
Froggy's Halloween (Froggy) (Puffin Books)
¥2,123(税抜 ¥1,930
在庫状況: 注文可
カエルのFroggyはハロウィンが待ちきれない様子。 スーパーマン?ヴァンパイア?…と何に仮装しようか考えてみたり、ジャックオランタンを作ったり、勉強はさておき大忙し! いざハロウィン当日を迎え、みんなでTrick or Treatにでかけると、なぜかキュートなカエルのFrogilinaに追いかけまわされて…。 Froggyのゆかいでハチャメチャなハロウィンのお話です。

I Can Read 3: The Long Way to a New Land
¥946(税抜 ¥860
在庫状況: 注文可
The year is 1868 and Sweden is a barren land of poverty and famine. Carl Erik and his family receive a letter from an uncle in America. The uncle realizes that the Erik family is near the end of their rope, and encourages them to move abroad to make a new life. The family sells all their personal items and begins a long trek across land and sea to America...

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