子ども用コースブックKid’s Boxの第2版アップデート版。初級~上級まで細かくレベル分けされた7レベルで構成。面白いアイディアで子どもたちの興味を惹きつけ、ヤングラーナーズ英語検定(YLE)の2018年テスト改訂に対応したおすすめのコースブック。
Kid’s Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your learners. This course fully prepares your students for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.
Kid’s Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your learners. This course fully prepares your students for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.
子ども用コースブックKid’s Boxの第2版アップデート版。初級~上級まで細かくレベル分けされた7レベルで構成。面白いアイディアで子どもたちの興味を惹きつけ、ヤングラーナーズ英語検定(YLE)の2018年テスト改訂に対応したおすすめのコースブック。
Kid’s Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your learners. This course fully prepares your students for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.
Kid’s Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your learners. This course fully prepares your students for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.
- Contents -
〈Starter〉Eency Weency Spider / A Dog Says Bow-Wow / Peter Piper / Rain,Rain Go Away
〈Level 1〉Hello Song / Good-Bye Song / Rainbow Song / Alphabet Song 1 / Head,Shoulders,Knees,and Toes / Alphabet Song 2 / Five Little Monkeys / Ten Little Snowman / Teddy Bear / One Ro
- Contents -
〈Starter〉Eency Weency Spider / A Dog Says Bow-Wow / Peter Piper / Rain,Rain Go Away
〈Level 1〉Hello Song / Good-Bye Song / Rainbow Song / Alphabet Song 1 / Head,Shoulders,Knees,and Toes / Alphabet Song 2 / Five Little Monkeys / Ten Little Snowman / Teddy Bear / One Ro
出版社:Compass Publishing
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Guess What! Is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Upは、実生活で役立つ英語力を身につけるための教材です。さまざまなトピックや普遍的価値を取り上げたポスター・Video・ストーリー・歌を生かした総合型教科・語学学習を通し、21世紀のグローバル人材に求められる英語力を養います。
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories and songs link English to other subjects and to universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
世界的人気を誇る、児童英語教材「Let’s Go」のベストセラー第5版(5th Edition)
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
定評ある教授法に基づくLet’s Goシリーズは、国境を越えて世界中の先生方に長年愛されてきた児童英語教材。楽しみながら英語に親しめるゲームや歌、グループワークを盛り込み、学習を始めたばかりの子どもたちも自然に発話できるようデザインされています。
Energize your English classes with the trusted methodology of Let’s Go
・Systematic approach gets children talking from the very beginning.
・Energize classroom with easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that support you.
・Phonics and reading lessons help children read fluently.
HISTORY 最近見た商品
Kid’s Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your learners. This course fully prepares your students for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.