーリング・キンダースリーの著名なEyewitness Travel Guidesから採取した実際の資料が含まれています。


・Dorling KindersleyのEyewitness Travel Guideなどから抜粋した記事で実際のビジネスで使われる英語を学習

English for International Tourism Upper-Intermediate Student Book +DVD
¥3,861(税抜 ¥3,510
在庫状況: 注文可
English for International Tourism New Editionは、観光業界で働く専門職員や、これから教育を受ける観光学専攻の学生の英語のニーズを満たせるように設計されています。このコースは、世界トップの観光地を巡るドーリング・キンダースリーの著名なEyewitness Travel Guidesから採取した実際の資料が含まれています。


・Dorling KindersleyのEyewitness Travel Guideなどから抜粋した記事で実際のビジネスで使われる英語を学習

English for International Tourism Intermediate  Course Book+DVD
¥3,861(税抜 ¥3,510
在庫状況: 注文可
English for International Tourism New Editionは、観光業界で働く専門職員や、これから教育を受ける観光学専攻の学生の英語のニーズを満たせるように設計されています。このコースは、世界トップの観光地を巡るドーリング・キンダースリーの著名なEyewitness Travel Guidesから採取した実際の資料が含まれています。


・Dorling KindersleyのEyewitness Travel Guideなどから抜粋した記事で実際のビジネスで使われる英語を学習

Career Paths: Agricultural Engineering SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 農業工学


Career Paths: Agriculture Engineering is a new educational resource for agricultural engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Agriculture Engineering addresses topics including types of crops, irrigation, genetic, modification, harvesting and career options.

Career Paths: Business English SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : ビジネス英語


Career Paths: Business English is a new educational resource for business professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Business English addresses topics including making introductions, salary information, doing business with different cultures, quality standards, and business strategy.

Career Paths: Au Pair SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : オーペア


Career Paths: Au Pair is a new educational resource for childcare providers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Au Pair addresses topics including becoming an au pair, au pair agencies, discipline, duties and establishing relationships with children.

Career Paths: Architecture SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
キャリアパス : 建築


Career Paths Architecture is a new educational resource for architectural professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepby-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Architecture addresses topics including shapes, materials, modeling, past influences and modern styles.

Career Paths: Air Force  SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)


Career Paths Air Force is a new educational resource for people who are serving or intending to serve as professionals in the aerial division of the armed forces, and who want to improve their English communication skills in a profession-oriented environment.Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the key language components. Career Paths: Air Force addresses topic including: the parts, types and functions of aircraft; air force organization and training; the range of air force career specializations; the types and characteristics of air force weaponry; air force tactics and strategy; and many more.

Career Paths: Geology SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 地質学


Career Paths: Geology is a new educational source for Geology industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Geology addresses topics including the history of the Earth, landforms, rock formation, the hydrologic cycle, and plate tectonics.

Career Paths: Geography SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 地理


Career Paths: Geography is a new educational resource for professionals in a range of fields who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Geography addresses topics including the landforms, mapmaking, geologic processes, biomes, and cultural geography.

Career Paths: Worldwide Sports Events SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 国際的スポーツイベント


Career Paths: Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS is a new educational resource for sort-event support staff who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS addresses topics including sports events, security, first aid, concessions, and communications.

Career Paths: Wireless Communications SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 無線技術


Career Paths: Wireless Communications is a new educational source for telecommunications professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Wireless Communications addresses topics including mobile devices, mobile data, networks, troubleshooting tips, and billing disputes.

Career Paths: Waste  Management SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 廃棄物管理


Career Paths: Waste Management is a new educational resource for waste management industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Waste Management addresses topics including types of waste, recycling technologies, HAZMAT management, environmental impact assessments, and sustainable development.

Career Paths: University Studies SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 大学課程


Career Paths: University Studies is a new educational resource for university students who want to improve their English communication in a campus environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: University Studies addresses topics including applications, class registration, tuition and fees, withdrawals and housing.

Career Paths: Travel Agent SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 旅行代理店


Career Paths: Travel Agent is a new educational resource for travel industry professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Travel Agent addresses topics including types of travel, ticket information, lodging, cancellations, and international travel.

Career Paths: Taxi Drivers SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : タクシードライバー


Career Paths: TAXI Drivers is a new educational resource for transportation professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: TAXI Drivers addresses topics including the parts of a car, common destinations, receiving directions, making small talk and troubleshooting car problems.

Career Paths: Sports SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : スポーツ


Career Paths: Sports is a new educational resource for sport professionals and enthusiasts who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Sports addresses topics including the field of play, rules of play, equipment, players and leagues for the world´s most popular sports.

Career Paths: Social Media Marketing SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : ソーシャルメディア・マーケティング


Career Paths: Social Media Marketing is a new educational resource for social media professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Social Media Marketing addresses topics including types of online communication, social media in journalism, social media in public relations, social media in advertising and marketing, and the cultural impace of social media.

Career Paths: Science SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
キャリアパス : 科学


Career Paths: Science is a new educational resource for industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Science addresses topics including laboratory equipment, safety procedures, the scientific method, research activities and career options.

Career Paths: Security Personnel SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : セキュリティスタッフ


Career Paths: Security Personnel is a new educational resource for security professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Security Personnel addresses topics including describing suspects, security cameras, non-lethal weapons, safety protocols and career options.

Career Paths: Real Estate SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 不動産


Career Paths: Real Estate is a new educational resource for real estate industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Real Estate addresses topics including types of propetries, mortgage fundamentals, property management, sales methods and real estate enivestment. The series is organized into three levels of difficulty and offers over 400 vocabulary terms and phrases. Every unit includes a test of reading comprehension, vocabulary, and listening skills, and leads students through written and oral production.

Career Paths: Rail Transportation SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 鉄道輸送


Career Paths: Rail Transportation is a new educational resource for agricultural engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Rail Transportation addresses topics including the parts of a train, safety procedures, passenger trains, freight operations, and general maintenance.

Career Paths: Public Relations SB+Digibook App
出版社:Express Publishing
¥3,850(税抜 ¥3,500
在庫状況: 注文発注(在庫なし)
キャリアパス : 広報


Career Paths: Public Realtions is a new educational resource for public relations industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Public Realtions addresses topics including research methods, strategic planning, types of media, preparing releases, and communications ethics.

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