Compass Publishing おすすめ英語教材
Compass Publishingは1999年に設立されたCompass Media(韓国)の出版社部門です。コンパスの強みは徹底した研究開発と英語教育における幅広いノウハウにあります。海外で経験を積んだ研究開発のプロとELT 業界において著名な著者や編集者と共に教材を開発し発展させてきました。これからもコンパスは、更にわかりやすく効果的な学習方法を導入した、クオリティーの高い英語教材を英語学習者・先生方のために開発していきます。
コースブック / Coursebooks
Splash!![]() |
Treehouse![]() |
Big Show![]() |
Hang Out!![]() |
New Frontiers![]() |
Communicate / Motivate![]() |
Blueprint![]() |
Vivid Reading![]() |
4技能 / 4 Skills
STEAM Reading![]() |
Reading for Speed and Fluency 2/e![]() |
Super Easy Reading 3/e![]() |
Very Easy Reading 4/e![]() |
Reading Challenge 2/e![]() |
Reading for Real World 3/e![]() |
Reading Future シリーズ ![]() |
Reading Lamp, Table, Shelf![]() |
Reading Starter 3/e![]() |
Reading Success 2/e![]() |
Reading Time![]() |
Real Easy Reading 2/e![]() |
School Subject Readings 2/e![]() |
First Nonfiction Reading![]() |
Reading Jump![]() |
Hot Topics Japan![]() |
Power Reading![]() |
Speaking Time![]() |
Skills for Listening![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Integrate Listening & Speaking![]() |
Integrate Reading & Writing![]() |
フォニックス / Phonics
Sounds Great 2/e![]() |
Sounds Fun!![]() |
Fast Phonics![]() |
Jungle Phonics![]() |
文法・語彙 / Grammar・Vocabulary
Grammar Starter![]() |
Grammar Planet![]() |
Grammar Galaxy![]() |
Grammar Success![]() |
Active English Grammar 2/e![]() |
1000 Basic English Words![]() |
2000 Core English Words![]() |
4000 Essential English Words 2/e![]() |
![]() ![]() |
試験対策 / Exam Preparations
Very Easy TOEIC 3/e![]() |
Taking the TOEIC 2/e![]() |
Basic Skills for the TOEFL iBT![]() |
Skills for the TOEFL iBT Series![]() |
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
リスニングの人気教材、Listening Starter, Listenig Time, Listening Successが、タイトル・表紙を変えて新しくSkills for Listeningシリーズになりました。新しく出版されたSiscovering Skills for Listeningと合わせて4パートに分かれたシリーズです。全てのテキストに取外し可能なWorkbookまたはDisctation Bookが付属しています。
新版・旧版 対応表は ここをクリックしてください。
新版・旧版 対応表は ここをクリックしてください。
出版社:Compass Publishing
Basic, Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードからオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Basic, Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードからオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Basic, Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードからオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Basic, Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードからオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Integrate Listening & Speakingは、初級から中級レベル学習者向けのリスニング&スピーキング教材です。Basic、Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードを読み取ってオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Integrate Listening & Speakingは、初級から中級レベル学習者向けのリスニング&スピーキング教材です。Basic、Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードを読み取ってオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Integrate Listening & Speakingは、初級から中級レベル学習者向けのリスニング&スピーキング教材です。Basic、Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードを読み取ってオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Integrate Listening & Speakingは、初級から中級レベル学習者向けのリスニング&スピーキング教材です。Basic、Buildingの順に単語のレベルや問題の難易度が上がっていきます。アナウンス・会話・インタビュー・プレゼンテーション・YouTube・Podcastなど様々なタイプの音声に触れることが出来ます。また、このシリーズにはQRコードを読み取ってオンライン動画やARコンテンツから情報を得て解く問題が含まれており、「21世紀スキル」に必要なデジタルリテラシーを身につけることが出来ます。
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
Integrate is a multi-level listening and speaking series for beginner to intermediate learners of English. The series features listening passages in a variety of formats on high-interest topics linked to common academic standards.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
Writing Framework Sentence Writing is designed to focus on practical writing skills for elementary learners. Students can learn how to combine words into sentences with a step-by-step, guided-writing process.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
出版社:Compass Publishing
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
出版社:Compass Publishing
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
出版社:Compass Publishing
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
2000 Core English Words is a four-level vocabulary series for high beginner to intermediate level learners. Each book is designed to introduce high-frequency English words through the systematic repetition, synonyms, and antonyms categorized within themes.
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writingそれぞれのスキルに集中して取り組めるよう、ユニット内のアクティビティがスキル別に分かれています。インプット、アウトプットがバランス良く練習でき、生徒が英語でコミュニケーションするための力を身につけられる教材です。また、各ユニットの最後には、コミュニケーション、クリティカル・シンキング、コラボレーション(チームワーク)、創造力などの21世紀型スキルを鍛えられるプロジェクト型のアクティビティが用意されています。
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student Book・WorkbookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
Using carefully balanced input and output activities, New Frontiers navigates students through the core English skills. This series guides young-adult learners to meet functional English goals. It has integrated 21st century learning techniques written into its curriculum, which focus on the 4Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity).
※Student Book and Workbook will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
小学校中学年以上を対象にしたフォニックス教材です。この一冊でShort Vowels、Long Vowels、Blends、Digraphs、Diphthongs、r-Controlled Vowelsが学べます。生徒の興味を引くコミック、歌、Phoneme Chartが収録されています。学習と練習を通して、フォニックスを身に付けるだけではなく基本的な単語や文の構造も学べます。
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
小学校中学年以上を対象にしたフォニックス教材です。この一冊でShort Vowels、Long Vowels、Blends、Digraphs、Diphthongs、r-Controlled Vowelsが学べます。生徒の興味を引くコミック、歌、Phoneme Chartが収録されています。学習と練習を通して、フォニックスを身に付けるだけではなく基本的な単語や文の構造も学べます。
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
出版社:Compass Publishing
Reading Futureは、各レベル3冊からなる初級から中級レベル学習者向けのノンフィクションリーディングシリーズです。学校で学ぶ教科に関連した幅広いトピックが取り上げられています。21 世紀型スキルを身につけるためのアクティビティが豊富に用意されている教材です。
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
※Student BookはCD付の在庫が無くなり次第、同ISBNのQRコード版へ移行します。
※Student Book will be shipped with QR access codes as soon as a stock of book with CD runs out (The ISBNs will remain the same).
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