出版社:Harper Collins
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths: Flight Attendant is a new educational resource for cabin crew professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Flight Attendant addresses topics including responsibilities, parts of the cabin, preflight procedures, food service and emergency response.
Career Paths: Flight Attendant is a new educational resource for cabin crew professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Flight Attendant addresses topics including responsibilities, parts of the cabin, preflight procedures, food service and emergency response.
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths Tourism is a new educational resource for tourism professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Tourism presents subject matter including reservations, health concerns, money issues, tours and career options.
Career Paths Tourism is a new educational resource for tourism professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Tourism presents subject matter including reservations, health concerns, money issues, tours and career options.
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths: Hotels and Catering is a new educational resource for hospitality professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Hotels and Catering addresses topics including hotel equipment, bookings, food and beverage services, security issues, and career options.
Career Paths: Hotels and Catering is a new educational resource for hospitality professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Hotels and Catering addresses topics including hotel equipment, bookings, food and beverage services, security issues, and career options.
Welcome! is an intermediate level course for people who need to use or
who are preparing to use English in their day-to-day work in the tourism, hospitality and travel industries.
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
This book helps future workers in the hotel and restaurant fields develop the English vocabulary they need for interacting with customers and colleagues. Using the popular picture-process format, it presents vocabulary and sentence structure in a clear, memorable, and practical way.
This book helps future workers in the hotel and restaurant fields develop the English vocabulary they need for interacting with customers and colleagues. Using the popular picture-process format, it presents vocabulary and sentence structure in a clear, memorable, and practical way.
English for Tourism Professionals will help tour conductors, airline and hotel staff, and anyone else who is in -- or preparing to enter -- the tourism industry to better comprehend and use English. Exercise introduce and reinforce fundamental English and technical helps professionals be more effective on the job.
English for Tourism Professionals will help tour conductors, airline and hotel staff, and anyone else who is in -- or preparing to enter -- the tourism industry to better comprehend and use English. Exercise introduce and reinforce fundamental English and technical helps professionals be more effective on the job.
・Introduction + 12ユニット + Review Gameの2つ
This is Japan is a topic-based speakin tex, focusin on Japanese culture that features comparisons to the UK and US. Learners develp communication skills through a variety of enjoyable activites over 12 units. The text includes two review sections and removable worksheets for easy submission.
National Geographic Learning
・Introduction + 12ユニット + Review Gameの2つ
This is Japan is a topic-based speakin tex, focusin on Japanese culture that features comparisons to the UK and US. Learners develp communication skills through a variety of enjoyable activites over 12 units. The text includes two review sections and removable worksheets for easy submission.
National Geographic Learning
商品名:My First Trip
覚える基本フレーズは毎回1つだけ! 初級者向けのやさしい旅行会話テキスト
"(Chicken), please."や"Do you have (a Japanese menu)?"など、全部で12のフレーズを使いこなし、海外旅行先で様々な場面で自信を持って話せるようになることを目的としています。イラストの写真、リアルな図版を豊富に使ったフルカラーの楽しいレイアウトなので、初級者でも楽しく飽きずに学習できます。
"(Chicken), please."や"Do you have (a Japanese menu)?"など、全部で12のフレーズを使いこなし、海外旅行先で様々な場面で自信を持って話せるようになることを目的としています。イラストの写真、リアルな図版を豊富に使ったフルカラーの楽しいレイアウトなので、初級者でも楽しく飽きずに学習できます。
Japan - 100 Hidden Townsは、訪日経験があり、知識も十分にある外国人観光客に是非訪れてもらいたい町にスポットを当て紹介をしております。東京・大阪・京都といった、いわゆる「ゴールデンルート」と呼ばれる主要な観光地から離れ、一味違う「日本」を体験できることでしょう。
商品名:Campus English
Open the gates of Campus English and follow a group of characters through a year at university as they use English to communicate in realistic situations such as attending seminars, joining clubs and job hunting. Students will learn key phrases to succeed in this relevant, practical and engaging text.
Open the gates of Campus English and follow a group of characters through a year at university as they use English to communicate in realistic situations such as attending seminars, joining clubs and job hunting. Students will learn key phrases to succeed in this relevant, practical and engaging text.