看護学を専攻する学習者のために、実際の看護場面を想定し英語でのコミュニケ ーション能力と基礎的な看護学の知識を 養成するテキスト。医療現場での会話を 扱ったビデオや CD により、実際に目で見たり耳で聴きながら、基本的な英語表現や看護技術が習得できます。
Health Talk gives nursing students practice in the English that they will need to perform their jobs as practicing nurses. Combined with a video program, Health Talk covers both the language and medical skills needed for nursing.
会話中心の医療・看護英語を指導してきた教員の経験と、医学・看護学の専門家の知識が結集した、現場のニーズに応えるテキストです。 現場の一連の仕事の流れに沿って各ユニットの学習目標を定め、それに必要な表現と語彙を学び、リスニングやスピーキングなどの演習を通じて運用力の習得を図ります。
Written by medical and nursing professionals with extensive experience teaching English, Caring for People is ideal for students who need English for this specialized field. Each unit provides six important expressions frequently required in medical situations, along with essential related vocabulary. Listening comprehension, pair-work speaking practice, and additional readings all help students improve their communication skills, preparing them for success in the real world.
出版社:Language Point
English Skills for Nursing is an ESL / EFL nursing English textbook aimed at college level / pre-clinical nursing students. With a conversation and vocabulary focus, it gives the students excellent listening and speaking practice in a number of nursing contexts through typical nurse-patient interactions. The book's content and layout is designed to encourage practical language use with plenty of pair work and group activities.

「がん」と「精神疾患」のユニットを新たに加え、全14ユニット。各ユニットの最後にはCritical Thinkingを促すライティング形式のタスクを新設。また文法シラバスを導入し、ユニットごとに特定の文法項目だけを扱います。第2版でも引き続き、名作『Black Jack』によるトピック導入と四技能をカバーしたユニット構成、卒業後も役立つ充実の巻末付録です。
Our long-selling medical English textbook, Because We Care, has now been updated with new and revised content. Popular with students and teachers alike, each unit opener features a dramatized scene from the most famous medical “manga”, Black Jack.
10年にわたって好評を博してきた医療英語テキストの新版。「がん」と「精神疾患」のユニットを新たに加え、全14ユニット。各ユニットの最後にはCritical Thinkingを促すライティング形式のタスクを新設。また文法シラバスを導入し、ユニットごとに特定の文法項目だけを扱います。第2版でも引き続き、名作『Black Jack』によるトピック導入と4技能をカバーしたユニット構成、卒業後も役立つ充実の巻末付録です。
Our long-selling medical English textbook, Because We Care, has now been updated with new and revised content. Popular with students and teachers alike, each unit opener features a dramatized scene from the most famous medical "manga", Black Jack.
Our long-selling medical English textbook, Because We Care, has now been updated with new and revised content. Popular with students and teachers alike, each unit opener features a dramatized scene from the most famous medical "manga", Black Jack.
8 Units
CEFR: A1, A2
英語の基礎知識をすでに持っていて、この分野での初級レベル(CEFR: A1, A2)の英語コースを受講する学生向けに作られています。
Level 1 English for Nursing is designed for students with a basic knowledge of general English who now require an elementary (CEFR: A1, A2) English course in this specific field.
CEFR: A1, A2
英語の基礎知識をすでに持っていて、この分野での初級レベル(CEFR: A1, A2)の英語コースを受講する学生向けに作られています。
Level 1 English for Nursing is designed for students with a basic knowledge of general English who now require an elementary (CEFR: A1, A2) English course in this specific field.
8 Units
CEFR: A2, B1
Level 1をすでに修了したか、もしくは英語の初歩的な知識は持ち、この分野での初・中級レベル(CEFR: A2, B1)の英語コースを受講する学生向けに作られています。
Level 2 English for Nursing is designed for students who already finished Level 1 or with a basic knowledge of general English who now require a pre-intermediate level (CEFR: A2, B1) English course in this specific field.
CEFR: A2, B1
Level 1をすでに修了したか、もしくは英語の初歩的な知識は持ち、この分野での初・中級レベル(CEFR: A2, B1)の英語コースを受講する学生向けに作られています。
Level 2 English for Nursing is designed for students who already finished Level 1 or with a basic knowledge of general English who now require a pre-intermediate level (CEFR: A2, B1) English course in this specific field.
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths English: Nursing is a new educational resource for nursing professionals. Reviewed by licensed nurses, it incorporates career-specific vocabulary and contexts into lessons that build professionals´ workplace English skills. Each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Nursing addresses topics including hospital departments, basic equipment, specific illnesses, nursing duties and career options.
Career Paths English: Nursing is a new educational resource for nursing professionals. Reviewed by licensed nurses, it incorporates career-specific vocabulary and contexts into lessons that build professionals´ workplace English skills. Each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Nursing addresses topics including hospital departments, basic equipment, specific illnesses, nursing duties and career options.
