使用語彙1300語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検準2級以上
使用語彙1300語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検準2級以上
使用語彙1300語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検2級以上
グリーン・ゲイブルズに住むマシュー、マリラ老兄妹のもとに、孤児院から、やせっぽちでそばかすだらけの赤毛の女の子がやって来た。 「私のことは『e』のついたアン(Anne)で呼んでくれますか?」一風変わったその女の子、アン・シャーリーは、 持ち前の明るさと豊かな想像力で村の皆を魅了する。美しい自然のなかで成長していく多感な少女の姿を描いた永遠の名作。
使用語彙1300語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検2級以上
グリーン・ゲイブルズに住むマシュー、マリラ老兄妹のもとに、孤児院から、やせっぽちでそばかすだらけの赤毛の女の子がやって来た。 「私のことは『e』のついたアン(Anne)で呼んでくれますか?」一風変わったその女の子、アン・シャーリーは、 持ち前の明るさと豊かな想像力で村の皆を魅了する。美しい自然のなかで成長していく多感な少女の姿を描いた永遠の名作。
使用語彙1600語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検準2級以上
庶民の生活や知恵から出た社会常識を示す言葉。ビジネスやスポーツ選手の経験からくる事柄の本質をうまくとらえた言葉。 そして人生の真実や機微を端的にまとめた先人の言葉。本書で集めた100の名言・ことわざは、現代の生活にも通じ、 我々にその教訓や戒めを再認識させてくれるものばかり。100の言葉には意を汲んだ和訳つき。
使用語彙1600語 / TOEICテスト500~600点 / 英検準2級以上
庶民の生活や知恵から出た社会常識を示す言葉。ビジネスやスポーツ選手の経験からくる事柄の本質をうまくとらえた言葉。 そして人生の真実や機微を端的にまとめた先人の言葉。本書で集めた100の名言・ことわざは、現代の生活にも通じ、 我々にその教訓や戒めを再認識させてくれるものばかり。100の言葉には意を汲んだ和訳つき。
使用語彙1600語 / TOEICテスト400点以上 / 英検準2級以上
子守唄、物語、教訓めいた話、早口言葉、言葉遊びなど、英語文化圏で育った子供なら誰でも知っているマザーグースの童謡から49編を、 英語の解説とともに掲載。
シェイクスピアが生きていた時代の子供たちが歌ったり語ったりした童謡を、現代の子供たちもおぼえ口ずさんでいるなんて、 なんてすてきなことでしょう。英語文化圏で育った子供なら誰でも知っているマザーグースの童謡から、日本でもよく知られる49篇をまとめました。 それぞれの童謡には、その詩のいわれや背景が分かりやすい英語で解説されています。 古い童謡も巻末のワードリストがあるから安心して読み進められます。ぜひ大好きな一篇を見つけて、口ずさんでみてください。
使用語彙1600語 / TOEICテスト400点以上 / 英検準2級以上
子守唄、物語、教訓めいた話、早口言葉、言葉遊びなど、英語文化圏で育った子供なら誰でも知っているマザーグースの童謡から49編を、 英語の解説とともに掲載。
シェイクスピアが生きていた時代の子供たちが歌ったり語ったりした童謡を、現代の子供たちもおぼえ口ずさんでいるなんて、 なんてすてきなことでしょう。英語文化圏で育った子供なら誰でも知っているマザーグースの童謡から、日本でもよく知られる49篇をまとめました。 それぞれの童謡には、その詩のいわれや背景が分かりやすい英語で解説されています。 古い童謡も巻末のワードリストがあるから安心して読み進められます。ぜひ大好きな一篇を見つけて、口ずさんでみてください。
Close your eyes and think of a sports star. Who do you see? Perhaps it's someone from your country. Everyone has a favourite.
Every sports star is famous because they never give up! Read about some
of the world's sports stars, past and present - men, women, Olympians, Paralympians - who fight for their dreams.
Oxford Read and Discoverは、英語学習を通じて他教科も学べるフルカラーのノンフィクションリーダー。
・「Science and Technology」「Nature」「Arts and Social Studies」の3分野に分かれています。
・「Science and Technology」「Nature」「Arts and Social Studies」の3分野に分かれています。
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
「The World of Science and Technology」「The Natural World」「The World of Arts and Social Studies」の3分野で構成され、
「島はどうやってできる?」「ドラゴンが住む島とは?」 火山島や珊瑚島など様々な種類の島を紹介するとともに、近年の温暖化により失われつつある島々を守るための活動も考える。
「島はどうやってできる?」「ドラゴンが住む島とは?」 火山島や珊瑚島など様々な種類の島を紹介するとともに、近年の温暖化により失われつつある島々を守るための活動も考える。
「The World of Science and Technology」「The Natural World」「The World of Arts and Social Studies」の3分野で構成され、
「The World of Science and Technology」「The Natural World」「The World of Arts and Social Studies」の3分野で構成され、
「世界初の抗生物質とは?」「マラリアの治療とは?」 呪術や薬草から最先端技術を駆使した薬物の開発まで、病気やけがの治療のために研究が重ねられてきた薬の歴史をたどる。
「世界初の抗生物質とは?」「マラリアの治療とは?」 呪術や薬草から最先端技術を駆使した薬物の開発まで、病気やけがの治療のために研究が重ねられてきた薬の歴史をたどる。
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!
使用語彙1300語 / TOEICテスト350点以上 / 英検3級以上
王女と新聞記者の、ローマを舞台にした一日だけの恋物語。日々の公務で窮屈な生活を送る王女がジョーと出会い、 スペイン階段、真実の口など、ローマの観光スポットをまわり休日を満喫する。新人女優であったオードリー・ヘップバーンがアン王女を演じ、 映画は大ヒットを記録した。