
  • “esp”

  • ※ESP英語教材パンフレットはこちら
    Everyday English for Hospitality Professionals Student Book + Audio CD
    出版社:Compass Publishing
    ¥2,805(税抜 ¥2,550
    在庫状況: 注文可

    This book helps future workers in the hotel and restaurant fields develop the English vocabulary they need for interacting with customers and colleagues. Using the popular picture-process format, it presents vocabulary and sentence structure in a clear, memorable, and practical way.

    Because We Care (2/E) Student Book + Audio Download
    ¥2,750(税抜 ¥2,500
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
    「がん」と「精神疾患」のユニットを新たに加え、全14ユニット。各ユニットの最後にはCritical Thinkingを促すライティング形式のタスクを新設。また文法シラバスを導入し、ユニットごとに特定の文法項目だけを扱います。第2版でも引き続き、名作『Black Jack』によるトピック導入と四技能をカバーしたユニット構成、卒業後も役立つ充実の巻末付録です。

    Our long-selling medical English textbook, Because We Care, has now been updated with new and revised content. Popular with students and teachers alike, each unit opener features a dramatized scene from the most famous medical “manga”, Black Jack.

    English for Tourism Professionals (N/E)
    ¥2,640(税抜 ¥2,400
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

    English for Tourism Professionals will help tour conductors, airline and hotel staff, and anyone else who is in -- or preparing to enter -- the tourism industry to better comprehend and use English. Exercise introduce and reinforce fundamental English and technical helps professionals be more effective on the job.

    Healthy English (2/E) SB (LGP)
    出版社:Language Point
    ¥2,475(税抜 ¥2,250
    在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
    病院や医療系の仕事、患者、病気、治療など医療関連のトピックを通じてリーディング、ボキャプラリーを中心に強化し、医療関連の英語の洞察力が身につきます。400-500語で書かれた各ユニットの文脈にはKey Vocabularyが付く構成になっており、より理解を深めるのに役立ちます。また巻末の各ユニットの復習用アクティビティ付。ベーシックな医療英語が学べるテキストです。

    With a focus on reading and vocabulary, Healthy English provides students with an English insight into the world of healthcare through topics on hospitals, healthcare jobs, patients, illnesses, injuries, and treatment. Units are structured to give students exposure to key vocabulary which is then seen in context in 400-500 word reading passages and followed by comprehension, listening and extension activities, Each unit also incudes vocabulary pages and activities for homework and review purposes. Aimed at a pre-intermediate to intermediae level, Health English gives students a great healthcare English base and understanding of general healthcare related topics.

    English Skills for Nursing (Language Point)
    出版社:Language Point
    ¥2,475(税抜 ¥2,250
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)


    English Skills for Nursing is an ESL / EFL nursing English textbook aimed at college level / pre-clinical nursing students. With a conversation and vocabulary focus, it gives the students excellent listening and speaking practice in a number of nursing contexts through typical nurse-patient interactions. The book's content and layout is designed to encourage practical language use with plenty of pair work and group activities.

    Lifesaver (N/E) SB
    商品名:Lifesaver (N/E) SB
    ¥2,420(税抜 ¥2,200
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

    This 4-skill-based textbook is an ideal entry level text for nursing and medical students who need simple medical English in a variety of situations. It provides support through listening and reading texts to form the basis for a larger understanding of key concepts and language.

    This is Japan New Edition Your Culture, Your Life Student Book
    ¥2,420(税抜 ¥2,200
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)
    ・Introduction + 12ユニット + Review Gameの2つ

    This is Japan is a topic-based speakin tex, focusin on Japanese culture that features comparisons to the UK and US. Learners develp communication skills through a variety of enjoyable activites over 12 units. The text includes two review sections and removable worksheets for easy submission.

    National Geographic Learning

    Caring for People 医療分野で働くためのコミュニケーションコース
    ¥2,310(税抜 ¥2,100
    在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)

    会話中心の医療・看護英語を指導してきた教員の経験と、医学・看護学の専門家の知識が結集した、現場のニーズに応えるテキストです。 現場の一連の仕事の流れに沿って各ユニットの学習目標を定め、それに必要な表現と語彙を学び、リスニングやスピーキングなどの演習を通じて運用力の習得を図ります。


    Written by medical and nursing professionals with extensive experience teaching English, Caring for People is ideal for students who need English for this specialized field. Each unit provides six important expressions frequently required in medical situations, along with essential related vocabulary. Listening comprehension, pair-work speaking practice, and additional readings all help students improve their communication skills, preparing them for success in the real world.

    Stay Healthy Student Book
    ¥2,035(税抜 ¥1,850
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)


    This is a reading text with topics which concern all of us today: health. The recent findings on health shows that the combination of the change in life style and food leads Japanese people to the emergent risk of lives.

    Health Talk:English for Hands-on Nursing
    ¥1,980(税抜 ¥1,800
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

    看護学を専攻する学習者のために、実際の看護場面を想定し英語でのコミュニケ ーション能力と基礎的な看護学の知識を 養成するテキスト。医療現場での会話を 扱ったビデオや CD により、実際に目で見たり耳で聴きながら、基本的な英語表現や看護技術が習得できます。

    Health Talk gives nursing students practice in the English that they will need to perform their jobs as practicing nurses. Combined with a video program, Health Talk covers both the language and medical skills needed for nursing.

    Traveler's First Aid Kit Student Book + CD
    ¥1,540(税抜 ¥1,400
    在庫状況: ◎ 在庫あり(5冊以上)

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