出版社:Language Point
病院や医療系の仕事、患者、病気、治療など医療関連のトピックを通じてリーディング、ボキャプラリーを中心に強化し、医療関連の英語の洞察力が身につきます。400-500語で書かれた各ユニットの文脈にはKey Vocabularyが付く構成になっており、より理解を深めるのに役立ちます。また巻末の各ユニットの復習用アクティビティ付。ベーシックな医療英語が学べるテキストです。
With a focus on reading and vocabulary, Healthy English provides students with an English insight into the world of healthcare through topics on hospitals, healthcare jobs, patients, illnesses, injuries, and treatment. Units are structured to give students exposure to key vocabulary which is then seen in context in 400-500 word reading passages and followed by comprehension, listening and extension activities, Each unit also incudes vocabulary pages and activities for homework and review purposes. Aimed at a pre-intermediate to intermediae level, Health English gives students a great healthcare English base and understanding of general healthcare related topics.
With a focus on reading and vocabulary, Healthy English provides students with an English insight into the world of healthcare through topics on hospitals, healthcare jobs, patients, illnesses, injuries, and treatment. Units are structured to give students exposure to key vocabulary which is then seen in context in 400-500 word reading passages and followed by comprehension, listening and extension activities, Each unit also incudes vocabulary pages and activities for homework and review purposes. Aimed at a pre-intermediate to intermediae level, Health English gives students a great healthcare English base and understanding of general healthcare related topics.
This is a reading text with topics which concern all of us today: health. The recent findings on health shows that the combination of the change in life style and food leads Japanese people to the emergent risk of lives.
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths: Dentistry is a new educational resource for dental professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Career Paths: Dentistryaddresses topics including teeth, gum disorders, cleaning, tooth extraction, and hygiene.
Career Paths: Dentistry is a new educational resource for dental professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Career Paths: Dentistryaddresses topics including teeth, gum disorders, cleaning, tooth extraction, and hygiene.
出版社:Express Publishing
Career Paths English: Medical is a new educational source for medical professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Medical addresses topics including hospital employees, parts of the body, patient care, common illnesses and career options.
Career Paths English: Medical is a new educational source for medical professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English: Medical addresses topics including hospital employees, parts of the body, patient care, common illnesses and career options.
出版社:Lynx Publishing
Nurses without Bordersは、医療現場で使用される自然なコミュニケーションを学ぶことができるテキストです。ユニットごとに必要な単語が示されており、学習のポイントが明確です。会話の流れも実際の環境を設定しており、実践力を高める工夫が高く評価されています。
Nurses without Borders ESP series has two volumes, Basic and Intermediate, and is designed for students who have obtained a basic knowledge of english grammar - equivalent to ESL/EFL students in secondary schools. it is also intended to be a part of english for specific purposes(EPS) programs, and can be easily adopted professional schools. At Lynx, we help students expand their ability to serve and become “nurses without borders.”
Nurses without Borders ESP series has two volumes, Basic and Intermediate, and is designed for students who have obtained a basic knowledge of english grammar - equivalent to ESL/EFL students in secondary schools. it is also intended to be a part of english for specific purposes(EPS) programs, and can be easily adopted professional schools. At Lynx, we help students expand their ability to serve and become “nurses without borders.”
出版社:Lynx Publishing
Nurses without Bordersは、医療現場で使用される自然なコミュニケーションを学ぶことができるテキストです。ユニットごとに必要な単語が示されており、学習のポイントが明確です。会話の流れも実際の環境を設定しており、実践力を高める工夫が高く評価されています。
Nurses without Borders ESP series has two volumes, Basic and Intermediate, and is designed for students who have obtained a basic knowledge of english grammar - equivalent to ESL/EFL students in secondary schools. it is also intended to be a part of english for specific purposes(EPS) programs, and can be easily adopted professional schools. At Lynx, we help students expand their ability to serve and become “nurses without borders.”
Nurses without Borders ESP series has two volumes, Basic and Intermediate, and is designed for students who have obtained a basic knowledge of english grammar - equivalent to ESL/EFL students in secondary schools. it is also intended to be a part of english for specific purposes(EPS) programs, and can be easily adopted professional schools. At Lynx, we help students expand their ability to serve and become “nurses without borders.”
Professional English in Useシリーズに、新たにマネジメントが加わり、法律、ICT(情報通信技術)、金融、医学、マーケティング、エンジニアリングの7分野をカバーするシリーズとなりました。自学自習用の参考書兼問題集として編集されていますが、授業のテキストとして、またプライベートレッスンのテキストとしても使用することができます。
This 4-skill-based textbook is an ideal entry level text for nursing and medical students who need simple medical English in a variety of situations. It provides support through listening and reading texts to form the basis for a larger understanding of key concepts and language.