出版社:Puffin Books
Jan Brettのイラストによるウクライナ民謡の名作が、ミニサイズのボードブックで登場!
商品名:From Head to Toe
さまざまな動物たちが得意のポーズで "Can you do it?" と聞いてきます。"I can do it!" と真似してみましょう。"Turn my head" "Clap my hands" "Bend my knees" など動作を表す表記が豊富です。
出版社:Puffin Books
小さなボックスの中に、COLOURS, ANIMAL SOUNDS, WORDS, NUMBERSの4冊のミニブックが入っています。
十二支の動物の順番はどのように決まったのか? どうして猫が入っていないのか? 昔からの伝わる十二支の説話を人気キャラクター「パンダのたぷたぷ」と一緒に読むことができます。やさしい日本語と英語の両方で文・音声を収録しているので、読み聞かせにピッタリ
280 x 280mm、 32ページ。
280 x 280mm、 32ページ。
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Learning. It introduces words to talk about trying new things, asking questions, and exploring in a way that feels good and develops confidence. The engaging art style, characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and it is packed with educational goodness to help children grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Love. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Happiness. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Bravery. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Kindness. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Love. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Being Healthy. It introduces words to talk about healthy bodies and minds with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Calmness. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Friendship. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on Respect. It introduces words to talk about feelings with confidence and in a way that feels good. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and, because it is from Oxford, it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little book is part of the series which uses Oxford's language expertise to give children confidence with words. We discover how we celebrate milestones and each other in a way that feels special. The art style, characters and lyrical feel make it perfect to share and it is packed with educational goodness to help children develop and grow.
This little hardback book creates a moment to focus on our world. It encourages gentle conversations between grown-ups and children about the planet, and how we look after it. The engaging art style, fun characters and picture book feel make it perfect to share and help children develop and grow.
This new series of little books builds children's confidence with mathematical vocabulary and ideas and provides a foundation for learning in a way that feels good. Using carefully chosen words in relatable settings from the world around them, this book creates a moment for children and adults to discover first counting words at a pizza party.
This new series of little books builds children's confidence with mathematical vocabulary and ideas and provides a foundation for learning in a way that feels good. Using carefully chosen words from the world around them, this book creates a moment for children and adults to discover first sorting words through dressing up and having fun.
Do you like to work things out and find the answer? This is one of a series of little books which builds children's confidence with mathematical vocabulary and ideas and provides a foundation for learning in a way that feels good. Playing in the garden is the perfect way to find out about more, less, adding, counting and signs.
Get ready to meet shape words you can use every day! Each little book in this series creates a moment for children and grown-ups to discover everyday maths words in a way that feels good. Shapes are everywhere when we bake and paint - big, small, circles, squares, and stripes and patterns. This book builds confidence and a foundation for learning.
Get ready to meet some money words you can use every day! This little book is part of a series of six - each one creates a moment for children and grown-ups to discover everyday maths words in a way that feels good. From coins, change, to giving and saving, it helps to build confidence and a foundation for learning.
This new series of little books builds children's confidence with mathematical vocabulary and ideas and provides a foundation for learning in a way that feels good. Using carefully chosen words in relatable settings from the world around them, this book creates a moment for children and adults to discover first words about time at a puppet show.
If you like animals, bugs, and birds, you will love this little book. All around us there are living things. Nature is everywhere. We can see it, hear it, smell it, and feel it! Join this outdoor science exploration and discover all the words, facts, and meanings needed to talk about nature together.
Have you wondered why astronauts float in space and why the moon changes shape? Join the sleepover in this book and discover lots of science words, meanings, and facts. This is the perfect first look into space, giving little astronauts the space vocabulary they need.
出版社:Scholastic Inc.
Join Peppa and her friends for a spooktacular Halloween party! It is the spookiest time of year! Peppa and her family play outside in the leaves, carve pumpkins, and dress up in costumes for a Halloween party with all of their friends!
