ティーンに教えたい リーダー

Black Cat Earlyreads 4 Aesop's Fables B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

Black Cat Earlyreads 5 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: 注文可
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

Black Cat Earlyreads 4 Puss in Boots B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: 注文可
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級


Daniel is a poor young man who is in love with the beautiful Princess Caroline. To make matters worse, he lives in a village which is terrorised by an Ogre. But Daniel’s cat comes to the rescue, and finds a way of both getting rid of the Ogre and bringing Daniel and the Princess together…

Black Cat Earlyreads 5 Nasreddin - Ten Stories B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: 注文可
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

Black Cat Earlyreads 4 Festivals! B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級


Some festivals are popular all over the world. Festivals! tells children how Christmas, Easter, Halloween and other festivities are celebrated in many countries of the world.Young readers are encouraged to use fine-motor skills to colour in, cut out, glue on to create fun decorations and greeting cards.Festivals! offers an innovative approach to teaching English: teachers and children alike won’t be able to do without it! In fact, the book is not only a unique language learning experience, but an vive cultural one as well.

Black Cat Earlyreads 1 Dorothy B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
★Winner of the Language Learner Literature Award!

5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。

550 words

Pre-level A1

Black Catのオリジナルストーリー。夜ごとに人々に夢を届けるドロシー。大人に、子供に、ペットたちにも。いつもはみんなに見たい夢を届けるのですが、ある闇の深い晩、視界が悪かったために、ドロシーは間違った夢を配達してしまいます…大丈夫。猫たちの一団が助けに来てくれました! みんなが笑顔になれる大団円が待っています。

Every night, Dorothy delivers dreams - to adults, children and even pets. Usually everyone gets the dream they want, but one dark night Dorothy can’t see, and she delivers the wrong dreams… But in this delightful, original tale everything ends happily as a chorus of cats comes to the rescue!

Black Cat Earlyreads 1 The Enormous Turnip B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

Pre-level A1

邦題『おおきなかぶ』。世界中で愛される童話のリライト版。かぶの種を植えた農家のおじさん。種はぐんぐん成長し、一晩で大きな、大きなかぶができました! しかし、かぶが大きすぎて、どんなに引っ張っても抜くことができません。家族みんなで引っ張りますが、それでも抜けません。一匹の小さなねずみの力が、大きな結果をもたらします。そしてみんながおいしいかぶ料理にありつくことができました!

A farmer plants a turnip seed and overnight it grows into an enormous turnip! But, even though he and his family pull and pull, they can’t pull the turnip out of the ground. Read how, in this retelling of a delightful tale, a little mouse makes a big difference, and everyone enjoys an enormous turnip meal.

Black Cat Earlyreads 1 A Trip to the Safari Park B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級

A class of young South African schoolchildren go on a trip to a safari park. They have been looking forward to it and they can hardly contain their enthusiasm, so their teacher has to be very patient! They have a lot of laughs and a lot of fun, but they also manage to learn something!

Black Cat Earlyreads 3 The Little Mermaid B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

レベル:Pre-level A1 英検5~4級


The little mermaid lives in a magical, beautiful world at the bottom of the sea, but she wants to see what the world above is like. When she goes up she falls in love with a human. What will the little mermaid have to do to be able to have a life in the world above with the man she loves?

Black Cat Earlyreads 4 Sleeping Beauty B/audio
出版社:Black Cat Publishing
¥1,089(税抜 ¥990
在庫状況: ○ 在庫わずか(1~4冊)
5レベルの子ども向けリーダーシリーズ。オリジナルや古典のタイトルを取り混ぜ、文化的なテーマも扱っています。美しいイラスト(ストーリー理解の手がかり)、ピクチャーディクショナリー(語彙)、アクティビティやゲーム(語彙と文法。2人以上で楽しむものも多く掲載)、全文の音声(http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/ から無料でダウンロード可能)が特徴。クラス劇にも適しており、最新のタイトルでは台本を無料でダウンロードできます。約24cm×17cm、ソフトカバー、32頁(一部タイトルは48頁)

レベル:Early A1 英検4~3級


The King and Queen are proud of their baby daughter, Princess Aurora, and they invite everyone to a party, including the Flower Fairies. But one of the Fairies puts a curse on Aurora, and despite the King’s precautions, on her sixteenth birthday she meets an old lady in a tower in the castle…

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 2 Romeo and Juliet 2079
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 2 The Time Machine
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Macbeth
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 The Jungle Book (Reader only)
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Hamlet (Reader only)
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Sherlock Holmes:The Reigate Puzzle (Reader only)
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter A Christmas Carol (Reader only)
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Oxford Read and Imagine Level 6: Hope on Turtle Island
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可
Oxford Read and Imagineは、物語を楽しみながら想像力とリーディングスキルを育むフィクションシリーズ。

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Around the World in 80 Days
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter William Tell and Other Stories
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter A Pretty Face
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Great Fire of London
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Mulan
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Tempest
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Changing Places
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Sinbad
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Big Story
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Starter Kidnap!
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Happy Prince
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Tristan and Isolde
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Blackbeard
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Hercules
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Sheherazade
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Starter Journey to the Centre of the Earth
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Wrong Trousers
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Five Canterbury Tales
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Sherlock Holmes The Blue Diamond
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Curse of the Mummy
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Deep Trouble
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Sherlock Holmes The Emerald Crown
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 From the Heart
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Housemates
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Studio Five
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Polyanna
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Real McCoy and Other Ghost Stories
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Teachers Secret and Other Folk Tales
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 The Travels of Ibn Battuta
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

Dominoes: 2nd Edition Level 1 Jake's Parrot
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可

A full-color reading series with language support on every page: each page provides definitions of more challenging works. Student comprehension can be checked at the end of each chapter. Seven pages of activities in the back of each reader are perfect for "Sogoteki na gakushu" (General Studies) lessons!

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