Sticker Book (Paperback) 24 pages 20.96 x 0.64 x 20.96 cm
Join Peppa and her friends for a spooktacular Halloween party! It is the spookiest time of year! Peppa and her family play outside in the leaves, carve pumpkins, and dress up in costumes for a Halloween party with all of their friends!
Sticker Book (Paperback) 24 pages 20.96 x 0.64 x 20.96 cm
出版社:Usborne Publishing
「BROWE BEAR」の別バージョン。パンダが見ているのは空を舞うハクトウワシ。クモザルやアシカ、クロヒョウなど絶滅危機に瀕している動物たちが登場します。
¥1,188(税抜 ¥1,080)
"This is not my egg!"ニワトリは村中をあるいて、誰の子か尋ねてまわりますが…
cat egg? dog egg? いろんな動物たちとのやりとりを音読してみましょう。
"This is not my egg!"ニワトリは村中をあるいて、誰の子か尋ねてまわりますが…
cat egg? dog egg? いろんな動物たちとのやりとりを音読してみましょう。
(BOARD BOOK/22ページ/166mm×167mm)
(BOARD BOOK/22ページ/166mm×167mm)
A short verse for each month of the year encourages the reader to find objects hidden in the pictures that depict that month's activities, such as ear muffs and pine trees in January, or a scooter and a picnic bench in June.
A short verse for each month of the year encourages the reader to find objects hidden in the pictures that depict that month's activities, such as ear muffs and pine trees in January, or a scooter and a picnic bench in June.
「プル・アンド・プレイ・ブックス」シリーズより年齢に合った楽しい方法で社会的なマナーと 他者への思いやりを教えてくれる1冊が登場です。絵本についているタブを引っ張って絵を変えることができ、 視覚的にも楽しい絵本となっています。耐久性のあるボードブックは、 小さな手でも持ちやすいサイズのため何度でも繰り返し楽しむことができます。
何かをしてもらったら"Thank you”、何かをお願いするときは"Please..."等、
「プル・アンド・プレイ・ブックス」シリーズより年齢に合った楽しい方法で社会的なマナーと 他者への思いやりを教えてくれる1冊が登場です。絵本についているタブを引っ張って絵を変えることができ、 視覚的にも楽しい絵本となっています。耐久性のあるボードブックは、 小さな手でも持ちやすいサイズのため何度でも繰り返し楽しむことができます。
何かをしてもらったら"Thank you”、何かをお願いするときは"Please..."等、
ペッパは学校行事でハロウィンのカボチャコンテストに参加することに。Granny(おじいちゃん)が育ててくれたカボチャをコンテスト会場に持って行きますが、そのカボチャはあまりにも大きすぎて運ぶのに一苦労! ぺパたちはコンテストに間に合うのでしょうか?! 読み聞かせにもぴったりのハロウィン絵本です。
It's time for the Halloween pumpkin competition at playgroup and Grandpa Pig has grown Peppa a really special pumpkin. The trouble is, it's a little bit too big to fit in the car. . . In fact, it might just be the Biggest Pumpkin in the World! Will they be able to get it to the pumpkin competition in time?
BOARD / 195x237mm /10ページ
ペッパは学校行事でハロウィンのカボチャコンテストに参加することに。Granny(おじいちゃん)が育ててくれたカボチャをコンテスト会場に持って行きますが、そのカボチャはあまりにも大きすぎて運ぶのに一苦労! ぺパたちはコンテストに間に合うのでしょうか?! 読み聞かせにもぴったりのハロウィン絵本です。
It's time for the Halloween pumpkin competition at playgroup and Grandpa Pig has grown Peppa a really special pumpkin. The trouble is, it's a little bit too big to fit in the car. . . In fact, it might just be the Biggest Pumpkin in the World! Will they be able to get it to the pumpkin competition in time?
BOARD / 195x237mm /10ページ
8匹の動物たちとかくれんぼ! ヒントをもとに、フラップに隠れた動物を当てましょう。ヒントにはライムも隠れているので、大きな声で読み上げましょう。
9781472906090 How Are You Feeling Today?
9781472964656 Time to Tidy Up
9781472966704 Time to Make Friends
9781575421964 Germs Are Not For Sharing
9781884734717 The Way I Feel
自分の気持ちの表し方や、状況に合わせたマナーを英語で学べる教育絵本をピックアップ。英語力だけでなく、 社会生活を送る上で不可欠のエチケットも身に着けられる、学びの多い絵本を取り揃えています。
9781472906090 How Are You Feeling Today?: 今日はどんな気分?幸せな気分の時は何をしますか? 悲しい気分の時は、退屈な気分の時は、何ができるかな?本に向かって話しかけ、一緒に身体を動かしてみても楽しいかもしれません。
9781472964656 Time to Tidy Up: おもちゃで楽しく遊んだら、お片付けをしなくてはいけません。シンプルな英語とキャッチ―なイラストを通じて、 お片付けの大切さを学べます。お行儀とルーチンワークの教え方について、親御さんや先生方へ向けたアドバイスやヒントもたくさん載っています。
9781472966704 Time to Make Friends: 良い友達は人生の宝。ですが、お子さんの個性によっては、友達を作るために少しの手助けが必要かもしれません。 そんな時はこの絵本。周りの子とコミュニケーションを取り、距離を縮めるにはどうしたらいいのか、無理なく楽しく学ぶことができるでしょう。
9781575421964 Germs Are Not For Sharing: せきやくしゃみをする時はどうしなくてはいけないの? コロナ禍を経て、日常での感染対策への意識にも変化が訪れました。ポスト・コロナ社会では必須の、 病気をうつさない・うつされないために必要なエチケットを勉強できる絵本です。
9781884734717 The Way I Feel: 嬉しい時、悲しい時…自分の気持ちを伝える方法は、社会性を身に着けるために重要な学習です。 柔らかな色彩が魅力的なイラストを通じて、自分の感情を素直に表現する言葉と振る舞いを学びましょう。
9781472906090 How Are You Feeling Today?
9781472964656 Time to Tidy Up
9781472966704 Time to Make Friends
9781575421964 Germs Are Not For Sharing
9781884734717 The Way I Feel
自分の気持ちの表し方や、状況に合わせたマナーを英語で学べる教育絵本をピックアップ。英語力だけでなく、 社会生活を送る上で不可欠のエチケットも身に着けられる、学びの多い絵本を取り揃えています。
9781472906090 How Are You Feeling Today?: 今日はどんな気分?幸せな気分の時は何をしますか? 悲しい気分の時は、退屈な気分の時は、何ができるかな?本に向かって話しかけ、一緒に身体を動かしてみても楽しいかもしれません。
9781472964656 Time to Tidy Up: おもちゃで楽しく遊んだら、お片付けをしなくてはいけません。シンプルな英語とキャッチ―なイラストを通じて、 お片付けの大切さを学べます。お行儀とルーチンワークの教え方について、親御さんや先生方へ向けたアドバイスやヒントもたくさん載っています。
9781472966704 Time to Make Friends: 良い友達は人生の宝。ですが、お子さんの個性によっては、友達を作るために少しの手助けが必要かもしれません。 そんな時はこの絵本。周りの子とコミュニケーションを取り、距離を縮めるにはどうしたらいいのか、無理なく楽しく学ぶことができるでしょう。
9781575421964 Germs Are Not For Sharing: せきやくしゃみをする時はどうしなくてはいけないの? コロナ禍を経て、日常での感染対策への意識にも変化が訪れました。ポスト・コロナ社会では必須の、 病気をうつさない・うつされないために必要なエチケットを勉強できる絵本です。
9781884734717 The Way I Feel: 嬉しい時、悲しい時…自分の気持ちを伝える方法は、社会性を身に着けるために重要な学習です。 柔らかな色彩が魅力的なイラストを通じて、自分の感情を素直に表現する言葉と振る舞いを学びましょう。